
Chapter 19 - Questioning

The female nodded her head at the girl's reply and then asked another question.

"Where are you from?"

The girl pretended to be thinking for a second, as if deep in thought, before replying to the question.

"I can't remember, it's hazy."

She said with a downcasted look— her face portraying the false sense of loss that she wanted them to see.

The female agent frowned her brows at this reply but didn't do much else— instead, she moved on to other questions.

"Do you remember what happened?"

"I can't remember, I just remember waking up in a room before escaping somehow. I can't remember how I did that, it's all so blurry and-"

She couldn't finish her sentence as she looked down and pretended to be sad— after all, she was just a child, shedding a few tears would put the act together.

"Alright alright, there is no reason to cry. We are here to help figure this out with you, so just help us ok?"

Said the male of the two agents, while the female just smiled at the girl and nodded her head as if confirming it.

"Ok, just one more question and we will leave you to rest ok? How did you get to this town?"

While it may seem like a simple question or even a useless one, to them it was rather important as it would help them fill in some blank spaces they had— it could even help them find out what they came here for.

"I just remember walking— running— for a long time. Eventually, I found myself here."

With that answer, the female agent nodded and stood up— walking out of the room so that the male could finish off the matter.

"Thank you for speaking to us, please take a rest, we will do our best to try and figure out what happened to you and help you."

He said as he stood up as well, and once the girl nodded back at him he smiled and walked out of the room.

'Follow them, hide underground, and keep some distance.'

She commanded in her mind the second she saw them leaving— who she commanded was very obvious.

Her hunters, specifically one of them to follow the agents from afar and keep an eye on them so that she will know what they were doing at all times.

She didn't expect them to come here and she needed to at least be aware of why they were here and what they were doing here.

As she watched them from a distance through her hunter she was able to see them speaking— and while she couldn't hear what they were saying from this distance underground she could see they were saying something.

"So did you sense anything?"

Ask Miguel to the female agent, Frea.

"Yes, but it wasn't like anything I've ever seen before. She wasn't like any of the mutants I've seen, her entire body is different."

She explained to the man with a complex look on her face. She was a mutant— one that worked for the FBI and was tasked with helping them find other mutants thanks to her ability, but right now she wasn't even sure if this girl was a mutant.

"What do you mean? Mutants often have a different biological makeup than humans, could that be what you sensed?"

"Well, as you know my ability lets me sense the biological changes in things around me, however, her body wasn't like any of the mutants we have seen so far. They had slight differences, they were still somewhat human, but she— she was odd."

She explained as the two entered their car, opening a built-in small computer-like device to make a report about the situation to their higher-ups.

"So what should we say? That she is a mutant or that she isn't? Was she lying when she spoke?"

He asked as he was unsure how to report this case to the people above them— they had been sent here to check if she was a mutant because of the recent mutant kidnapping cases, but, they weren't sure if she was one now.

"She should be a mutant, just a different one. I couldn't even tell if she was lying because her body is different, normally I can sense the shifts in their heart to tell if they are lying, but she doesn't have a normal heart."

"What, how is that possible?"

"As I said, I don't know. She has one big heart like a normal human, but connected to that heart are smaller hearts that also beat, making it so I can't sense just one shifting."

Both of them stopped speaking when the device was booted up, opening the connection function to make a report about the case.

On the other side of the screen came a voice, a rough and somewhat aged voice, very clearly coming from someone of age.

"What do you have to report?"

They got much more serious when the voice came through the device— how could they not when he was their boss?

"Sir, we have confirmed that she is a mutant and that this case may be related to the recent mutant kidnappings that have been happening. However, she doesn't seem to know much since she can't remember anything."

Reported Miguel to the man— pausing so that the man could give his next order and their course of action.

"If she is a mutant then bring her to our New York HQ and settle her down with a new identity. As you know, keep this matter under wraps."

Spoke the voice before the call ended and the device closed off— leaving the two agents with a new task to complete.

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