
In the mind of an NPC

After reincarnating into the past as an NPC, Girisia was faced with two options, either fall into despair and continue to barely survive in the lowest drenches of the society or make a stand and find out who played this ugly game with his life. Now, if destiny is to be challenged, there should be nothing wrong in using the immortal resources that come in the form of Players. After all, "A hunter cannot be blamed for hunting a prey that willingly served itself." ***** Read my other work called "Jealous Nerd vs The Immortal Army". The story of an unlikely manipulative hero without shame or care for the world. Born with a vulgar mouth and equally cursed ability, the immortals will regret meeting him. If I have to say, he is polar opposite of the MC in ItmNPC.

GoGo · แฟนตาซี
360 Chs

1.18.1 Hey little girl, do you need em prophecies?

"I will not let you take it… no matter what." Girisia was annoyed with being led on by fate. None of his plans came true or played out the way he wanted. Being antagonistic toward fate was not his only reason.

"Just forget about it… this is too dangerous and with your vision, you can probably find something else."

'Yes, Externalist is a path I have walked on before and also most experienced with. But its survivability is not that high and that marrow can give me a good identity.' Girisia understood how foolish he was acting here, he didn't have proper info with which he can change Wilkis's mind.

'Let's try again.'

"I am sure that it's safe. I have seen how it played out for the anoman who obtained this before, how far he went, and what he achieved. There was nothing to fear and instead, it brought him and his people only certain advantages… Benefits that everyone in this pact can enjoy." Girisia put his point forward.

"I know you can know when I am lying… and you probably know I am not at the moment like the previous times. I believe that there is no danger in using that marrow. Only benefits exist."

"What kind of benefits are you talking about?" Wilkis asked, he was not too keen on letting Girisia use this marrow until he can confirm something from his mother. But, it doesn't mean that he will not change his mind. And from the truth in Girisia's words, Wilkis was sure, what Girisia said, he believed it himself.

Same for Tarkov, he was the one with the most curiosity toward the canister, to begin with.

And for Girisia, there were a lot of things he can explain and the special trait he will get through this marrow. But he knew that Wilkis only cared for one thing.

"This marrow will give me a certain identity… One that will make fiend level and above mutants show some respect to me. And now with the details, Tarkov told me, I somewhat understand what kind of identity this marrow will provide."

'I will become part of 'her' family.' This was the answer Girisia came with. He didn't know what kind of troubles this identity would bring him. But at least, he will never be preemptively attacked by any mutant below fiend level and even higher level mutants need to show certain reverence to him.

"Don't you always dream of finding peace between other higher-level mutant species all the time?... This is your chance, that thing in your hand is your chance." Girisia wanted to sway Wilkis's opinion, he wanted a certain understanding to be formed between the two parties. As for Tarkov, seeing how he hadn't spoken much. 'Fucker can go die by himself.' This was the opinion Girisia held for him at the moment.

"If what you said is true, this is way more dangerous than previously expected… in the wrong hands…"

"I don't even have hands at the moment." Girisia cut Wilkis off. Knowing full well what he feared.

It was true, if it fell in the hands of someone with bad intentions, who knows the carnage they will be able to accomplish with this.

With the combination of the special identity this marrow provides with certain mental mutations, an individual can become a nightmare for the whole of humanity. Something way worse than the psychic beast Tarkov met in the Hermat Jungle.

"I know, we have just met for a short while, and neither you know me nor even I know myself. But believe me, when I say this, I won't ever harm the innocents nor will I ever abuse the gift it gives me.." Girisia promised with a lie he wanted to believe in. He was not sure how he would act if he had to choose between the death of innocents and his survival.

Girisia wanted to believe he was not a bad person by nature and wished this belief would carry onto Wilkis who can easily tell truth from false.

But it was not a complete lie, Wilkis understood this, the conflicting emotions inside Girisia when he said those words.

He understood the kind of person Girisia was, not like a selfish coward that Tarkov thought of him, and instead, he thought of him as an opportunist.

An opportunistic man, that will change his affiliation in pursuit of safety. A person like this can never be trusted.

And Wilkis would have held the same ideas, if not for him knowing how Girisia lived in minute details.

"My answer remains the same… you are not a good candidate for this… no one is." This was the conclusion Wilkis came up with.

An answer, that filled Girisia with anger.

"If this is your choice, then the deal is off." Girisia didn't give up, he thought of a different approach.

"Our pact was based on our needs and not respect. And if you can't fulfill one of my needs, then I don't see any reason for why I should keep my end of the bargain." Girisia didn't let his bitterness control his thoughts like it previously did. Though still not adept at negotiation, he was learning.

"I can afford it, in case this deal doesn't work out. But the same can't be said about your or Tarkov." The stone-faced Wilkis threatened Girisia for the first time.

"I don't care about Tarkov but I will take this chance on my own… I don't care if you lock me up or strap my brain to some computer… I don't even mind if you outright kill me." There was a hoarseness in Girisia's tone as he spoke.

And for the first time in his life, he didn't want to back down. Not for now nor in the future.

"The deal will only finalize if that marrow is transplanted into my body."

Wilkis knew at this point that he may have misunderstood the kind of person Girisia was. He understood, the words Girisia spoke just now were not a lie like before. He didn't care whether he died or went through worse.

'But it's another matter experiencing it.' This was also the truth that Wilkis understood, how prideful and fearless men started groveling for mercy the moment death arrive on their doorstep.

But even with all these experiences, Wilkis for some reason believed that even if death came for Girisia, he wouldn't fear it.

He looked like a man who had already experienced once before.

"If that's your wish."

These were the words that Girisia heard last before his eyes went blank and he lost consciousness.

On the other side, Tarkov couldn't even make a move, his body suffering the similar suppression he felt when Wilkis first opened the door for him.

"You should sleep for a while too."

This was the line Tarkov heard before he too fell unconscious. Leaving only Wilkis whose body slowly disintegrated into small flies and left Girisia's room from the window.

It was never the real body of Wilkis, to begin with. Just a simple clone he made.

And that simple close was enough.


"You are here Sitara, I see your days are not going great." The witch gestured for Sitara to sit down on her mat with her color-stained finger that she used to draw on the wall.

It was an art style she had learned from her new mother and matched the painting from the early men found in ancient caves on earth.

"Why did you call for me?" Sitara wanted to continue with 'instead of my brother', but she didn't. She had respected the witch that had come to live closer to her village and such snide remarks would sound too disrespectful.

"Nothing, I was just worried about the village chief, he had been getting too obsessed with the motherless and I don't think it's good for either him or the village." She spoke in a caring tone, her face carrying the emotion of pure devotion and worry.

"He truly is going crazy and I don't know why. What does he see in those mothers?" She questioned like a puppy. She has a motherless under confinement and has seen just how bizarre they are. They have no respect for the life they kill and act bizarrely too.

She just can't seem to understand why her brother will foster the idea to support these monsters.

"About that." The witch, with some struggle, answered Sitara.

"This is why I looked for you… you see, I am to blame for it. The reason the village chief had fostered an interest in these motherless is due to me." The witch then explained why she had been 'kicked' from her tribe and why Sitara's brother Sura was so interested in the motherless.

She willfully explained to Sitara how she could see the future and how she saw the true danger the motherless possessed.

"This is why the village chief… Sura is interested in them And I blame it all on myself." The witch apologized. She had known there had already been talks to usurp Sura and put him in temporary confinement till the matter with motherless settles down. And she didn't want this to happen.

So she needed to find a bigger enemy that will keep the tribes busy and let Sura tighten his grip over the tribe.

And to awaken this enemy, no one is better than Sitara, who may hate her brother on the surface but she held a soft spot for her family and will even do something stupid out of ignorance.

The witch knows the true nature of Sitara and with her superb acting that she has mastered in the twelve-year-old life living on Danav. Even someone like Wilkis won't be able to catch her lies.

"This is why I tried to use my prophetic power again… I thought if I found a way to stop the motherless from being born there would be nothing to worry about." She led Sitra from the nose, the poor girl who had never experienced life, fell too easily for her words.

"And I succeeded, I found the source of these motherless. And I want you to destroy it."

To this request, in her ignorance, Sitara gladly nodded her head. She was going to help her brother and all the villages at once.

Not knowing the horror's she will release on an unsuspecting world that was not ready for it.

Just here to say, from next time. I won't title the chapters same even if they come from the same chapter.

Due to how different the content in those chapters can get, I thought it will be better to name them differently. And have some fun in this way.

GoGocreators' thoughts