
In Marvel with Greatest System

"haaa, nothing new coming" ??? "damm, writer strikes" ??? Max cursed at the news of writer strikes news, cause its delaying his favourite movies from releasing, Suddenly he heard a shout but pay it no heed until... ************************* "hey, Kid watch out!" I helplessly watched a teenage kid moment away from just truck crashing into him, but i still tried reaching out to him but..( Random passerby) #screeeech# #Bam# "Huh, what- cough i-is t-this" Max looks at the clear blue sky, feeling pain all over his body. But soon realisation dawned him "I guess, I won't be able to watch my favs any more....." Max closed his eyes thinking it's over but is it.... ############################## Cover and other images aren't owned my me If the owner wants it to be removed plz tell me

Boring_World · ภาพยนตร์
140 Chs

Haki and...

The following day, as Max continued to work on fixing his Transformer Car issues, Edward and Bucky entered his laboratory.

"Hey guys what's up?"Max questioned them as they approached him.

"Max, I'd like to join your organization," Bucky stated flatly as he approached Max.

"All right, you can join it," Max said calmly.

"You just readily agreed, I mean don't.." "Look, I was going to ask you to join my organization, but you just made it easy by asking yourself, and we both despise Hydra," Max stopped Bucky, who was still stunned, as Max accepted within a second.

"Thankyou,for allowing me to join you, They made my life hell, they made me do things I am gonna regret my whole life, but I would have regretted more if I don't kill them myself and you give me that chance " Max heard Bucky say solemnly.

Max grinned and said, "happy to help".

"Train him, Edward.""Oh, and one more thing, can you lay there in the Pod, I want to see how your Metal arm works, and I would also upgrade it while I'm on it," Max said to Bucky and Edward.

"In that capsule-like thing?" Bucky inquired, his gaze drawn to the Medical pod.

"Yes, I made it a while ago, a well-kind of robot.....bed shape doctor built with X-ray and other scanning stuff, It can perfectly scan any lifeform, perform various surgeries and it also give me accurate data on lifeform that lay in there," Max explained, introducing his M-S-99 Medical pod, which he won in a lucky draw, This pod came from a advance world which is fighting with intergalactic aliens, in other words it's from a interstellar age world.

"It's also automatic, and if you want your hand back, it can do that," Max explained after a little pause.

"It can give me my arm back," Bucky whispered as he examined his metal arm.

"No, I prefer this one; getting my hand back will only weaken me," Bucky said firmly.

"that's true only if I were to give you back a normal arm"Max grinned.

"What do you mean?" Bucky arched his brow.

"I will remake your right arm with some Vibranium and Dragon Tissues, this way your hand will be flexible unlike your metal arm, plus Vibranium shock absorbing trait and Dragon Magic trait will make your new arm a resistant to physical and magical harm" explained Max.

""If what you say is possible, then I would gladly accept that arm," Bucky responded with a smile, wanting to grow stronger in order to expel Hydra from this world.

"I will make that, but it will take some time because I still need to obtain Vibranium," Max remarked as he motioned Bucky to lie in the Medical Pod.

"you can find vibranium in the hands of a guy named klaw, I heard that in hydra, as for the dragon I assume you gonna take it from Drake" Bucky said, to which max nodded.

 Bucky then lay down in the Medical Pod. Bucky was scanned twice or three times by a blue light.

As he delicately unplugged Bucky's right metal arm, Max remarked, "Okay, you can come out now. It will take me some time to upgrade your arm. So manage without your right arm for some hours."

"All right, I'll return in the evening," Bucky said, before he and Edward left.

"hmm, this arm is quite good, it can directly read signals from nervous system and act like how a normal arm would, fascinating, whoever made this was both intelligent and dumb" Max said when he saw the med pod data.

"whoever made this could have created cyborgs but he only made one arm for Bucky and it also don't have any other function, it's just a simple metal arm" Max, really what was that guy even thinking while he made this baby.

"Well, whatever, Now what improvements should I add to it ? With the Anulax batteries, I could include more improvements, such a plasma blade that I can design like wolverine metal claws, small plasma rockets, plasma bullets, Tasers, and finally an energy shield". Max muttered as he began to modify the arm with all the changes he thought appropriate.

At evening Bucky came to get his new and improved arm back.

"I need more time, rather than normal upgrades of bullets and metal swords, I decided to add much better upgrades so it will take more time, try to manage it without your right arm for..well until I call you" Max stated as he drank his coffee.

"hmm, you should rest too, it's not like I need my arm for the time being" With a nod, Bucky told Max to take a nap as the black bags under his eyes were bugging him. Bucky felt guilty that Max wasn't sleeping at all because of his arm.

"hmm, I will do that, I feeling sleepy now too" Max nodded and created a portal on top of his bed in New York.

"seems like, 32 hours non stop work is my limit, without any sleep.." Max murmured and dozed off.

After three hours

" *yawn*, One advantage of being a High Human is that you only need a few hours of sleep to wash away two days' worth of exhaustion." Max stretched as he applauded High Humans' quick recovery.

"System, show me the notification from yesterday," Max said to the system. When Bucky agreed to join his organization, he completed a Hidden task, which he decided to check out later and then forgot to check.

[Congratulation Host on completing the Hidden Mission : Build your own Organisation]

[Requirement : 1. Build a Hidden base(Completed)

 2. Have 10 elite or 100 normal members in your organisation(Completed)

Reward (Received in Inventory) :

 1. Haki training Method (All three) 

 2. Random Devil Fruit (3), Random Template for Host (1)

 3. Way of Sword, training method ( One Piece Version) 

Next Quest : Increase your Organisation might

Requirement : 1. Build a intelligence network (completed) 

 2. Have 50 Elite or 500 Normal members (incomplete)

 3. Build 3 Hidden bases (Incomplete)

Reward : Based on final result ]

"Damm, now I want to complete more hidden missions" Max mumbled seeing lucrative rewards he received.

" Haki and Swordmanship from One Piece world and the best thing is anyone can use it unlike magic and Aura" Max happily thought.

"Also a template finally for me" Max 

"Let's see the Template first" Max thought and told the system to open all Templates.


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