
In danmachi as a vampire

Alex wakes up in an unknown place, with no memory of who he is and where he is, but he knows something, he has a thirst, a lot, and nothing will stop him until he is satisfied, while he satiates his thirst he realizes a small and important detail... ================================== Read the auxiliary chapters pls

Alexander_sama15 · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chárter 4


...And as if he had finished what he was doing, he turned around and went to look for more prey to quench his *thirst*.

Change of scene

3 hours later

Somewhere on floor three

Pov nobody

A cheerful chatter could be heard from a group of three aventurer, walking leisurely.

Until they came face to face with a party of 6 moustros made up of 4 goblins and 2 wolves walking on two legs, which would be a moustro from the upper floors known as kobolds.

They were quickly annihilated by the adventurers, since everyone in the group was level 2 and the strongest was level 3.

??? Did you hear from that group that went up recently that something strange is going on on the 4th floor?

asked a young elf from the back of the group, since as an archer, he stayed in the rear covering everyone.

????: "yes... They said something about seeing dead monsters without a drop of blood, that they were nothing more than sacks of bone, even that they still had their magic stone".

Responded a dwarf who looked like a beast in heavy armor with a hammer half his size.

??? :"Wow, that's really weird" .

Intervened the only level 3 in the group, who with a middle-aged appearance, entering his old age and eyes that seemed to contain wisdom, this adventurer wore armor that covered his chest, along with a pair of twin swords, one in each hand, which seemed to have been in countless fights.

The elf in the group found it odd that he would react in such a way, so he couldn't help his curiosity and asked

???:"Why do you look so surprised, Visent?"

Visent: "mmm...maybe because although I've heard that a monster has the ability to kill another to get and consume its magic stone, becoming stronger in the process, I haven't heard of a monster that leaves them without blood".

In visent's mind there were several descriptions of monsters that could do something like that, but he dismissed it since they were all deep floor mousters and could not reach the upper floors without being seen, that and the fact that they did not take the magic stones made him dismiss the idea of it being a moustro.

So I was thinking of the next most likely scenario.

Visent: 'someone must be doing this'.

Visent "hey Smith, do you know anything else?"

Smith: "mmm... I heard that all the monsters' bodies are practically intact except for the head, it seems that what attacked it was a vestia the size of a normal person, since it always seems to kill them with a horrible blow to the head, and then it sucks the blood out of the neck".

The more he listened the more confused visent became, a blood sucking monster, that did not take the core of the monsters it kills, and targets only the head, visent could only think that it only targeted the head so as not to waste the blood, but just as he thought that, another thought went through his head

Visent: "hey Smith, have there been any cases of rookies disappearing or sightings of the possible cause of this situation?"

Smith: "no one seems to have disappeared, and besides the monsters that have been found that way, there were no traces of what did it".

After listening to his partner, and piecing together what he already knew, he wondered.

Visent:'what's stopping him from attacking some rookie?'

After nodding in his head as if making a decision, he said.

Visent: "hey lucas go back to the guild and tell some receptionist to post a warning for floor 4".

Lucas, as if he understood the situation, did not protest and instead just asked.

Lucas: "Okay, okay, but what are you guys going to do then".

Visent: "Smith and I are going to go look for the cause of all this".

Lucas: "Can't I come with you? I mean, after we get back, we can notify the guild".

Visent just gave him a smile, which was clearly not a smile.

Lucas: "y..yeah now that I remember I left my spare pack of arrows, I better go back and get it".

After seeing the *smile* on Visent's face, Lucas lost the will to continue protesting and decided to escape the situation at full speed.

Smith: "aren't you a little hard on the kid?"

Smith asked looking at Visent, who was still looking in the direction that Lucas had gone.

Visent: "sigh.... You know I'm doing it for his sake, you and I both know how dark the world is where the light doesn't hit the streets of Orario."


Smith was silent, for the world is not all sunshine and stars, and both he, and visent experienced it first hand.

After a few seconds of bitter memories, Visent shook his head as he said.

Visent: "anyway, let's go to floor 4, who knows if it might suddenly give *that thing* a taste of blood other than moustro's."

And so both Visent and Smith headed for the stairs to go down to the fourth floor, where *that thing* was, which, at this moment was tired of tasting the same disgusting blood and was looking for something else, something better for its palate that no longer burned as much as before, and if it found itself with the opportunity, it was not going to lose it.


Comment the name of the family you want the Mc to join, in the auxiliary chapter

I don't know whether to upload short chapters in a row, or long chapters and not so often, personally I prefer the first one.

Alexander_sama15creators' thoughts