
In Dragon Ball as a Sayian

when i am in dragon ball world as asayian

Blank_Reaper · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

i am a sayian??

Rony had always been a huge Dragon Ball fan. He had watched every episode of the anime series and had read every chapter of the manga. He loved everything about the world of Dragon Ball, from the epic battles between powerful warriors to the fascinating lore and history of the universe.

One day, Rony woke up to find himself in a strange place. He was in a lush green forest, surrounded by towering trees and colorful flowers. He looked down at himself and was shocked to see that he had transformed into a Saiyan! He had spiky black hair and a muscular build, and he was wearing the signature Saiyan armor.

Rony was both excited and terrified. He had always dreamed of being a part of the Dragon Ball world, but he had never imagined it would actually happen. As he stood there, trying to take in his new surroundings, he realized that he had been given an incredible power. He had the ability to copy any talent he saw!

Rony grinned to himself, excited by the possibilities. He knew that he could become the strongest warrior in the Dragon Ball universe if he played his cards right. He set out into the forest, determined to find other warriors and test his new abilities.

As he walked, he felt a strange energy signature nearby. He followed it until he came across a clearing, where he saw a group of Saiyans training. They were sparring with each other, throwing powerful punches and kicks.

Rony watched them closely, studying their movements and techniques. He quickly realized that he could copy their moves simply by observing them. He closed his eyes and focused on the energy flowing around him, feeling it surge through his body.

When he opened his eyes again, he felt different. He had absorbed the fighting style of the Saiyans in front of him. He moved forward to join in the sparring, feeling confident that he could hold his own.

The other Saiyans were surprised by Rony's sudden appearance, but they welcomed him warmly. They were impressed by his fighting skills and his ability to copy their moves so quickly.

Rony spent the next few weeks training with the other Saiyans, honing his skills and learning new techniques. He copied the energy attacks of some of the most powerful Saiyans, including the Kamehameha wave of Goku and the Galick Gun of Vegeta.

Rony also discovered that he could copy more than just fighting techniques. He could also absorb other abilities, like the telekinesis of Tien and the healing powers of Dende. He quickly became a valuable member of the Saiyan community, using his unique abilities to help them in battles and other tasks.

But Rony soon realized that his power had a downside. He was so focused on copying the talents of others that he never developed any techniques of his own. He was a jack-of-all-trades but a master of none.

Rony began to feel frustrated with himself. He knew that he could become even stronger if he could just find a way to create his own techniques. He meditated on this problem for days, trying to come up with a solution.

One day, while he was training alone in the forest, he had a breakthrough. He realized that he didn't need to create completely new techniques from scratch. Instead, he could combine the techniques he had already absorbed to create something entirely new.

Rony began to experiment, combining the Kamehameha wave with the Galick Gun and adding his own unique twist. The resulting attack was incredibly powerful, capable of destroying even the strongest opponents.

Rony felt a surge of pride and satisfaction. He had finally found a way to use his unique power to its fullest potential. He knew that he still had a long way to go before he could become the strongest.