


I looked at the necklace in awe before quickly equipping it and feeling a rush of warm feeling inside me. I looked outside as the sun shined over the building in front of my window before me as I smiled and took off the orphanage as today was the day I meet Naruto.


As I walked down the road towards konoha market I smiled at seeing how little things have changed from the day when I first sneaked out, the shops are the same even the people seemed same which is a little weird. I arrived at my destination which is Konoha Park where I see a lot of kids playing and their parents siting in the benches on the side lines of the park boasting about their kid's growth. I scanned the park and sure enough there on the swings sat 6 year old naruto looking gloomily at the playing kids. 'He has grown in height and has lost a little bit of baby fat from the last time I saw him'.I last saw naruto 1 year ago when I was frustrated by just grinding day in and day out and decided to take a day of and see the village. When I saw him back then sitting on that same swing all alone, all I wanted to do was to go and be there with him but I needed to hide and fly under the radar for a bit more time before I highlighted myself, and if Danzo or someone else looked into my history and found out who I was I would need to protect myself from their political manipulations. 'just one more year otouto… be strong' I have been grinding nonstop since that day and today was the day I introduce him to his first friend.

As I was about to go and talk to him a dark blue almost indigo, hime-cut hairstyle, girl ran past me and went straight to naruto whose face has brightened into a smile. 'So not his first friend then' I chuckled but a knot that has been in my stomach from the day I first saw his gloomy face lessened as I realised Hinata has already befriended naruto. The smiles on both their faces lightened some weight that was on my shoulders as naruto talked animatedly about something and hinata listened curiously with a small ever present blush on her face.

"…and dog-san could do nothing as paint splashed on him, it was so hilarious I laughed so hard and I swear I could see the shoulders of other anbu shaking but when I pointed that out to dog-san…" Naruto quietened down as he looked curiously as I approached and shifted slightly so that he was in between me and hinata which prompted Hinata to look at me coming as she subtly shifted, blushed, and tried to squirm her way into that cream coloured jacked that she usually wears. My little brother apparently not so little anymore looked adorable as he tried to read my intentions with that intense look of concentration on his face.

I lifted my hands up signifying that I come in peace but she did not relent and asked "Who are you?"

"My name is Hibiki pleased to meet ya!" I replied while giving a wave and a smile.

Charisma check failed. 100+ required

"Why did u come here?" Guilt hit me as I realised that due to events in his life he probably has been back-stabbed at lot with smiles and waves so I guessed that's not enough.

"ano…when some days I came here and tried to play with those mean kids" I glared at those innocent (not by much those devils...) kids to emphasize my point "they laughed and told me to go away because I was an orphan and you guys looked like having fun so I thought maybe I could join but don't worry I'll go back" I mumbled while looking down and turned to go away when Naruto all but yelled "WAIT!"

Charisma check passed. 10+ required

I was surprised by his sudden yell so I 'tripped' on the ground and fell back on the ground while looking at him with wide eyes. He blushed a bit at the sudden yell but quickly addressed me "I am sorry for being rude…it's just I wanted to know that you won't hurt us…and don't worry about those kids they are mean to almost everyone" he looked at Hinata who nodded shyly

"so want to play tag?" I happily nodded as they both pointed at me and said "you are it" and ran away. I chuckled a bit as I dusted myself and ran after them and we spent whole day playing laughing and enjoying each other's company before we each went our own way back home promising to meet tomorrow at the same time. I realised that since the day I was 'born' here I technically have never been this happy except for the time when I received both presents from kaa-san. As I was thinking about that I clutched the tri pronged kunai (AN: The image of the necklace is the cover image of the story) and realised that technically he would only get gifts from kakashi, hokage-sama, hinata and probably jiraya.



Gift time! : Naruto has always felt lonely in the world even though he now has one friend doesn't mean he can't use another. So be a good friend and give a gift to make him happy…he might deny it but he needs it.

Quest objective:

--Give a suitable gift to Naruto on his Birthday

Quest rewards:

--Naruto's happiness, what more do you want you selfish jerk…fine!! , +1000exp.

I sighed again at the speech pattern of the gaming system but decided to ignore it as I started to plot how to get the best gift for Naruto.


THIRD HOKAGE'S POV (the day Hibiki took control and became the gamer)

I sighed as I thought about what I had become in my old age, 'the youth who had the dream to bring peace and protect everyone got lost somewhere in that pile of paperwork' as I looked at the apparent pile of doom which was being read and marked by two Kagebunshin's. 'I don't know why everyone thinks that all I do is paperwork all day…maybe because of the fact that I wore my guard to secrecy and cancel the jutsu as soon as someone knocks on the door', I chuckled as I realised how much people underestimate you as they realised that all you do almost all the time is to sit at a desk and do paperwork. 'Politics…' my distaste for such a simple word was quite clear by my bitter thoughts regarding the subject.

I sighed as I took another drag out of my pipe and puffed some rings of smoke as I chuckled and took out my crystal ball. As I sent the appropriate amount of chakra into the piece of art as it showed the women's side of konoha hot springs. I blushed as I promised myself 'later…the things I do for the village...sigh' and changed the scene to Naruto's apartment. Naruto was sleeping soundly on his bed 'probably exhausted by the pranking spree he had been on, on the inhabitants of the building' smiling slightly at the innocence displayed I sent chakra again in the ball to see how his brother is doing. As the scene changed I realised that Hibiki has probably woken up moments ago as he was looking a little out of it as he examined his surroundings. His face cycled through various emotions very fast before it became neutral. 'I silently marveled at the poker face the child has developed' he went out of the room to get breakfast and as I was about to close the collection he looked surprisingly went towards the stairs and looked up and down before going back to his room 'he looked like he is talking stock of the surroundings…but why' I looked curiously as he went back to his room and took all his supplies and threw them towards the door '…but how…' I watched slack jawed as the supplies vanished into thin air and then he extended his hand and pulled out the same bracelet that just vanished into thin air back from seemingly nothing.

My mind worked into overdrive to find a possible explanation for what happened just but I could not possibly find an explanation as I focused back on Hibiki as I realised that he was sniffing as he looked at the bracelet his face had a warm expression before it turned into that of determination then finally back to his poker face. I briefly sent some chakra into a Fuinjutsu seal on my right had signifying to my anbu to head out on a moment's notice for a high priority mission. When I focused back on the ball I saw him having breakfast calmly as I thought back to what I had witnessed today. 'It seems so impossible yet it happened right in front of my eyes… if somebody else actually told me what happened I would have straight away sent him to the hospital for a check-up.'I thought back to everything thing I know about the boy but everything matches he actually is Hibiki and not an imposter 'that personality and those expressions are all genuine I can see that much but how can I have missed such a huge power…is it a kekkei genkai…it looked as if he created a space to store items but that should be impossible unless that of a kekkei genkai'.

I swore under my breath as I saw a headache coming 'that boy needs to be hidden and I need to watch his movements more closely' I closed my crystal ball and sent some chakra into my left arm to notify the anbu that the threat is clear and for the commander to come into my office. There was barest of flicker before I saw Bird kneeling in front of me,"Hokage-sama".

"Bird I need everything there was ever documented about Hibiki of the orphanage and any leads that anyone can find anything about him other than he is an orphan silenced". I ordered and just as he came bird vanished to finish his assignment. I puffed on my pipe as I leaned against my chair as my kagebunshin popped and gave me all what I needed to know about that pile of documents. I created another clone to help the other clone go through next pile as I took a drag and smoked out a small white cloud. 'What ability have you awakened Hibiki'.



From that day onwards Lord third kept a close eye on Hibiki's shenanigans. Due to quite a bit of paperwork was required to eliminate every source to Hibiki's past and thanks to those efforts none would be any wiser to Hibiki's past until it is revealed but due to extra workload he was not able to keep a close eye on our protagonist for two days, thus losing his abnormal chakra control advancement. The third day when the Kage saw Hibiki during his training time he was shocked due to the early appearance of the sharingan but watched on as Hibiki worked through the stances and styles which he probably saw someone go through, or so the Kage thought. Lord third was initially surprised but then got used to the extreme work routine of Hibiki as he powered his way through the development of physical aspect of his ninja career. The Kage watched his progress from a four year kid to a 7 year old boy with high chunin level speed and strength and almost jounin level skill in his legacy. The Kage looked amused at the sight of Hibiki playing with Naruto in the park and could not help but smile at the warm expressions worn by Hibiki and Naruto as they both went their separate ways. He disconnected the connection seemingly less worried and all his suspicions put to rest as he called it an early night and went out to dinner then went home to spend some time with his grandson who was becoming quite a handful these days. Maybe the Kami saw it fit for her plans as he left that very day early rather than to keep an eye on Hibiki and Naruto until they both fell asleep did he miss the event that would have given answers to so many of his questions and raised many more.



As I walked down the path towards the orphanage, 'what should be a good enough gift for him?' the smile that he had upon gaining a new friend was so beautiful that I regretted not doing it sooner. It doesn't matter anymore I looked up to realise that I missed lunch but as I had always been a quite kid the matrons would have missed the fact that I was not there as it has happened before, though I guess the head-matron suspects something because she has that crazy glint in her eyes that tells me she knows some of my secrets.

As I finished dinner and went to 'sleep' I decided now was the right time to sneak into the uchiha clan compound or more specifically mother's house. So I quickly changed into my konoha black tee and sneaked out of the orphanage. As I was making my way to the shinobi district I looked at my stats and decided to use my stat points.

STR = 212

VIT = 223

DEX = 256

INT = 45

WIZ = 36

CHA = 25

LUC = 62


As I needed as much luck as I can get to get this done I poured all my points into luck in hopes that this will cover for any mistake I make during my self-implied quest. Just then…



Break in! : break in the house of Akira uchiha and get any information or legacy left to you by your mother.

Quest objectives

--sneak into the uchiha compound

--break in to your mother's house

--search the house for any information

--sneak out of the compound without anyone noticing

Quest rewards

-- +50,000exp

-- +5 perk points

--random skill scroll

Bonus hidden objectives





Bonus hidden objective rewards





As I looked through the quest given I realised that I have 4 perk points left so maybe there is some perk that can help me get through this quest or at least increase my chances.

'Perks' I thought as the familiar screen came up in front of me

Perk points =4

Available perks:

Chakra sensor- gains the capacity to sense chakra in a range of 5m (passive) radius and 50m when focusing. Gains mini-map {1pp}

Medic Nin: You have the drive needed to be a medic. +100% EXO gain towards Iryo Ninjutsu. +1 INT and +3 WIS per level {2pp}

Kenjutsu specialist: You always felt that a sword is an extension of your body. +100% EXP gain towards Kenjutsu. +2DEX and VIT per level {2pp}

Sealmaster: You were always fascinated with the lines that can seal a Bijuu. +300% EXP gain to

Fuinjutsu. +2 INT and VIT per level. {2pp}

Saimingan ("Eye of Hypnotism"): Unlock the hypnotic function of the sharingan. Grants skill Sharingan: genjutsu {2pp}

While looking at the list in front of me it was quite clear to me that the only things that can be useful on such short notice are chakra sensor and Saimingan. As I selected the two perks I neared the clan compounds and turned in the directions of the uchiha clan compounds. As I was about to pass by the Nara compound border towards the Yamanaka clan compounds I got an idea and jumped over the border onto the tree just inside the Nara clan compound.


Discovered place: Nara clan compound



I smirked as my idea seemed to work but I disregarded the level up for now and continued to work my way along the border of the compounds


Discovered place: Yamanaka clan compound



Discovered place: Akimichi clan compound



Discovered place: Aburame clan compound



Discovered place: Sarutobi clan compound



Discovered place: Hyuga clan compound





Discovered place: Kurama clan compound



Discovered place: Uchiha clan compound


As I landed silently on a tree in the uchiha clan compound I focused on my sensory skills and found that there was no one in the near vicinity, I swiped the level up and other notifications and silently crept towards the one place where I can get information on where my mother's house could be the konoha military police headquarters. As I was about to enter the building I felt someone chunin level coming my way so I quickly stepped back into the shadow and waited until he was close while memorising how he walked with the help of the sharingan before pressing a finger in the pressure point on his neck and quickly pulled him into an alley, quickly restricting him with a rope and after the use of solid transformation to look like him I searched him to find a message to the clan head and nothing more of importance so I continued along the path which he was taking which led me to the headquarters of the force. As I entered some people nodded at me which I returned and went to the office of clan head and knocked.

"Enter" called an older voice of a male who sounded to be about in his mid-thirties.

"A message for your eyes Fugaku-sama" I told him as soon as I entered. He nodded to me and I handed over the message to him which he quickly opened and read.

"Hn!" he grunted which was a clear sign of dismissal as I excused myself and left the room. I breathed I sigh of relief and wiped the sweat that covered my forehead and made my way towards the documentation section which contained the data of every single uchiha member ever lived. I searched for a couple of minutes before finding the name Akira Uchiha, I opened the file to read the info…


AGE: 21











As I looked through the file i memorized everything it said about my mother and ripped the photo from the file memorizing it then placing it in my inventory and placed the file back at its original place. As I was walking out a person called "Hey kenji" I turned towards him and nodded as he took out a folder and placed it in my hands, "Fugaku-sama said to take this back to elder –sama" I looked at the folder and grunted "Hn!" and walked out of the building and went back to the alley were I left Kenji and transformed into the guy who gave me the folder. I took some smelling salts out of the inventory and used them to wake Kenji up.

"Hey Kenji what happened?" I asked Kenji as he looked around and said "someone attacked me while I was about to give a message to Fugaku-sama". I looked at him a little weird and said "are u sure Kenji because u gave the message to Fugaku-sama and he has given me the folder and asked me to give it to you with instructions to give it to elder-sama…are you ok though because I think you are in need of sleep" I used my sharingan on him and activated Sharingan: genjutsu on him to believe me, he looked confused before nodded "yeah thanks Tama give me the folder so I can take it back to elder-sama, and listen can you keep this fainting episode between us"…I looked at him before smiled "what fainting episode?" as I gave him the folder and walked away back in the direction of the headquarters.

As soon as I felt him moving in the other direction I slipped into an alley, released the transformation and breathed a sigh of relief.


Espionage mission success


'Huh! Guess there are other benefits of career paths as well…oh well I'll see into this later' I looked at the time and it showed 11:56 P.M so I quickly moved towards the address I acquired from the file. As I arrived at the destination I used my sensory capacity to see if anyone is there but there was no one in 50m vicinity of the house. As I went close to the gate I noticed a seal array on the gate so I used observed on it…

Blood seal (A-class Fuinjutsu): Only blood relatives of the person of who made this array and people who are keyed in can enter. Place a little bit of your blood then channel chakra into the seal to open the gates.

'Tch! Honoured my ass…they could not enter in it so they decided to may as well get some popularity out of it' I bit my thumb and spread my blood on the seal before channelling chakra into the seal when I experienced a sudden dizzying effect as I was teleported into the house.

'Dad made that…that transportation method and it is probably derived from the hiraishin…' I marvelled a bit at the seal on this side of the gate as I promised to master Fuinjutsu in memory of dad before I moved on and opened the main door to enter the house.

The house was properly furnished and looked to not have been touched in a long time as it clearly should have because of the blood seal. '…Sadly it also means that no one of my immediate family is alive so it's just Naruto and me then…' as I was examining the drawing room I looked at the corner and saw many photos lining the desk. I slowly gawked at a photo of my mother from when she was probably 11 from her looks hugging her brother who was looking away in embarrassment as she grinned cheekily at the camera with both their parents lightly hugging them from behind with a fond smile on their faces. The photo next to it showed my mother and Kushina-sama glaring at each other while dad tried to placate both of them with a nervous grin on his face. They all looked to be around 18 in that photo so I guessed, 'they must have been in the same genin team or at least my mother and kushina-sama must have been'. The last photo showed my mother sitting on a sofa with a visible bump on her stomach as my father hugged her from behind while nervously grinning as kushina-sama who had her own visible bump glared at him from her place beside my mother.

I could not help but laugh at the dynamics between the three of them as they behaved like grown up. A small tear escaped my eye as I imagined what growing alongside with them would have been like. I took all the three photos and placed them in my inventory as I moved along using observe on everything in sight so that I don't miss anything important. As I moved along the house searching and observing anything I swear I sometimes heard a sweet laugh and some angry squawking of an enraged female. I sighed as I came across a room which I think was dad's study as there was a desk with piles of papers on it with many scrolls lying along the desk. I went to the desk and saw notes on seals and different jutsu's broken down and analysed to counter.

Just looking at them gave me a headache as I realised my mental training still needs a lot of work. I folded everything I could find and ended up finding a diary of sorts which had seals drawn on every page of it. As I used observe on it I was astonished at what it was…

Minato Namikaze's book of seals (S-class item): this book contains every seal that Minato drew from his first seal to the last seal. The book can only be read by his blood relative so if you are lucky enough to be one then you may as well conquer the world because it has the formula that led to the refining of the legendary hiraishin…

Do you want to absorb this skill book?

I looked at the book in a new light and softly placing it in the inventory after denying the question to absorb it. That is one of the last things that connects me to my father hell will freeze over before I destroy something so precious. As I moved on to the next room which turned out to be their bed room…I declined to imagine anything as I went straight to work and scanned everything, but when I went to the desk beside the desk I found a note,

To Hibiki

If you are reading this then I am sorry I failed to stop the Kyuubi from escaping and probably sealed it with reaper death seal to stop it. Hibiki if you are reading this then my plans were success and you must be chunin already as I asked Sandaime-sama to give you the location of this place only then. You must already know that I sealed the kyuubi inside Naruto so he would have to go through much hardship till now in life so help him be the person that he is, this is my only wish. If you hold me responsible for all the hardships you have faced in life then do so but be there to support your brother because whatever you do know that we(your mothers and I) ARE PROUD OF YOU.


Your father

Minato Namikaze

Yondaime Hokage

P.S- As I wanted to pass on my knowledge and jutsu's to my children but am unable to in the lowest drawer is a storage scroll which contains all my jutsu's but you will need to work hard to get them all…its good bye for now son.

I smiled through my tears as I read the note that he left me and placed it in the inventory. I collected the scroll that was my inheritance and continued to scan the rest of the house through the rest of the house. As I came across the last drawer in the bedroom it contained a small elegant green scarf with a note on top of it…

To Naruto

Love, mother

As I looked at the present I realised that this is the perfect present for Naruto but I have to gift it to him anonymously. As I finished scanning the room a small glint of metal caught my eye as I looked at a small ring with the tomoe of sharingan on it and when I scanned it…

THIRD GIFT: This Ring was to be given to Hibiki from his mother on his second birthday. This ring was bought by your mother so that you never forget your roots and to make you remember that while the Sharingan is an amazing tool it is just that a tool nothing more than an accessory. This ring is a part of a set of gifts that Hibiki's mother had bought to be given to him on successive birthdays. Equip to gain +8luck.

I smiled happily at finally completing the set and put the ring in the inventory so as to not be delayed by quest completion popups. As I realised that I have taken everything of personal value that was present in the house I gave it one last longing glance and promised to be back with Naruto next time.

I swiftly exited the house after checking for any person outside but as I did not feel anyone for about 50m I swiftly exited the compound and made my way back to the orphanage. All along the mission I had straight away dismissed any popup not necessary at the moment and now that I began looking at them I sighed at the amount of them. I started with my quest rewards…



Break in! : break in the house of Akira uchiha and get any information or legacy left to you by your mother.

Quest objectives

--sneak into the uchiha compound

--break in to your mother's house

--search the house for any information

--sneak out of the compound without anyone noticing

Quest rewards

-- +50,000exp

-- +5 perk points

--random skill scroll

Bonus hidden objectives

--sneak into as many other clan compounds as possible (x7)

--sneak into the Uchiha military headquarters to get info. (Completed)

--check to see if someone is in the house before entering. (Completed)

--find the last gift to you by your mother. (Completed)

Bonus hidden objective rewards

--5000exp per compound =5000x7=35000exp

--sneak skill level Maxed

--range of sensory skill doubled

--+10 luck

I then equipped the ring to complete another quest.



For Yourself:

Even though she knew you for only one day your mother loved you more than anyone else…these gifts are the last things that she has left for you…

Quest objectives;

--Find all the three items that your mother left for you (3/3)

Hidden bonus objective

--find all the objectives before starting academy. (Completed)

--level up your Sharingan to 3 tomoe before finding the ring. (Failed)


-- The three last pieces of your connection with your mother.


--gain the Mangekyo Sharingan without blindness issues. (Failed)

As I looked at the massive amount of exp gained during the duration in this quest (118,000exp) I finally looked at the level up screens




Name: Hibiki

Title: none

Age: 7

Clan: uchiha (hidden)

Career path: espionage, ____, ____, ____, ____

Level – 20 (11,100/20,000)

HP- 276,250/276,250

CP- 101,250/101,250

CONTROL- 41.8%

Allegiance – Konoha Civilian

STR = 221 (+1 per level)

VIT = 250 (+3 per level)

DEX = 292 (+4 per level)

INT = 81 (+4 per level)

WIZ = 63 (+3 per level)

CHA = 34 (+1 per level)

LUC = 71 (+1 per level)

POINTS=46 (AN: 5 stat points are given to the gamer per level till level 19, 6 points onward from level 20))

Perk points = 7 (AN: 1 point gained for reaching level 20)

MONEY- 1000 Ryo

Uchiha Interceptor Fist: Lv87 (0%) - The primary and basic taijutsu of the Uchiha clan, has several offshoot forms but each Uchiha has roots with this technique, makes maximum use of the Sharingan to predict and counter enemy attacks. Increases damage done by attacks by 92% (1% more each level)

Sharingan 2 tomoe: Lv24 (8%) - 250 CP/second when used by non-Uchiha, 50 CP/second when used by an Uchiha. +1DEX per level when active, can learn opponent's jutsu by watching them form their hand seals - cannot learn elemental kekkei genkai or hidden jutsus. Give supernatural awareness and slight predictive abilities of everything within normal eyesight.

Observe: Lv55 (7%).This skill allows the user to see the target's max HP, max CP and some info about the target along with its stats and intentions.

Sneaking: Lv Max (99%): Allows you to sneak up on someone.

--99% chance of not getting caught.

--99% chance of a critical strike when hit a kill spot.

Shunshin no jutsu: Lv23 (65%): this jutsu is a speed technique that allows the user to increase the speed 10 times in a straight burst so it looks almost like teleportation. The level of control over change in body position after the technique ends is twice the level

Substitution Jutsu: Lv Max (99%): Allows you change places with an item up to a medium sized dog in weight to avoid an incoming attack you are aware of up to 10 times in a row, costs 10 CP per use.

Transformation Jutsu: Lv Max (99%): This genjutsu lets you disguise yourself from your enemies but is very fragile and can be disrupted easily. Costs 5 CP/ Second.

--solid transformation: on complete mastery of transformation jutsu it can also be used to become a solid transformation but on doing so the chakra cost increases 100 times.

Clone Jutsu: Lv Max (99%): A very basic clone technique which creates illusionary clones that don't have any shadows or creates sound - Can create up to 10 clones per use, 10 CP/Clone.

Sharingan: genjutsu: Lv2 (6%): – uses the sharingan to place the opponent in a genjutsu, also can be used to hypnotise opponents. +120% effectiveness of genjutsu +20%every level.

As I looked at my final stats and skill I can truly feel proud of what I have accomplished in the past three years, but I decided that till the day I graduate I need to focus on developing my mental and visual prowess. I want to master Fuinjutsu and my dad's special jutsu before I graduate from the academy


I growled not again…