
In Naruto with OMNITRIX

Its on break till April, I'm quite busy with my entrance exam and all.

Rakasa_dark · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
26 Chs

Chapter - 12 The Greater Good ( rewritten)

That day mother and father really nagged me a lot, and spoke about the wrong and the right.

' but it's not like I will change, I would if I was a 5 year old but as a 17 year old, who always had repressed his emotions,

I won't be doing that with the power I have, why should I change for the world , it should be the world who will change for me.'

Coming to the present.

my mother had started her ninja services as now she will be taking B or A rank missions, she also had an offer to take a genin team but she refused.

As I was recounting the past , someone shouted behind me and put a hand in my shoulder which suddenly made me Shiver and a girly cry came out "eheeeeeeeee".

When I turned back I saw my mother and father trying really hard not to laugh, " why would you do that, and you didn't hear anything all right if you tell this to anyone, I won't talk with you both."

"Sorry honey, you just looked so lost while thinking that you didn't even notice our presence, and as a ninja we ought to take advantage of it,

Don't feel baad."

"Your mother is right, you should always be aware of your surroundings, but this is not why we are here in your bedroom for, we need talk about something with you".

" Something very important dear."

Hokage office


" Mazama and sarada, I have a special A rank mission , of S level priority and secrecy.

You are to go to the land of waterfall and find out about the identity of the jinchuruki and also the state of the village , also protect their village tree as it's the source for heroes water, do you accept it."

" We accept it lord hokage, we will leave tomorrow morning for the village of waterfall"

When both of them are leaving a hidden glint can be seen in Hiruzen's eye ' I'm sorry for this Mazama and sarada but for the peace of Konoha you must die, so Ben can become what the village needs him to be with his diamond release,

He will be konohas wealth and Protector, he will be really powerful and such a figure can not be in anyone individual's control it should belong to the village.'

Ben's Bedroom


"So you are leaving for a Long mission which can take you months, and want me to take care of myself, don't worry about it I'm 6 now I can take care of myself."

' finally some free space as much as I love them, I need more time to train with the aliens.'

" We know honey just don't cause to much trouble for the village,

We will be leaving tomorrow early morning, so we need to pack up, and you know where all the things are right." Sarada eyes Ben with a look that only they know.

" I know where everything is don't worry about it just complete your mission, and come back before my birthday next month."

"We will try Champ now good night."


In the morning

So now that they have left it's time for progress report:

Ninjutsu - diamond release all B rank and

Below( master proficiency)

Taijutsu - uzumaki style ( high proficiency)

Kinjetsu - senju style ( intermediate


Genjutsu - self taught ( beginners


Alien control -

1. Diamond head - A ( goes without saying)

2. Rath - B ( I trained with him in fusion state, and increasing his proficiency was really easy)

3. Xlr8 - C ( my motor skills and dexterity are shit but he is the least used alien)

4. Way big - C ( it's just increased height and it was always C never tried it, can't find a place to hide a 200 ft alien)

5. Ripjaws - C* ( better but never fought inside some water body)

6. Wild mutt - B ( tried in fusion form, my eyes becam blurry but I my sense increased exponentially trained a lot with him during spars with Father, of course the slits were hidden with my jacket and even if he saw them , he never asked.)

7.Ghost freak - C* ( I still don't know how to use yin release an donly know a little bit of genjutsu).

8. Four Arms - C* ( used it sometimes, but there are Anbu watching me so)

9.spider monkey- C*( used it in the fusion state I shrink a bit in that state , I don't grow a tale but am able to shoot web from my wrist, spider man style)

10.Heat blast - C ( only used it in that garden a year ago and never much).

So with that out of my system, and my parents out of town, I will be searching for some genjutsu scrolls inside home and will transform into spider monkey.

And I also need to befriend Naruto before the academy starts, I really feel bad for him, a kid the whole village hates, without any of his fault, the son of the fourth hokage, I really hate hiruzen and Danzo for their hypocrisy.

After some training with spider monkey , it's time finally time to meet Naruto and finally start the plan.

In the park


When Ben arrived in the park he saw Naruto on the swing crying, when Naruto saw him approaching him he wipes his tears

" hey why are you here , if you need the swing then forget it, I was here first so it belongs to me now."

"What happened Naruto, why are you crying."

" Who says I'm crying, I'm not and nothing happened why would you even care, you are also like every one else here to mock me, what did I even do wrong for you all to hate me."

" Naruto, have I ever laughed at you , or called you a demon , tell me and I will listen, if you want I will even become your friend."

Wide eyed Naruto" you will , really you will become my friend, it's not a prank right, you really want to be my friend."

' gosh what the hell has he gone through to become like this , it just makes me hate those hypocrites more.'

" of course Naruto , I will be your friend and it's not a prank, now tell me what happened, who knows I may be able to help you."

" Ahh ... The orphanage kicked me out yesterday night and won't even let me enter, I'm here from yesterday, and I really don't understand what was my fault."

' so it was Danzo, and hiruzen might be waiting for Naruto to grow more desperate before he appears and provides him with a home, .. how can they even think about torturing a child just for their purpose it disgusts me more.'

" Say if you are here from yesterday you haven't eaten anything, I'm right in assuming that." A gurgle from Naruto's stomach affirms.

" Come with me and live in my home as your friend I will make sure that you are never hungry , what do you say."

" Live in your house are you sure, won't your parents be mad at you for bringing me in, as your friend I don't want you to be in trouble."

" Don't worry, they are out on a mission, and will take a many days to return, so you don't have to worry, now come on I will make you something to eat."


I rewrote this chapter because the previous one wasn't up to the mark.

Like before please comment and let me know what you think about it.

And also please leave a review

And read my other fanfic

Luca the new king.