
Imprison Me: Gold Edition

(A new and improved story of Imprison Me. A exciting thrill of a story that sucks you in the world of New Apple City where it creates the world around you.) (Disclaimer: This novel is entirely Fictional. The world and people are fictional. This novel isn't created to insult or upset anyone based on religion and the way one might be perceived.) (Viewer discretion Is Advised: Strong Sexuality and Harsh Language. 18+) (The images I use, I do NOT own. I get them on Google, Bing, or Pinterest. Will mark creators if I find the names.) Book Summary: As soon as they stared at each other for more than a second- it felt like something clicked for the both of them, as if a key's been turned unlocking sets of gears that started to turn. Both of their hearts beating the same rhythm connecting all of the puzzle pieces of an ancient puzzle that's been waiting to be finished. The pair of silver eyes seem to devour the blue ones- like the ground reaching up and pulling down the sky. Unable to take the pressure anymore- the young man shifted his delicate eyes but something in the back of his mind yelled at him to turn back his attention.

JaideDWaters · แอคชั่น
6 Chs

Chapter 3: Heart of Apple City

Tall office buildings reached up to the sky as if they were all trying to compete with another one in who can be taller but the tallest building in the end had a big 'W'- Wolverton Corporation was the one that had the most windows looking like it was made of nothing but glass, of course the glass was tinted allowing outsiders to see their reflection.

Mr. Wolverton carried himself with high dignity and pride as his sculpted body swiftly made its way through the entrance of the company. His rich dress shoes clacked against the solid marble flooring as everyone that was on the first floor hurried forming two lines- one on each side of their boss as they bowed their heads in respect. There's an invisible forcefield that made him unapproachable with pressure that made it difficult to breathe.

As he made his way to his private elevator that led directly to the top floor- his office- A bald man came out of nowhere and walked alongside him as if he's done it for all his life. He was dressed in a fine suit that didn't match his scary face that has an ugly scar along his right cheek. His shiny bald head revealed a beautiful tattoo that leads down, the suit collar cutting off the motion. As he walked, he held his hands behind his back but not saying anything unless he was spoken too- a hard look glued to his features.

"How are preparations going?" The CEO's voice was low and demanding, his eyes never leaving their view which was forward. As soon as he passed the lines of people, they went back to business like clockwork.

"Progressing smoothly sir. By the time everything is ready to ship, the investments should've already been processed, and the tournament would already be halfway over. Nothing should go wrong." The bald man spoke in a gangster-like manner but still showed respect to his boss. Contrary of his looks, he felt uneasy when dealing business with the CEO- his lean body broke out in hives underneath his dark suit. Good thing another individual came scotching in their conversation, to draw the attention away from him not getting any results by now- as crazy as those sounds.

"How was your lunch? Was the fresh air good?" Her voice was warm like honey, as did her skin look like honey's been rubbed on her body and cooked until a beautiful bronze color- despite her warm voice, her sexy foxlike appearance seemed rather annoyed. Her hips swayed back and forth hypnotizing anyone, as he heels etched against the ground. The outfit she was wearing flattered her figure but still work worthy being made up of a silk pear color blouse and a black pencil skirt. Holding in her bosom was cylinders that held important documents- Wolverton is the type of boss that doesn't rely on digital copies but physical ones that.

Ignoring the sarcasm that's been plainly heard as he glanced his eyes to the left of him at the individual that thought he was off the hook for being slow. Seeing his boss look his way, his whole body stiffened up as he swallows down saliva.

"Have Lia run a sweep- look for anything out of the ordinary, even the smallest thing- Bosco needs to personally go to pick-up sight; I don't want anything going wrong this time. If it does- I expect-"

"I will personally take all responsibility, sir." He knew cutting off his boss was a big risk but he didn't want to hear what he was going to happen. Wolverton cracked a dazzling smile as him and the woman loaded into the elevator- leaving the bald man standing outside.

"No need to go that far 2-Fingers."

2-Fingers got taken back from Wolverton smiling at him- let alone saying it in light words, even if those words were only illusion. Standing in a daze, not recovering as the doors shut between them.

The woman narrowed her deep scarlet eyes as she suspected something is different about him. His sharp eyelashes curled slightly as her arched brows flinched, not knowing what to feel.

"You're in a good mood.."

Hearing what she said as they walked into a spacious office caused Wolverton to let out a low chuckle. His legs made long strides as he went to a big, rich dark color desk that has beautiful cravings on the legs. The office itself is a big spacious box with its own private bathroom to the right side of the office door- where his private elevator is located to the left of the door. In the middle of the room held two, leather couches that can easily fit at least 5 people on each; a mirrored coffee table between the couches- Everything is symmetrical and kept neat. Located behind the couches, is a grand bookcase on the right-side and a personal bar to the left. His grand desk stood behind the sitting area, in front of the doors line of sight, closest to the windows.

Leaning back in a custom-made, leather desk chair with a refreshing look in his eyes ,as the woman that stood in front of his desk was waiting for his answer.

His silver eyes playfully glanced towards his personal aid, finishing his little tune.

"It must be the fresh air you were talking about, Zeta." A playful smirk overshadowed his lips- just annoying her even further. deciding to drop the subject for now- dropping the cylinders on his desk, hoping some would knock over the objects that's been neatly placed on the somewhat empty desk.

"Well, I hope it was refreshing because we have a lot of work to get done today. Here's the information on different products that's planning to launch with the new school year. A conference has been scheduled for the 5th at Bird's Feather, 7:30- they would like you to consider showing up this time and your third appointment has arrived and is now waiting in the conference room."

"Show him in." After a brief pause, Wolverton said in a sigh- they both annoyed at the client that showed up. Combing back raven-like strands of hair while Zeta showed an individual inside the office.

With a 'tad, thud' rhythm as the old individual limps in putting all his weight on the cane that helped carry him. A small, round body shuffles in a pea-green suit that has extra unknown stains on the chest area- his nasty little eyes didn't leave Zeta's behind as she showed him the way. Wiping away drool that leaked out of the corner of his tiny mouth with a handkerchief that was once white. Zeta felt annoyance bubble within the pit of her stomach as the nasty stares undressed her with its beady eyes.

Shutting the door, giving the men privacy and happily to get out of the old man's sight. Wolverton motion for him to take a seat- The old man sat on the chair that's place on the opposite side of the desk, shimmering his way to the back of the seat causing his legs to dangle a little bit off the floor. Curly hair popping out from the back of his suit collar- gripping the beat up cane from the disrespect that was clearly shown.

Silver eyes watched the pitiful turtle-like creature with a stoic face- a pitiful sight indeed. His beady eyes shown endless greed that spills out of him like grease- he takes everything from his victims until there's nothing left then he sees what he can squeeze out of them. Trash is more worthy than the individual that sits in front of him- The turtle's bald head has two layers of sweat pouring down him as his mouth is in a constant pucker- his face turning more shades of red the longer Matthew didn't offer his greetings.

Underneath the harsh stare of the endless void that's called eyes, the turtle's arms began to tremble as he hung on to the cane for dare life.

"Your report, Mr. Biggs, is filled with red flags that even a colorblind person would be able to see them." Wolverton spoke low and calm causing the old man to flinch as if he got burnt. Unable to say anything, he just glanced away from those silver eyes, wiping his forehead.

"Why should I give you more resources if you can't find the missing ones or who took them. This is the second time- the first time, I let it go because you said your team was close to catching who did it but after it happened again-" Pausing for a moment before talking again. "It's idiotic."

The old turtle couldn't say anything- breathing became heavier and more difficult to do. Once Wolverton noticed the missing assets, he personally looked into this matter to find something doesn't add up- he was surprised his security team didn't catch it. The feeling like something is toying with him from the shadows.

Getting lost in thought causing his finger hit strongly against the desk. With every thud of his finger- the old man flinched away, feeling threaten.


The tapping seized, dragging Wolverton out of his thought and back to Mr. Biggs.

"I'll give the 20 you've asked for but this time I'll be rising the sale price up to 85%. I'll draw up the paperwork and contact you then. With that- I'll consider this meeting done. I trust you can show yourself out?"

Before a reply could be said- a knock rung out into the room.

"Enter." Wolverton's eyes never left Mr. Biggs's silhouette waiting for him to leave the room while Zeta carried in a rod. This time Mr. Biggs was too red in the face with embarrassment that he couldn't get a word in before he was dismissed. Resentment raged up in his small eyes as he left the office, clenching his teeth.

"The background check came back." Zeta said, handing off the cylinder.

Taking the object from his aid while he watched the cameras showing a individual wobbling out of the building.

"Have Bosco report here- there's something I need him to check for me." His silver eyes drifting to the rob that has scrolling letters reading out 'Lex Nelson'.