
In Mist Shinobi, Start With A Frozen Fruit! ( finished)

Qian Yu crosses Mist Shinobi and becomes the Snow Clan who will be exterminated. Start off with Frozen Fruit and develop to Ultimate! 100 levels of Ice Age, freezing the entire Kirigakure! 200-level frozen space, even time-space ninjutsu cannot escape! Level 500 freezes time, stops the flow of time, and the world of ninjas is at my disposal! Bai: Compared with my brother's Ice Escape, mine is not worth mentioning at all. Terumi Mei: Bastard Qian Yu, Mizukage is yours now, let me go! Ōtsutsuki Kaguya: Why can't I move? You, what do you want to do? ! ______________________________________________ Note - This is a Chinese fanfiction. i am just translating it . i am just changing name and some grammer like he , she ,her ,his , it etc . i am making it understandable . also read chapter first don't let the synopsis let you think i am just copy pasting . join my patreon if you want to read chapter in advance and Support me ↓ patreon.com/AnimeFanfic01

AnimeFanfic01 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
240 Chs

chapter 120

This battle was called Blitz konoha by later generations.

Kirigakure's Mizukage Kuzan launched a swift attack on Konoha with the Thunder Blitz tactic.

This is something that everyone, the entire ninja world, did not expect.

Mizukage Kuzan and Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen originally went to Cloud Shinobi Village almost at the same time to join forces and try to win Cloud Shinobi Village into an alliance with themselves.

The ending is that Konoha Village, under Sarutobi Hiruzen's groveling, humiliated the country, cede land and pay compensation, and finally got the consent of Cloud Shinobi Village.

Everyone thought that Kuzan would seek the help of his old allies Iwagakure and Tsuchikage Onoki at this time.

But it turns out...

Kuzan made a decisive decision and immediately treated him in his own way, as if to retaliate against the invasion raid launched by Konoha Village in Mist Shinobi.

He diverted himself to the Land of Fire, and immediately launched a lightning offensive against Konoha Village, a thunderous retaliatory war.

At this moment, Sarutobi Hiruzen is still unaware.

Still happily signing humiliating terms with Cloud Shinobi Village.

At this moment, Konoha Village is also unaware, waiting for the return of their Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, and waiting for the future changes in the situation among the major powers in the ninja world.

But they didn't expect, didn't wait for Sarutobi Hiruzen to return.

But they saw Kuzan's army storming in now.

Outside Konoha Village.

The ninja squad that patrols and guards the village is diligently observing the movement around them.


The whole earth seemed to start shaking.




As if the sky was collapsing, all the guard ninjas saw panic in each other's eyes.

"This, what is this movement?"

In the original Konoha Village, has the Hyuga clan , who has Byakugan.

Maybe you can prepare early.

But it's a pity that the Hyuga clan had already betrayed, and the defensive troops lacked Byakugan and their insight ability dropped significantly.

When many Konoha guardian ninjas found out, the ninja army led by Kuzan had already rushed to Konoha Village

"That, that is..."

"Kirigakure's Mizukage Kuzan?"

"Also, Master Orochimaru, Master Tsunade..."

"How could it be, how could there be so many ninja army attacking suddenly?"

"What the hell happened?"

For a moment, the guard ninja class of Konoha Village was terrified and caught off guard.

"Quick, go and report to Master Hokage."

"You forgot Master Hokage is still in Cloud Shinobi Village, not here at all."

"Then, go and tell Master Jiraiya, Master Danzo."


But at this moment.


An arrow of ice shot out, flew across the sky several hundred meters away, and pierced the chest of the ninja who was about to report with extreme precision.


Blood spurted out.

His eyes widened, as if he couldn't believe it, but then his body crashed to the ground, losing all signs of life.

The ninjas in the other Guard Class were shocked.

One by one panicked and wanted to defend against the incoming ninja army, but it was nothing more than hitting a stone with a pebble.

As a result, many ninjas in the guardian class also began to flee in all directions.

The euphemistic name is to inform the big shots in the village.

Anyway, as long as these ninja troops pass the perception barrier, they will be sensed by the barrier class in Konoha Village immediately.

for a moment.

All guardian ninjas scattered like birds and beasts.

And at this moment.

Kuzan also took the lead and rushed to the front of the perception barrier around Konoha Village.

He smiled.

He used his Frozen Fruit ability again.

After the body is elementalized, it is easy to pass and enter Konoha Village without disturbing the perception barrier.



"Summoning Technique."

In an instant, Kuzan once again Summoned the entire group of snakes in Ryūchi Cave.

Big and small, no less than tens of thousands.

There are no less than a hundred huge snakes.

There are also elder-level Sage snakes such as Tagitsuhime , Tagorihime and Ichikishimahime.

Of course, the same is true for the White Snake Sage, who was Summoned again.

In addition, Kuzan immediately activated his own secret technique.

"Sage Art Ice Release Ice Dragon Rider"

This time, he produced a full two hundred cavalry

In an instant, the entire group of snakes in Ryūchi Cave, together with the Sage Art Ice Release Ice Dragon Rider, summoned out at the same time, charging towards the entire Konoha Village.

Because it was the Summoning Technique activated by Kuzan within the Perception Barrier.

Therefore, the perception enchantment cannot be perceived at all.

Konoha Village was naturally caught off guard.

Soon, the shouts of killing shook the world, causing the entire Konoha Village to rush forward.

For a moment, the entire Konoha Village was shaken instantly, thinking that the end was coming, and all the villagers were terrified


In Hokage's office.

Because Sarutobi Hiruzen is absent, Shimura Danzō, Utatane Koharu and Jiraiya are left to handle government affairs temporarily.

Leave it to any of them, Sarutobi Hiruzen will not be at ease.

At this time, they suddenly heard shouts of killing from outside, shaking the sky and the earth, and all three of them turned pale in shock.

"what happened?"

Shimura Danzō was startled, and immediately looked out the window.

Looking out from the Hokage building, I immediately saw a group of snakes killing the sky and covering the sky, as well as those ice and snow dragon riders who looked like alive ice sculptures

Jiraiya and Utatane Koharu also stepped forward immediately.

"That, that's..."

"Kirigakure, the power of Mizukage?"

Whether it's the group of snakes in Ryūchi Cave, or Kuzan's ice dragon ride, they've all seen the terrifying power.

At this moment, the sudden appearance in Konoha Village made the three of them panic and caught off guard.

Jiraiya was shocked: "Mr. Sarutobi is not in Konoha Village, Mizukage took advantage of it."

"He's taking revenge for our previous invasion of Kirigakure..."

"Use the way of others to treat others?"

Utatane Koharu grumpy: "Now is not the time to talk about that."

"Hurry up and find a way to inform the ninjas in the entire Konoha Village that no matter Anbu, Root, or the elite ninjas of the major families must go all out to meet and intercept the enemy."

Jiraiya nodded, Shimura Danzō and Utatane Koharu also looked at each other.


Jiraiya went to inform Hatake Kakashi, Might Guy, Yamato and other backbone forces, and led Anbu, the remaining ninjas at the root to fight to the battlefield.

Utatane Koharu, on the other hand, went to inform the major families.

The Sarutobi clan, the Shimura clan, the Aburame clan, and the Inka clan.

Nara clan, Akamichi clan, Yamanaka clan and so on.

Just for a moment.

Konoha Village, which was originally peaceful and stable, as if living a carefree daily life, has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The terrorist attack like lightning and thunder is coming towards the unsuspecting Konoha Village.

Kuzan was no stranger to this sudden blitz tactic in his previous life.


He rushed to the front of the Ryūchi Cave group of snakes, and his own Sage Art Ice Release Ice Dragon Knight, and they were the first to encounter those Konoha Shinobi who were originally outside the village.

However, how could these ordinary ninjas resist such a terrifying power?

Just for a moment, it was as if they had seen a ghost, everyone was stunned and their faces were pale

In the mouths of the herd of snakes at Ryūchi Cave, it quickly became food in their stomachs.

And those huge giant snakes roared and roared one by one, bursting out their own terrifying power.

Manda swept wildly with his tail in an instant, and immediately blasted a dozen ninjas from Konoha Village into the air, crashing into the building like wolves.

All of a sudden, the house collapsed, sand and rocks flew, and more than a dozen ninjas were killed or injured.

Aoda, Green Snake, and the most powerful and terrifying Garaga also fought frantically.

Garaga is even more lethal and terrifying.

He is not only huge in size, quick in action, extremely fast, but also extremely powerful in attack.

In addition, he also has the special ability of petrification.

It can spit out snake-like mucus from the mouth, as long as it is contaminated on the body, the ninja can be instantly petrified, unable to move, and lose all mobility

At this moment, Garaga neighed, and a mouthful of mucus spewed out instantly.

The few Konoha Shinobi who rushed to the front were immediately turned into stones, unable to move one by one.

And Garaga was not polite to them, and immediately swept his tail away.




The stone shattered instantly, and these ninjas from Konoha Village were naturally dead too

And that's just the normal big snakes in these Ryūchi Caves.

And the three elders who have the real ability of Sage art are even gods who block and kill gods, and Buddhas who block and kill Buddhas.

At this moment, the backbone of Konoha Village has not yet arrived.

How could an ordinary Konoha Shinobi army resist them?

Whether it is Tagitsuhime , Tagorihime and Ichikishimahime, they all have various Sage arts abilities such as free floating, flying, and invisibility.

In addition, they themselves have their own special powers.

Such as transmogrification abilities, devour Chakra, bind enemies and more.

Of course, they also have other kinds of magic skills under attack, and they are all ruthless characters who can stand alone and sweep a large area.

However, compared with the White Snake Sage, they are nothing..

As soon as the White Snake Sage was Summoned, She immediately erupted with her own terrifying Sage art.

One move of Sage Art Inorganic Reincarnation immediately overturned the entire land of Konoha Village, like a ferocious beast awakened from ten thousand years of hibernation, it opened an abyss-like cavity, like a bloody mouth, towards The entire Konoha Shinobi army bit and smashed.

for a moment.

"Ah ah ah ah ah"

The screams were endless, and I don't know how many Konoha Shinobi soldiers who killed the battlefield were directly swallowed and annihilated.

And it wasn't just the earth that came alive in the entire recovery.

It also includes the surrounding hillsides, mounds, stones, streets, even buildings, houses and more.

It's like a weird and terrifying portrait.

The whole Konoha Village is eating and biting itself.

Kuzan smiled, and immediately rode on top of the white-scaled serpent transformed by the White Snake Sage, and also unleashed his own celestial skills.

Same Sage Art Inorganic Reincarnation Technique as White Snake Sage.

However, at this moment, his Sage Art and strength are even higher than that of the White Snake Sage.

Immediately, with the joint efforts of the two, the power of the Sage art soared instantly, and the entire battlefield turned into a terrifying monster controlled by two people.

Roaring and roaring, biting towards the entire village of Konoha Shinobi.


Jiraiya leads Anbu, the root ninja who arrived first on the battlefield.

But the ninja army in Konoha Village had already suffered casualties.

Looking at this scene, he couldn't help being terrified.

Even though I have been rampant in this ninja world for decades, I have never seen such a terrifying scene of war.

Kuzan rides the white-scaled serpent transformed by the White Snake Sage, controls the countless Ryūchi Cave snakes, and adds the Sage Art Ice Release Dragon Knight created by himself, as if the god descended from the earth, Leading the heavenly soldiers and generals, it is like a divine punishment on Konoha Village.

Kamui is awesome and shining.

The Jiraiya and Anbu , Roots ninjas who had just arrived were also terrified when they saw this scene.

In front of the Sage Art Inorganic Reincarnation jointly performed by Kuzan and the White Snake Sage, he became like an ant in the eyes of giant beasts.

Although these people immediately used all kinds of ninjutsu and frantically attacked the huge monster created by Sage Art Inorganic Reincarnation, but it was completely meaningless.

Just for a moment.

Konoha Village had already lost a lot, and there were not many Anbu and root ninjas left, so they lost most of them again immediately.

Directly devoured and bitten by the monster transformed by Sage Art's inorganic reincarnation, the dead can't die again.

In addition, many ninjas fell directly from the abyss cracks that suddenly appeared, and they didn't know how deep they fell.

for a while.

The whole Konoha Village is scared out of their wits.

And at this moment.

Shimura Danzō and Utatane Koharu also led the elite ninja clansmen of the major families to rush to the front of the battlefield.

But all people, seeing this scene, were as shocked and terrified as Jiraiya.

Before that, although Kuzan also made a big disturbance in Konoha Village, it was all for a purpose, not purely for war and killing.

For example, to save the Uchiha clan, Hyuga clan and so on.

But this time, without any other purpose.

This is war.


All the remaining ninjas in Konoha Village, those who stayed in the village without performing tasks, and those who were able to fight, almost all rushed to the battlefield.

Jiraiya, Shimura Danzō, Utatane Koharu, Anbu, Roots.

Sarutobi family, Shimura family, Yamanaka family, Nara family, Akamichi family, Aburame family, Inke family.

Hatake Kakashi, Might Guy, Yamato, Kurenai Yuhi and others all also arrived.

However, looking at such a terrifying scene, everyone trembled and couldn't believe it.

But no matter what, the matter has come to this point, the only thing to do is fight to the death.


All the Konoha Shinobi warriors roared and threw themselves into this extremely tragic war.

And Kuzan also gave an order, and immediately the ninja army that was still outside Konoha Village roared at the same time, and the sound of killing shook the world, and they came towards Konoha Village to fight.

Under Kuzan, Orochimaru, Tsunade, Crystal Style's Guren and powerful subordinates, the Iburi clan, and the Genyumaru clan.

There are four Sound, Jirōbō , Sakon to Ukon , Kidōmaru and Tayuya, all on the left and right.

kinuta dosu, abumi zaku , tsuchi kin.

And the army of thousands of ninjas in Sound Village, who are now swearing to follow Kuzan to the death.

Coming to the battlefield mighty and mighty.

This is a war that affects the historical changes of the entire ninja world.

Totally broke out.


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