
In Harry Potter with the gift of death

This is the story of Eric

Toastycarnotaurus · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

3 Progression

<p>After meeting Harry four years ago Eric and Harry had become good friends, Eric even convinced Harry to accompany him during his morning exercise sessions which had helped Harry greatly, the exercise had made it so he bulked up a bit. <br/><br/>He was no longer the scrawny and weak kid that had been locked upstairs in the Dursley's house, Harry had now developed some nice well toned muscle all across his body, Eric had the same type of physique but Eric's was much better than Harry's, this was mostly due to Harry being malnourished for most of his life, and it didn't help not having a good foundation, which Eric did have.<br/><br/>Now after a lot of exercises Eric had again seen a lot of progress, he instead of having a limit of twenty press ups a day he now possessed a physical limit of around two hundred push ups instead, furthermore as a posed to the five hundred meter runs he did five years ago he manages to complete runs of around a five thousand metres each day instead, and finally in place of the 10KG weight limit he could now bench press the weight equivalent to his cabinet, which was 100KG.<br/><br/>Eric hypothesised that Amura probably made his body more powerful than the average human body and that was why he could get to such strength in only about five years of training. And Eric could feel that even after becoming this strong he was still far from his peak strength so he had the ability to become much stronger.<br/><br/>With Harry and Eric becoming better and better friends they spent a lot of time together since neither of them really had any other friends, Harry because he was very unpopular and Eric because all the people that wanted to become his friends were only after his money. <br/><br/>Most times Harry would stay at Eric's house for weeks without anyone having any conflicting views on it, Harry liked being treated nicely and the Dursleys like Harry out of their hand for as long as possible plus the mowrolys were ok having Harry around, they had a big enough house for Harry, actually they had enough room in the house for about five more Harrys to comfortably fit with a bit of extra space as well.<br/><br/>•••<br/><br/>-Roughly one year later the night before the Hogwarts acceptance letters would be posted-<br/><br/>Eric had been waiting for this moment for just under a year now, he had been counting down the days until it happened, and the acceptance letters was almost here it would arrive tomorrow morning and then Eric would have to carefully intercept the owl in flight before it could delivered the letter to the Dursley's door, or else Harry might not make it to Hogwarts.<br/><br/>Harry might get picked up by Hagrid and then get sent to school like in the original story, but Eric didn't want to risk it incase him being here in this world had adverse affects on the storyline, so he had decided to take things into his own hands.<br/><br/>He watched out the window in case he saw any owls flying around, then at about 5:56AM<br/>He saw it, well them there was two of them one probably for him and one for Harry, Eric jumped out of bed and then rushed down the stairs, not worrying about Harry nor his parents as the were all heavy sleepers.<br/><br/>He ran out the front door and on to the road towards the owls at a fast speed, an strange speed for someone his age, but one he had put a lot of hard work and effort into.<br/>He got closer and closer before finally grasping onto both owls, one in each hand, and then he took off the letters from the owls' legs and then let then go.<br/><br/>Then he looked at the letters and they where addressed to a Mr H. Potter and a Mr E. Mowroly.<br/>"Yep these are the letters alright" Eric said in a whisper to himself, "looks like me and Harry will be going to Hogwarts soon, we should go to Diagon alley as soon as possible and get our school stuff ready for the new academic year."<br/><br/>After nabbing the letters Eric went back inside and woke Harry up then gave him his letter.<br/><br/>"What's this?" Harry asked with a tired and confused sounding voice.<br/><br/>"This my friend, is an acceptance letter" Eric said while opening his own letter.<br/><br/>"An acceptance letter, to where?" Harry asked while opening his letter too.<br/><br/>"Well it says here 'Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry' but I've never heard of them before what about you?"<br/><br/>"Nope never heard of them, and so?" Harry asked.<br/><br/>"So what?" Eric responded <br/><br/>"So are we going to go?" Harrry explained.<br/><br/>"What to Hogwarts?" Eric nodded "sure why not it seems interesting enough."<br/><br/>"Cool, then I'll go too" Harry said gleefully.<br/><br/>Reading through the letter it said the normal thing, about Dumbledore about Hogwarts and about the equipment they would need for the upcoming year along with two tickets to the train on platform nine and three quarters, one each.<br/><br/>"Platform nine and three quarters, where is platform nine and three quarters?" Harry said with puzzled tone. <br/><br/>"Probably three quarters of the way between platform nine and platform ten." Eric said while still scanning the letter.<br/><br/>"Hm, that makes sense I guess." Harry said after a brief thought.<br/><br/>"Well from the looks of this we will need to get ourselves some equipment before going to Hogwarts, and it says that we should go to the leaky cauldron in London and it also says that we should tell the bartender that we are first years, apparently he will know what we are talking about and help us out."<br/><br/>After a few hours of discussion between Eric and Harry, Eric's parents had woken up and had been informed about the letters and the need to get school equipment, so they agreed to come with and help them out with it.<br/><br/>So with that Eric and Harry got ready to go, and so they left for Diagon Ally.<br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/></p>