
in douluo dalu 2 ?

a man with an unknown past gets a second chance in Douluo Dalu. but what next?

jacke_m1 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
40 Chs

deal and new connexions

Elder Song look at him for a moment and said: "I have one in mind, but are you really not trying to enter Shrek?"

Ray just answered confusedly "is it that surprising that I wasn't trying?"

elder Song waved her hand "no, just me being an active elder trying to rescue a talent to my academy, but I won't force you. any way I can help, but you know that property in Shrek city is expensive right?"

remembering he had only a dozen of gold coins in his pocket now he scratched his head " yeah ..."

Sophia cut him 'why not try and ask her about selling the medical planets you have? take it directly inside those boxes from before, and take this chance to build some connection, as not every day you meet an elder from the inner court of Shrek academy to have a chat, and even if you are not really into entering Shrek, keep a door open for yourself.'

Ray keeps silent for while then look at the elder "if you would, can you show me the way to the treasure pavilion, I have some things I could sell, and probably will fitch quit the price"

Elder song looked surprised for a moment and said in excitement "Oh what do you want to sell?"

Ray just looks at her weirdly acting the 'not knowing you to show' part. and as if noticing his train of thought she coughed in embarrassment as she noticed too her old habit start to get out "I may not look it but I am elder of that pavilion" then showed her badge to Ray

Ray sighed in his mind 'i know that' but tried to play the surprised part "That Pavilion Master? I know that a super Douluo this close to Shrek has definitely something to do with it" then adapt a questioning face "but what are you doing working here?"

elder Song just took a sip while thinking 'So not only did he figure out my Cultivation but also the specific rank and that while me surpassing and hiding it, that some interesting sense capability, and his what? 15 or 16-year-old, a talent worthy of cultivating'

"Working here is just a hobby of a kind for me to relax from time to time, as you can see around I don't have that many guests as I don't open this coffee shop that regularly"

"I see," said Ray not noticing what he said before just made her more interested, he took two crystal boxes 'never I thought they will get useful that fast' those boxes were things he come up with while traveling.

he found that by compressing the mist he breathes out in his skill and giving some property, then he can keep that object without despairing thanks to the crystal seal skill. so he makes a few things one of them is the sealing box, they can seal anything put inside and keep it in the same state as the first day, but each one has its use.

the use of the first one according To Mr. Scan (pic)


sealing box (fire element): unique box formed by using compressed light fire-infused crystal and sealing ability, giving it a special property to reserve any fire element object in the same state as they put inside (minor purification of the object inside).


and the second one


sealing box (Light element): unique box formed by using compressed light crystal and sealing ability, giving it a special property to reserve any light element object in the same state as they put inside (minor purification of the object inside).


after taking out the boxes he put one specific herb from Plana inside the second, and putting a pill inside the other, the pill is a cleansing flame pill <my BS-made pill>

and open the first one for the elder to see her reaction was surprisingly calm after seeing what was inside.

"This is sky Azure Ivy" she looks carefully at the plant, then uses her spiritual sense to make sure, then look at him "where did you get this, it has hardly any record of founding one for 5000 years" Ray nodded "yeah, this actually was giving to me alone with this pill form my master" he opens the second box that contains a level 6 pill cleansing flame pill (will talk about the ranking of profession later) causing an amazing herbal smell alone to hit the elder.

seeing her surprised look of her, he explained "this is a 6-level pill my master made, has the effect of cleaning any fire cultivator's soul power, helping them to alleviate their attitude purity to a higher level with the possibility to break through"

the elder looked surprised but asked "this pill is useful, but are there any limits of how it will be used? or have some side effects? as to be honest it a miracle pill to be true"

Ray chuckled "of course it is true, it's right in front of your eyes, the effect it had, is the result of multi-herbal essence blended perfectly, the pill itself doesn't have any side effects and benefits a 50 to 60-level cultivator best, any higher and the pill will have less and less effective by 10% each rank, the only negative effect that you can only consume only one every 10 years and don't work after reaching a certain level of purity."

saying that, Ray took a sip from his drink while Sophia mocking voice rose in his mind 'smooth! you could win that acting prise in Your past world, what called again? Oscar!? right.' hearing that rolls his eyes.

in fact, he totally bulls*** his way through right now. the pill was actually his creation, at the 2 years of his learning, he become a 7-wing alchemist under his master's approval(among other things).

Elder Song nodded and start to think 'I probably find a gem, just the box will have a high price on the market, which he definitely didn't notice. let alone what is inside, and from his way of talking about the pill he is probably an alchemist or disciple of one, which is very rare around this time as very few can be seen around lately, maybe...'

she looks Ray in the eyes seriously "any chance to meet your master"

Ray put on a wary smile as he was excepting the question, knowing very well how the inside situation in Shrek "sadly no, the last time I meet him was couple days ago, he put me in the entrance of the Star Dou Forest saying 'i will come looking for you later, go and experience life!' before despairing"

The elder looks at him to find any lies but in the end, she smiled residing not to chase the matter "I guess everyone has a quirky or two"

she closed the boxes and then look at the empty coffee shop, she used her soul power to close the door, then stand up heading upstairs "follow me...." before stopping and turning back " I never had your name did I?" Ray smile "its Ray Solacia, an honor to meet you elder" bowing his head.

elder Song smiles "follow me to the office we will talk there"

Ray looked around for a moment after setting on the office couch "so I will presume that you have a deal for me?"

the older nodded pushing the paper to him "those are this coffee shop property paper, and the free land behind it" Ray took a look and nodded in surprise "you will sell it to me? I appreciate that, but I want a place to build a house not to start a business"

elder song nodded "I was going sell it anyway, so I took the chance, and in honesty, this thing you're trying to sell has a high value than you think, so I need some time before I give you a specific price"

Ray looks at her "so you will sell me this coffee shop, but you do not know the specific price of the herb and pill so I will get this place in trade?"

elder song eye d looking seriously "yes, also I will be honest here, the value of those things is higher than this coffee shop, so I will bring the rest of the money later, what do you think?"

Ray just keeps silent and then nodded in agreement.