
In The Cosmos As The Administrator

Note: First of all, English is my third language so don't expect too much... Second, I only claim the ownership of my original character and the plot... Third, I took a few things from Akikan's fanfics ---- Read the fanfic to know what happens...

Aala0san · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
5 Chs


On the train, there can be seen a young man with waist-length black hair and dead-like eyes who seems to be looking through the window...

"So it has already been 15 years... huh..." Sora says.

*Ding* *Ding*

A phone ringing echoes through the train, Sora takes his phone while wondering whether the caller is the principal of the high school where he'll study this year...

Sora was dumbfounded since it wasn't a call neither a message neither a notification but a blue screen that appeared in the center of his vision.

[Welcome to the System, Sora! You have been chosen as the host by @£%#*&$, as you are the one who truly understands "Solitude" and "Loneliness"... and you are the first being who was able to make it out from the void after being there for billions of years]

[The System wouldn't intervene in any of host's actions neither would it give the host instant power-ups. The System's sole role is guiding the host on his journey.

+Suggestion: Host is recommended to check The System's functions.]

'It seems She is a few days away from arriving here... ' Sora says inwardly as a faint smile could be seen in his face.


• {Name: Sora}

• {Race: Human}

• {Abilities: Undying Soul}


• {Ongoing: 0}

• {Completed: 0}

'So I can't truly die... Good to know.' says Sora inwardly.

Suddenly the train stops moving as it arrives at the station, Sora left the train and heads toward the dorm where he'll be staying in...


In the dorm, a young woman who appears to be in her 30s was sitting on a chair while pondering about the new tenant who'll arrive today...


After an hour, Sora arrives in front of a traditional house that appears to be quite old... It was the dorm where he'll live for his high school years.

As Sora walks through the door, he observes the dorm.

The yard outside wasn't that big and neither small, the surrounding wall was made with a Japanese stone wall that could provide some degree of security.

From his location, he could see a clothesline that was used for drying clothes on the balcony of the second floor, on the right, there was also a tree.

Sora then looked at the stone path under his feet, the iron gate with some rust in front of him, and the garden that was about a few square meters on the side.

'Sakurasou should be an anime... right?' Sora questions himself inwardly.

"You should be Sora, right? I'm Chihiro Sengoku, the manager of Sakura Dormitory and an art teacher of Suiko in Suimei University of the Arts." a beautiful woman tells Sora with a smile.

As Sora turns around, Chihiro shudders and felt cold when she looked into his eyes.

"Yes... I am Sora."


An awkward silence descends upon them.

"Ahem... Anyway, before you enter, I will tell you some rules in this dorm."

"Alright..." Sora says while nodding weakly.

"First, you can't be so rowdy and you should keep your voice down so you won't bother the rest of the tenants, although this dorm is affiliated with the school, it is run privately. Not all the people that are living in this place are students."

Sora nodded and felt a bit surprised without displaying it on his face since the setting was a bit different from the anime that he had watched in the past.

"Follow me, I'll give you a tour around this place."

Chihiro smiled, but inwardly, she was a bit surprised that the new tenant is this indifferent and was a bit worried that he wouldn't get along with the other tenant since most of the people that were living in this place were weird in different ways...

After the two entered, Sora found that the inside of the house was quite big, since he couldn't tell it from the outside. Although it looked old from the outside, the interior was still very clean and neat. It could be seen that everyone in this place had carefully cleaned up and everything was placed in an orderly manner.

On the side of the entrance, there was a large shoe cabinet, and on the side near the door, there were several shelves to place the umbrellas which are made in Japanese style.

"This No.8 shoe cabinet is yours. You can use it in the future and remember to keep it clean. The occupants of this cabinet have graduated before and have moved out, you can borrow the umbrellas, but you mustn't ruin it or lose it, and bring it intact every time you use them, otherwise, you will need to buy a new one to replace the one that you have damaged or lost." Chihiro said while pointing her finger to several places.

Sora nodded, indicating that he had memorized everything.

Then both of them changed their shoes into slippers and walked through the entrance.

Sora saw there were two long corridors on both left and right sides. He could see that on each side of the corridor there were doors and he thought that it might be a room for the tenant. Then on the wall, he saw a few picture frames hanging, but because the light was dim, he wasn't sure what was drawn there.

"Ahem, there is one more thing you need to remember." Chihiro says with a serious expression.

"I know that you're a high school student and I can also understand that as an adolescent boy, you're curious about the opposite sex, but you must remember that you can't cross the line on the ground over there, alright? That place is the female dorm and if you try to break in then get caught, I can only go to the police station to pick you up."

Chihiro pointed at the line that was placed on the left corridor and when she told him all of that, she always kept her serious expression.


Sora nodded while feeling speechless.

"Now, the other tenants are outside or they have already rested in their own rooms. I will introduce them to you tomorrow. Now, I will take you to the other room to familiarize yourself with this place."

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