
In danmachi as a vampire

Alex wakes up in an unknown place, with no memory of who he is and where he is, but he knows something, he has a thirst, a lot, and nothing will stop him until he is satisfied, while he satiates his thirst he realizes a small and important detail... ================================== Read the auxiliary chapters pls

Alexander_sama15 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
21 Chs

Chárter 3

Hello again, I'm a bit inspired so maybe I'll upload another chapter later ;v


When the *person* turned around to see what had pushed him, Alex could only go from shock to fear after seeing the *person*, no, the green-colored monster with pointed ears that only wore a cloth covering his private parts from view, with a horrible smile that matched his horrible face, looking straight at Alex, with lifeless red eyes, with no apparent emotions in them, just to then raise a worn knife with his right hand towards Alex, and pierce his heart without any mercy whatsoever.

Or so it was supposed to happen, the goblin, after seeing that the human suddenly melted on the floor of the dungeon, stood silently staring at the place but after a few seconds of stomping on the floor as if checking something, he turned around ready to go looking for a new prey to hunt.

But this goblin had no idea that what he was facing was not human, nor a demi-human, nor an elf, hell it was not even a dwarf, no, it was something unknown to this world, without knowing it this goblin, would be the first dead of a legend, the first vampire in this world, and not just any vampire, if not the primordial of its species, the strongest of it.

(goblin image)


Pov Alex

Alex: 'because?

Alex:'because... It's moving so slow...'

In front of alex was a goblin moving in slow motion, with a knife held in his right arm, aimed at alex's almost naked chest (remember that at the moment he was only wearing something that could barely be called clothes).

After watching the scene for a few seconds, and feeling the hair on his back rising little by little, he understood that somehow he had a very high processing capacity and that's why he was seeing everything in slow motion, as he also understood that if he didn't move now he won't be able to dodge the attack that potentially kills him easily since the goblin is aiming right at his heart (he doesn't know about his abilities and won't know them exactly until he joins a family).

After trying to move his body backwards to dodge the attack, he suddenly felt the floor melt around him, but when he closed his eyes and braced himself for a fall or something, he felt that he was.... Floating.... For Alex it felt like moving in water, a very thick water, that he couldn't see, but he could feel this substance, when he opened his eyes out of curiosity, he could see the goblin looking at him *fixedly*, and in that moment Alex stayed totally still, after a few seconds that seemed eternal for Alex, the goblin stepped on the *floor* something that confused Alex, then he turned around ready to leave, to look for possible prey.

For some reason that Alex doesn't understand, he felt that something was escaping him, like the feeling when you have a butterfly at your fingertips and it escapes, that feeling of frustration, and with it, he brought his coworker, or as we know it, the feeling of anger.

As he prepared to pounce on the goblin and kill it, he had a feeling, one that told him, that he was running out of time to satiate his *thirst*, but he had another feeling, that if Alex wasn't dying of *thirst*, he would find it the most disgusting thing in the world, but right now for every second that passed, Alex was losing the clarity in his eyes, which was quickly being replaced by pure savagery, when suddenly they began to glow and Alex's hair went down to the small of his back, a beautiful pair of fangs peeked out of his mouth, at that moment, Alex stopped thinking with his head and let himself be controlled by his instincts.

It was time

His *thirst* would finally be quenched, with whatever unfortunate existence was in his path.

Pov author

After a few seconds, in which it seemed that, our dear *alex*, was analyzing the best way to kill, without wasting any of what he so longed for, but as if realizing that this kind of adversary didn't need a plan, so he simply approached through the *floor* towards the goblin that was still walking as if it were his backyard.

After moving across the *floor*, he quickly landed a few steps in front of the goblin, and got into position to leap forward with one hand touching the *floor* and the other ready as if he was going to use it as a spear.

When suddenly some kind of black gauntlet formed, but unlike a normal one, this one had claws like fingers, but what caught his attention was that it appeared out of nowhere.

(image of the gauntlet)

As if it was something he knew was going to happen, or rather, something he knew he could do, he adjusted his posture more, preparing to jump.

After the goblin seemed to be about to step on him, Alex, without thinking twice, jumped from the *floor*, which from the goblin's point of view, suddenly appeared as if it was a monster generated by the dungeon.

Alex, with a quick movement, that normal eyes could not see, traced a straight line with his spear arm, passed through the mouth and came out the back of the goblin's head, at that moment, the goblin could not even see that he killed him, because Alex did not waste time and moved his *spear* up, brutally tearing half of the head of the other, leaving the two parts separated, horrible to see.

Without caring about the merciless act he just committed, he opened his mouth, showing his fangs, and... He stuck them into the neck of the already dead goblin, and in a few mere seconds, only a bag of bones remained.

Although, if anyone with sharp eyes, see the scene, they would notice the small, small change in Alex's body, from being like a bad raisin, to a not so bad raisin.

And as if he was done with what he was doing, he turned around and went to look for more prey to quench his *thirst*.


How do I stay?