
In Boruto as last Senju

Gojo_xz · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs


I opened my eyes to a bright light, feeling disoriented and confused. As my vision cleared, I saw an old man standing before me, his face gentle and serene.

"My son," he said, his voice soothing and calm. "You have unfortunately passed away because of your accident.

But as your death was untimely, I am going to grant you two wishes and a chance to be reborn in the world of your own choice."

I was stunned. Was this some sort of joke? Had I really died in my accident? I didn't know what to think, but I felt a strange sense of joy and excitement at the old man's words.

"You're not joking, are you?" I asked him, still trying to process what was happening.

The old man smiled kindly. "No, my child. I am a god, and I have the power to grant your wishes. But choose carefully, for once you make your wishes, there is no turning back."

I thought for a moment, my mind racing with possibilities. What did I want? What did I truly desire?

Then it hit me.

"I want to be reborn in the world of Boruto," I said, my voice firm and unwavering. "And I want to be born as Tsunade's son, with the Rinnegan in both of my eyes."

The old man's eyes widened, and he regarded me with a mixture of surprise and admiration.

"Those are powerful wishes, my child," he said. "But they have been granted. You will soon be reborn into the world of Boruto, as Tsunade's son, with the Rinnegan in both of your eyes."

And with that, everything went dark.

I opened my eyes. Everything was so bright and loud, and I couldn't make sense of anything. But then I heard a voice, soft and soothing, calling my name.

"Ryker," the voice said. "Ryker, it's okay. You're safe now."

I turned my head, blinking rapidly as my eyes adjusted to the light. And there she was: Tsunade, my mother, looking down at me with a mixture of love and concern.

I felt a sudden rush of emotion, a sense of belonging and warmth that I couldn't explain. This was my mother, the legendary Sannin of the Hidden Leaf, and I was her son.

It was almost too much to bear.

( Picture of my character is in the comment and the chapter will be longer than this from chapter no.2)