
New Fishman island, akinu

After coming back from the trip shirahoshi never stop talking. She told everything she did today her father and brother. Everyone listens to her stories with interest.

After an hour she stop her stories as she just felt sleepy. Today was very eventful for her. So she felt tired. Neptune told her to go to the bed. They will listen to her tomorrow. After fukaboshi took her to her room. After shirahoshi went to her bed, Neptune also showed majin his room. Majin also went to bed as he also did a lot of travel today.

Next morning

Majin and everyone from the royal family had their breakfast inside a large dining hall. Jimbe is also here. King asked him to come.

Majin suddenly said as he finished his food "what you thought about moving to the surface?"

Everyone stop eating and look at majin. Everyone looks hopeful eyes at him. Neptune said, "But will the WG accept us?"

Majin shook his hand to him and said "their agreement or non-agreement doesn't matter. What matters is your choice."

Now everyone looked at Neptune. He took a deep breath and stood up from his chair and big a bow to majin as he said "please it will be very helpful to us."

Majin uses his telekinesis and strengthens him. Then he looked at him and everyone and said "okay, from now on saboady will be under your island control."

Everyone felt happy with this news. They thought he will just make arrangements for them and o to up. They never thought they will get control of saboady. As it is an important and strategic point. He and jimbe thanked majin again and again.

Majin then look at shirahoshi and said "do you want revenge for your mother died?" This time everyone was shocked. Neptune and other thought he will go after humans if shirahoshi agreed. As they thought the reason for her death is human. Shirahoshi also thought the same. But majin said, "what I meant is to the real culprit." This time shirahoshi become more shocked. Then her face turned sad as she start to cry.

After a long time, she told everyone the truth. Neptune and jimbe are so angry that they start to shake with anger. All the boshi brothers already started to shout for revenge.

Then majin stood up from his chair and walk to shirahoshi as h start to get bigger. He hugged her and said, "don't cry, you still have your father and brother."

Shirahoshi also hugged him and even cry more. After that majin said, "if you stop crying, I will take you everywhere you want to go." Even then she didn't stop crying but started to calm down.

Majin still hugging her as he looked at Neptune and said "Do as a king must do." Then he summoned his first shadow knight cracker and continued "you can ask him if you need help"

After that, he vanished with shirahoshi. They appear in skypia. He then starts to console her. After 30 minutes she stopped crying. Majin then asked her if she wanted to visit redline with him.

Shirahoshi agreed to go. Majin then teleported to redline with shirahoshi. They arrived at the new WG office. Majin saw the construction is happening for the new offices. When majin appeared with shirahoshi everyone stopped their work as it is every day you can see a giant mermaid.

The same thing happened to sabody when they saw majin. This time they looked more worried as they are afraid of majin. Majin they carry shirahoshi with telekinesis and walk to the leader office.

Dragon already knows about his arrival. So he comes out to receive him. Majin smiled at Dragon and said hi. After some pleasantries majin moves to the main point. Then told Dragon to give the authority of saboady to Fishman. He also told him to invite Fishman to the next meeting. Dragon happily accepted it.

Then he called someone and told them to make the arrangements. Majin said goodbye to him and teleported back to Fishman with shirahoshi.

When he came back an hour and a half went by. Neptune and jimbe work preciously and arrest the rebel. They also release the investigation to all the Fishman. At first, everyone became sad for the queen but then they turn angry that they kill their queen. Much even voice to execute him instantly.

After Majin arrival, he told Neptune about the news of saboady and told them to prepare for everything. Neptune took the opportunity and tell the whole island about this. Also how Ryuunosuke majin help them. Everyone cheered when they heard the news.

Majin then leave the island and teleported to the marine headquarters main office beside Sengoku.

Sengoku got the shock of his life when he saw Majin directly arrive inside the office. Majin didn't say anything just ask "where is akinu?" Even though the marine changed from before he still doesn't like them. He doesn't believe that this higher officer doesn't know how some of those corrupt officers do things. They knew but they didn't take action against them.

Sengoku also knows that majin don't like marine so he didn't waste his time and directly told someone to bring akinu here. Sengoku also finds out that akinu lost his "balls" and is safer every hour for it. Everyone that learned about this felt chill and make a vow that they won't go against this damn devil. They also imprison akinu here as he may come for him anytime.

After 5 minutes Garp comes inside Sengoku's office with akinu and kong. Kong looks at majin with a serious face. Garp is eating his chips and laughing as he said: "you sure give akinu some painful memories, brat." Kong and Sengoku started to sweat and almost bite garp to death. Majin also laughed at Garp and said "Old man, don't pretend like you didn't enjoy it." Garp also laughed with him. Kong and Sengoku look at this with bitter smiles. Majin then stops laughing and looks at akinu who is like want to eat him alive. But marine stops his mouth with a chin so that he doesn't talk. Majin then said, "I will not kill you, you will become My eternal slave." As he made him into candy. Then he said goodbye to Garp. He didn't even look at kong and Sengoku. Then he teleported back to the Whitebeard crew.

"It's time to tort..*cough* train this bunch of lazy bums."