
The Interview

"I am genuinely a loyal, hardworking, completely qualif-- Ugh, that sounds totally lame." I stared at myself through the mirror in front of me. It was as if I was giving a speech, well technically I am, but to my future boss-- I hope.

I huffed out a sigh as I attempted to run my fingers through the auburn locks of hair. I curled it to the best of my abilities, but it still didn't look right to me.

I was given probably the most incredible job interview for an editing director at the biggest journaling studio in the city of New York. No it's not the "New York Times". However, my dad is married to the CEO of the corporation so I guess it was basically handed to me no matter how much I hate the step monster.

I've earned this interview with my masters degree in journaling.

"Maybe you should put on a little make up." My roommate, Sara, popped her head into the bathroom.

"Maybe you should mind your own business." I hissed.

"I'm just trying to help a girl out. What if the boss is a guy? You'll need to put on the charm." She scooted her way into the bathroom to brush her teeth.

"And what if it's a girl?" I questioned while raising my eyebrow.

She looked at me with the brush hanging out of her mouth. "Well I guess if you swing that way then you just swing that way." She giggled but choked on toothpaste.

"Karmas a bitch." I smirked at her and began to walk out of the bathroom but not before I grabbed her bag of make up. Maybe a little glam wouldn't hurt.


The taxi skidded against the curb in front of the glass building, "that will be $15 dollars please", the driver held his hand out while speaking into the phone. I handed him a folded twenty dollar bill and stepped out of the car. The taxi screeched as it drove away.

"Okay, just remember, you're made for this job." I took a deep breath and straightened my pencil skirt before entering through the revolving doors. I entered the elevators to floor eight. By this point I was practically sweating through the tank top underneath my button up. I was inevitably nervous.

When the elevator dropped me off, I was faced with the receptionist.

"Excuse me I'm--"

"Hold up a sec Mickey." The woman touched a button on her Bluetooth. "Don't you see me on the phone? How rude can you be?" She smacked her gum as she spoke then blinked her eyes at me several times until I spoke.

"I'm just here for an interview with the senior editing director?" I smiled sweetly.

"Oh, right. Mkay well go down the hall and it will be the glass door at the back of the office."

"Thank y--" she cut me off by speaking to whoever the hell was on the phone.

"Okay here goes nothing."

I walked down the hallway and came to an office with other people sitting in desks, typing away and talking on the phone. I saw the glass door and headed that way. The door stated, "Nolan Moore".

Great, it's a man.

I knocked on it, thinking that it was a good idea but of coarse it's see through and the man waived me to come inside.

"Hello Mr. Moore, I'm here for an inter--"

"Yeah, yeah. I know. Sit."

He stood up for a brief moment, long enough for me to take in his incredibly chiseled appearance.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." I poked my hand out to shake his but he quickly sat down. Germaphobe?

"Let's cut to the chase princess", his voice was deep and dominating, "I know the CEO Cassandra has set this interview up for you, but between you and me", he leaned over his desk, straightening his tie and smirked. "I have no intention of hiring you."

I was baffled by his forward approach. He was completely overstepping it. "Excuse me but I--"

He cut me off again, "I already have someone in line to be hired."

"I swear if someone cuts me off one more time." I stood up, unaware of what I just did. Embarrassment flooded my face.

This seemed to surprise him. For a moment, his caramel eyes searched me up and down.

"I'm sure you're a good journalist but I'm looking for real talent. Someone who can be dedicated." He continued. "A mere recent graduate doesn't have the tenure for that."

He tapped his pen against the glass desk in annoyance when I didn't speak immediately.

"I'm a completely dedicated person. I earned my masters in journaling from Stamford." I crossed my arms in protest. I couldn't believe that this man wasn't giving me the chance I deserved for this job.

He sighed in response to my statement, "I honestly don't care where you earned your degree. My mind is made up. Now if you will please excuse me." He stood up and headed for the door.

I immediately intercepted him by putting myself between the door and him. "Look, I know that Cassandra landed me this interview, no matter how much I hate her, but I worked really hard in college and this is my dream job."

My anger was welling up inside of me that I didn't even notice how close we were. I apparently blocked his hand from touching the doorknob and we were inches away from each other face-wise. "I don't think it's very professional of you to just not give me a chance. I'm completely qualified."

He pried his arm away from my hand and chuckled, "You have zero experience. I'm sorry but the position is already filled." His minty breath blew against my cheek, sort of sent shivers down my body. It distracted me for just a second that he slipped right by me and out of the office.

Now what?

I gripped my satchel handle between my fingers and exited the office. "This is ridiculous." I muttered frustratingly to myself but apparently someone overheard.

"Excuse me, I'm sorry to interrupt but I couldn't help but overhear the brutal conversation you had with Nolan."

I turned around to see a tall, brooding man holding a paper cup of water that you would get from the water cooler.

"Psh", I chuckled awkwardly to myself, "I wouldn't say 'brutal'. Humiliating maybe.." I trailed off my words and sighed.

The man swallowed the shot-like water and crumpled his cup together, "Heh, he's not so bad once you get to know him."

I rolled my eyes and began to make my way back to the elavator.

"He's right you know.." the man followed behind me.

"Right about what?" I craned my neck around to listen.

"About not having experience. Have you ever had a job inside journaling since you graduated?" He pursed his lips for an answer.

"Uhm. No, but so what? I'm basically the CEO's daughter." I can't believe those words just came out of my mouth-- like vomit.

"That's a bit egotistical. I didn't peg you for that kind of girl." He shook his head in disappointment which forced me to whip around and protest my argument.

"And what type of girl did you peg me for??"

He shrugged his slender yet masculine shoulders, "I guess the kind of girl that works hard for what she wants. A strong, confident girl who believes in herself." He flashed me a smile.

"You got all of that from the conversation with Nolan?" I raised an eyebrow.

"What can I say", he stuffed his hands in his pockets and rolled back on his heels, "I have a gift."

"Whatever--look I have to get going." I turned back around.

"Wait, I can offer you an intern job. Of coarse it's paid but you would start out at the bottom. Maybe work your way up to the editors position."

Now I was getting interested, "how are you able to offer me a job? I thought Nolan was head of--"

"Nolan runs the editing staff. I on the other hand run the staff that writes. You know, the creative staff." He held his hand out, "So what do ya say?"

I really needed a job, at least it would be in the journaling office. So I took his hand firmly and shook it. "Sure. I'm Liv Spade by the way."

"I know who you are. I'm Sam Taylor."

"It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Taylor. When should I start?"

"How about Monday?" He flashed me another smile.