
In The Cosmos As The Administrator

Note: First of all, English is my third language so don't expect too much... Second, I only claim the ownership of my original character and the plot... Third, I took a few things from Akikan's fanfics ---- Read the fanfic to know what happens...

Aala0san · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs


After touring around the dorm, Sora went to his room...

While sitting on his bed, Sora thinks of a certain white-haired icy woman whom he met in the void. After a while, Sora disperses such thoughts knowing that he'll see her in a few days.

'System, is there anything that you didn't tell me which I need to know of?' says Sora inwardly.

Suddenly, a cold mechanical voice echoes through Sora's mind.

[Host is recommended to use the synchronization function to reclaim his past life's skills.]

[Host have received a gift by @£%#*&$.

Would you like to open it?]


[Ding! New unlocked function [Inventory]]

[Ding! New unlocked function [Shop]]

[Ding! [Primal Energy] unlocked]

'System, Use the synchronization function'

[Host may undergo physical changes. To avoid injuries, Host would be put unconscious]

[Would you like to proceed?]

"Yes" says Sora while closing his eyes.


As the sun sets, in an old-looking dorm, there can be seen a top-less young man who seems to be getting up from bed.

'Status' says Sora inwardly.


• {Name: Sora}

• {Race: Human}

• {Abilities: Undying Soul + Gunmanship Mastery + Medical Mastery + Bajiquan Mastery + Taekwondo Mastery + Knifemanship Mastery + Explosives Mastery + Programming Mastery + Cooking Mastery + Driving Mastery}


As soon as Sora hears his stomach growls, he made his way to the kitchen.

As Sora walks through the kitchen door, he took a cutting board and place it on the setting table. He takes various ingredients including shiitake mushrooms, chicken breasts, ginger, soy sauce, miso paste... As he begins cutting the vegetables, one can see how skillful Sora is with a knife judging by the precision and the speed at which he cuts the mushrooms.

"I'll make a miso soup for now... it should be enough," says Sora.

Sora sprays a large saucepan with oil and heat over medium heat, then adds the ginger, garlic, and chilies. After around a minute, he adds two cups of boiling water and brings it to a simmer, then stirs in the miso paste, lime juice, and noodles, then covers it, and cooks it. After another minute, he sprays a large wok with oil and stir-fries the chicken, mushrooms, and sweetcorn for 2-3 minutes, then adds the peas and cooks it until the chicken is cooked through.

After that, Sora transfers the soup to a large bowl. Then spoons over the vegetables and chicken breasts thinly sliced. Then top it with a watercress and serve it with soy sauce on the side.

As soon as Sora finished preparing his dish, a delicious fragrance spread through the entire dorm.


In the living room, a slightly short girl with short light brown hair with messy bangs and big round light brown eyes, sitting in a chair while working on what seemed to be her anime.

"Phew... That was exhausting! At least it would be worth it as I made it to welcome my cute junio-" the girl says loudly as she is interrupted by a delicious fragrance coming from the kitchen.

Without waiting another moment, she burst out toward the kitchen with stars in her eyes.


As Sora placed his dish on a table, he hears loud footsteps behind him. Then he notices a short girl with light brown hair coming towards him while waving her hand.

"WHOA... You made this, right kuhai-kun? RIGHT??" the girl says while drooling.

As she is about to take a bite, Sora quickly catches her hand while getting the bowl away from the alien-like girl.

"Who are you?" says Sora to the girl coldly while looking into her eyes.

The moment the girl look into Sora's eyes, she felt as if she is in absolute darkness. After a few moments, she thought of it as a hallucination and she get back to her usual energetic self.

"I'm Misaki Kamiigusa, a 3rd-year student of Suiko! Nice to meet you kohai-kun!!"

"I'm Sora, a 1st-year student" says Sora.

*tap* *tap* *tap*

As the sound of footsteps subdues, Chihiro comes as she smells the delicious fragrance.

"Oh, Sora, I found you at the right time."

"What do you mean?" says Sora.

"Well... can you pick up my cousin in the station?"

"...Why me?"

"You just look dependable and judging from your cooking skills I'm sure of it."

"... Alright, how does she look like, and what's her name?"

Chihiro gives a picture of a very beautiful girl who has long pale blond hair that reaches her waist and a very slim physique, she also has pale skin accompanied by red eyes.

"Here you go, she is Mashiro Shiina."


A/N: Author here, sorry for the late release but I have little free time and I'm doing my best to make a fanfic with an actual plot and to make it have as few plot-holes as possible.

Comment any ideas or thoughts about this fanfic.

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Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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