
New York Battle

---On Stark Tower---

Tony was rushing towards the Stark tower as soon as he realised that the power Loki needed to activate 'Tesseract". On the top of the tower Tony could see Dr.Erik clicking some button on a keyboard that was connected to a weird machine. The 'Tesseract' was inside of that very machine. "So I've turned off the arc reactor, the device is already self sustaining" Dr.Erik said to himself.

"Shut it down Dr.selvig" Tony said while flying behind Dr.Erik and floating there.

"It's too late , can't stop now!" Dr.Erik said while shaking his head and continued " I would love to show us something, a new univers-" Before Dr. Erik could finish his sentence Tony fired a small energy blast towards the machine which was blocked by a barrier but it produced a small shockwave which knocked out Dr.selvig and sent Tony flying away in the air. It also produced a weird sound that everyone in the radius of 500 meters could hear. "The barrier is made up of pure energy itself" Tony thought.

Tony's armour was almost out of power, atleast that's what JARVIS told him. he went down towards the living area of Stark tower and found loki standing there with his scepter

They both hand a small talk and Tony was mocking Loki on which loki said "I have an army " Tony jokingly replied "We have a green man named hulk" and soon To y was thrown out of the building by loki which made him flex his new armour 'Merk VII'.

Soon the machine shot a bluish light towards the sky and a hole appeared in the sky. It was like it was tearing the 'space' itself. Alien like creatures came of out of the portal. These aliens looked really bad as to define how they looked, they had grey skin which was tight but aged. Chitauri army arrived , bringing Leviathans with them. The Chitauri immediately started to wreak havoc on New York City,, destroying buildings and gunning down civilians in the streets. The National Guard could not deploy enough troops quickly enough to counter the invasion. But fortunately the 'Avengers' and 'Ethan' were there.

Well our MC Ethan was on top of one of the buildings there and was drinking a can of cola. His current strength was enough to one shot a Chitauri Leviathan. He saw some of the aliens coming towards him so he rushed towards them and started burning them to crisps. He also found several citizens running so he started helping them.

On the other hand Avengers were fighting the aliens but we're not that strong. Thor was fighting one of the Leviathans as only he had the strength to do it. "When will Hulk arrive" Captain asked while smashing the head of one of the aliens. "He should be here soon" Black widow said while firing some bullets towards an alien. "These bullets are almost useless" She thought.

One of the aliens who had better armour , was coming closer to Black widow and was unaffected by her puny bullets. The alien jumped and raised its sword and was going to attack. But before She(Natasha) could even react , A spear of ice which originated from the ground pierced the chest if the alien and it died instantly. "Miss , are you alright?" Ethan asked while killing several bunch of aliens around them with his ice spears.

"Yes , thanks for your help" Natasha (Black widow, for those who don't know) says while raising one of her eyebrows.She was shocked that Ethan could easily kill this many aliens in one shot and on top of that , this person looked like a kid. "No worries" Ethan said giving a thumbs up.

"Who is this Kid" Steve (Captain America) asked Natasha while his shield came flying towards him and he catches it."I am Ethan , Ethan Griffins" Ethan says While extending his hand , offering a handshake. "I am Steve, Steve Rogers" Steve did a handshake with Ethan and looked at the masscare he did.

A group of aliens were running towards them and Steve was about to give orders when Ethan used his ability of Pyrokinesis , he burnt those aliens to crisps leaving both Natasha and Steve shocked.

Tony saw everything from above and went towards the trio. "Well what do we have here?A kid with the ability of controlling Fire and Ice" Tony said jokingly and landed near Steve.

"Well kid , would you mind helping 'Avengers' , we are a team of Super heroes trying to protect Earth" Tony continued

"I would not mind that , and I have a name , Call me Ethan , not a *kid*" Ethan said while showing an annoyed face as he really didn't liked to be called a kid.

Tony gave him a earpiece that will let him talk to every member of team. He adjusted the sound and heard " Well looks like we got a new member , I am Clint , Hope you don't die kid" Clint (Hawkeye) Said while shooting some arrows towards some aliens. "I am Natasha" Natasha offered a handshake which Ethan did. "I am Thor , Odinson " Thor said while trying to fight the Leviathan.

"I can handle that Giant snake" Ethan said while looking towards the direction Thor was.

"Are you sure about that?" Steve asked as he didn't knew what this young kid was truly capable of.

"Yes l am " Ethan said while clenching his fist.

"Thor you know what to do" Steve said and Thor nodded. He then made the Leviathan follow him and went in the direction Ethan was. Thor then moved away from the Leviathan's line if sight and shouted " It all up to you kid!".

Ethan was very calm. He put his palm on the ground and then ... Huge ice spike came out of the ground. It went straight into the head of the Leviathan and then more spikes came out piercing it's metalic Armor and then its body. The Leviathan was now dead and everyone was shocked.


Howdyy People! Comment if I should do

Ethan x Natasha or something like that. I don't really want harem here but tell me if you would like that.

Like the usual , if you find any mistakes or have any doubts , Just comment or dm me on discord - Arch Tysonoo#8342

Also check my other fanfic -

I am Percy Jackson

Also check my Originals

I became a Creator

Stay Happy and stay safe :D