
I am Adam

Diary entry-1 23/05/2020 4:15 am

Hey there diary! this is the first time i'm writing something which is actually productive and not some silly stuff that you write on benches or on the back of your nemesis, nevertheless, this is far better than writing an exam ( trust me, that thing sucks!).

well before i write all that crazy stuff happening in my life, i wanna tell you bout myself.

i'm Adam, an enthusiastic 15 year old with a dream to become a pro gamer and a cunning harem king. these so called 'ambitions' may look silly to you, but i'm serious, and i'm sure that i'll achieve those sweet ambitions and prosper as a harem king

as for my biography ( mostly lame average stuff which will probably not change),

i'm the only son of my parents, my parents are your typical parents, over protective, pressuring you to get good grades and stuff and most of all not understanding to your beliefs. i know most parents are not that bad but mine, unfortunately were. my dad served in the military and died, that was before i was born, so i don't really have memories of him (obviously).

as for my school life,

it sucked, alot actually. My first year itself revealed my lame personality to every freaking student, now i'm probably gonna end up single for the rest of my life.

nonetheless, i'm still young and interesting things could happen anytime soon, i hope that will put an end to my lame life.