
In The Cosmos As The Administrator

Note: First of all, English is my third language so don't expect too much... Second, I only claim the ownership of my original character and the plot... Third, I took a few things from Akikan's fanfics ---- Read the fanfic to know what happens...

Aala0san · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
5 Chs

Gang members?

In a train station, a young man with long straight black hair was approaching an angel-like blonde little girl.

"Mashiro Shiina?" Sora asks the blonde girl while handing her the picture that Chihiro gave him.

Mashiro nods softly then she suddenly asks him.

"What color do you want to be?"

As her words fell, Sora glanced at Mashiro while thinking that she is as innocent as in the anime that he watched in the past.

"I'm colorless" says Sora with his usual monotone expression.

Sora's words made Mashiro confused.

"I'll do whatever I want, whether it's evil or good doesn't matter. In other words, I can be any color. That's why I'm colorless" explains Sora to Mashiro.

As Sora's words fell, he took Mashiro's hand and left the station.


A few minutes later, they arrive near the dormitory.

As they approach the dorm, they got surrounded by a bunch of bulky guys who have a serpent tattoo on their neck.

"What a fine young lady we have here, you would make a fine product for our client" says their leader menacingly.

"Out of my way" says Sora coldly.

As his words fell, everyone present looked toward him while the gang members suddenly had a bad feeling.

"You little brat! How dare you order me!! Leave now while I'm still in a good mood otherwise, I'll hunt you and your family, and show your mother what true men are capab-" yells their leader while looking at Mashiro aggressively.

Suddenly the atmosphere surrounding them becomes cold, a deadly killing intent descends upon the gang members as cold sweat dripped from their forehead.

"Stop him... STOP HIM QUICKLY!!!!..... AAAAAH!!!!"

As clarity returns to everyone present, a bone-breaking sound echoes. As they look toward the source, they found their leader crying and screaming laying on the ground while Sora kept stepping on his legs.


"It has been years since I met someone as stupid as you..." says Sora coldly.

A gang member takes a knife from his pocket, and tries to stab Sora in his back.

As the knife is inches away, Sora kicks him in the abdomen with his knee making him lose consciousness.

Sora picks the knife and blocks another slash aimed at him and punches the other gang member in the guts.

When the other gang members notice how strong Sora is, they lost hope of defeating him. Then they took Mashiro as a hostage without knowing that they fell deeper into the abyss.

Seeing this, Sora throws the knife at the gang member's shoulder and picks the other knife laying on the ground.

Three gang members charged toward him, he evaded the first one's punch, and grasps his collar, and throws him toward the other two.

The last two gang members tried to run away, but they were met by knives on their legs.

Mashiro looks in the ground that was filled with nine bloodied bodies lying there while Sora was standing there emitting a lonely aura.

Instead of getting scared, she instead felt confused that the person whose warm hand held hers is emitting such aura.

While Sora was thinking about a certain black-haired woman in her 30s, he felt Mashiro hugging him.

"Thank you, Mashiro Shiina"



"Call me Mashiro, Sora"

"Hahahahaha, as you wish, Mashiro" says Sora while smiling.

As Mashiro saw his smile, she become dizzy while wondering how can a human have such a beautiful smile.

"Shall we go?"



In Sakurasou,

All the tenants were present at a table eating dinner.

"They are late!" says Chihiro worriedly.

"Chihiro, Is he a handsome young boy?.... He can't be a scumbag like those fools, right?" says Mayumi.

Mayumi Nishikino is an office lady who is currently staying at Sakurasou Dormitory. She is a woman with mid-back length light brown hair that has bangs hanging over her face, green eyes, crimson-framed glasses, and large breasts. She doesn't like couples due to her luck with men.

"Mayumi-san, can you shut up? Also he can't be a scumbag since you've already dated all of the ones in Japan." says Ritsu with an annoyed tone.

Ritsu Kawaii is a 2nd-year high school student who came to live at Sakurasou Dormitory after her mother went abroad to work. She is a beautiful teenage girl with short brown hair and violet eyes. She is also a seemingly anti-social girl who is actually very shy around others. In addition, she also likes to read books, to the point of her becoming unaware of her surroundings despite the place.

"Ri-chan is cruel! Still it's much better than you who's always reading a book" says Mayumi.

Then they start bickering at each other...

"Where is Sora-kun, Chihiro-sensei?" says Misaki.

"I've sent him to pick up my cousin, he should have already arrived here by now."

*Click* *Click*

As the door opens, it reveals a handsome young man whose black hair is reaching his waist. By his side, was an angel-like blond little girl with matching red eyes.

"Mashiro! Sora! What took you so long?!" says Chihiro loudly.

"Bad guys tried to hit Sora" says Mashiro while looking at Chihiro.

"Huh? Are you okay??"

"Don't worry about me, nothing happened." says Sora.

"What do you mean by nothing!! She just said that they ganged up on you!!"

"They talked bad about my mother. And as I said, I'm fine."

"Tell us what happened."

"Alright." says Sora while making his way toward the dinner table.

"Welcome back, Sora-kun!!" says Misaki loudly.


Author here!! This is my first time writing a fight scene so it would naturally be bad.

If you have any ideas or comments about my fanfic, comment it here:


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Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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