


"It's been a while Hatake-san"i turn to look at him only to see him eye smiling at me while his eye descretely scanned me for any injury. Finding none he nodded and replied "Ideed Hibiki-kun, enjoying the show?"I chuckle quietly at the question before nodding and after one last glance at Naruto and a nod towards Kakashi shunshun'ed towards my home and started brainstorming on how to handle the invasion before i went to sleep.


I woke up at 6am due to some insignificant things called habits...sigh 'I need a life other than grinding', while going through the morning routine grumbling about all the work i have to do to keep this village running... 'Huh!...where is the shadow clone that I created before leaving to be with my team...' after brainstorming on the situation and realising that there is no way for me to know I gave up and shunshin'ed my way to hokage-sama's office in order to give my report and also to gain any information on the current situation that i am facing which i regarded as 'missing clone' in my head...'need to work on those naming skills' I grumbled as I arrived at the roof on hokage-sama's office before sending a signal through...

"Ohayo Hokage-sama Danzo-sama", i acknowledge the two leaders of konoha, one representing the light and one the darkness of konoha, together going through the mission report and discussing counter-plans to safeguard max amount of people through the upcoming invasion.

"Ohayo Hibiki-kun, did you sleep well?"

"Hai! Hokage-sama" He nodded as he silently gazed at the scrolls that i gave him yesterday.

"You did more then i ever dreamed to expect Hibiki-kun...good job!" there was a proud glint in his eyes which again prompted the reaction of a light warmth somere in my heart.

"Arigatou! Hokage-sama" I bowed a little before telling him everything that happened during the mission when he asked for a report. After silently listening to me he nodded gravely understading the situation as his mind probably spun with possibilities on what would happen, and i could see faint traces of regret on his previous action of letting Orochimaru go as his previous mistake comes back to haunt him and the village.

As hokage-sama was silently contemplating his own mistakes Danzo regarded me a bit before speaking loudly which broke hokage-sama out of his dazed state, "You have raised a fine shinobi this time i give u this Sarutobi..."

"Not my doing , Sometimes a stone needs to be cut before it becomes a diamond and shines but also, sometimes it gets tempered with fire and shines with a different light"

As Danzo again regarded me and nodded before going back to his precious scroll, Hokage-sama smiles and says "Dismissed and good work Hibiki-kun the village surely obeys you a debt which cannot be repaid but if you need anything feel free to ask me anytime...also your team is on a C-rank mission to the land of waves and will be back by the end of the month in time for the chunin exams"

I hesitated a bit before saying, " Is there anyway in which i can get access to Tsunade-sama's notes on medical ninjutsu that are in your forbidden library."

He looked startled before looking at various scrolls that had almost every information about suna before sighing and retrieving a scroll and throwing it to me. As i caught the scroll he waved his hand which i took as dismissal and shunshin'ed out of his office towards my home.

Surveying the area silently with my sharingan before relaxing and opening the scroll greedily to learn the secrets of medical ninjutsu and immortality i was unprepared for thousands of scrolls to pop up and bury me in them 'All right its decided i need some rest before i plunge more into this madness....nah! its silly what silly game character needs a rest its all about grinding...sigh fuck my life'... As i grumbled about my life once again i created 100 shadow clones who each took a scroll which they quickly copied then started learning...

---------------------------------TIMESKIP(2 DAYS UNTIL THE CHUNIN EXAMS)-------------------------------------

Atonomy Lv-Max - Gamer has deep understanding of human anotomy and accurately knows about anything when it comes to it.

Medical Techniques Lv-Max - Gamer has complete mastery on almost every known technique known to cure a person.

Chakra Scalpel Lv-Max: Form a sharp chakra blade out of our palm which can be used to open wound for treatement, clearing blood clotting, severing muscles and cleaving someones heart

without any skin damange...pretty cool right!!. Deals the debuff Disabled depending on the severed muscles.

Mystic Palm Jutsu Lv 76: Refine your chakra to form healing chakra which quickens the recovery rate and regeneration and reproduction of cells thus aiding in recovery. The most versatile technique that can be used to perform almost every medical technique. Increases regeneration rate by 760%.

Ninja Art Creation Rebirth- Strength of a hundred seals (0.8%Complete)-This seal gathers chakra for a long amount of time but when it finally appears user can release the seal to gain instant regeneration from any near fatal wound bar decapitation. Time Remaining -1yrs 11 months.

I went through the skills that i grinded the past month feeling satisfied with the amount i progress i made specially with dedicating 100 clones for a month per day on medical techniques felt like 4-5 years of medical studies...'Just thinking about it gives me a headache...ugh! dunno how sakura managed it in 2 years...'

I watched as 4 people entered the gates who looked like they have gone through hell as one of the genins had his right hand missing and the other one had a bandaged thigh that upon closer inspection looked like it had been screwed with a kunai. I watched my team enter Konoha with mixed feelings as they are at the very least fellow leaf shinobi but on the other hand they are my team and from the looks of it, we are close to disbanding...

I followed them for sometime before our sensei dismissed me as he took the rest of my teammates to the hospital. My shadow clone swiftly made his way to our apartment where he promptly went poof on my signal...

My name is Hyuga koi... I like gardening and practicing Junken...dream is to see the families united once again...

My name is Okuda Akio... cool jutsus and Kenjutsu...a kenjutsu specialist...

.....Imari Honzo...Fire-style ninjutsu...Jounin...

As memories after memories of my team and their various interactions varying from catching tora, 'that sure looked fun', to painting ourselves with the fences of a villager...3 new bonds were formed but there strength were weak due to the trauma that they had to go through at this C-Rank mission encountering 3 iwa jounin whose mission clashed with ours leading to a fight.

Although we managed to escape it came in the cost of likely the career of those 2 young genins who were unprepared for the fight that broke out...as the bond was formed with a shadow clone feelings dulled a little and gamer's mind shut down any residual feelings towards the two members i can still feel a little sad as i made my way towards hokage-sama's office for further instruction...

"Are you okay Hibiki-kun" there was concern in the voice of the aged kage as i shook my head and said "I know i cannot save everyone hokage-sama, it's just that they deserved better than they got..."

"Life is not fair Hibiki-kun, as for what they deserve don't worry too much leaf takes care of its own" the tone of his voice suggested that he will take care of the matters further so i relented,"Hai! Hokage-sama".

"Any way as for the chunin exams there is a senior team that whose one member got injured just some hours ago and will not be able to recover in time for the start of chunin exams so if you are okay maybe you can participate with them because we need someone close to Ichibi at all times, someone who can stop it..." There was pride in his eyes when he indirectly stated that I could control the Ichibi.

"Hai! Hokage-sama" I replied with a small smile upon seeing which he looked relieved when there was a knock on the door and 2 jounin level and a chunin level signatures entered ...

"Ah! your teammates arrived" upon hearing that i turned around to greet my teammates and barely managed to cover my surprise by quickly bowing and silently completed suppressing my chakra signature to that of low-chunin...

"Ohayo! Please take care of me!" While i bowed my head a little i surveyed my team thinking 'small world indeed'.

Here done with the chap i know its small but its too hectic and i realised i need to shorten the length of chapters if i need to update daily...

Anyway moving on with the story did you like the new development?? Leave a review guys otherwise i wont know what u guys are thinking and the story would not turn out to be the best that i can give uh!

BDW who is this mystry team any guesses???


KIRITO_SAMAcreators' thoughts