
6. They Danced And Sang(1)

Setting Josie down on the blanket in the living room, Beckett sat with the baby and then kissed the top of her head. "Stay with me okay?" she then told the baby. "Your daddy is going to be here, so you'll be able to play with him."

"Not you too love?" Castle asked with a smile as he walked in with their other two daughters with him.

"You can play too Mommy," Eliza said, hurrying over to the step down into the living room.

"Take off your slippers," Beckett told them quickly. She smiled when they stopped to do that and then joined her on the blanket.

"How much more time?" Julia asked her mother as Eliza was leaning down and kissing the baby's cheek.

"Another two hours," Castle answered before his wife could, looking at his watch.

"You'll break a leg sweetie," Beckett said, reaching over and running her hand over Julia's head.

The girl smiled tremulously before she turned her attention to her little sisters and grabbed Josie's other hand before the baby began to laugh.

Beckett was tempted to reassure her again, but she knew Julia was nervous enough as it was. She was relieved she'd been okay at the camera blocking that morning; though she'd only been told that by Skye and Mary since the four kids had asked the other adults not to go. She'd been surprised but knew the four were nervous about their first time dancing on TV. She turned her attention to the girls as Josie was laughing again and she took the stuffed Tigger doll that Castle brought over to her.

"Jules?" Eliza asked while she was watching her big sister bouncing the doll for their little sister.

"Yeah?" Julia asked, looking at her sister.

"How was it?" Eliza said.

"There were cameras," Julia replied. "And then people were talking to us so we could move. Oh," she then said, turning her attention to their parents. "They told us that we'd have to get our hair and makeup done."

"You're still wearing late sixties clothes?" Castle asked her, letting Josie take her hand though she only held it for a moment.

"Yep, but I'm not saying," Julia said, biting her lower lip.

"What's wrong?" Beckett asked, watching her and catching that.

Smiling up at her mother Julia said, "I can't believe Stella made the clothes for us."

"You're lucky you get to keep your outfits," Castle commented.

"But what do I do with it after?" Julia said.

"Keep it for Halloween," Castle said.

"You might need to save it for your sister," Beckett said when their daughter looked confused since she already had her Hogwarts uniform for that year. "If she wants to wear it."

"But I don't know what it looks like," Eliza said quickly.

"You can wait, I think you'll like it," Julia assured her. "I asked if you would do my hair for me, they said that was okay."

"Did you demand it?" Castle asked in amusement.

"Yeah, but I think they understood," Julia said. She then looked towards the kitchen and said, "Mari wants you to get her hair ready."

"I will," Beckett said with a nod. "I expected you to want that."

"You're not jealous Lizzy?" Julia asked her.

"No, I don't dance that good," Eliza was swift to say.

"It's not going to be that long," Julia then told her family with a smile. "Only a few seconds since Derek wants us to dance into the beginning."

Though they were aware of that already Beckett said, "I'm eager to see what there is that you will dance."

"We all are," Castle said.

"Josa will be able to see it one day, right?" Julia asked after she smiled at what her father had said.

"She will," Castle promised. When he saw the girls and Beckett were looking at him he said, "I asked if we could have this dance in some form to play back later. Just this dance."

"And they're okay with that?" Beckett said.

"They are," Castle replied before he looked with them at Josie who'd started to whimper. He glanced at his wife with a frown; since the baby had been changed and fed; and said, "She's tired?"

"Of sitting I think," Beckett said, having her lay down on her back. They watched her together as Josie rolled onto her stomach and pushed herself up on her arms.

"Is she gonna crawl?" Eliza asked eagerly.

"Not yet," Beckett replied as the baby was lowering her head again. She then reached out to her and picked her up saying, "We should go outside with everyone else."

"Are we doing P.E.?" Julia asked as she and her sister scrambled to get up to go with their parents.

"No, just playing," Beckett told her as they went to the entry to put on their slippers. After they were walking over to the back of the house she said, "And you have dancing tonight."

"It's not that much," Julia couldn't help repeating.

"Which is why you're all playing now," Castle said, letting them step outside to the patio.

"Hello," Martha said, turning to see the five coming down the step. "How was she?"

"She looked like she was gonna crawl," Eliza said first. "But she just did a push up."

Laughing with the others, Martha said, "I don't think that's quite what she was doing, but I'm sure she enjoyed her time with you."

"Are those bubbles?" Julia asked eagerly as she looked ahead and saw her friends playing with them.

"They are," Skye said, walking back to them. "Here you are Julia, Eliza. Play with my daughters please."

"Are we allowed to run around?" Julia asked, looking at the tube of bubbles she was given.

"Yeah, we'll have you stop and rest for a bit," Skye told her. "Have a snack."

"Cool," Julia said before she went with her sister over to the others on the grass. "Are you guys playing too?" she asked Peter and Clive.

"Yeah," the former said. "We don't even have to wave the wands," Peter then told the two girls, showing them. "It's windy enough."

Watching the kids playing together, Beckett turned to Skye and went to sit with her at the table saying, "I'm glad you have trees."

"My father had that in mind, he was well aware of our weather here," Skye said with a smile as the kids were in the shade.

"He'd be proud of you," Beckett told her, knowing what she was thinking.

"I hope so, him and Mum," Skye replied. She shook her head and said, "A bit depressing, I need to focus on my steps."

"So it was alright at the studio earlier?" Beckett asked.

Laughing for a moment Skye said, "Of course, your daughter's very good; as are the others." She saw the slight frown on her friend's face and squeezed her shoulder before telling her, "But if you want to know a little more detail…" She smiled when Beckett nodded and began saying, "They were very hesitant stepping out on the dance floor once we were ready to begin."

"I don't feel like I should be here," Mari said softly.

"You should, we've been practicing hard," Derek said, smiling at the four kids who all looked very small in their nervousness. "And you want to show your parents on TV what you can do, right?"

"I do," Julia said softly before they walked up the steps. She turned around and almost gulped looking at the ballroom, even though there wasn't anyone there but them, other stars, dancers and the crew.

"We should take a tour around," Skye told her partner. "After we're finished here."

"We can," Derek said, smiling when the kids gasped. "But first we have to test where you guys will look better."

The four nodded and waited for the crew member to talk to them to direct them where to go. They did their steps at the top of the stairs, doing their best though they knew Derek and Skye were watching on a screen off the dance floor. After they'd done the same in front of the steps, they turned to the pair to find they were talking to the crew members.

"Okay, you guys will dance in front of the steps," Derek said after he and Skye had walked to them. "And we'll still have Mary walk down before Skye and I dance. You four go after her to the side here," he told them as he demonstrated. "And stay here."

"Will we be able to see the judges up close?" Clive asked.

Skye was about to speak when she paused and smiled at the judge's table, not surprised when the kids whirled around and were gasping. She opened her mouth to talk again when the person she'd seen started doing so first and directly to her.

"I thought you were still here," Bruno said.

"You wanted to see us specifically?" Skye asked with a smile.

"I did, they did tell us about the kids," the judge replied.

"You're supposed to wait for us to dance later this afternoon," Derek joked.

"I wanted to meet them," Bruno said.

"Oh, well I'll introduce you," Skye said quickly. "Come here you guys," she said to the kids.

Julia felt a little embarrassed as the investigator was telling the judge their names though she wasn't really sure why. She then said after they had shaken Bruno's hand, "You're not going to judge Skye and Derek for our dancing, are you?"

"No," Bruno said with a slight laugh. "We don't start until they begin dancing." He looked at the four closely and asked, "Are you a little nervous?"

"Yeah," Peter said first. "Julia and I have danced in competition before but…"

"Never on TV," the girl said.

"I was told you were both training for dancing," Bruno asked.

"Uh…" Clive said, looking at Mari when the judge turned his attention to them.

"We just dance for fun," the girl said, blushing. "They're more serious about it."

"You'll do well," Bruno told them.

"We've told them," Derek said.

"Then you should listen to him," Bruno said seriously, smiling when the kids laughed. "I have to go, but I'll see you for the show."

"Ciao Bruno," Skye said. She smiled when the judge laughed and spoke to her in Italian before he was leaving.

"What'd he say?" Julia asked.

"Break a leg, and I know he told that to all of us," Skye said before someone was calling to them from the crew. "We better go," she said. "We're not there yet." She was relieved the kids were laughing as they walked back to the dance floor to finish their camera blocking for that afternoon.

"Ready?" Castle asked his wife as he watched her stepping out of the bathroom.

"I am," Becket said easily. "How is she?" she then asked him since he was holding Josie.

"Good," Castle said, looking at the baby who he'd just burped. He then looked at his wife and said, "Breathnaíonn tú go hiontach," which meant she looked great.

Beckett smiled and said, "I'm not finished though."

Castle frowned slightly, about to ask her what she had left to put on, when she walked to the closet and pulled out a blazer. When he saw it was the Stella McCartney one in blue he smiled and said, "You haven't worn that in a while."

"No, it was the perfect time to," Beckett said.

"You want Julia to see you," Castle stated instead of asking.

About to answer, Beckett smiled when the Josie went, "Mmm-ooh," and then told her husband, "Of course. I'm just hoping it doesn't make her nervous in the end."

Nodding Castle said, "There's the chance that could happen, but I really think she'll be okay."

"I hope," Beckett said, going to him so she could take the baby. "You're staying with Lenora again sweetie, but we'll make sure when you're older you'll be able to see the first time your big sister is on TV."

"Mom," a voice said from the stairs.

Castle turned to see that it was Julia and he glanced at his wife, wondering how she'd heard their daughter come inside. But he didn't question it, instead said, "Think she can take her sister up to the house?"

"Of course," Beckett said. "Be careful though."

"I will," Julia promised. "I came to tell you Skye's ready," she then added as she was taking the baby. "And getting nervous again."

"She probably will every week," Beckett said.

With a smile Julia nodded her head and then said, "We'll be in the house so kiss for the rest of the time left."

"Julia," Beckett said, looking over the railing to watch the girl leave the house. She sighed when the door was closed behind her and turned to her husband, not taken aback in the slightest when he wrapped his arms around her and crushed his lips to hers.

Castle was relieved when his wife responded to him, holding onto him tightly while his tongue slipped past her lips. When they rubbed together he pressed his hands on her back, trying to bring her closer though he had to soon stop as he needed to breathe. "Okay…" he began.

Beckett couldn't help smiling and she brushed her lips to his before telling him, "It's alright, but you need to keep that under control during the show."

"I know," Castle replied though he was speaking distractedly as he was reaching up to cup the bun she'd put her hair into. "I can watch you take this down right?"

"Pervert," Beckett said with a smirk. She then carefully stepped away from him to get his attention and said firmly, "Yes, but we need to get through everything tonight too."

Though he didn't want to, Castle nodded and followed her down the stairs saying, "Let's hope all the people in the house will distract them."

Beckett didn't reply, as she was aware her husband knew she was thinking the same. When they neared the house, she paused when she saw everyone stepping out of the house, laughing with her husband as the boys were yelling together and then running around them.

"Hey, calm down you guys," Castle said, reaching for them to stop them. "You're going to get tired before we leave."

"Oh good," Martha said, stepping out onto the patio. "I couldn't stop them."

"Are we ready?" Beckett asked, seeing her father was stepping out with Josie in his arms.

"Very," Mary said, coming outside with her wife following before Lenora was there with them.

"We'll be back later sweetie," Beckett said, taking Josie from her mother in law. She kissed her and told her she loved her quickly before she let the others say the same and goodnight to the baby. When she and Castle were left, they kissed her at the same time and told her goodnight before she handed Josie to Lenora.

"We'll need to head backstage immediately," Skye said once they were around the cars. "So whoever's helping the kids needs to join us."

"Me," Beckett said. She saw the boys looked startled and she reassured them, "You can change on your own, I'm there to help the girls."

"Can you… make sure our hair looks okay?" Clive asked shyly.

"Of course," Beckett reassured them. "We'll see you there," she told Skye, Mary and her father as they were driving the other cars. She got into the one she was driving with Castle, Julia, Eliza and Mari joining her and started it as soon as she heard the other cars doing so too. They drove through the city streets and through the beginnings of afternoon traffic, luckily reaching the studio building in a decent amount of time. When they were inside, she heard Skye calling to them and she followed with the girls while Castle headed with their parents and the McDouglas girls to the ballroom.

"The girls can go here," the investigator told Beckett once they were backstage. "And you boys head next door, your costumes should be ready."

"And then what?" Peter asked.

"Knock on the door where we are," Beckett told him. "But wait for me to either open it or come outside." When the two nodded she watched them go inside and once the door was closed behind them she went with Julia and Mari into the next room. She saw two garment bags there, the girls' names on paper pinned on them, and she smiled saying, "Go ahead behind the screen girls. If you need my help at all just let me know." She watched them go with the bags and then got her phone from her pocket to check it before she put it back. She smiled as she heard the two whispering together and she said, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, we're just making sure we have things the right way," Julia called. "I'm ready," she said then.

"Me too!" Mari said quickly.

"Wow," Beckett said with a smile. "You look like you're from the late sixties."

"Oh good, I wasn't sure," Julia said, looking down at her pants. "Mari too?"

"Yes," Beckett said firmly, gesturing to the younger girl to come to her. She straightened the lapel of her blouse she was wearing with her pleated skirt. "Did anyone talk to you about the colors?" she asked.

"No, I think Skye knows though," Julia replied, her outfit a white long-sleeved sweater belted with the same fabric of plaid in dark blue and dark blue and white. She smiled at her friend, her blouse and skirt a grey-blue that brought out her eyes that were a similar color though her skirt was a little darker in hue.

"And the boys aren't gonna match us," Mari said quickly. They heard a knock on the door and then turned to watch Beckett open it. "Hey!" she said, unable to help laughing.

"It's not funny," Clive said with a frown though he quickly smiled. "Did boys really have to wear stuff like this?" he asked, looking down at his outfit of a green shirt with white and green plaid pants. "They almost look like bell bottoms!"

"That late in the sixties they would," Beckett said as the four kids all looked at her. "But you both look very nice. You can dance right?" she asked as she knew they'd only just tried on the outfits the day before.

"I can," Mari said with a grin. She then said, "I'm wearing my dance shorts though."

"That's fine," Beckett said. "You've got a longer skirt but it's better to be safe." She then turned to Peter and asked, "How do you feel?"

"Okay… kinda… weird," Peter said slowly, shrugging. He glanced down at his outfit, a dark blue shirt with dark blue and red striped pants, and then said, "I'm really glad we don't need to wear these now."

"I agree," Beckett said. "Now we need to get your makeup and hair."

"But they're dancing second to last," Julia said quickly.

"At the very least your hair," Beckett said, ushering the kids outside the room. She held Julia back then and just smiled when her daughter looked at her in confusion, shaking her head quickly.

"No one said if we-" Mari started to say, looking back to Beckett before she turned to make sure she wouldn't run into anything and cut herself off. "MOM, DAD!" she nearly screamed before taking off towards her parents down the hall.

"MOM!" "DAD!" Peter and then Clive were yelling once they spotted their parents there. They ran down the hall to them and were hugging their parents as tightly as they could while Beckett and Julia walked down to them.

"How long are you gonna be here?" Mari asked once she'd stopped crying in her joy at seeing her parents.

"Until tomorrow night," David said, shaking Beckett's hand. "We would stay longer but that's all I can do. But we couldn't miss you being on TV the first time."

"Is Dani here?" Mari asked.

"Out in the ballroom with everyone else," Rebecca replied, hugging her daughter again. "And I hope you don't mind, you're going to stay with us at our hotel tonight."

Beckett smiled when the little girl hugged her parents together in response and she was about to speak when Peter's mother was coming closer to her and shaking her hand. "Don't worry," she told her quickly as the woman was thanking her. "He's been very well behaved. They all have."

"I'm just glad you're doing okay," Genevieve told her son.

"I am," Peter assured her.

"And Clive too," Isaac said, ruffling his son's hair. "But they're going to start dancing soon so we need to head out to our seats."

"They need their hair done right now," Beckett said quickly. "So we should help them and then let them join Skye and Derek."

"That's what we're doing?" Peter asked.

"It is," Beckett said, leading them to where some stars and pros were already. "We'll be out of your way quickly," she said. "The kids won't take too long."

"This is amazing," David whispered. "Raul Granger is only a few feet from us."

"I know," Beckett replied, as the mayor was a baseball fan as well. Beckett turned her attention to Julia and said, "How did Derek suggest you should wear your hair?"

"A scarf," Julia said, holding it up to show her mother. "Mari's wearing a headband." When her mother started brushing out her hair she smiled at her; since she was sitting at a vanity; and then asked, "Where are Skye and Mary so we can see them?"

Beckett debated for a moment if she wanted to answer that in complete honesty but instead told her, "They'll be here soon," wondering if the women were too involved with each other to remember the time as she finished preparing her daughter's hair.

"I feel weird," Mary said, stepping around the screen.

"Why? You look amazing grá," Skye told her wife, smiling at her.

"I'm really glad this isn't the fashion now though," Mary said.

"I'll agree, but for this I'm very happy seeing you wear it," Skye said. She paused in buttoning her vest before she thought that over and said, "I guess that works."

"It does," Mary said, hurrying to her and kissing her gently on the lips. "And you look perfect."

Feeling her cheeks growing warm Skye then said, "Thank you," watching her wife checking the vest. "Okay, I need to get my hair done," she said, stopping Mary when she ran her hands over her chest. "Grá," she said simply.

"Yes?" Mary said simply. She gasped when her wife cupped her palm over her breast quickly and said, "Touché. You're still letting me take care of it."

"Yes," Skye replied. She went to the vanity that was in the room and sighed as her wife brushed her hair.

"You'll do wonderfully," Mary told her, looking at her wife's reflection in the mirror. "I've seen you and you have your hips down well."

Growling under her breath Skye said, "I told Stella they didn't need to be so-"

"They need to see your hips," Mary interrupted her, since her wife's trousers were a little tighter than she'd expected. "And Paul's a man you know."

Grumbling, Skye couldn't help laughing when Mary kissed the side of her head and said, "I know, I keep forgetting the cut and shape has to be different. Luckily the shirt and vest still work."

"Different cut and shape," Mary repeated. She laughed when her wife made a face in the mirror and embraced her from behind before she turned her attention back to her hair. "Okay," she said when she finished. "How is it?"

"Fab," Skye replied, looking at herself. Her hair was pulled back, but Mary had put braids on either side of her head until it was tied off by a ponytail holder. "Feminine enough?" she said to her wife as she got up and turned to her.

"Very," Mary replied before they kissed hard. She clung to the investigator, flicking her tongue to her wife's before they needed to stop, and she said, "We should go," about to walk to the door when she was pulled back with a gasp.

"Your hair grá," Skye said simply.

"But…" Mary started to say before she trailed off and then smiled. "Alright."

"That fast?" Skye asked.

"That fast," Mary said simply as her wife was brushing out her hair. "I nearly forgot to say; I can't wait to see what you'll get for next week."

"Bit audacious that grá," Skye told her.

"I know what I'm saying," Mary replied simply. She couldn't help laughing as she could see her wife rolling her eyes and they were quiet until the investigator was finishing. "Thank you," she said, standing up and looking at her wife. She was smiling as she watched Skye adjusting her dress, navy blue and knee-length with sleeves. It had a white collar and white cuffs while there was a blue and green patterned scarf tied around the neck. Stella had designed it for her and the scarf was from the set her wife had modeled in her pictures with Beckett. Thinking of the writer she said, "We need to go."

"I know," Skye said with a nod and she took her wife's hand, pulling her to her so they could share a gentle kiss. They stared at each other for some time and she then told her in Italian, "Ballerei per te in qualsiasi momento."

Mary laughed, as her wife had told her she would dance for her any time, and then hugged her telling her, "I know, and I love you for that." They kissed again, and she said, "Let's go so we can show the country that," relieved when Skye laughed in reaction before they left their room to find everyone else getting their makeup done.

"Hello," Skye said to the kids.

"We were going to have them wait but they suggested to us to get them in the makeup chairs now," Rebecca said.

"I'm glad you all made it," Skye said to the parents, shaking hands with Genevieve and Isaac before she hugged Mari's parents quickly. "I just hope you'll enjoy yourselves while you're here."

"We're taking them to Knotts," Isaac said.

"You are?" Mary asked in surprise.

"Mari told us all about it," David commented.

"So did Peter," Genevieve said.

"Clive wouldn't stop talking about it," Isaac commented.

"What about school?" Julia said.

"We won't have classes tomorrow, obviously," Beckett said. "But we'll likely stay around the house."

"We'll stay with our girls," Mary said quickly.

"She's right, I'd appreciate it if you were there with them because I'm not really going to be able to go anywhere tomorrow; if we're on to next week," Skye said. "Enjoy the park."

Though Julia wanted to go with her friends again, she realized they wouldn't be going in a large group and she didn't speak. She let the makeup artist finish with her makeup and looked at herself in the mirror. She was relieved there hadn't been much applied to her and she smiled at her mother as she leaned down a little to her.

"I'm so glad I taught you how to put on makeup before this," Beckett told her daughter.

"Me too," Julia said quickly.

"You look great sweetie," Beckett then told her. "I can't wait to see you out there. Break a leg."

"Thanks," Julia said, knowing that it was time for her to go. She got off the chair and was about to hug her when her mother stopped her.

"Let me say goodbye to Skye," Beckett explained. She squeezed her daughter's shoulder and walked over to the investigator saying, "Mary's staying with you?"

"She has to, she is in costume," Skye replied before she and Beckett shared a quick embrace. "We'll watch them," she told all the parents. "And we'll be up in the Sky Box mostly so you can see them every so often when they can look over to watch."

"Stay with them," Beckett told Julia firmly.

"My sentiments exactly," Isaac said to his son.

"We'll stay with Skye and Derek," Peter assured his mother.

"Yeah, we want to see the Sky Box," Mari added.

"We'll say goodbye now," David said, he and Rebecca turning to their daughter.

Beckett watched Skye go to one of the chairs and then turned her attention to Julia saying, "We'll miss you sitting with us. You don't have to-"

"I will, but I'm so excited Mom," Julia said, looking around them. She laughed softly when her mother hugged her and embraced her as tightly as she could until they parted while someone in the crew was trying to get the parents' attention.

"Break a leg Julia, I love you," Beckett said, looking down at her and cupping her face with her hands.

"Thanks mom, I love you too," Julia said earnestly. She embraced her once more before they let go of each other and she watched her mother leaving. She went with the other kids to Mary who was calling to them and she said, "Groovy dress Mary."

"Oh, thank you," the doctor said with a laugh. "I'll be with you guys too, stay with me because I'm not going to wander around either."

"What about the opening?" Clive asked.

"We're not going out," Mary said. "But we'll be introduced later, don't worry."

The kids nodded before they turned their attention to Skye and Mary as both women were getting their makeup done before they turned to one another.

"I'm glad your guys' parents came," Julia told her friends.

"You didn't know?" Mari asked her.

Shaking her head Julia said, "I didn't, I was really surprised too. I bet my parents told them to come."

"They wanted to," Skye said quickly as she had the chance before the makeup artist was about to work on her lips. "As soon as they heard you'd be on TV. But I know Kate was going to suggest it already."

Watching the woman getting lipstick applied Peter said, "That must be annoying."

Julia glanced at the investigator, but she didn't respond so she then looked around before she heard someone walking down to the room they were in. "It's Eddie," she told her friends.

"And I told her there's no possible way to help her do a cartwheel," the actor was saying as he walked inside with Sasha. "But she said that I would just need to help her stay steady." He then realized that there were children in the room and he smiled saying, "Well… if it isn't the little imps."

"From the sixties," Peter said, making the peace sign with both hands.

"Quite right… those costumes are spot on," Eddie said, squeezing Skye's shoulder. "And yours as well."

Julia smiled when the investigator and actor started to talk before she realized that some people were walking inside the room and spotted Derek soon after. "Hi," she said as he came over to them.

"Hey, you look great," the pro said, squeezing their shoulders. "I wish I wouldn't have taken so long, I heard your parents were here."

"You can meet them after," Mari said quickly.

"I will, I want them to make sure they know I'm teaching you guys well," Derek said.

"You are," Peter said firmly as they looked on while he went to sit where Skye had.

"You can take them up to the Sky Box, but you have to head right back," Derek told his partner.

"Sure," Skye replied before she waited for her wife to get off her chair once she was done. "Okay kids, this way," she told them as she smiled at the obvious excitement in their eyes.

Julia, while they were walking out of the room, grabbed Mari's hand since her friend was walking next to her and they went up the stairs, just able to see the ballroom where the audience was dancing. "Wow," she breathed when they stepped into the Sky Box finally.

"It's not that big," Skye told them. "So you'll have to watch out for the cameras of course."

"Are we not allowed to be on camera before the dance?" Clive asked.

"You are, it'll make the audience wonder who you are," Skye said.

"You'd better go grá," Mary told her wife. "You need to head out soon."

"I know, I'll join you guys soon," Skye said, squeezing the kids' shoulders before she went to her wife. She gave Mary a quick kiss on the lips before she headed down the stairs, going backstage so she would avoid anyone seeing her to join everyone else lining up.

Peering with her friends over the side of the box, Julia quickly spotted her parents, smiling as her father was spinning her mother at that moment. She saw that Mari's parents were dancing and Clive and Peter's parents were dancing with each other as well. "I see your kids," she said to Mary, quickly spotting the girls dancing with each other.

"I see, I don't think they're minding being together," the doctor said with a smile. The dance finished shortly after and she was smiling a little wider at the way the kids with her were shifting around in their excitement with the announcement for everyone to take their seats. As Tom spoke for the introduction of the episode, she watched the stars and their partners walking out before they spotted Skye and Derek in the middle. She was cheering louder for them, hearing the kids doing the same before the contestants were all in a row behind Tom and Erin.

"Welcome to the second week of competition. Our thirteen couples are dancing tonight before we find out which will be the first to head home," Tom began.

"We begin tonight with baseball player Raul Granger and his partner Sharna Burgess who placed third last week," Erin said. "Tonight they dance the Quickstep to a song by Gwen Stefani though a slip up in practice nearly sidelined our pro."

Mary was slightly annoyed for a moment that she had to stay but looking at the kids watching the rehearsal footage so closely she merely smiled before she heard people coming up the stairs behind them and saw her wife was one of the first. "Grá," she said, hugging her as soon as she'd reached her.

"We've time yet," Skye told her before they went to the kids to look down at the couple that was about to dance. She felt her wife taking her hand and she smiled at her before she wrapped her arm around her when the music from the band began to play.

Looking up at the Sky Box, Beckett felt her husband taking her hand and she looked at him saying, "They left."

"I saw," Castle murmured as the actress and her partner were being scored. They were nearing the end of the show and Skye and Derek would be dancing next. He wasn't sure where exactly the kids were but knew they would be with Mary who was going to need to wait.

"Let's hope they'll head over to the restaurant later," Tom was saying jokingly. "Up next, Skye and Derek take on the Salsa with some special guests."

Beckett smiled as the pair were on the side of the dance floor with their arms around each other, Derek holding her other and then pretending to move as if in a tango. "Okay," she said before she felt Eliza's hand on her arm.

"Is Jules gonna go next?" the little girl asked.

"She will," Beckett assured her. "Make sure you sit in your chair."

Nodding, Eliza moved over to it, on the other side of her mother and she watched the stage before she saw her sister coming out with the other kids and Mary. "Jules!" she squealed.

Smiling at her, Julia waved quickly before she turned her attention to Derek as he was talking to the four of them.

"So remember you want just basic steps before your cue," the pro said. "And go after Mary once we grab each other's hands."

"We remember," Peter said reassuringly. When they were left alone in front of the steps he breathed out and whispered, "We're going to dance."

"Yep, we better get ready," Mari said firmly though her voice still shook at the end.

Hugging her tightly for a moment, Julia went to her partner and while they were waiting for someone on the crew to say they were coming back from commercial she and Peter began to dance together to practice their steps. It seemed to take forever but finally the show was back on and they stopped to wait and see the rehearsal footage for the pair.

Beckett wasn't surprised the first thing they showed was the night when the pair had gotten their song and dance, looking at the audience across from them as they had cheered when Skye had sung the beginning of the song. She glanced at Julia, seeing she was looking at the screen with the other kids. When the footage went to the next day and Julia helping Skye with her hips she shared a look with her husband, as they were aware the introductions were coming up.

"We're setting up a story with this dance," Derek said then, though on the screen he was showing the four kids how to dance. "And we'll need some help, so we'll be having four dancers with us. They're from the Grey Dance Studio at the Hamptons Academy in New York."

"They're all children of my friends," Skye took up. The screen switched to her with the kids and she said, "There's Peter Waterson and Julia Beckett-Castle," pointing them out. "And the other pair here is Clive Lennox and Marianne Foster. They've been dancing for a while now and since they love to dance and are family friends I invited them here, just in case there was a chance to participate."

"And there is," Derek said.

"Definitely," Skye said in mock seriousness before the audience was laughing.

The screen switched to the pair dancing before Skye was showing frustration and Julia was helping her again. "Since we're making a story out of this," Derek's voice was saying as he and the investigator were shown practicing various steps. "We're having the kids dance just before we start, and Skye and I are trying to get the attention of her wife."

"I'm just hoping that Len really gave his permission for this," Skye was saying, sitting in a chair. "Because we've been practicing and I'm ready to give this song the Salsa it deserves," she said before the show's music played and the screen went dark.

Beckett squeezed her husband's hand tightly as the announcer said, "Dancing the Salsa, Skye McDouglas and her partner Derek Hough," and the sound of cars on a street began. She saw the kids were running around each other before the sound of instruments came through and she watched them moving to start dancing as the opening of the song started.

While she and Peter were starting to move together, Julia wasn't surprised the lighting on them was a little dimmer than up on the stage where Skye, Derek and Mary were standing together at a 'bar.' At the opening music, she moved with Peter over to the side, still dancing until Mary started to go down the steps in between them.

Skye and Derek, following her, walked quickly until they were near enough to reach for her and ended up grabbing each other's hand and turned to each other as the opening verse began. They narrowed their eyes at each other and started to dance their leading steps which he had made the basic Salsa steps before he was spinning her on the last line.

She was there at the bar, she heard my guitarShe was long and tall, she was the queen of them allLast night, thinking about last nightLast night, thinking about last night

Beckett, smiling over at Julia who was waiting with Mary at the other end of the dance floor, wasn't surprised the lyrics skipped over the second verse and went into the third with Derek picking Skye up. She watched the pro closely; slightly considered about his back since the investigator had been during practice; but they were soon dancing together again, and he lifted her a second time before they were dancing side by side at the end of the verse.

Down below they danced and sang in the streetWhile up above the walls were steaming with heatLast night, thinking about last nightLast night, thinking about last night

Skye held onto Derek's hand tightly then as he held onto her arm with his other and jumped up before she landed into the splits, coming up as he picked her up while the first line of the fourth verse ended. She heard the response to that but focused on their steps through the second and third lines. They finished the verse by hooking arms and dancing their steps side by side before he picked her up as she held her legs up and her right leg stuck out.

I was feeling no pain, feeling good in my brainI looked in her eyes, they were full of surpriseLast night, talking about last nightLast night, talking about last night

Beckett was a little startled to find that the very last verse of the song was without its first two lines. But since she knew what they were it made sense they were gone, and she smiled while Skye and Derek ended the song dancing together until Mary walked down the middle of the dance floor.

Seeing her wife, the investigator playfully pushed her partner aside before the kids gathered around him to block him from reaching the other two who walked up to the stage and finished the song leaning against the bar.

Last night, thinking about last nightLast night, thinking about last nightLast night, talking about last nightLast night, talking about last nightLast night, thinking about last night

When the music and lyrics stopped fully, Skye hugged her wife tightly and smiled when Mary murmured to her, "You did great." She squeezed her hands and then pulled her down the stairs with her, joining Derek who was with the kids where Tom was standing at the judge's table.

"We've got a crowd tonight," the co-host said with a smile.

"Yeah," Skye said.

"And you were able to move your hips," Tom added.

"I know, I'm so lucky," Skye said, wrapping her arm around Julia's shoulder.

"Alright, let's see what the judges have to say," Tom said to turn the attention to the three in front of them. "Carrie-Ann we'll start with you."

"I actually enjoyed this," the woman said. "You set it up very nicely and the kids were just adorable…"

"They were groovy," Skye couldn't help saying, making the audience laugh as they were all giving each other peace signs.

"Yes," Carrie-Ann said after she'd stopped laughing. "But the dance itself I think you worked through your posture but watch your hands don't turn into pancakes on the extensions."

"I'm hungry for breakfast now," Tom said, laughing when Skye and Derek started to do the same while they were nodding. "Okay, Bruno?" he said to turn the attention to the Italian judge.

"You got the girl and you proved you can move your hips!" Bruno said, standing up. "You did very well with your steps. And so did the children, you can dance very well."

"Thanks." "Thank you," the four kids said together.

"Very interesting Salsa, it's supposed to be between the man and the woman but since your wife was here I'm not surprised you needed to fight," Bruno said jokingly. "But you had good footwork. Just listen to Carrie-Ann and watch your extensions."

"Thank you," Skye said with a nod.

"And Len, what did you think of this Salsa," Tom said to direct it to the last judge.

"I know you've been asked to create stories for these songs," Len began with. "And I agree with Bruno, the kids are great. But I wonder if you truly danced the Salsa." He stopped as the audience started to boo him, and he then said, "Well. The steps were well done but you had a little trouble on your leads after the lifts you did."

Nodding, Skye then left with Derek as Tom directed them to head up to the Sky Box and she said, "Sorry about the song."

"Oh no," Derek said quickly. "I think it was great and Bruno and Carrie-Ann loved it."

Skye tried to remember that before they reached the top of the stairs and stood together next to Erin who was soon talking to her.

"You have some extra help tonight," the woman said. "Your wife who we met last week but not the group here."

"It's the Fab Four," Eddie called from the other side of the Sky Box.

Laughing with the others, Skye said, "It's a good name. But yeah, I need to thank Julia along with Derek about me being able to dance tonight."

"You're welcome," the girl said, knowing her cheeks were on fire.

"How was it dancing with your wife there?" Erin then said.

"Great, though I would have loved to have been dancing with her," Skye said. "Sorry Derek."

"That's alright," the pro said quickly, laughing.

"Okay, let's go ahead and get your scores," Erin then said.

Beckett watched the kids in amusement as she could see that they were all crossing their fingers obviously while the dramatic music played. But she quickly recalled Len's comments and she looked over to the judges across from them to see what the pair would get in the end.

"Carrie-Ann Inaba," the announcer said.

"Eight," the female judge was quick to say as she held up her paddle, Skye and Derek hugging each other quickly.

"Len Goodman," the announcer called out after.

"Seven," the British judge then said.

Castle could see Skye was mouthing the words 'it's alright,' as the audience immediately started to boo before the announcer was saying, "Bruno Tonioli."

"Eight!" Bruno said in exclamation.

"That gives you twenty-three out of thirty," Erin said as Skye and Derek were hugging each other. She laughed as the investigator was kissing her wife on the cheek before turning back to her. "How does that feel after the difficulties you've been having with the Salsa?"

"Confirmation that Julia's just that good," Skye said. "And Mari too since she helped me out as well. So I'll see if they can show me if we ever get to the Samba."

As Erin was telling viewers how to vote, Jim leaned over to his daughter in the row ahead of him saying, "Julia was just on TV."

"I know," Beckett said. "They were all great." She paused for a moment before she said, "Hopefully they'll ask them to dance on their own."

"Will they?" Eliza asked her mother.

"We'll wait and see," Beckett replied, running her hand over her hair. She looked over at the other parents, smiling when she saw they were talking together as they'd gone to another commercial break. Though they could breathe a sigh of relief she knew they still had the elimination coming up and just hoped the investigator would make it through.

"Don't be too worried," Derek said. "You saw the reaction to you on social media."

"True," Skye said, looking at the stage they were waiting to go out to as the race car driver was talking to the judges. "But after having the kids with us I want to keep going so they can stay."

"They might ask them to anyway," Derek said.

With a smile Skye said, "I would hope so." They were instructed to go out to the stage and she let her partner lead her to their spot they'd been directed to earlier. She watched as Gerry and Tristan were getting their scores, a twenty-two, before they were told that they were in jeopardy. She sucked in a breath of air, as she'd gotten to know the woman during lunch and breaks once in a while, and she looked at Derek before Tom and Erin came over to the side of the stage.

Beckett watched Skye as the other dancers were told they were safe before Tom addressed her and Derek.

"Skye and Derek," the co-host said. There was a pause and he then told them, "You are safe."

Hearing her family and friends cheering, Skye turned to her partner and they embraced tightly in their relief. She faced forward as Leandro and Allison were joining Gerry and Tristan in jeopardy and shortly after Oliver and Peta were in the same situation. She watched the three pairs step down as Tom waited before he was speaking.

"And on this second night of competition," he said after talking about each pair. "Our first couple leaving is…"

Julia, watching with the other kids and Mary from where they'd stayed in the Sky Box, tried not to growl at the time it took before the co-host was finally speaking again.

"Leandro and Allison," Tom said.

Skye breathed out in disappointment for the actor and dancer before they could head down all together to the pair that were taking a last dance to hug them. "You were great," she said when she'd hugged the man.

"Thank you," Leandro replied with a smile. "I'll be back… to watch."

Skye laughed and nodded before she stepped aside to let the others talk to them, walking over to where her family was. "I-" she started to say before her daughters were hugging her at the same time. "Hold on you lot," she said with a laugh, trying to hug them all. "I'm glad to still be here too," she then said when they'd calmed down.

"Mary," David said.

Looking at the mayor in surprise, Skye turned and saw her wife was coming across the dance floor with the kids running ahead of her. She smiled and led her daughters to Mary, wrapping her arms around her tightly as soon as they met.

Beckett was waiting with Castle and Eliza for Julia to reach them and they hugged her together, making the girl laugh heavily before they let her go. "Sweetie, I'm so, so proud of you," she said, sitting so she could hold her by her shoulders. "You were perfect."

"Thanks," Julia said, as her sister and father said the same thing. She then looked back at the dance floor and said, "I can't believe I did that," before Skye was calling out to everyone to get their attention, telling them about their dinner plans once they were looking at her.

"Derek and I need to head out to the media," the investigator said. "And after we're going to the studio to get the next dance and song."

"Are we going too?" Mari asked.

"That would be nice, but I don't know if we'll have you on," Skye said.

"It depends on the song and dance," Derek said when his partner looked at her.

"We'll meet you there," Isaac said. "If we can go, I'd like to see where Clive's been all this time."

"Not all the time Dad," the boy said though he was smiling.

"We'll see you," Skye said, Derek agreeing with her.

"Wait," the pro then said. "They might want to talk to the kids."

Shaking her head Beckett said, "I don't want Julia to."

When the other parents said the same for their kids Skye said, "I'd be the same with my girls."

Saying goodbye when the two left Julia said to her parents, "I didn't want to. What if they asked dumb questions?"

"They might have just asked how you enjoyed being on the show," Martha said. "But then again you never know what they may say."

"We'll be back," Beckett said to the others, her hand on Julia's shoulder. "We have to get the costumes off."

Walking backstage, Julia said to her mother, "I hope people didn't mind we were there for the dance."

"Your dad said they haven't," Beckett told her daughter as she squeezed her shoulder. "He started checking when the show went to commercial."

"Cool," Julia said in relief.

"You won't mind if you don't dance next week, will you?" Beckett said.

Shaking her head Julia replied, "I'm just happy to get to do it a tiny little bit this week." She smiled when her mother laughed and hugged her against her side as they went back to the room where she and Mari had changed earlier.

"Da-dun-" Derek started to say.

"Again with the fanfare?" Skye asked jokingly.

"Yes," Derek replied with a smile. He glanced at the others in the room with them as they were laughing, and he then opened the flap of the envelope before he looked at the CD inside. "Okay, we have the Viennese Waltz next week. And we're dancing to Behind That Locked Door."

Letting out a quick cheer Skye said, "Awesome; thank you grá."

"You're welcome," Mary told her wife. "I wasn't sure what else you could dance to."

Skye laughed briefly and then said, "I think we're going to be dancing this one on our own. Sorry kids."

Shaking his head Peter said, "That's more like a dance for two."

"You two danced to this one," Genevieve said to her son and Julia.

"We did," the latter said.

"Oh good, then you'll still help if I need it," Skye said.

"You won't," the four kids said together.

Derek was laughing with everyone else after the four kids had started to do so, and when they'd calmed down he told them, "I like that confidence in her."

"And you, you're a great teacher," Julia said quickly.

"Thank you," Derek replied. "I need to hear this song before we start."

"What… no I'm not singing," Skye said when he looked at her. "Better to listen to George." She took a drink from her water bottle as he played the song and they listened to it with everyone before he was stopping the CD. "Well?" she asked.

"Do you want a story?" Derek asked.

"There needs to be," Skye replied. "George wrote it for Bob Dylan."

"Really?" Derek said in surprise.

"They were friends," Julia said, trying not to glance at the cameras filming them that had turned to her quickly. "And he, Bob Dylan, was shy about performing so George wrote that so he would perform his songs that George liked."

"He was part of the Traveling Wilburys wasn't he?" Derek asked. When Skye nodded, he studied her and was about the ask her what she had in mind before she spoke.

"Have me be hesitant in front of a microphone," Skye said.

"With a spotlight on you?" Derek suggested.

The investigator nodded and then said, "And I suppose if we're carrying this all the way through just take me back to it when we finish."

"I've built your confidence?" Derek asked. When she nodded he smiled and said, "Glad to know I can do that. But I like it, and it would be less story for Len."

"That as well, not sure how much of a story you can have for this dance," Skye said.

"Now we have that set," Derek replied. "It's time for you to learn the Viennese Waltz."

"I'm ready," Skye said firmly.

Beckett looked at Julia as the pro was showing the investigator the basic steps of the dance, not surprised she was watching intently. She smiled to herself at the sight but focused on the pair as Derek was soon after beginning to choreograph.

"Wait," the pro said eventually. "They said to watch your extensions so we need to work on that. Girls?"

Smiling at her friend, Julia got up the instant he looked at them and they hurried over to the investigator. "Did you ever try to practice while you were dancing?" she asked as Skye looked at them both.

"You mean dance steps but focus more on how my hands are?" the woman said. When the girls nodded Skye said, "I haven't. I suppose we'll do that now?" She laughed when the two nodded in sync and she let them show her how they moved during the steps of the waltz while moving their hands. She was ready to start when her partner was calling for them to stop to her surprise.

"Julia, Peter," Derek told them. "Why don't you dance a waltz yourself with some flourishes?"

"Sure," Peter said when his partner looked at him. He got up and walked over to her saying, "Is it alright if we just do basic steps?"

"Of course," Derek said reassuringly.

Watching Julia closely, Skye focused on her hands when she was doing her extensions eventually until the two paused. "Think it would be better if I did this?" she asked her partner as she moved her arm out and her hand.

"Try it," Derek said before they danced one of their steps where she would need to make an extension. He was watching the mirror closely and after they'd stopped he said, "Better, we'll keep an eye on you," before he looked at his partner in surprise as she laughed.

"Or else?" Skye asked.

"No," Derek said, shaking his head. "Since we have a story and at least the basic steps I can start choreographing."

"Is that what we're doing the rest of the tonight?" Skye asked.

"Tomorrow," Derek answered. "For a while tomorrow since Wednesday we'll be out."

"You're going to be in the music videos?" Julia asked eagerly.

"I am," Derek said. "But I don't know what I'll be doing exactly yet."

"Leave that to me," Skye said.

"What about you and Clive?" Mari said to Peter.

"They can be in the videos," Beckett said. She smiled when the kids looked at her and said, "They gave permission. Speaking of that I think we'll head out."

"We can go," Derek said as his partner looked at him. "I can use the time to think over how I'd want us to dance."

With that the camera crew left the studio and the group that were there for the practice got ready to head back to the McDouglas house. They split up at the cars, going quickly as they knew they had dinner waiting for them when they returned.

"How is she doing?" Rebecca said to Beckett as she sat next to her on the patio.

"Good, she is homesick of course," she replied with a smile. "But we've been trying to keep them occupied as much as we can."

"You've been doing a good job," Rebecca said. "All her calls she's got something to tell us about."

"You'll enjoy Knott's," Beckett told her.

"What were your plans for school?" Genevieve asked, sitting with the women at the table.

"Tomorrow?" Beckett asked. When the mother nodded she said, "Not much, we can't teach everyone who'll be here since your kids will end up being behind."

"So you'll be at practice?" Rebecca said slowly.

Shaking her head Beckett told them, "We're going to spend time at the beach, riding bikes as far as we can down the path they have on the sand."

"How-" Isaac started to say.

"They have a concrete path," Skye said, setting two large bowls with salad on them on the table. "We've walked that already with your kids, they won't miss anything."

"Nothing at all educational?" David asked jokingly.

Shaking his head Castle; who'd come outside after the investigator; said, "We plan to explore the front yard, a little science lesson but nothing that the kids don't know already."

"Like a quiz," David stated.

"Something like that," Castle said.

Seeing the way her husband was looking at her Beckett rolled her eyes and said, "Alright, we'll have an off day since the other kids are. But I still want us to exercise."

"Dinner's ready," Mary said, walking out with Derek.

"It's been ready," Skye said jokingly to her.

Rolling her eyes Mary said, "Sit grá."

"I'm not that tired," Skye said though she was doing as her wife said. When the kids had been pulled from the grass where they'd been playing with their bubbles they had she then said, "A toast to the parents all being here."

"Oh good," Castle said with a laugh after they'd tapped their glasses together. "Usually I'm the one does the toast."

"I gave you a break," Skye said. She then heard Derek calling to Julia and Peter and looked with the writer and Beckett down the table.

"You said you've danced to the song before," the dancer was saying.

"Yeah," Peter said, sharing a look with his partner.

"I'm asking because I'd like to see what you two did," Derek said with a smile, knowing what they were thinking with that glance between them.

"You wouldn't copy us," Julia said rapidly. "There are steps we don't make up."

"I know, but I'd still like to see," Derek said before looking at Skye.

"No, I've never seen them dance it," the investigator said quickly. "He's right, I'd like to see what you did. Maybe we could borrow a move."

"We'd have to ask their dance teacher," Derek said. "Tomorrow."

Skye nodded and then turned her attention to the food and continued to eat as she helped the Mari, Peter and Clive talk about Knott's to their parents. She smiled when all the other kids joined in and they kept talking even after they had finished, and she and Beckett were taking the plates to the kitchen.

"Are you looking forward to the next dance?" she asked her friend when they were inside the house at the kitchen sink.

"You know I am," Skye said. "I do love the lyrics and the music is perfect for this. But I'm jealous of you."

Laughing briefly, as she knew the investigator was talking about their plans the next day, Beckett said, "I can't help you with that, you do need to practice before next week."

"I know," Skye replied. She studied her friend and said, "I'm not nervous about the videos by the by."

"Are you sure?" Beckett asked.

"Very, it's not my first time filming one," Skye reminded her. "And again, I love the songs."

"I'm interested in the stories you've got for them," Castle said as he walked inside in time to hear their conversation about the videos.

"You'll see very shortly," Skye said, going to the fridge and taking out the fruit salad her wife had made. "I'll see you lot outside."

"Is that everything?" Castle asked his wife when they finished the last utensil.

"It is, let's go because I get the feeling Derek's waiting for us so we can see Julia and Peter dance," Beckett told her husband. She walked over to him and smiled as he reached for her and she said, "We don't need to get up early tomorrow."

"No," Castle replied with a smile. "I'm getting the feeling you want to?" he asked in Irish.

Beckett didn't answer, only smiled at her husband and she tried her best not to laugh at him when he groaned under his breath. They were stepping down onto the patio at that moment, so they were soon turning their attention to their second oldest and Peter as they were standing in the clear space of the patio. "Go ahead and start," she said as she and Castle hurried over to their chairs.

After Jim had played the song the two started to dance, only doing so for the first verse before they paused.

"We stopped here," Peter explained.

"I figured," Derek said as they waited for the song to get to the point where they'd start up again. He watched their steps and nodded at the last lines, where Peter was spinning Julia. Joining everyone else in applauding to the dance he then said when they'd finished, "I like the ending."

"I thought the same," Skye said. "You can spin me and leave me off at the microphone at the end."

"Do you know how to contact their teacher?" Derek asked the parents.

"I have her number on my phone," Beckett said. She gave it to Derek so he could put it onto his phone and then said, "You should be able to talk to her tomorrow."

"What does Ms. Grey do during the day?" Clive asked.

"No idea," Castle said. "But I'm sure she'll give you permission."

"I should mention the fact it's coming from you guys," Derek said, looking at his partner as he finished speaking.

"Do you mind being on the footage and not the dance this week?" Skye asked the kids.

"Nope, we don't need to be on it all the time," Mari said with a smile.

"The heads of the show contacted me before I came out here to join you for dinner," Derek then said. "And they do want you two to dance," he said to Peter and Julia. "Clive, Mari-"

"We're the backup dancers?" the boy said eagerly.

When they'd all stopped laughing Derek said, "I insisted you four dance together though you'll start things out Peter, Julia. And I have a name for you guys, the Dancing Four."

"So the Beatles won't sue us?" Julia asked.

The group was laughing again and as soon as they stopped Derek said, "They're going to wait a little bit longer before they set something up for you guys."

"When?" Clive asked.

"Week Five," the pro answered. "Which is a while I know but they're intending to do something for Week Four."

"That's fine," Julia said, looking at her friends in slight confusion. She was about to ask if they could go back to their bubbles, thinking the conversation was over, before she was surprised when Derek started to speak again.

"But we may ask you to dance again in our next dance," the pro said.

"How far ahead do you know?" Marie asked.

"Not that far," Derek assured them. He then looked at Julia and asked, "What is it?" as he'd seen the confusion on her face.

"I was thinking about the song," the girl said. "Why did they take so much of it out."

Hearing Mari say, "Yeah," Derek smiled and asked her, "You know the song?"

"We all do," Beckett said. "Listening to it with Julia."

"Okay, then you realize ABC doesn't want the bit about the knife in there as well since there are kids who watch the show," Derek told them. "Kids besides you."

"It… again?" Skye groaned when her partner looked at her.

"We wouldn't ask you if you didn't love singing," Castle said. "Especially these songs."

"I've never heard the song," Isaac said as the investigator was playfully groaning. "Besides what I heard tonight for the song."

"Alright then, that decided it," Skye said jokingly. "Ready?"

"Yes," Mary said. When Clive's father looked at her she said, "I sing backup when she needs it." She watched her wife getting the music on her phone and then said, "Makes it sound more like the song."

"And sorry for repeating all this again," Skye said. She smiled as the others were laughing, before they reassured her they didn't mind hearing it and she waited for the music for the opening to begin before she reached the point where she would need to take up the first verse. She smiled at her wife as she did so, since they loved teasing one another about the lyrics before Mary joined her on the last two lines. But she wondered, as they continued together, if she was thinking about the dance more than what the lyrics were saying exactly.

She was there at the bar, she heard my guitarShe was long and tall, she was the queen of them allLast night, thinking about last nightLast night, thinking about last night

She was dark and discreet, she was light on her feetWe went up to her room, and she lowered the boomLast night, thinking about last nightLast night, thinking about last night

Down below they danced and sang in the streetWhile up above the walls were steaming with heatLast night, thinking about last nightLast night, thinking about last night

I was feeling no pain, feeling good in my brainI looked in her eyes, they were full of surpriseLast night, talking about last nightLast night, talking about last night

I asked her to marry me, she smiled and pulled out a knife"The party's just beginning," she said, "it's your money or your life"Last night, talking about last nightLast night, talking about last night

Now I'm back at the bar, she went a little too farShe done me wrong, all I got is this songLast night, thinking about last nightLast night, thinking about last nightLast night, talking about last nightLast night, talking about last nightLast night, thinking about last night

Beckett smiled when Julia and Peter stopped dancing and then looked over at Derek sheepishly. "If you ever need to do the dance over again…" she couldn't help saying.

The dancer laughed and said, "I'll keep that in mind." He then said, "We should applaud both performances though."

Skye shook her head, though she was smiling, and when the others had stopped she said, "Go on with you! Go on and play kids, there's still time left." She reached for her wife's hand, watching the kids all hurry out together to the grass and their bubbles. She breathed out, relieved they were finished with the Salsa, and entwined her fingers through Mary's while they watched the kids all together for a moment. She smiled at her daughters running around to let the wind blow bubbles before she started talking with the others about their plans for that week in the deepening dusk.


"What?" Mary asked her wife.

Groaning Skye said, "You didn't need to do that so hard."

"I did," Mary said simply. She smiled when she heard her wife grumbling under her breath and then said, "Are you feeling more relaxed."

"Yeah," Skye said with a sigh. She then looked over her shoulder at her wife who was massaging her body that night. She wasn't sure why Mary had taken it on herself to go over all of her and she said, "You do know I'm going to be dancing again tomorrow right?"

"I'm aware," Mary said simply. She smiled when her wife rolled her eyes and said, "Do you want me to stop."

"No," Skye said with a sigh. "Just finish." She grunted while her wife massaged her left leg and said, "Why am I naked by the way?"

"For my enjoyment," Mary replied. She finished massaging her wife's foot last and then said, "Stay where you are," as she got off the bed.

Since her wife hadn't told her she couldn't move, Skye turned around onto her back and looked up at the ceiling before she could see her wife walking out from the bathroom. "Thank you for that grá," she told her sincerely.

"You're very welcome," Mary replied. "Tell me something," she then said as she got onto the bed carefully. Seeing her wife watching her she smiled and said, "What will you do about a costume this time?"

"I was thinking a long coat," Skye said, looking up at the ceiling again. "White or black, and Derek maybe dressed as Paul was on the cover of Abbey Road."

"Hmm, that might work," Mary said, thinking it over. "But shouldn't you have him dressed as George was?"

"Oh… that's true," Skye replied. "I'll talk to him in the morning."

"Good, he needs to stay out of our bedroom," Mary said firmly.

"You-" Skye started to say before Mary was taking off her robe. "Oh, and where was my enjoyment?" she asked teasingly since her wife was naked.

Smiling, as her wife's voice was a little strained, the doctor tossed her robe aside and said, "I didn't want to distract you."

"Distract me from what?" Skye asked in disbelief.

Kissing her quickly on the lips, Mary said, "I wanted to reward you."

"For my… score for the dance?" Skye asked slowly.

Shaking her head, Mary leaned over and kissed her tenderly before she said when they parted, "You got me didn't you?"

"Not really," Skye replied simply, holding her wife by her waist. "You made sure you got me."

"Hmm, so am I being rewarded now?" Mary asked.

"Yes," Skye said simply. She smiled when her wife laughed softly, and she told her, "Mé grá tú."

"Mé grá tú Skye," Mary said quickly. She let her wife lay her down in the middle of the bed and she told her, "I think we need to reward each other."

Laughing softly Skye said, "I was just going to say." They kissed deeply and when they had parted slowly she told her, "You're first." Before Mary could say anything in response, she was kissing her, touching her to begin giving her wife exactly what she wanted so they could begin pleasuring each other as she'd been thinking of doing all night.

Turning from the window, Beckett smiled at her husband as she grabbed the cup of tea he was handing her. "What?" she asked when she saw that he was looking at her.

"No, just… admiring you," Castle said, sitting on the window seat next to her. He smiled and said, "And thinking that we're staying; no matter how long Skye stays on."

"I thought the same myself but it's what I want for Julia," Beckett replied, handing him the mug as she'd taken a sip. They were silent at that point, finishing their tea, and when he set the mug aside she told him, "I know you want to ask," watching him and smiling as he gave her a brief glance before he spoke.

"I don't need to," Castle commented, grabbing her. As soon as she was firmly on his lap he told her, "You answered it for me already." He moved to kiss her and was pleased when she moved to meet him, their hands clutching at one another. It didn't take him long to slip his tongue into her mouth, hers meeting him and tangling around his while their heads were tilting slightly. When they managed to stop he pulled away from her first and said, "I wanted to take things slowly."

"Try to?" Beckett asked, tilting her head back so he could kiss at her neck.

"No, actually do it," Castle said, moving so he could look at her.

Beckett bit at her lower lip before she told him, "That would be nice," before she was letting out a brief gasp when her husband lifted her up. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he carried her the short distance to the bed and she said, "But eventually…"

Castle couldn't help laughing as he set her on the bed but kept it brief before he told her, "Eventually." Since he'd toed off his shoes once he'd come upstairs from the kitchen, he got onto the bed quickly after her, following her as she lay back on the mattress. They kissed as soon as their lips could meet and he wasn't surprised when her tongue reached up to his mouth first. They rubbed their tongues against each other for a while before he pulled back so he could look at his wife. "Here," he told her after they'd stared at each other for a while.

Sitting up with him, Beckett reached up to her hair and deftly removed the pins that were holding it up in its bun. She let it fall and wasn't surprised to find her husband was staring at her, though she couldn't smile at his reaction as his eyes were nearly black with his desire. She watched him reach for her blouse shortly after and he gently unbuttoned the first three which made her ask, "Should I have gone like this?"

"No," Castle said firmly. "Though if it was what you wanted…"

Beckett didn't speak, merely smiled before she said, "You played with fire telling me to do that."

"I did," Castle said, knowing she was remembering their first visit to The Old Haunt together. "But in the end, I think it just benefited me."

"Pervert," Beckett said.

"I should let you know I'm torturing myself right now," Castle said.

"I know," Beckett said with a nod, reaching for him so she could pull him to her. They kissed, and she wasn't surprised when he opened her blouse fully after that, making her end their kiss first to tell him, "You're eager."

"Apparently to look," Castle commented.

"You forgot?" Beckett asked him with a slight smile on her face. At his nod she reached for his hand so he could slide it down to her side and she was sighing as he moved it around to the small of her back. "Rick," she breathed, opening her eyes to look at him.

"Love," Castle murmured as he neared her lips. They kissed passionately then and were soon holding onto one another tightly before she felt him moving his shirt. He didn't stop their second kiss to let her continue to unbutton the white fabric, instead sliding his hands to the small of her back to span it with them both. When they finally stopped he moved away and watched her unbutton his shirt the rest of the way. "I…" he started to say before he trailed off in a groan.

"What do you want to know?" Beckett asked with a smile.

"I'm… not… not getting…" Castle said, stammering at first when his wife trailed her hands over his chest. When she leaned over to kiss at his nipples he lost his train of thought completely and couldn't recall his question about the shape his body was in. She was also answering it already, kissing over him and sucking at even his skin, making him reach for her so they could kiss again.

Beckett knew her husband wanted to take it slowly, but she had the sudden urge to see him bared to her and she reached for the fly of his trousers. She smiled briefly when he was wheezing out her name but didn't stop until the black fabric was unbuttoned and unzipped. "I adore you Rick," she told him.

"I feel the same about you Kate," Castle said seriously as he reached for her blouse, pushing it off her shoulders. He smiled when she helped him in getting it off and he said, "Need my help?"

"Not right now," Beckett said with a smile, reaching up in between her breasts to unclasp her bra. She took his help in getting it off her arms and watched him get off the bed. She was moving and said, "You need my help," in case he didn't want her to.

"I do," Castle said simply, taking off his trousers. He wasn't surprised when his wife moved to him and he watched her push his boxers down his hips. He stopped her swiftly before it got too far down and at her frustrated look he explained, "I didn't want it to… hit you or something."

"And you don't think I would want that?" Beckett asked simply. She smiled when her husband visibly gulped, and she then said, "Take those off Rick."

Nodding rapidly, Castle got rid of the silk fabric as fast as he could before he moved onto the bed with her. He grabbed for her trousers and got them off quickly, breathing out as he found her panties matched her bra, white that he knew was intentional. "You're trying to kill me," he said.

"What would be the point of that?" Beckett asked though her voice was distorted as her husband leaned down to kiss her mound through the fabric. She arched her back and moved against him before he pulled away and she reached for him, not sure what he was going to do before his hand slipped underneath her lingerie. He found her clit quickly and she gasped before it turned into a moan and said, "Get them off!"

Hearing her, Castle was swift to do as she had asked and as soon as he had moved his hand he was reaching for the fabric, pulling it off while she raised her hips to aid him. Once she was naked he lay atop her body; keeping his weight off her; and their lips were quick to search each other out. Their tongues did the same shortly after and as they rolled together he used his hand not on the bed to touch what he could of her. When they stopped to breathe he said, "I didn't want to do it like this."

"I don't mind you being on top," Beckett assured him.

"I know but if I stay like that I'm going to get inside you," Castle said.

"What?" Beckett asked though she was sitting up with him.

Castle opened his mouth to tell her she had to have understood him, but before he could speak he saw the look on her face. "I'll end up fucking you," he said. "And I don't want to do that yet."

"Yet," Beckett said, a smile on her face.

Leaning into her, Castle kissed her deeply before he sat where she'd been laying and he helped her onto his lap. He wasn't surprised when she responded as passionately, and they were doing that for a while before he ran his hands down her back. After he had reached her ass he couldn't help himself, cupping it firmly before she was raising herself up. "Wait," he said, ending their kiss to speak.

Beckett wanted to tell him they didn't need to, but she felt him holding her in such a way she knew he wanted to reach her neck. She tilted her head back, feeling his hands roaming over her back again and wishing he would let them begin. But when he pulled away from her she looked at him and saw the strain on his face, making her cup it in her hands. "I'm glad you want to take things slowly," she told him. "But this is driving us both crazy. And I think we've done well. No clothes ripped, or scratches…" She was relieved to see him smiling in response and was about to speak again when he kissed along her jaw and told her what she'd been desperate to hear.

"I guess we've taken things slowly enough," Castle said. He moved back to look at her and said, "And I want you."

"I need you," Beckett told him earnestly. She wasn't surprised when they fell into their kiss, or when her husband was almost groping over her body. "You're so lucky I enjoy that," she breathed to him once they'd managed to part.

"I realize I am," Castle said. They stared at one another for a moment and without a word his hands were on her hips though she didn't need any help to raise her body up and lower it down on his erection that she was holding. He was groaning the second it touched her, and he made himself stop as she was going slowly down until their skin was meeting. "You're fucking amazing love," he said seriously once he felt he could speak.

"So are you," Beckett said, her voice a little distorted as she was letting herself feel him inside her at the same time. She wrapped her arms around him and once he was holding her she moved. It was a roll of her hips and they were both reacting vocally to it before she pushed herself up and down. "Language," she told him when he swore though she couldn't really tease him as the pleasure was affecting her rapidly. She then kissed him, though it didn't last long as she was gasping when she felt him moving. Looking behind herself, she saw he'd bent his knees behind her and she couldn't help asking, "Do you want to play… with my… my clit?"

"Yes," Castle gasped out. "But not yet," he somehow managed to say swiftly enough to keep her from moving.

Beckett smiled; briefly; and then leaned more against him so they could kiss again, starting it off before she allowed her husband to take over. It allowed her to focus on her movement, still pushing up and down on him. She had started out at a slower pace but by then she was literally bouncing on him which made them kiss repeatedly. But she knew he didn't mind and she didn't care when they had to stop, holding him to her while he started to kiss around her neck and jaw. She bowed her head to him so he could reach her ear, feeling her sex throb harder as he nibbled at it gently. When he pulled away she felt his hands on her ass, squeezing tightly, and she pushed on his shoulders so she could move away while he watched her.

Making sure she was okay as she leaned back against his legs; somehow still moving on him; Castle reached up and gently started to rub at her clit as he knew that had been an indication to him to start. He couldn't help moving the swollen nub a little, watching it, before he was suddenly grabbing his wife. He was guessed the motion was abrupt as Beckett had stopped moving. But it didn't impede him in kissing her, hard, and when they parted he could feel his lips throbbing a little at how swollen they'd gotten. "Kate," he breathed to her as he leaned his head down to suck at her neck.

Leaning her head back, Beckett ran her hands up from his back to his head to let her nails rake over his scalp. Feeling him shuddering in response to her touch she didn't stop for a while until he moved away and they stared at each other intently for a moment. She could feel herself beginning to tremble as his hands slid over her back and she leaned against him, their lips meeting. But unlike their previous kiss that one was far gentler though as they continued they became more sensuous. When they stopped she pushed herself up so he nearly left her body and lowered herself slowly. She watched him when she could as it was affecting her as well and held him by his shoulders until their hips were flush against each other again.

"You're a goddess Kate," Castle told his wife with a groan. He wasn't surprised when her response was to move again, and he followed her though he didn't have as much leverage. They were kissing again and he took the opportunity to touch her wherever he could, though his hands ended up frequently at her ass. "Ní féidir liom féin a stopadh," he told her, gently squeezing it with both hands as he'd said he couldn't stop himself.

"Níl mé ag iarraidh leatsa a dhéanamh," Beckett replied, which meant she didn't want him to. She kissed him, stopping her up and down thrusts to roll her hips to allow her to do that, and then told him, "Is leatsa mé," which meant she was his.

"Is leatsa méKate. I gcónaí," Castle was swift to tell her, adding the word always at the end. They were kissing passionately as soon as he'd finished speaking and he clung to her tightly, running his hands all around her though he was conscious of her breasts. When they parted he said, "I… you're too fucking good," groaning as she started to move up and down again. He worked to make sure he was going with her, taking a little time to do that as he had to expend a little more effort. But soon enough their hips were slapping together pleasantly, and they kissed when they could as they couldn't stay together for that long.