
The Dream

"hush..." I mutted, having completed my first diary entry, i was proud of myself for the first time and spending time for useful stuff really drains you out, i was exhausted and,was begging for a good nap.

i slowly closed my eyes, and dived into the midnight moon.

"Axel! open your eyes!" said a mysterious voice.

i opened my eyes with annoyance and confusion

"wait what? whose Axel? and where am i?" i said out loud.

"ah..i'm probably in one of those lucid dreams" i thought to myself but in a more excited tone, immediately my mind became wild thinking bout the things i could do, like becoming a harem king or dating my crush!

soon, that voice saw this moment as the perfect time to ruin my fun and spoke again

"nah...that's not happening, and you are not in a dream either", disappointed by this i asked him who he was, i mean i know for a fact i'm in a dream and a pretty weird one to be honest and who's this guy with this familiar voice which i cant memorize.

Anyway, where is this place? the entire space was quite dark, there are these white pillars surrounding me, each one what looks like 10m apart from another, as i look around. bingo! there's a guy standing there! with a friendly face i started approaching that guy, he looked big, with a black cloak and a black hood, just like any other mysterious person who wants to show that he's mysterious.. ah great! another weirdo.

well he's only a few meter away now, i gave him hi gesture, he didn't respond, suddenly that voice comes back again

"Axel, you do understand the consequences of your actions right?"

now...i know i'm definitely in a dream..no doubt bout that.

"very well, become a human better than us, create a world better than ours, farewell my friend"

said the voice in a sad tone.

at this point i'm totally clueless and confused, this dream is for sure one of my weirdest ones,

second only to my dream of me eating elephant tusks with nutella ,yes nutella of all things

and moreover

ufffff... i have school tomorrow, and i have a stupid test, how do i exit this stupid dream,

suddenly i hear a familiar voice,

" wake up you fat pig! how long are you gonna sleep! you have school! get up you lazy kid"

ah....yes my mom's screeching and yelling, finally something familiar, at least its not that black cloak guy, ill never meet him again anyway.

i woke up and prepared myself to start my same old normal day.

which will not be normal soon :)