


As I looked at my final stats and skill I can truly feel proud of what I have accomplished in the past three years, but I decided that till the day I graduate I need to focus on developing my mental and visual prowess. I want to master Fuinjutsu and my dad's special jutsu before I graduate from the academy


I growled not again…



The return of flash: be the name that is spoken in hushed whispers and revered as the fastest in the elemental nations mould yourself into someone that would make your tou-san proud

Quest objectives

--reach master level in Fuinjutsu

--re-create the flying thunder god jutsu.

Bonus hidden objective


Quest rewards

--Gain title: konoha's second flash

Hidden rewards


I looked at the screen and dismissed it not in the mood to plan for another quest after just completing two of them so I opened my inventory and took out the random skill scroll that I got from quest rewards.' What if I dumped my points into luck would I get a more ranked skill….maybe it will go through a check like when it went with charisma so maybe I should even it out' so I put 19 points into luck making it 100 and put the rest 27 into CHA making it 61.


--Luck test 20+ luck (uncommon skill) {passed}

--Luck test 40+ luck (rare skill) {passed}

--Luck test 80+ luck (epic skill) {passed}

--Luck test 160+ luck (legendary skill {failed}


Gained skill scroll: Chidori

I looked at it in awe as a scroll containing on of the most revered lighting technique of konoha just added to my inventory. 'Alright I am dumping whatever points I have into luck as much as I could'. I felt tired though as now that it seemed all the work I have put into training has borne fruit I needed a good rest plus I have to meet Naruto in the morning as it's his birthday and give him a gift at night' so I decided it would probably be ok if I slept tonight.



--all notifications during active combat or during a mission will be accumulated at a single place in your HUD.

--some skills when reached max level can be evolved

--reputation system has been unlocked

--new perks added and perk tree system unlocked

--quest failure now shown

--HP and CP will be rounded off to avoid complicated analysis

I looked at the notification as the familiar sound of the messages woke me up. 'Well I guess I should not be surprised by the game anymore it does weird shit at times…' I dismissed the messages deciding to look into them later as I took stock of my surrounding although I already knew that there was no one in the vicinity thanks to my sensory skill. As I was walking downstairs to the dining room I was alerted as an anbu appeared in front of me too fast for me to follow as I did the best impression of a kid looking up at him in awe.

"Hokage-sama requires your presence", those words almost stopped my heart for a millisecond 'did he see me break into the uchiha compound last night…but I don't have minders I made that certain but how….his crystal ball damn it' I nodded to the anbu as I cursed inside at having forgotten such an important detail as he placed a hand on my shoulder and shunshin'ed me right in the Hokage's office. I did not feel disoriented by the shunshin because I have been using it for a while so when the anbu placed a hand behind my back to stabilize me he seem startled when he saw that I was fine but he hid it quickly and left as soon as he came, but the hokage had an odd glint in his eye that confirmed my suspicions that he knew some things about me 'I need to be very careful here'

Name: Hiruzen Sarutobi

Title: Hokage

Age: 65

Clan: Sarutobi

Career path: ? ,?, ?, ?, ?

Level – 473 (? / ?)

HP- 17,000,000/17,000,000

CP- 32,000,000/32,000,000


Allegiance – Konoha

STR = 1945

VIT = 1796

DEX = 2156

INT = 3569

WIZ = 3254

CHA = 1346

LUC = 233

I looked at in awe at hokage-sama's stats 'He could practically kill me with his finger'.

"Anbu leave us!" and suddenly the four presences that were beeping on my sensory skill vanished.

"What can I do for you hokage-sama" I asked neutrally as I maintained my poker face. The hokage seemed to study me for I bit before sighing "I have watched you from the day when you were 4-year old Hibiki I have watched you grow, learn, gain strength, master jutsus that people twice your age have trouble doing and you did those when you were a 5 year old kid. I do not know the reason for your growth or your motivation or that space time kekkei genkai of yours or your sharingan all I want you to know is you are more special than you think you are. I know we have never met before as I did not have the courage to face you but I want you to know that I care about you and how proud I am to see you grow up to be the man you have become" I watched as I single tear ran from his eyes down his aged face.

"I understand hokage-sama" I bowed quickly and removed my poker face as I smile at him slightly as he straightened up went back to his seat and took a drag from his pipe.

"unfortunately I wished I would have met under better circumstances but unfortunately the fate is not in my hands"…he paused for a bit before speaking again "a war is coming" he simply said as the severity of the situation hit me.

"But konoha is not ready for another war, we are on short because of the previous war and then the kyuubi attack" I pointed out…

"Neither are the other nations the last war had a major impact on them and they have not recovered yet but someone from the shadows is manipulating the strings and egging other nations to fight us as we are weak now and they have an advantage…"he told me…

'is Akatsuki on the move do they want to make the elemental nations weak so that they can easily march into them and pick up the Jinchuriki in the middle of chaos… but their statue will not be ready to store the tailed beast until 9 more years so it may not be them…Orochimaru certainly fits the description as he wanted revenge on konoha that must be what the hokage is worried about'

"Why are you telling me this hokage-sama" I asked point-blank there was no point tiptoeing about it as a war may possibly be coming. He sighed as he looked at me and said "as much as I hate to do it and shield you from the upcoming war there is a chance that maybe it would destroy your future anyway"…. "You are not affiliated to the village in anyway at the moment Hibiki and I have a mission for you"

"What do you need me to do Hokage-sama" determined to do anything to save this village from a possible disaster.

"I need you to infiltrate Kumo and find any information that is valuable and will help us turn the tide of war or may disable their alliance with whosoever it is and thus preventing war" he simply said.

My mouth dropped open in shock as I processed what he was saying, as I caught him smirking at finally getting a drop on me but I ignored that for the moment and asked "Why me though you have so many ninja that could do this mission" he smirked as he said "yeah I have many ninja under my command but I do not have a ninja that is seven years old that has world's best poker face who has an anbu level stealth and has fighting capabilities of a chunin."

"When do I leave hokage-sama" I asked to which he replied "immediately" again surprised by the answer I nodded but hesitated as I realised that I promised to meet Naruto about an hour ago and I still have a gift to deliver. Hokage-sama seemed to notice my hesitation as he told me.

"I will tell Naruto that you were adopted by a family and you had to leave konoha yesterday" I nodded at him before pulling the scarf and note out of my inventory and passed it to him as he looked at me in alarm and surprise.

"As you said I have anbu level stealth" I winked at him "Pass it along as anonymous with the note please" I requested to which he nodded. He threw me a scroll which I pocketed and made my way towards the window.

"Good luck Hibiki" I turned back to give him a nod as I shunshin'ed out of his office and arrived at the same secluded clearing at the back of the orphanage and sighed in nostalgia as I looked at the familiar clearing…as I had everything I need I steeled my nerves and shunshin'ed to the front gates as I slipped past the guards as I was going away from the village 'heh! Kage level stealth to the rescue'. I opened the scroll that the hokage gave me as I heard the familiar sound…


Do you want to absorb this scroll which contains konoha's patrol scheme and the best way to get out of konoha and enter the lightning country?

I selected yes as I flew through the trees at chunin level speed as I could now apparently now go low jounin level speed due to 9 level ups.



I SPY: Konoha is on the verge of a war that it cannot handle, so infiltrate Kumo as it will be Konoha's strongest enemy and find a way to either stop the war before it starts or find something important that will help Konoha win the war without taking much damage.

Quest objectives

--Find a way to stop the war

--Find a way to make Kumo back out of war

Bonus hidden objective



Quest rewards

--Gain rank: Anbu, +1,000,000EXP


Hidden rewards



Quest failure

--destruction of Konoha

--Death of Naruto

'This is going to be a long mission, I still need to evolve my skills' I sigh as I speed up towards the borders while i checked my stats and the new reputation system…

Name: Hibiki

Title: none

Age: 7

Clan: uchiha (hidden)

Career path: espionage, ____, ____, ____, ____

Level – 20 (11,100/20,000)

HP- 280,000/280,000

CP- 100,000/100,000

CONTROL- 41.8%

Allegiance – Konoha Civilian

STR = 221 (+1 per level)

VIT = 250 (+3 per level)

DEX = 292 (+4 per level)

INT = 81 (+4 per level)

WIZ = 63 (+3 per level)

CHA = 61 (+1 per level)

LUC = 100 (+1 per level)

POINTS=0 (AN: 5 stat points are given to the gamer per level till level 19, 6 points onward from level 20))

Perk points = 7 (AN: 1 point gained for reaching level 20)

MONEY- 1000 Ryo

REPUTATIONS: This is where you will find information on your standing with assorted people you have encountered so far, whether positive or negative your reputation has an effect on your relations with people, some people may hate you for associating with someone, while others may like you for being at odds with others. The level of reputation you have with people can even have an effect on what Quests appear!

Exalted - When you are exalted with someone, they will hold your safety above all others, no matter the personal cost to them. +100% effectiveness to Teamwork skills when working with those who hold you in [Exalted] status. You will receive special Quests from these people.

Honoured - You are held in high regard with the subject, they will look out for you and always assist you when you need help. +75%effectiveness to Teamwork skills when working with those who hold you in [Honoured] status.

Friendly - You are friends, and you will look out for each other in combat. +50% effectiveness to Teamwork skills when working with those who hold you in [Friendly] status.

Well-liked - You are more liked than disliked and they will be more likely to listen to your advice. +25% effectiveness to Teamwork skills when working with those who hold you in [Well-Liked] status.

Neutral - They neither like nor dislike you, to them, you are a stranger in the street.

Disliked - You have annoyed somebody enough for them to disregard you, as a result they are less than likely to listen to you. -25% effectiveness to Teamwork skills when working with those who hold you in [Disliked] status.

Hated - They hate you and what you stand for, chances are, they may try and stab you in the back. -50% effectiveness to Teamwork skills when working with those who hold you in [Hated] status. A small chance that they attack you on sight unless you are on neutral ground held by a neutral party.

Reviled - Good luck getting them to listen to you, these people are going to be spitting on your grave when you die, preferably at their hands. -75% effectiveness to Teamwork skills when working with those who hold you in [Reviled] status. A good chance they will attack you on sight unless on neutral ground held by a neutral party.

War - Whatever it was that you said to this person, they will never forget it, only the most extreme of circumstances will get them to listen to you. Teamwork skills have no effect when working with those who hold you in [War] status. They will attack you on sight unless on neutral ground held by a neutral party.

Hiruzen Sarutobi - Honoured (8,000/10,000)

Naruko Uzumaki - Friendly (6,000/10,000)

Hinata Hyuga - Friendly (6,000/10,000)

Kakashi Hatake - Exalted (4,000/10,000)

Hatake clan - Exalted (4,000/10,000)

Uzumaki clan - Neutral (0/10,000)

Nara clan - Neutral (0/10,000)

Akimichi clan - Neutral (0/10,000)

Yamanaka clan - Neutral (0/10,000)

Aburame clan - Neutral (0/10,000)

Sarutobi clan - Neutral (0/10,000)

Uchiha clan - Neutral (0/10,000)

Kurama clan - Neutral (0/10,000)


Discovered place: valley of the end

+5000 exp (16,100/20,000)

As I was close to crossing the borders of land of fire and decided to go to the valley of the end and collect some exp I felt a presence hovering at the edge of my sensory range and I jumped onto the statue of Madara Uchiha and looked at my assailant to see a konoha anbu crouching on top of Hashirama's head. I cursed 'damn I don't think am ready for this mission yet' as I used observe.

Name: Itachi Uchiha

Title: Anbu-Caption

Age: 12


Career path: Espionage, infiltration, sabotage, front-line, leader

Level – 145 (? / ?)

HP- 2,500,000/2,500,000

CP- 8,300,000/8,300,000


Allegiance – Konoha Civilian

STR = 765

VIT = 679

DEX = 1059

INT = 2466

WIZ = 2459

CHA = 586

LUC = 196

Itachi uchiha is the firstborn son of Fugaku and Mikoto Uchiha. Itachi was labelled as a genius in everything and so was pressured by his father and clan to learn the ninja arts at a very young age and as he excelled at it was advanced to the next level again and again as he made records of his own. Despite being in the most bloodthirsty field of work in elemental nation Itachi is a pacifist and only wants the world to attain true peace.

Itachi loves poki, Konoha and his younger brother Sauske above anything else.

Itachi is curious about meeting you in regards to your mission and your ability to sense him as he wants to test you for the mission ahead.

The future most infamous Nin of Konoha was crouching in front of me as he looked at me with a curious but well hidden intentions. 'If it was not for observe I would never have been able to get a read on him…'

"What can I do for you anbu-san" I stood as I watched him starting to stand before he suddenly vanished from my eyesight.

I started sending a measured amount of chakra into my eyes as the world was bathed in red light and the world slowed down a little…


-DEX test 150+ DEX {passed}

-DEX test 185+ DEX {passed}

-DEX test 210+ DEX {passed}

-DEX test 250+ DEX {passed}

-DEX test 280+ DEX {passed}

-DEX test 320+ DEX {failed} ---LUC test 40+ LUC {passed}—[critical injury avoided]

I growled as I managed to get away as he swiped at me with his katana with an overhead slash and rolled away as he shoved the gleaming sword at me. I jumped back as he swiped low at my head and simultaneously threw some ninja stars to deflect the ones he threw at me and ducked again as soon as I landed to avoid being decapitated barely managing before he cut the log in half with which I substituted with a powerful swipe from his katana and getting a shallow cut on my arm in the process…

'He was testing my speed… damn he now knows how fast I can move…which if including my bonus from sharingan active is low to mid jounin level...shit he is not even using his sharingan'


-DEX test 320+ DEX {failed}

Pain flared through my face as he punched me square in the jaw before I managed to regain my footing as we went on for a brief taijutsu exchange which he dominated without using his sharingan as we both fought at the same speed but his overpowered strikes left my hands numb and he managed to land a counter in 30 seconds and had me pinned down beneath him…

"Done with your tests anbu-san?" I asked him calmly as he let me go and sat down 2 yards in front of me.

"What are you doing here I was not told I had a partner for the mission?" I asked as I hoped he came too that would make the mission easier to manage and he would be a great person to learn from.

"Why did you accept this suicide mission?" he calmly questioned as I realised why he was curious…

"Because I was probably the only one that the hokage trusted enough and was qualified if barely and had the chance to complete the mission…I know u love Konoha anbu-san that's why u are in the black ops…"as i look back in the direction of Konoha i continue "Konoha is the only place I have known in my short life and if I could do anything to stop it from being under attack I would even if no one does the children in the village are the reason enough for me…"

He stared at me for a moment before removing his mask and I recognised a 13-year old badass anbu caption Itachi Uchiha sitting 2 yards in front of me.

"Itachi Uchiha"

"Hibiki Uchiha"

He nodded before passed a scroll to me with Hokage-sama's seal on it. As I speed-read the scroll which basically said that Itachi was to teach me all the things necessary for my mission as I was to travel to lightning country while creating an alibi to enter Kumogakure. I nodded at him as I tossed the scroll back to him…

"I have 2 months to tech you anything you want to know before your mission actually begins…I could teach you one thing beside the infiltration and espionage requirements so decide now" I marveled at the poker face which he maintained as he delivered my verdict to me.

"Ninjato" I simply stated as he nodded and moved towards the land of hot waters.

------------------------TIME SKIP (2 MONTHS LATER) ---------------------------

As I looked back to the last two months I have learned a lot from Itachi as he taught the finer linings of both my current career paths…yeah I gained the infiltration path a while into my training. The path basically grants me 2x luck when I am infiltrating some place which basically helps me in being hidden. My skills in Ninjato have skyrocketed from barely able to hold it correctly to high chunin level Kenjutsu as I picked up the Kenjutsu specialist perk for 2pp which gave me an increased learning curve for Kenjutsu spars…

Kenjutsu specialist: You always felt that a sword is an extension of your body. +100% EXP gain towards Kenjutsu.{2pp}

Uchiha Kenjutsu style: Lv-54 (55%): The Kenjutsu style created by the Uchiha clan which is mainly focused on counters and fast jabs and slashes on the opponents. +108% damage when using swords in conjugation with this style. +2% damage every level.

Training under Itachi was a very silent affair; his words were measured during training a nod for doing it right and just some words as tips for things done wrong. We talked about different things as I wanted to know the way he thought, the man who sacrificed everything for the two things he loved above all…we shared our thoughts on various subjects, practised strategy, held spars at the same speed and I even got him to see his sharingan 'Yay! For me!' I chuckle as I remember how painful that was for me…if it was not for gamer's body I would have some scars as a reminder for those times… I tried to use my gamer abilities only when I am sure Itachi is not within 100m of me to make sure he doesn't suspect too much .

Itachi had me follow a group of natives from the land of hot water so that I could fit in my native persona when posing as a migrant. As the two months are over now and Itachi had to go back to the village we stood on top of a caravan of people who were travelling towards the land of frost and ultimately into the land of lightning. Itachi nodded and I quickly went for the seals of solid transformation jutsu to change my skin colour darker and my hair colour to black. Itachi and I decided that solid henge which is totally not a thing for ninja's and apparently the game has given me the skill out of the hat is the perfect skill to infiltrate a village that does not have random sharingan and byakugan to see what your actual tenketsu points are to remember so I could easily change persona's and eventually return to Konoha. Apparently because of this particular skill the Hokage decided to risk me going as I could eventually come back to Konoha.

"I guess it's time" I said to the person that I eventually labelled as nii-san in my head…

"Be safe" was the reply I got as I was surprised to hear some emotion in his voice. I turned to look at him when he suddenly poked me on my forehead with his index and middle fingers. As I reared back in surprise due to the sudden gesture I looked at him one last time to see a faint smile on his lips as he vanished into thin air.

"Until next time" were the words that left my mouth as I heard the same words repeated from everywhere around me. The smile I tucked at my face which was probably the largest ever as I added another person to my list of people I care about. I stayed there for a moment just living the moment as I felt Itachi finally leaving my sensory range before I moved and sneaked in among the group of migrants and followed them on my way towards the land of lightning.

As I silently walked beside them I changed my posture as I walked with them walking beside the rest of the children.

----------------------TIME SKIP (10 DAYS LATER) -----------------------


Discovered place: Land of Lightning

+5000 exp (1,100/30,000)




Name: Hibiki

Title: none

Age: 7

Clan: Uchiha (hidden)

Career path: espionage, Infiltrator, _, _, _

Level – 21 (1,100/30,000)

HP- 280,000/280,000

CP- 100,000/100,000

CONTROL- 51.8%

Allegiance – Konoha Civilian

STR = 254(+1 per level)

VIT = 278 (+3 per level)

DEX = 321 (+4 per level)

INT = 120 (+4 per level)

WIZ = 96 (+3 per level)

CHA = 65 (+1 per level)

LUC = 101 (+1 per level)


Perk points = 7

MONEY- 1000 Ryo


Uchiha Interceptor Fist: Lv90 (0%) - The primary and basic taijutsu of the Uchiha clan, has several offshoot forms but each Uchiha has roots with this technique, makes maximum use of the Sharingan to predict and counter enemy attacks. Increases damage done by attacks by 95% (1% more each level)

Sharingan 3 Tomoe: Lv14 (65%) - 500 CP/second when used by non-Uchiha, 100 CP/second when used by an Uchiha. +1DEX per level when active can learn opponent's jutsu by watching them form their hand seals - cannot learn elemental kekkei genkai or hidden jutsus. Give supernatural awareness and slight predictive abilities of everything within normal eyesight.

Observe: Lv55 (7%).This skill allows the user to see the target's max HP, max CP and some info about the target along with its stats and intentions.

Sneaking: Lv Max (99%): Allows you to sneak up on someone. {Cannot be evolved}

-99% chance of not getting caught.

-99% chance of a critical strike when hit a kill spot.

Shunshin no jutsu: Lv25 (65%): This jutsu is a speed technique that allows the user to increase the speed 10 times in a straight burst, so it looks almost like teleportation. The level of control over change in body position after the technique ends is twice the level

Substitution Jutsu: Lv Max (99%): Allows you change places with an item up to a medium-sized dog in weight to avoid an incoming attack you are aware of up to 10 times in a row, costs 10 CP per use.

-Clone substitution jutsu: Lv 0 (0%): Allows you change places with any solid clone, 2times in a row. +1 times every level. {Evolved skill}

Transformation Jutsu: Lv Max (99%): This genjutsu lets you disguise yourself from your enemies but is very fragile and can be disrupted easily. Costs 5 CP/ Second.

-Solid Transformation: on complete mastery of transformation jutsu it can also be used to become a solid transformation, but on doing so the chakra cost increases 100 times. {Cannot be evolved}

Clone Jutsu: Lv Max (99%): A very basic clone technique which creates illusionary clones that don't have any shadows or creates sound - Can create up to 10 clones per use, 10 CP/Clone. {Cannot be evolved}

Sharingan: Genjutsu: Lv15 (56%): – Uses the Sharingan to place the opponent in a genjutsu, also can be used to hypnotize opponents. +400% effectiveness of genjutsu +20%every level.

Uchiha Kenjutsu style: Lv-54 (55%): The Kenjutsu style created by the Uchiha clan which is mainly focused on counters and fast jabs and slashes on the opponents. +108% damage when using swords in conjugation with this style. +2% damage every level.

'Hmm… I have not seen my stats as I ignored most of the notification gains from my training with Itachi when he was around but I guess training with a low-Kage level shinobi has its perks'

I looked around as the group finally passes the entrance to the lightning country as I suppressed my chakra to mid-genin level to gain the attention as I also had my Ninjato strapped to my back. When I concentrated I could feel 3 shinobi tailing our group as we went inside the lightning country border. As the group of migrants dispersed in different directions I went forward towards my way to Kumogakure.

It was next morning when I woke up from a tent that I erected from my supplies for a night's stay that I decided that the time to start next phase of the plan was right and went out of the tent towards a clearing and went through all the basic katas for a variation of Uchiha's Kenjutsu style as that could be easily recognised. I used mid-high genin level speed and used chakra to manipulate the sweat buds on my skin to activate them and make me look like am doing my best and this is the top speed I could go. 'Chunin level skill should be enough' as I went through the katas as I focused and realised that the Kumo's shinobi are coming from different directions as the one on my left side appeared in low-Jounin level speed and knocked me hard on my head enough to knock out any person, but due to gamer's body I lost 1000 HP and went 'limp' as I fell towards the ground but the one on my left caught me and hauled me on his shoulders as they briefly communicated between them which if I would guess was through sign language as they flew back towards the village at low-jounin level speeds. 'I should meditate to pass the time….oh well!' I thought as I felt a needle breach my skin and I was sedated. As I was losing consciousness I heard a familiar sound


I desperately need to know how you find the current development as it will determine the amount of detail and deeper plot I go into, So everyone please leave a review it is the fuel that makes us author run and grow

To those who did not like this development do not worry in the end it will remain canon timeline and Hibiki will still blow up shit in the chunin exams.

KIRITO_SAMAcreators' thoughts