

But I still don’t have one. I could not find a true relationship, since they are all interested in money as I am the only son of a very rich and respected family. They leave me later, heartbroken. I just turned twenty-five and my parents are asking me for the name of the girl who makes my heart beat. GIRL! What to say? I don’t have one. They are all waiting for me to introduce them to my girlfriend to finally consider the arrival of their grandson. I still hope to find a REAL one later. A few days after our engagement, I began to hear some things about Rose. It seems that she already had a man. I took this news as rumors. I trust my Rose. One day, I had the idea of surprising Rose by visiting her. When I get back from Hubert’s house, I enter Rose’s house. His whole family knew me but that day, his parents were absent. There was only the housekeeper. —Good morning madam. Is Rose here? —Yes. In his room sir. I will warn her. —No thanks. I know the way. I take the stairs and go to the corridor and then I hear moans. Surprised, I was moving slowly to see what was happening. The screams came to me from Rose’s room. I took the trouble to observe a scene that tears my heart through the small opening of the door. My Rose was getting in the air with her boyfriend that my friends had told me about. The one I thought was a virgin uttered cries of pleasure. I watched how her boyfriend was banged her and it was as if I was being shot. I wanted to enter the room to make noise. But I preferred to be silent and turn around.

Richy_Plume · สมัยใหม่
10 Chs

Chapter 06

Carina didn't want to talk. She felt betrayed. She held up and said a few words to this Rose, tears in her eyes.

—Rose? So was that it? You know very well why our brother no longer wants you. And I who thought my brother was torturing you... You were the basis of things. We are developing a plan so that everything becomes as before between the two of you. But... YOU JUST PROVED TO US THAT YOU ARE A DIRTY BITCH!

Raimond finished dressing and as if to defend his priority began to talk with Richy's sisters.

- Girls, what exactly do you say? Your brother doesn't know how to manage a woman. Do you see? So stop with your bullshit! Rose is mine and I know how to manage her well. She is not obliged to marry your incapable brother. And now, let us continue what we are doing before you arrive.

This situation barely let them breathe. Carina held the pillar so as not to faint. But Félicité always wants to empty her bag.

—Rose, you even let your so-called boyfriend tell us about his life, but let me tell you something. Open your vouchers wide to no ears! We are not here to force a shameless woman to marry our brother. First of all, I was really wrong about your Rose personality. I didn't know you're a retired whore, otherwise it was only last night that you handed over your engagement ring and we surprise you in the middle of sexual frolics. DIRTY BITCH! Rose shows up in front of my two sisters now and as having heard enough starts playing the owner.

– The girls... First, you will lower your voice since you are at my house here. Then you leave the camp here since I am no longer your brother's fiancée.

Rose had got up from her bed, came to open the door greatly for Richy's sisters to get out of his room. The latter had gone out without saying a word.

Richy's sisters were so nervous that once outside, Félicité had turned around again to see Rose again. But to his surprise, the latter had already started with Raimond. Would it be a sextape?

—Oh oh lovers, excuse me for the inconvenience! Rose, I forgot to tell you something, Never put your feet back in our house again!

Bliss strongly slammed the door and all nervous, they took the direction of the house.

I was at home doing my programs to get to the village as planned. I had blocked my bank account after taking a few pennies to be able to manage myself there. I had gone to my father's company to entrust some work to Rani, my assistant. My heart was always beating and I was bubbling with anger. But I was holding out so that we didn't notice it. Rose!!!!! She is the cause of all this. My father didn't understand anything I was doing and he would like to know where I wanted to go but I had decided not to say anything to anyone.

I had already put everything in place and there I had gone home. To my surprise, my sisters were waiting for me at the gate, all red with anger. They hadn't even brought the car into the house. At the sight of their positions at the gate, I rushed to park mine somehow and ran towards them. They stared at me and I could read an intense anger in their eyes.

« Another reproach in favor of Rose, » I said internally. Carina approached me, tears in her eyes. I was upset and my thoughts were directly turned to our mother.

- « What happened? »? She always kissed me crying and her tears flowed on my shoulder.

—Carina, why are you crying?

—Big brother, we are sorry, forgive us, please.

—What are you talking about? You didn't do anything to me, let's see! Congratulations also left the car and came to me

—Big brother, I know you're angry with us. Why didn't you come to see us in our room today as usual before leaving the house? You are angry with us and you are right. We are really sorry, especially me. I'm sorry to have spoken to you like this yesterday. Forgive me Richy darling!

—My princesses, I didn't get angry with you and if I didn't come to your room to see you as usual it was because I didn't want to bother you. Wasn't it because of me that you refused to eat last night?

- How can we disturb our big brother? We never had this idea in mind. Please forgive us! We are sorry! We didn't know that Rose was a bad girl. We had already eaten before you came home. That was why we didn't go down for dinner.

I am surprised to hear that Rose is a bad girl from my sisters. They used to defend him. I immediately understood that they have proof of this.

- Calm down my loves! Bring in your vehicle and let's talk calmly inside.

We are finally in the living room and Félicité told me the whole story. After listening to him, I got up quietly and went up the stairs without saying a word. I put away my belongings and once everything was put in place, I took a bath and went to the kitchen. I was taking rice that my sisters had prepared when my mobile phone started ringing. Carine had brought him to me and I asked her to look for the appellant's name for me and she made me understand that it was an unknown number. I had taken the cell phone, picked up the call and put it on a speaker. Suddenly, I heard Rose's voice, which made my sister stop.

—Hello!!! Who do I have the honor?

– It's Pink

- Did you decide to hide your number before calling me now?

—Yes, because I know very well that you wouldn't pick up if I had called you directly.



—Do you know what? I have nothing against you and I know it's a mistake I made when asking your parents for your hand. Do you know why I feel happy? Well, because I didn't have sex with you. It would be a great sin for me because sleeping with you is an unlimited curse. Now before I listen to what you have to tell me, you hang up and call me normally without hiding your number.


To be continued...