
In One Piece, with a Mythical Zoan fruit...

[dropped] In a world filled with endless seas and mysterious islands, our hero, Kai, finds himself standing on a sun-kissed beach. The Grand Line, with its countless tales of pirates, treasures, and incredible adventures, stretches out before him. Kai scratches his head. "This... isn't my world," he thinks. Back home, 'One Piece' was a story, a manga. Here? It's reality. But there's something else. A power surges within him, unfamiliar yet incredible. The "Human-Human Fruit: Model Hanuman." He had read about devil fruits, but experiencing one? That's a whole different adventure. Now, Kai's got two things to figure out. How to use this amazing power and how to navigate through the twists and turns of the Grand Line. With friends to meet, battles to fight, and secrets to uncover, his journey has just begun. Join Kai as he sails the seas, discovers his new strength, and dives into a world where every day is a wild, action-packed adventure.

what_do_you_mean · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
45 Chs

Celestial Nexus Chronicles: Trials Of The Tidal Temple 6

The grand temple lay beneath the water's surface, lit dimly by bioluminescent algae and scattered pearls that seemed to capture and amplify the scarce light. Jinbe, a master of Fish-Man Karate and a user of the ocean's strength, felt in his element, though the sight before him brought a deep frown to his face.

Emerging from the shadows, a figure approached. Clad in traditional samurai armor and wielding a long, elegant blade that shimmered even in the muted light, the man's presence was eerie. His skin had a blueish tint, reminiscent of those long drowned, and his eyes, devoid of emotion, bore into Jinbe's soul. This was Hydro, the Cursed Samurai.

"You seek passage through this trial, Jinbe of the Straw Hat Pirates?" The voice was hollow, echoing in the watery depths.

Jinbe nodded. "That's right. I am prepared to face any challenge."

Hydro slowly unsheathed his blade. The water around it hissed, reacting to some unknown power. "Then face me, and let's see if your honor and resolve remain intact."

Without waiting for a response, Hydro lunged, the water around him turning to jagged ice. Jinbe swiftly countered, "Fish-Man Karate: Gyojin Karate Ogi: Water Shot!" A concentrated burst of water shot forward, clashing with Hydro's ice blades.

The two continued to exchange powerful blows, their surroundings shaking from the force. Hydro's cursed blade carried a weight behind it, every slash sending torrents of water swirling mixed with dark energy. Yet Jinbe's experience and mastery over the water allowed him to evade and counter most of Hydro's strikes.

Amidst their fierce battle, a realization hit Jinbe. Hydro's moves, while swift and powerful, were repetitive. His curse seemed to limit his fighting style. Jinbe decided to exploit this observation.

Feinting an attack to Hydro's left, Jinbe quickly shifted to his right, catching the samurai off guard. "Fish-Man Karate: Shark Grip!" Jinbe shouted, grabbing Hydro's arm and slamming him against a temple pillar.

However, the cursed samurai was far from defeated. As the rubble cleared, Hydro emerged, his armor cracked but his spirit unwavering. "Impressive, Jinbe," he acknowledged, his voice dripping with disdain. "But this is just the beginning."

The water around the temple began to churn and whirl, creating a maelstrom with Hydro at its center. Blades of water and ice emerged from all directions, and Jinbe knew he had to think quickly to overcome this onslaught.

Bracing himself, Jinbe drew from his depth of experience and martial prowess to face Hydro's devastating assault head-on. The trial of honor and resolve was far from over.

As the spiraling torrents threatened to engulf Jinbe, he took a deep breath, channeling his inner strength and focusing on the currents surrounding him. He could feel the ocean's rhythm, the ebbs and flows of the water. With a swift move, Jinbe countered, "Fish-Man Karate: Sea Current Lifter!" With this, he directed the currents upwards, disrupting the deadly maelstrom Hydro had conjured.

Hydro looked momentarily surprised but quickly regained his composure. "Impressive, Jinbe. You may have honed your skill in Fish-Man Karate, but can you withstand this?" The samurai then stomped the seafloor, and waves of cursed energy flowed out, turning the water around them into a dense, thick mass, trying to immobilize Jinbe.

It was like swimming through thick molasses. Every movement became laborious for Jinbe, while Hydro seemed to glide effortlessly. "What have you done?" Jinbe managed to say, struggling to break free.

Hydro grinned maliciously. "Welcome to my domain, where the water is my puppet. This is the cursed water technique. Every movement you make will drain your energy."

Jinbe could feel the pressure, but he wouldn't give in. Closing his eyes, he delved deep into his years of training and focused. "Fish-Man Karate: Ocean's Heartbeat." The water around him started vibrating gently, matching the rhythm of the ocean's natural heartbeat. With each pulse, the dense cursed water began thinning, becoming more navigable.

Breaking free from his constraints, Jinbe lunged at Hydro, his fins glowing with power. "Fish-Man Karate: Thousand Fin Slam!" Thousands of ethereal fins emerged from Jinbe's body, battering Hydro from every direction. Hydro struggled to defend, his cursed blade parrying as many strikes as it could, but the onslaught was relentless.

For a brief moment, the tide of the battle seemed to be turning in Jinbe's favor. But as the last ethereal fin faded, Hydro, even with his armor battered and dented, managed to stand tall. A dark aura surrounded him, and his eyes glowed with a fierce blue flame. "It's time I showed you the true power of my curse," he said ominously.

Drawing from the cursed energy around him, Hydro's form began to shift. The blueish tint of his skin became more pronounced, and his armor disintegrated, revealing a body now made entirely of cursed water. "Witness my true form, Jinbe; Hydro, the Liquid Phantom!"

Jinbe braced himself. The trial was proving to be more challenging than he'd anticipated. And as Hydro's new form surged forward, the next phase of their intense battle began.

The Liquid Phantom that was once Hydro now moved with an eeriness that sent chills down Jinbe's spine. He seemed to be everywhere, yet nowhere at once. Every attack Jinbe made either went through him or was deftly parried by Hydro's cursed blade, which now flowed like liquid yet retained its sharpness.

"Fish-Man Karate: Water Shot Cannon!" Jinbe concentrated his energy and shot a powerful stream of water directly at Hydro. But, to his surprise, the Liquid Phantom just dispersed upon contact and then reformed, unharmed.

Hydro chuckled, "You cannot beat what you cannot touch, Jinbe."

Feeling the weight of Hydro's words, Jinbe tried another approach. Using his Fish-Man Jujutsu, he manipulated the water around him, creating whirlpools and vortexes, attempting to trap Hydro. But the Liquid Phantom moved effortlessly through them, unaffected.

Jinbe's strength and stamina were wearing thin. The constant attacks, combined with the effort of navigating the cursed waters, were taking their toll. But in his heart, the fire of determination burned even brighter.

He thought of his crew, the Straw Hats. He thought of Luffy and his unwavering spirit. And with that, a realization hit Jinbe.

Closing his eyes for a moment, Jinbe connected with the very essence of the ocean. He felt its vastness, its depth, its power. And then, he remembered an ancient technique passed down through the Fish-Man Karate masters, one that was said to draw power from the very soul of the sea.

"Fish-Man Karate: Ocean's Embrace!" Jinbe exclaimed. The water around him began to glow, taking on a luminescent blue hue. Then, it rushed towards him, wrapping Jinbe in a cocoon of swirling energy.

Hydro charged, intending to shatter the cocoon. But as his blade made contact, it was repelled with such force that it sent shockwaves throughout the temple.

When the water settled, standing there was Jinbe, now enveloped in a shimmering blue armor made entirely of pressurized water. His eyes glowed with the same luminescence.

"This is the essence of the sea, Hydro. You might have your curse, but I have the entire ocean backing me," Jinbe declared, his voice echoing with power.

Hydro, undeterred, charged once again. But this time, as their attacks collided, the temple trembled from the sheer force of their clash.

Jinbe, with his newfound power, was now on equal footing with the Liquid Phantom. Their battle raged on, both warriors drawing on every ounce of their strength, neither willing to give in.

As their final clash approached, Jinbe concentrated all the ocean's might into one final attack. "Fish-Man Karate: Tsunami Fist!" With a roar, he delivered a massive punch directly towards Hydro.

The impact created a colossal wave, engulfing the entire temple. When the waters finally receded, Hydro lay defeated, his form returning to that of the cursed samurai, while Jinbe, exhausted but victorious, stood tall.

The trial was over. Jinbe's honor and resolve had seen him through. He had not only faced a formidable opponent but had also connected deeper with the ocean than ever before.

As Hydro's cursed form was swept away, the once murky waters of the temple began to clear. The sunlight streamed through the cracks above, illuminating the temple in a serene glow. Before Jinbe, a pedestal emerged from the ground with an ancient scroll encased in a watery bubble.

Jinbe approached it cautiously. As he touched the bubble, it popped, allowing him to grab the scroll. The text was in an ancient language, one that the elders of Fish-Man Island used. Jinbe's eyes widened in realization; this was the legendary "Ocean's Pledge," a secret technique lost to time.

Reading through, memories of his training, his mentors, and the tales of ancient Fish-Man warriors filled his mind. This technique was said to allow a Fish-Man to fully merge their spirit with the sea, amplifying their abilities manifold. But it came with a caveat; one had to be deemed worthy by the ocean itself.

With a deep breath, Jinbe began to chant the incantation. The waters around him started to swirl, rising in tall columns. Fishes of various kinds swam around him in a synchronized dance, their movements echoing the rhythm of the sea.

Suddenly, a massive whirlpool formed beneath Jinbe, pulling him into its depths. He felt the immense pressure of the deep ocean, but instead of resisting, he let go, allowing the sea to judge his worthiness.

Moments felt like hours. Memories of his past, his challenges, his victories, and losses played out. The ocean weighed his spirit, testing his sincerity and resolve.

Suddenly, Jinbe felt a warmth envelop him. He was no longer in the depths but surrounded by a calm, blue expanse. An ethereal voice echoed, "Jinbe, Knight of the Sea, you have been deemed worthy."

With that declaration, a rush of energy flowed into him. The sea's very essence integrated with his being, enhancing his Fish-Man Karate and Jujutsu techniques.

As Jinbe emerged from the water, he felt different. There was a noticeable aura around him, shimmering and reflecting the hues of the ocean. He could feel the heartbeats of every living creature in the sea. The weight and depth of the ocean were now a part of him.

Back on the temple grounds, Hydro's form had returned to his original samurai state. He looked at Jinbe with a newfound respect. "You have passed the trial and more, Jinbe. The Ocean's Pledge is not just a technique; it's a testament to one's spirit. Congratulations."

Jinbe nodded, "Thank you, Hydro. This trial has taught me more than I imagined."

The temple, sensing the completion of the trial, began to shift, opening a pathway for Jinbe to exit. As he made his way out, with the Ocean's Pledge secured in his heart, Jinbe felt ready for any challenge that lay ahead. The sea was with him, now more than ever.