
In One Piece with a Gift from God

An ordinary person dies and is reincarnated into one piece with a few extra gifts from god.

Shadow_Caster · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
10 Chs


On the ship the marines under Garp had treated us very well. We were given our own quarters and we were all allowed to eat as much as we wanted, Garp even started an eating competition with us, although I'm pretty sure he was just trying to make us feel comfortable, I still appreciated it a lot though.

When the marines asked where we were from I simply told them the truth. I had no idea. Even in the memories of the body I now inhabited, there was no mention of an Island or town name.

The others all stated that they were from an Island in the new world but they all said that they were the only survivors of their village. For now the marines were bringing us back to marineford.

I had learned many things while onboard the ship like for instance the year was 1513, if I remembered correctly then Luffy will start his journey in 1520 at the age of 17 making him currently a 10 year old. So I'll be able to meet him when I'm 21. This is gonna take a long and annoying time isn't it?

When the marines learned that all four of us were devil fruit users they all wanted to see what we could do. I went first as I had had my devil fruit the longest.

"My fruit is the Yugo Yugo no mi." I explained to Garp and the other marines. "It allows me to fuse things together, combine things, and vice versa," I sad as I approached Garp. I pulled a few rice crackers from the container he was eating from and combined them into one huge cracker. Garp was delighted.

"Bwahaha! I like you Carter!"

My heart thumped in my chest with a mix of pride and admiration. After all this was Monkey D. Garp! The absolutely amazing marine hero that is respected all throughout this world and mine.

"Th-thank you vice admiral sir!" I said with a salute.

Tari went next. Needles to say when she covered the entire deck in ice the marines were shocked but not for the reason you might think.

"The Samui Samui no mi!?"

"How is that possible!? That fruit belongs to Cold death Aiz of the Giraffe pirates!"

I could see that all the shouting started to freak Tari out, but before I could say anything someone else intervened.

"Shaddap!" Garp silenced them all. He looked at his now startled subordinates. "Let the poor brat speak will you." He ordered as he went back to his rice crackers.

"To answer your questions, yes. My devil fruit it the Samui Samui no mi, it used to belong to that bastard Aiz." She said the last part with a disgusted frown.

"But I killed him during our escape and we found his fruit on the ship before we left so I took it." She said. I was unsure weather or not I should be concerned by the fact that her face turned cheery and happy when she brought up the fact that she killed Aiz. Man, women can be scary!

"So you killed that monster eh?" Garp asked. "He had a bounty of ninety seven million berries. I'll call Sengoku and have the money for you when you arrive."

Tari looked absolutely thrilled. I now had the nervous suspicion that she was going to be a total battle maniac in the future.

Yuta and Michael went together as we had found out that they were BOTH in fact Logia types after a barrel fell into Michael and he reformed from the black puddle he became. I swear I had a heart attack when that happened. Garp scolded the marines who had been carrying the barrel for five straight hours and the lecture ended with him throwing them both at least fourty meters in the air.

There demonstrations were just them becoming their respective elements. That was something that had always interested me, there were the main more powerful logia fruits that had connections to greater elements. Fire, water, earth, air, nature, lightning, light and darkness. Mera mera no mi was fire, hie hie no mi was water, Magu Magu no mi, suna Suna no mi and Numa Numa no mi were earth, gasu gasu no mi was air and the other four are self explanatory. But there were other Logias that were less powerful that had some sort of tether to the more powerful ones.

The pasa pasa no mi allowed the user to become paper, an offshoot of wood from the Mori Mori no mi. The Susu Susu no mi allowed the user to become soot, the offshoot of the Suna Suna no mi's sand. Yuki yuki no mi allowed the user to become snow, an off shoot of ice from the hie hie no mi. The moku moku no mi's smoke is also an offshoot of the gasu gasu no mi.

The only logia that had nothing to do with a natural element ware the toro toro no mi and the ame ame no mi wich bothe allowed the user to become some sort of syrup, the ame ame no mi being candy and the other is unknown. Yuta's fog and Michael's oil fruits were examples of water and earth respectively.

Another thing that happened was that my system updated.

[~Name: Carter Davil

Race: Human

Age: 14

Occupation: None

Titles: Breaker of chains, Kin of Devils

{stats} {inventory} {shop}

Constitution: 7.6

Devil Fruit: Yugo Yugo no mi

Devil Fruit mastery: 5.1

Haki: None

Free attribute points: 6.0

Additional skills: Devil fruit infusion skill, Poneglyph reading Skill~]

The main difference was that there were now tabs that showed my stats, my inventory and an item shop that I was yet to try out, but the addition of the occupation and titles was also new. I clicked on the title "breaker of chains"

[individual Carter Davil acquired this title by freeing his fellow slaves from captivity]

Interesting. I get new titles for my actions I guess. I clicked on the one that really made me curious, "Kin of devils"

[individual Carter Davil acquired this title by locating three devil fruit in one night.]

That actually made a lot of sense. It's not every day you find three of the most rare and sought after objects in the world!

I clicked the inventory tab and a list of all my items replaced my attributes.

[~Name: Carter Davil

Race: Human

Age: 14

Occupation: None

Titles: Breaker of chains, Kin of Devils

{stats} {inventory} {shop}


Makeshift crowbar staff


Ancient Giant Blood

Free Spin weapon token

Tier 1 item box

10 x Random otherworldly item token

—Other Items—


My eyes widened when I saw the new tokens. Those weren't there before!' I thought gazing at the new tokens.

I tapped on them and the system opened another window. To my dismay it was another message from the God that sent me here.

"Hello again mister Davil! I'm sure you are surprised to see me, you see I was just checking in on your new world and I noticed that your system was not the latest version! My mistake, sorry. I've now updated the system for you and I've given you a new item as an apology. These new tokens will bring a useful item from another world that you are familiar with. Now then I wish you luck! Good bye!"

I was confused on wether I should be pissed of grateful. On the one hand this god forgot to give me the latest system on arrival! On the other an item from another world could be extremely useful, I wasn't just well versed in anime but in many other genres of entertainment as well. I decided to save it for later like the other token I had.

So now I laid in my bed with nothing to do other than wait for us to arrive at marineford to actually begin our training.

I decided to open the item boy I had received from the system. Opening my inventory I pulled it out.

[would you like to open Tier 1 item box? Yes/No]

I quickly selected yes. The box disappeared and  three colorful roulette wheels popped up in the system window.

[spinning item wheels-]

The wheels span for a few seconds Before landing on a picture of a shiny metal ingot, a small purple pill and a weirdly shaped sea shell.

[results of Tier 1 item box:

12 kilogram (about 26.5 pounds) Wapometal ingot: an Ingot of the shape memory alloy Wapometal

Small poison resistance pill: a small pill that makes the user twice as resistant to poison and illnesses as they already are.

Impact dial: a sea shell originating from the sky islands, this shell has the ability to absorb the kinetic energy of blows or entire explosions and release them back out when pressed. ]

I was stunned. These are all amazing items! Wapometal doesn't even exist yet because it's a creation of Wapol's Baku Baku no mi, and having such a valuable resource at this stage is extremely useful!

I immediately popped the poison resistance pill, I could never be too careful with poison especially in a world where people like Caesar clown and Queen had free rein. And The impact dial would come in very handy later down the line.

I placed all of these items in my inventory and waited to arrive at the marine fortress.

When we finally arrived I expected us to be processed by the marines then brought to some random island in one of the blues were I could decide on what to do from their but of course, life or rather one very desperate Fleet admiral had to get  it he way of my plans.

When we arrived on the fortress island of marineford we were met by the fleet admiral himself, the golden Buddha: Sengoku. I personally was not as thrilled to see him as the other three of my companions.

I actually disliked Sengoku quite a bit because of his actions and ideology. While he had a very noble heart that I admired he also authorized the buster call on Ohara, Was basically the pet of the Gorosei, and instigated the summit war to try to bring down Whitebeard sacrificing thousands of marine lives in the process. And he basically allowed Akainu to commit homocide because he was a good subordinate. All in all the only thing I respect about this man is his heart and the fact that he raised Corazon.

"Wow the fleet admiral! I can't believe it!" I heard Michael declare which broke me out of my thoughts.

"Hey Sengoku! Didn't I tell you to bring the reward money for little Tari?" Garp greeted his old friend far too casually, greatly shocking my three companions.

"Vice admiral Garp and the fleet admiral were part of the same unit during the old era." I whispered to my friends while the two veteran marines argued with each other.

The others nodded in understanding and turned back to Sengoku who was still scolding Garp. "I told you! Stop being so informal!"

"Bwahahaha! You never change Sengoku!"

"Umm excuse me?" I asked trying to get to the end of this. They both turned towards me. "What are you doing here fleet admiral? I highly doubt you would just come to deliver Tari's reward Berri"

The fleet admiral straightend himself out. "*Ahem!* yes sorry for the hold up. I have brought the reward money however I'm also here for another reason." The fleet admiral said as he walked closer to us.

"Garp reported that you four are all devil fruit users, and strong ones too. I was wondering if any of you four wanted to become marines?"

My jaw hit the floor. Did the fucking fleet admiral just ask if four traumatized children with nowhere to go wanted to become marines!? Talk about low. I knew he was desperate for actual talent and strength in the marines but even I didn't expect him to resort to drafting children.

Before the others could answer I pulled them into a huddle. "Ok, what do you three think?" I asked them.

Just because I thought it was a nasty thing to do didn't mean I was opposed to the choice at all. Being a marine would be very useful in the long run, until you he summit war anyway.

"I-I wanna do it." Yuta the most timid of all of us said. "I-I want to help people!"

"I'm with Yuta on this." Michael agreed

"As long as I get to take down more evil people like Aiz I'm in." Tari said.

They all turned to me. "Alright, let's do it."

We broke the huddle and I approached the fleet admiral.

"We're in." I said and Sengoku smiled. That moment a notification popped up in my system.

[~Name: Carter Davil

Race: Human

Age: 14

Occupation: Marine

Titles: Breaker of chains, Kin of Devils

{stats} {inventory} {shop}

Constitution: 7.6

Devil Fruit: Yugo Yugo no mi

Devil Fruit mastery: 5.1

Haki: None

Free attribute points: 6.0

Additional skills: Devil fruit infusion skill, Poneglyph reading Skill~]