
in douluo dalu 2 ?

a man with an unknown past gets a second chance in Douluo Dalu. but what next?

jacke_m1 · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

invitation, and sea god pavilon meeting

stopping her world and staring at him for a while" as one of the elders in Shrek, I will like to invite you to study at Shrek academy, from what I saw, you have great talent as a cultivator, and at a young age, you have great control over your spiritual and soul power."

stopping her words because of a wary smile on Ray's face but she continued after with a smile "as for the most important thing for use in Shrek, the personality of the person we intend to nurture, something I liked in you the moment you enter my view"

Ray was confused about the last part but didn't bother asking as he intended to refuse at the moment "thanks for your high praise, but I am not planning to enter Shrek at the moment"

Elder Song was confused as in any place you go every cultivator will dream of such a chance but the young man in front of her refuse without a second thought. she didn't get offended and asked calmly "can I know the reason? this is probably the first ever someone refused a direct invitation from an elder, at least I will like to know the reason "

Ray just sighed and answer "the reason is not that complicate" he look at her and then continue "it will be my honor to study at Shrek, but you see I kinda.... feel uncomfortable in crowded places?"

the elder looked at him unsure about his answer "so you refuse because you don't like crowded places?" giving 'are you serious or joking right now, Cause I don't By a word. ' face

Ray looks back with an apologetic face "it's not I hate crowded places, it's that I can't stay in a place with many people, something to do with my own martial soul"

Elder song sighed seeing that he was refused for a reason she can't ask about openly "well, I won't force you but the invitation is still open for you, look for me in the treasure pavilion if you want to accept" putting a badge of the treasure pavilion and couple papers in the table "now will you fill the paper so I can transform the property under your name"

Ray did as she said filling out the paper, after finishing he asked "any inn close by?"

Elder song flinches for a moment after reading the paper then as if nothing happened, put the papers in her storage ring and answers him "you can Stay here, I don't pass the night here, and there is a room beside the office, use it, as from now on your the owner" she passed him a bunch of keys before heading to the door to leave.

remembering something she points at the boxes in her hand "are the boxes from your master too?"

Ray just shack his head "no, those are my own creation" nodded at his words and left.

what ray didn't know was that this meeting will help him in a lot of ways in the future, but also will cause him quite the headache.

---------Elder Song pov----------

I look back at the coffee shop before I head back to the inner court, in my way I send a signal inviting the elders to a meeting, as what I find about the young man can change many things, with his presence alone, and there is his unknown mysterious master.

just the ability to teach a talent like that kid? add with him probably been an alchemist rise both there value. after arriving I found my fellow elder waiting for me.

"this probably the first time in years that you propose a meeting." elder Xuan said in his usual lazy tone, I bow "thank you for your presence elder, as I have called for this meeting for an uncertain reasons"

all the elders look at me with questing faces, I start to tell about my meeting with the kid and how I interact with him. then I put the boxes on top of the table, after inspecting them and what is inside I give the chance to any question, and the first surprisingly my son-in-low "this young man, you said he refused because of some problem in his material soul? did he give any lead to that problem?"

I shake my head "no, he didn't want to talk about this, so I didn't middle more" then the Brat Shaozhe asked "did you by any chance figure out his cultivation?" exactly the question I expected from him "yes, that was part of the reason I call for this meeting." I took the property paper I give him to fill and made them float to the main site in front of Elder Mu "he is a Soul Elder and probably not far away from Ancestor level" no one reacted but elder Mu's next word made them stand up "that interesting indeed, a 12 years old soul elder, and while we are talking, his using some kind artifact to Rebuild the coffee shop he obtains. probably something he got from his said master"

al the elder surprised for a moment then use their spiritual sense to look at him, including me of course, what we notice is the building is reshaping and transforming, and after the change finished, we couldn't sense the inside anymore, as if the space inside was cut off.

Lin Er and Qian Duo Duo stand up in surprise "to think that an artifact could have this effect" the duo said in the same breath, I chuckle at their reaction 'no matter how old are you still get excited after seeing metallic things doing wonder' thinking so I drop my last bomb.

"what do you think of those boxes," I asked the elders, elder mu took one and look at it carefully meaning he really got interested.

after looking at it for while, he looked at the other before letting a sigh and said "elder song, what you think about the kid?" causing all of us to get silent.

after arranging my thoughts "in all honesty, all I could say is that he's an easy-going kid, and quite the introvert, not by choice but probably because of the environment he lives in before, as he give me the impression of someone raised in solitude away from any human interaction"

Elder Xuan nodded "that is probably the reason his master send him out alone"

I continue "his a good kid and probably will have a great result if he joined Shrek, but honestly, I can't think of anything we have he will join for"

brat Shaozhe asks "how? although he has a master, we probably can still teach him better" I look at him with a weird face but before I talk he was spit at by my daughter "you becoming snail mind arent you?" she continue "with that pill alone he can rise his attitude, and probably his rank, but he sold it instead, and that sky Azure Ivy is something despair from the continent for almost 5000, and he sells it for a simple property, so he either has more of it, or have no use for him, or simply it has no value in his eyes"

after thinking he stops talking and sat down. so I look at elder Mu "if I may, what you sow in the box?"

elder Mu put the ivy in a storage box, then pick the crystal one " you may though that he just controlled his soul power to emblem this box and give his property right."

all the elders except Shaozhe and Xuan nodded, Mu just chuckle and said " well, it's wrong, he form his own soul power and seal it in this form, probably a soul skill, but the interesting thing is this." said will putting his soul power in the box causing him to blow to mist, but the surprise is that the mist contains a trace of ultimate light element.

elder Xuan look at the mist around and said "weak, but I was right, it's really ultimate light, and if I get this right the other one has ultimate fire element"


here are today's chapters, Enjoy.

don't forget to give some feed back about the interaction as i am new to all this.

See Yaa Later.