Rincarnated as Agnologia in MCU... Its droped because drafts got lost and I don't feel like writing again..... but I may continue it if I get inspiration again..
Agnologia :" I AM FINALLY FREE!!"
After exclaiming my freedom as loud as I can i quickly checked my mana and it seems that I am completely drained of my mana. The mana that use to flow in my blood, bones and muscles stops, making me significantly weaker.My current power is weak compared to my power with mana.The supernatural strength that I use to have is no more.My supersonic speed is also gone.I got most of my strength from mana so I am really weak.I constantly use mana for enhancement because just letting magic flow inside you give you a significant boost, but that was now gone.And thats only the physical.My greatest power, my spells and my magic are useless without mana.Without it I don't think i can be called the Dragon King of Apocalypse anymore. I am just a strong man.
Oh how I hate the bastard that sealed my gem.I would love tearing him peice by piece.
I checked my connection with my dragon gem again and it seems like...it seems like...it seems like....WHAT THE HELL, its with me.
I touch and examine the gem on the middle of my chest its size is around 4 inches.
If my gem is here that means there is a connection between the gem and the dimension, and the dimension keeps draining everything the gem generates.Its like a vaccume cleaner.
That makes things easier....I need an infinity stone, It should be possible to destroy the dimension using space stone which is right here.
.....But i won't know how to use it.I could try to give the dimension more mana than it can hold so it would explode.But where would I get that much mana. I could eat the radiation that the infinity stone gives off but that would be too less and take too long as the dimension also keeps dispersing the magic it drains.I need to give as much mana as i could instantly without giving it time to disperse it so the dimension will explode.I can't just eat the stone either so what should i do.A stone with infinite energy that i can eat and turn it to magic.....hmmmmm...
The Power Stone..But thats on Morag so how am i gonna get it....hmmm....
The Purple Potato *cough*cough* I mean Thanos.
He will just bring it here for me.But can I beat him without magic??Can I....
I was brought out of my thought when something lands near me.I look at the person and Lo and Behold it is non other than Thor.
I observe him carefully and I can see that he is extremely wary of me.He should be. because I constantly give off this aura of dragon its one of the perks of being a dragon.
I continue to observe the Man as he gets ready for combat and clench the handle of his hammer.He was....not impressive really, at least not according to the The King of Dragons..infact he is pretty weak.Just as I was judging the God of Thunder himself the other have also reached here.They stop near Thor and begins observing me as I do the same.
They look like their actors.I start looking at them closely one by one from Steve Rogers, Clint Barton, Tony Stark, Natasha Rommanoff, Thor Odinson and finally The Hulk, he seems docile than expected is he afraid of me?? Wait are all of them weary and afraid of me?? I was proven right when Thor said
Thor :"He is dangerous" Thor said seriously and the others nodded in aggrement
Well remember I said Dragon aura was a perk?? I take it back it is a two edged sword.
All of them seems ready to fight me.I am panicking inside because as i said without mana i am limited to my raw strength which is not much since I am not Saitama.I need my mana to enhance my muscle without it, it is just what it is, a muscle.I can't just have the strength of superman from just it and how am i going to use my dragon magic without mana.
But even though I am thinking all this inside my mind. I just grin excitedly because honestly I am..Joshua may be freaking out fighting superheroes especially without magic but Agnologia have fought Gods themselves and I am both so I am a little freaked out but also excited..
As me and the Avengers are having a staredown the grunts and the sudden movement of Hulk brought our staredown to an end.
Hulk started trashing around as the Avengers started getting away from Hulk.Hulk then proceeds to smash the ground as a sign of dominance and yelled
Hulk : "HULK NOT AFRAID !!! HULK SMASH" hulk yelled loudly not wanting to acknowledge the fact that he was afraid of the man standing infront of him.Hulk then proceeds to ran towards Agnologia..He swing his hand as hard as he can and punched the man in front of him
As hulk finished yelling he ran towards me and the ground shake with every step he takes it was as if a giant beast was comming charging at me....which is true.As i saw him swing his fist towards me i can't help but panic.Will I be able to take the punch, without mana will i be able to overpower Hulk, forget overpowering him can i take his puch.In the end without mana i am just a man right, His muscle and his mass is bigger than mine so he should be able to produce more strength right?
I was panicking a little but I also knew exactly what I have to do.I knew my capability and his.Even though I am a little fearful of the beast that is charging right at me, I also know that he is nothing more than an ant infront me and I don't need to worry about anything.Its a weird feeling.Seems like I need a little time for both my persobility to mix together.
I brought my hand up and i met the full force of his punch with the palm of my hand.The force that the punch carried is transferred to me through the palm of my hand and using my whole body as a conductor for the force i transferred the force of the punch from my palm to my feet and finally to the ground.As a result the cement ground behind me cracks and all the force of the punch transferred on the ground behind me.And I remain at the same position without moving a single inch with unimpressed eyes while the ground shook because of the destruction behind me.
Even cars behind me are completely crushed.Such was the power of a punch that can stop a Leviathan on its tracks, the punch of The Incredible Hulk.But it was nothing more than a baby swinging his fist to me, a punch without technique, a punch without thinking, a punch without determination, a punch with only anger.That is the same as a baby's punch to me. A punch without meaning.Brute force can only get you so far.
After blocking his punch i also get ready for my own i shift my legs into stance while I was still holding his fist and I punched right at the stomach of Hulk. Hulk puke his green blood from the punch and instantly shot out like a cannon and crash into the building.Hulk flew at least 60 meters before crashing into the building.
That is the moment I realised something, and thats how follish I have been and also the fact that i try to be two person at the same time.
Agnologia without spells is just a man??Can he be called the Dragon King without his magic?? Agnoligia strength is only his raw muscle without mana??
Such foolish questions
Agnologia does not need mana to be a warrior.
He does not need his spells to be more than a man.
He does not need his magic to be who he is.
He never did and never will.
Agnologia will always be who he is with or without mana.He's strength does not come from mana, his determination, his savagery, his fearsomeness, his pride, his might, his will, his title, his morale nor his existence came from mana or magic.
It came from him..he is with mana or without it will always be who he is..
He is...No
I am...
The Black Dragon King of Apocalypse
I am Agnologia..
And no one can take that away from me..I shall never pride myself in what I can do or who I can beat or how much i can destroy.....No, from now on I shall pride myself in 'What i have Achieved' and 'Who i am'...
And i shall never doupt myself again..
Author : I tried something different here hope you like the character development..Honestly its so hard writing Character development..But I pulled it through in the end..I think its quite good for my first time..This is the only way without being too cringy....Whats an MC without character development..
Ps : Its so cringy writing character development.