
In One Piece as the Monkey King!?

Sun Wukong, a Chinese national, was killed due to his own negligence of his surroundings. Stabbed three times in the chest he bled out not before, "Er..ase..my hist..ry *Cough*" whispering those last noble words to his great friend Zen. Thinking it was the end of his journey, waiting to be reborn into the a new world, one he had no knowledge of, only to find himself in one he knew very well. Let us stalk the amazing adventures of Sun, as he embarks on an adventure to become the true Monkey King! (I own nothing other than my mc, so yeah.)

Daoof30Forced · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
18 Chs

What If?

[3rd P.O.V.]

~Foosha Village~

The night sky was glistening with stars, as two people sat on the roof of Party Bar, one still in her working attire and the other in a shirt and dark brown pants, wearing some worn-out slippers.

"So, care to explain why you took off my shirt, Makino?" Her face gained a blush, as she pouted, turning her head to the side, showing that she wasn't going to answer.

Deciding not to dig any deeper, he asked a question he wanted to ask for the longest while, well two days since that's all he remembered since he came to this world.

"What was the previous me like, don't give me any roundabout answer either." Hearing those words her once cute face turned grim.

Looking down at the roof her eyes dampened, glancing at Sun, who looked nonclantanly at her.

"We're doing this now." Putting his chin on his palm he looked at her, as she quickly rubbed her eyes.

Since the day before she was avoiding all mentions of his past or his question about her taking off his clothes.

It was a personal topic for her, anything in general that dealt with Sun was a cold spot for her as she didn't like to remember those times.

Scooting over he hugged her, rubbing her back but his face still held little to no emotions, a side effect of lack of human interaction.

"You were a lot nicer, but that subsided with age I guess. You became more mature. You were even weaker than you were because of your disease at one point as well. But now you're strong and I assume that's a devil Fruit power of some kind, I must have fed you it by mistake?"

Out of the blue, she began to speak in a muffled tone, even so, he still heard her fine, as his senses were picking it up, coming down to the end though he whispered to herself.

Reigning in his sensing radius from Dawn Island to cover only the Foosha Village, she focused on every word and facial expression she showed throughout this conversation.

"When we were younger we lived in the Grey Terminal on the outskirts of the Goa Kingdom. I never personally knew them but you said they died. After they died we lived alone, surviving off of scarps and the little community work you did."

Rubbing her back chiding her to go on as she was letting all the insecurities that held her down over the span of nine-plus years.

"We lived like that for 5 years, until you collapsed one day, vomiting and coughing up blood. I just stood there watching on without knowing what to do, *sniff*."

"I thought you picked up a disease of some kind, which might have been contagious. At the time you agreed and stayed away from me, bringing food and dropping in the little hideout we had. Disappearing before I could even thank you"

Taking in deep breath tears once again covered her beautiful face, taking his hand he parted her green hair that covered her face.

"Let everything out, Makino. I'm here now. I won't be leaving anytime soon." Giving her his biggest 'Talk no Jutsu' smile, taking a note out of Hiruzen's book to quell the sadness that plagues someone's mind.

Her face brightened up slightly, just enough for her not to have a mental breakdown, wiping her eyes once again.

"One time you collapsed in front of our hideout, then you went into a short coma. When you woke back up you tried to get up to go to work. Which at the time was a bartender here. I still don't know how you made it to and from there as quickly as you did."

"I brought you here on a journey that lasted a couple of days as I was small and fragile but more nourished as you gave me all the food you got from a day's work. When I came here you were already in a coma. So I found a hut on the outskirts of the town, luckily it was where you stayed beforehand."

Her face contorted into that of a scowl, once again on the brink of breaking down, holding in those feelings for nine years was difficult.

"I took over your job working day and night, saving up as much as I could to buy anything that could help you. I didn't care too much if the disease could spread as no one in the bar got sick from the previous owner's information."

"Unless someone was ill beforehand and came in they were normally escorted back out of the village with some rations for the time being."

"I worked there for the next nine years doing everything I could to get recognition from the owners, getting paid wasn't the only thing I was looking for but the extra food as well, which I used to feed you."

Looking up at him she smiled worryingly, she didn't know how he would react to eating leftover food, but she didn't know about hygiene so he understood.

Smailing once again, but not one of manipulative standards or agenda, a genuine one, signalling her to continue.

"The owners one day disappeared, they were a couple who were married for years, but they put the land's ownership on our name."

"Giving us the entire Bar for free. Which shocked me, but that was great as well. Even if it was more work it would help pay for aniki's medical bill."

"I worked even into midnight trying to sell as much as I could to rack up some money to hire some doctors from the Kingdom to check on you."

"Even though I did, they had no clue what was wrong with you, some even blatantly disagreed to see you as they were afraid they would get sick."

She spoke in a strained voice as her tears kept making her sound nasally and her eyes were red from crying and rubbing it for an extensive period of time.

"Living without your presence was the worst days of my life, I missed you more than anything in the world, and now that I've seen you smile again today would be marked in my life as the best day ever."

She smiled brightly with tears streaming down her face, and her nose running a little, but that barely changed her appearance.

"Well, I could see you use what's located behind that forehead for something !" Speaking in a proud voice was intentionally used to lighten the mood.

Her teary faze froze, and as a tick mark made it onto her head, out of thin air a frying pan made it into her hand.

"That's what you got out of the conversation!" Shouting, she brought the pan in a dowards motion connected directly to Sun's face.


"Uggh!" Fake grunting as he felt nothing, he fell off the roof, as Makino looked on in horror at what she had just done.

Looking off the roof expecting her brother's corpse to be there she was shocked, as there was only air and the flapping door heading inside of the bar.

Walking over to the ladder, she held onto it only for her vision to go dark, as she fell into the arms of Sun, who nonchalantly knocked out his sister.

"Well, that was a roller-coaster of emotion, jeez." The entire reason he asked about his previous self was to find out if he had characteristics similar to Jin Mori.

And what he got from that conversation was him being kinder than what he was, most likely due to the way he conducted himself in a manner of always greeting everyone and helping anywhere he can.

If that's true then that could mean a lot of things, one this could be an alternate reality where Jin Mori was Makino's brother.

Which would be an insane world, Oden might still be alive, if that was true then Wano would be open to the public already though.

Doing some simple math he was able to calculate they were roughly fifteen years from the canon timeline as Makino was 14.

Luffy was three years of age and he was at the age of 19. Oden died twenty years before cannon meaning the opening of the borders should have happened five years ago as per the deal with Kaidou.

(According to the timeline he was going to open it in 20 years but that kind of made little to no sense, as he told Kaidou to open the borders after he survived long enough in the pot boiling.)

Which was annulled or completely sidestepped by Kurozumi Orochi and Kaidou, the new Daimyo of Wano Orochi kept the land's borders closed.

And since all information pertaining to Wano was non-existent unless you were part of the underworld or had connections, he truly did not know if this was an alternate universe.

The next option was to pry more into Makino's mind by bothering her more and more about his past self, but there was a catch, she was extremely young when he was taking care of her.

Which should be the reason her only thoughts of his previous self were that of a kind older brother, nothing more nothing else.

The last option that came to his mind was, that the world rewrote reality itself to accommodate him.

If that's true that means his destiny was already written in ink, as he was sure he was never from the world, and shouldn't have been.

Patting the back of the sleeping girl, he lifted her and hopped off the roof, landing lightly.

Walking through the door, he continued behind the counter opening the door that led to their room.

Only to see a snoring Luffy on the side of the doorway, with a snot bubble increasing in size and decreasing at a considerable rate.

Ignoring the freelancing kid he walked into their room placing Makino onto the bed, as gently as possible.

Walking back out of the bedroom, he grabbed Luffy by the scruff of his clothes, walking down the hallway and yeeting him into the storage room, making sure he doesn't crash into any supplies other than the bed.

This time however he doesn't react and just continues dozing off, danger wasn't present so he didn't awaken.

Walking back some thoughts plagued his mind, as they were both risky and it would enable him to obtain a great gain.

'Did Garp know the true power his Grandson has?' That thought plagued his mind over and over.

If he truly did he would have never let him travel the seas, unlike Ace who was under Whitebeard's protection, he didn't expect the kid to go on and lose to Blackbeard.

Then gets sold to be executed and used as a deterrent for other pirates, and to truly eradicate the bloodline of Gol D. Roger.

Luffy had no protection whatsoever, no one knew who he was other than the people who looked down on the world as if it were a game of chess and a select few.

Such as Wood Slap, Makino and people such as Shanks, who had actual interaction with him.

He was a huge target, even so, Garp was both proud and disappointed in his grandson's choice of becoming a pirate.

"Did he truly know that his Grandson was a God or did he only think it was the Gomu Gomu no Mi?"

Making his way back to his room, he wanted to decide on what his next step in life would be.

And he didn't want to wing it and then fall into a toilet with deep shit because it wasn't flushed for the week.

Sitting on a chair, looking down at the lit candle on the dresser, and the sleeping Makino who was tossing and turning in bed.

'What to do, there is so much going on that it's making my head spin in confusion.'

Rubbing his head he made his way to the bathroom, took a bath, and returned with a different set of clothes hopping into bed.

Covered Makino once again, as she cuddled with him. Falling asleep not before expanding his senses to cover the whole of Dawn Island...