
In A Noble Magic Academy, The Only Spell I Know Is Scan

After dying under mysterious circumstances, Roko finds himself isekai'd into a magical academy aimed to educate and teach magic to princesses. Surrounded by these elite nobles, Roko discovers a spell only he can use, Scan. Why does he have this power? What can he use it for?

Rulerofruins · แฟนตาซี
169 Chs


"Aaaahhh..." Helena flopped down onto the bench where Roko was sitting with an overly drastic sigh, "It's been a week since we arrived at Granreveria and I'm still stuck in this museum!"

"This is only your third time here, don't be so dramatic." Roko scoffed, "You haven't even seen everything in the whole museum yet."

"Why do these elves even have museum? They don't even have tourists normally."

"They have a history they want to record. Museums aren't always a tourist destination." Roko replied as he picked up the book that had fallen out of Helena's hands when she flopped onto the bench and began to flip through it, "At least you seem to be taking notes properly."

"Well you know what they say." Helena said as she stared up at the ceiling, "Gotta commit to the bit."

"This is a bit more than just a 'bit'." Roko said, "You need to show that you're learning should anybody ask about your progress. If you can't answer accurately enough, they'll start to think you don't actually care."

"Don't worry, I got it handled."

"Oh yeah? What happened in Elven Year 1776 on the 27th?"

"Hero Leif returned after fighting the 4th Demon Lord Acathar. He marries his childhood friend, Ivy but dies a short 700 years later with Ivy going on to remarry in only 200 years."

"What occurred on the 12th day of the West Minister War?"

"Elf Noble Summer Easternbellow raided the northern dark elf city of Languardia, defeating General Winter Southerman after springing a surprise attack on his western gates in the fall."

"...Year the Purewood Castle was created?"

"Elven Year 676. Burned down 1557."

"What happened in the year 1805?"

"Elf Nobles rebellion. High class wasn't posh enough. Left to make their own city with higher quality of life and even more restrictive and hidden."


"Which one are you asking about, the implosion of the elf noble city Gildegard or the day the Sword Saint Brettega established communications between the elves of Granreveria and the royal city of Halfheim?"

"You're astonishingly good at this."

"Commit! To! The bit!" Helena giggled, "This is nothing. I learned to pick things up quickly due to all the princess training my parents gave me."

"This is part of being a princess?"

"They didn't want just a princess. They wanted a super princess." Helena replied, "A perfect weapon of a princess, no, a queen. That's not me but I learned how to pretend to be perfect."

"Sometimes, I forget you've had a rough life." Roko said as he put Helena's notebook back down.

"Nothing I couldn't handle." Helena grinned, "Hell, hanging out with you is more stressful."

"You're free to leave at any time."

"What do you think I'm here for?" Helena giggled, "Anyway, what are you doing in the museum?"

"I read all the preliminary stuff from the castle library so they're busy getting me some more advanced material. I'm supposed to be practicing archeomancy but I figured I'd come here for any hints to the secrets of Holy."

"The castle's not letting you study Holy?"

"They're gathering the relevant records but haven't really given me anything yet. I don't think they're particularly keen on giving that info to me."

"Queenie seemed willing enough to me."

"That might just be a facade to placate us. Or even if they do plan on giving us the information eventually, I don't think they'll give it to us quite so easily. Of course, this is only a feeling."

"Hmm..." Helena thought over Roko's words, "There's not really anything we can do if they decide to not give it to us."

"I guess, but it would really help us if they did. It'll at least help Corissa feel better."

"Speaking of Corissa, How's she handling the elf life?"

"She's been fine as far as I'm aware. Why, are you worried?"

"Are you not worried?"

"She has Varis with her, she'll be fine."

"You worried about them now?"

"Yeah, let's just drop by and see how they're doing."

"This flower is merely an accessory! To complement your natural beauty! For there is none can truly match you! Akin to like a-"

"O-Oh...thank you very much." Corissa said as she took the flower from the elf as Varis stepped in between them, "I'm very flattered."

"Y-Your-" The elf tried to continue but Varis kept trying to gently push him away.

"Some things never change."

"Oh, Roko! Helena!" Corissa turned around as her friends walked up to her, "What are you doing here?"

"Just checking up on you." Roko said, "Has that been happening to you a lot?"

"Only recently." Corissa replied, "I've been given more flowers than I know what to do with."

"Nobody has tried anything worse?"

"No, the elves have been pretty nice all things considered. They're mostly poetic people it seems so I've been getting a lot of speeches like that. Nothing new for me."

"You interested in banging an elf?" Helena asked teasingly.

"Wh-N-No!" Corissa blushed, "I mean...I suppose I'm not entirely against it if one of them asked but I'm not inter-"

"Corissa, you don't have to answer that." Roko sighed.

"O-Oh..." Corissa looked down, embarassed.

"So..." Helena snickered, "Has anyone asked?"

"N-NO!" Corissa yelped, "Actually...to be honest, I don't think any of the elves see me in a romantic manner. I don't know why but they seem more concerned about their arts than me."

"To be fair, I think that guy was speaking to you in iambic pentameter."

"He was?!"

"Yeah, elves are pretty high class like that." Helena nodded, "If I had to guess, I'd say that they're more interested in your artistic beauty than in scoring with you."

"What do you mean?" Corissa frowned, confused.

"You know how some people write about how beautiful the sunset is? You, or rather your beauty is so inspiring that they feel compelled to come and express their feelings in gifts and poems. Unlike that literal band of stalkers or your little stalking fanclub, their admiration is pretty pure in comparison."

"Oh." Corissa blinked, "That sounds right. But how did you know?"

"Because historically, no elf has ever actually bred with a human." Helena said as she pulled out her notebook, "Partially because they're so elusive and partially because they probably consider themselves a separate species from humans. We're probably similar enough to breed but instinctually they aren't attracted to us in a manner that facilitates romance. We're not like animals to them, I'm sure. Maybe they're just too self centered to consider doing it with a human."

"Oh..." Corissa said, trying to process what Helena said.

"So all said, their admiration of you is probably the purest kind you'll find." Helena smirked, "Although who knows. If there was ever a person to compel an elf to fuck them, it'd be Rissy."

"Wait, what do you mean?!" Corissa yelped, distressed.

"Helena..." Roko sighed.

"It's a joke!" Helena laughed, "It's just a joke, don't worry about it!"

"Hmph." Corissa pouted cutely, "By the way, what happened to Roland?"

"Roland?" Helena said, "He's hanging out with Momo at the elves' barracks. Apparently they're going to show off some magic weapons soon."

"Oh, that sounds interesting." Corissa turned to Varis, "Would you like a magical weapon, Varis?"

"I don't think he needs it." Roko said as Varis shook his head, "Roland, on the other hand, might try to buy their entire stock."

"Hmmm...give me a moment."

Roko and Corissa watched as Helena pulled out her phone, dial a quick number on it and wait as it connected.


"You're not getting a magic sword."


And then Helena ended the call.

"...Sometimes I feel bad for Roland." Corissa said.

"You of all people should not be feeling bad for Roland." Roko scoffed.

"Eh?! You think so?" Corissa yelped surprised.

"You're too nice for your own good, Corissa." Helena sighed.

At that moment, Roko's phone suddenly began ringing. Picking it up, Roko could hear Momo's voice greeting him on the other end.

"Hey Roko. Is Helena with you?"


"Oh. Yeah I figured you might be since she just called Roland with some...distressing news."

"Is he acting up?"

"Oh, not really. Just depressed. But enough about Roland, Roko you should come to the barracks soon. We found out something about magic weapons that you might want to hear."

"Really? I'll head over then."

"See you in a bit!"

Roko ended the call and turned to the girls waiting besides him.

"Going to the barracks?" Helena guessed.

"Yep. Roland's pretty depressed."

"Didn't know you cared."

"I don't but apparently there's something to learn regarding magic weapons."

"That right? I'll come along. Roland probably has some choice words for me anyway. You coming along, Corissa?"

"I was in the middle of shopping but I guess I can come along." Corissa nodded, "Plus I still feel bad for Roland."

"Okay, but you can't tell him you said that. For various reasons."

"Hey!" Momo waved as Roko and company arrived at the elven barracks, "Good timing! We just got everything set up!"

"Where's Roland?" Helena asked.

"Over there."

Momo pointed to one of the racks of weapons set up in the middle of the training grounds where Roland was chatting with some of the elves. Upon noticing that Helena was here, he bid farewell to the elves for a moment before walking over Helena with a calm, collected, mature and completely out of character look on his face.

"Helena, I am aware of your concerns regarding the acquisition of a magical weapon and if you truly believe it is for the best that I do not obtain one, I am in full support of you." Roland said soothingly.

"That right?" Helena said, not buying his gig for a second, "Cool."

"That's right. I...don't...need...a magic..." Roland tried to continue but his facade was clearly breaking with each word he tried to force out.

"Anyway, what are we here for?" Roko asked Momo.

"Let's let the experts explain." Momo winked as she turned to the elves, "Sensei! If you'd please!"

"Yes, hello." One of the elves, one in a long robe but in light leather armor, bowed to them, "My name is Glebe. I am the head enchanter of the Granreveria army."

"Nice to meet you." Each of the humans politely bowed in return.

"As you may be aware, my job is to place enhancements on the weapons used by our army." Glebe began, "I've brought with me the six basic weapons of our army, each one enchanted with one of the basic elements. We have our fire enchanted sword, Pyros, water enchanted sword, Hydross, the wind enchanted Ancraos, earth enchanted Terraph, ice enchanted Pagos and lightning enchanted Astralos. These are the most basic enhancements on the most basic swords. These enhancements are variable. That is, its power is dependent on its user. Those with better expertise with the spell can call upon greater strength with the magical weapon."

"Even if you don't know the spell, you can use the sword!" Momo exclaimed as she grabbed onto one of the sword and created a small swirl of snow around it, "And if you have the natural talent for it..."

"Your use of the swords would be stronger." Roko nodded, "So if fire is a 'natural spell' of mine, I can naturally pull more power of this sword."

"Yep." Momo tossed the sword over to Helena who caught it in surprise, the light snow flowing around the blade becoming giant spiral of ice, "What do you think? Great plan huh?"

"True." Roko nodded, "That would circumvent that Mystic Transcriber thing. Though if I understand it properly, that process would inform me of spells that aren't elemental as well. Though this is much safer."

"Wanna give it a go then?"

"I don't see why not. This should help me learn more about magic."

"I gotcha! Then which do you want to start with first?!"

"Fire would be a good reference point. As a control base for future observations."

"Got it! Sensei, the Pyros sword please!"

The lightly armored elf handed Pyros to Roko. Honestly, each of the swords looked exactly the same with only the handle color differentiating them. They were as simple as simple gets and concepts and mechanics as simple as this was exactly what he needed to learn. Roko contemplated on how exactly to pull magic out of the sword but the more he thought about it, the more he thought it wasn't about pulling power out of the sword but rather pushing his energy into the sword to empower it. And in response to his effort, the sword ignited...in a small flickering flame at the tip of the blade.

"Hm." Momo watched curiously, "This seems pretty normal right?"

"It's pretty weak, really." Glebe said, "I wouldn't say you're particularly talented at fire. Perhaps you can try another sword?"

"Try this one." Helena offered Roko her ice sword.

For the next few minutes, Roko tried each of the elemental weapons, each providing middling results. A small gust, little floating rocks, light circuit of electricity. Nothing seemed to quite work for him. At least not in any notable aspect.

"Well, don't worry about it!" Momo said encouragingly, "You're still really powerful! And this doesn't mean you can't still learn magic!"

"Thanks but I kinda expected this." Roko sighed, "If I did have the talent for any of the elements, I probably would've learned the spell a long time ago."

"I'm not particularly good with these either." Corissa added as she held onto a lightly breezy sword.

"Oh, this doesn't necessarily prove that you don't have a talent for the spells." Glebe said, "Perhaps the attunement isn't favorable."

"Attunement?" Roko asked.

"Perhaps you've heard that no two spells are the same? Even the same functional fire spells are created in different ways by different people. The enchantment we place on weapons are like placing that spell onto the weapon. It's modified a bit to make it user friendly but that doesn't mean it's compatible with you. The closer the enchantment to your own casting, the stronger it is. That's why a lot of magical weapons are remade or adjusted when they are personalized for skilled owners."

"How does one adjust the attunement?"

"It's really a lot of trial and error and observation. By observing the flow of mana before and after the spell, one can recreate the flow as instructions for the enchantment. In that way your weapon can cast a spell the same way you are and you can wield your weapon much more efficiently."

"What does that look like?"


"What exactly do spells look like? What do you engrave into your enchantments?"

"Ah, that's not exactly a simple answer. The spell has to be adjusted to fit the enchantment mechanics. It's a unique part that has to be built around with it's own unique structure. But as for what we take from the user as reference, it's like a seal or circle."

"Interesting..." Roko muttered as he began to enter his thoughts with a concentrated look on his face.

"Hm? Did I say something unusual?" Glebe asked.

"Whatever Roko's thinking he'll tell us when he's figured it out." Momo smiled.

"And who knows?" Helena said as she tapped Pagos on her shoulder, "Maybe he'll unravel the secrets of magic some day?"

"I don't know about that..." Corissa chuckled, "I just hope he doesn't overwork himself..."

"Nice, wife." Helena gave Corissa the thumbs up.

"Again with the wife..." Corissa muttered, only the slightest bit flustered at this point, "Anyway, it's almost time for dinner soon so I have to get back to the lodge and help Treesa with the cooking."

"Thanks, team mom!"

"I'll take that over wife." Corissa sighed.