
In Boruto as last Senju

Gojo_xz · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
13 Chs

Training for the chunin exam

name: Ryker


Dojutsu/powers: Rinegan

Ryker kept up his training with his mother Tsunade as the chunin exams came near. He asked her one day when he approached her.

Hey mum, I need to speak with the hokage about something.

Tsunade enquired, "What do you want to talk about?"

I simply want to ask him something. Could you kindly allow me?" Ryker re-asked.

Upon entering the Hokage's office, Tsunade greeted Naruto by saying, "Hey Naruto."

"Lady Tsunade," Naruto addressed her.

Tsunade said, "My kid wants to talk to you about something.

"All right, Ryker, what is it?" Naruto enquired.

In the chunin exam, Ryker declared, "I don't want to use my rinnegan, and if I do, please disqualify me."

The question "Ryker, but why?" Concerned, Tsunade enquired.

Ryker pleaded with his mother, "Please, I just want to see how much I can do."

Ryker, are you sure you want to do it? Why don't you want to use your power if it is yours? Naruto enquired.

Ryker stated, "I just feel like I don't want to use it in this battle."

Naruto consented, saying, "If you want to do it, then fine." As Hokage, I approve your request.

"Thank you, Lord Hokage," Ryker remarked with a sigh of relief.

Tsunade continued to have some misgivings about Ryker's choice. Ryker, do you really have to do that? You were very likely to succeed, she remarked.

You must be joking when you say, "I know, but don't you think I can still win this?" Ryker asked with assurance.

I have complete faith in you, my son. We don't have time to waste right now, Tsunade stated, and they started training once more.

Ryker was appreciative of Naruto's compassion and encouragement.

He was aware that not using his rinnegan could seem odd to other people, but he wanted to show himself that he could succeed without using his strong talents.

Ryker persisted in putting in a lot of effort as the chunin examinations drew near, perfecting his wood style jutsu and developing his other abilities.

He was adamant about succeeding, even if it required acting a little unconventionally.

Ryker's fellow genins still looked up to him and respected him despite his lack of interest in using his rinnegan.

They knew he was a tough opponent because they could sense the fervor and resolve in his eyes.

Ryker was more determined than ever to demonstrate his value with the chunin examinations just around the corner.

He was aware that his decision to forgo using his rinnegan may make things more difficult, but he was prepared for any eventuality.

A day later...

Ryker kept on his preparation for the impending chunin exams with his mother Tsunade. Even without unleashing his potent Rinnegan, he was determined to prove himself and display his full might.

Every day they practiced together, concentrating on Ryker's wood style moves and developing his chakra control.

Ryker pondered his choice to forego using his Rinnegan in the examinations as they were being trained. Although he was aware that it was risky, he wanted to test his independence by moving forward without the aid of his potent eyes.

He wanted to test the confidence in himself that his mother had instilled in him throughout his life.

Do you believe I made the correct decision, mom? As they took a break from practicing, Ryker questioned.

Tsunade smiled proudly as she turned to meet her son. "Ryker, I believe you took a courageous decision. To set aside your biggest power and rely entirely on your own skills requires a lot of guts.

But you have my support. You put in a lot of work , and you have the strength to take on this task without using your Rinnegan.

Ryker nodded in agreement, finding comfort in his mother's words. He was aware that Tsunade had always been his staunchest ally, and he was appreciative of her constant confidence in him.

Tsunade challenged Ryker to go beyond his own constraints as they recommenced their training. She pushed him to his limits.

As he struggled to control his Rinnegan and perfect his wood style, he could feel his chakra reserves being stretched to their very limit.

Ryker, though, couldn't help but have doubts despite his training. What if, without his Rinnegan, he wasn't powerful enough? What if he had made mistake in not using them?He didn't want to let his squad down because he knew the other genin would be fierce opponents.

Tsunade made the decision to talk to Ryker about it after noticing his concern. "Ryker, I know you're anxious about the examinations, but keep in mind that you've worked hard to prepare for this.

You are capable of handling any task that comes your way since you are strong and skilled. Just have faith in your skills and abilities.

Ryker nodded, his confidence having been rekindled. He knew his mother was right. He had prepared himself for this and was equipped to handle any difficulties that might arise.

Ryker's abilities grew throughout the course of the days, and he noticed himself growing more assured of them.

Even though he was aware that the examinations would be challenging, he was prepared to take them on—Rinnegan or not.

Finally, the exam day arrived, and Ryker and his group entered the exam room among the other genin. As he waited for the examinations to start, he could feel the stress in the air and his heart was pounding.

Ryker inhaled deeply and concentrated his thoughts as the start of the first exam was announced. He felt confident that he was prepared for this and was going to give it everything he had.

Ryker stood up to face his fate with his mother by his side. He was prepared for the challenge and confident that he had the stamina and abilities to succeed.