
Immortal Swords

"Harry World, originally just an ordinary people, coincidently, adopted by a powerful old man , becoming the greatest legend in the world of cultivation, a myth within the realm of swords, a legend of swordsmanship.

jiajia_Lily · แฟนตาซี
64 Chs

In the mountain

Harry spent the past ten years seeing the most impressive house, which was the mayor's house.

However, to be honest, comparing the mayor's residence to the palace here on the North Peak was like comparing heaven and earth.

The difference was incomparable. Moreover, these fairy-like immortal maidens made Harry's eyes widen in amazement.

Throughout this journey, Harry had been following behind Abbas, running around to complete the procedures for accepting disciples.

However, Harry himself had no idea what he was running around with Abbas for. His young mind was completely overwhelmed by the extravagant scenery before him.

The endless radiance and colorful light he witnessed upon entering Sworthy Mountain, the grand corridors and towering pavilions that stretched for miles, all completely astonished Harry, who had only ever lived in the small town of Eastforest.

It turns out that there are such magnificent scenes in the world.

Indeed, it's the skill of the immortals.

Yes, he was determined to become an immortal leader in the future. No, according to his master, he should call himself a Shian's learner.

Given the chance, he wouldn't even trade it for being an emperor.

Time passed, and the procedures for accepting disciples were completed in a daze.

In the midst of it all, Harry had become the tenth-generation true disciple of the North Peak of Sworthy Mountain.

At this point, Harry had no idea of the preciousness of being a true disciple.

Sworthy Mountain is one of the five major Shian Learner's Sects in the Great Jin Empire, a super sect that has been established for five thousand years.

In reality, Sworthy Mountain accepts very few disciples.

They look at the character and aptitude. Like Abbas, who believed that Harry, despite being so young, knew how to sacrifice himself to save others, and his character was decent enough, so he accepted Harry as his disciple.

This scrutiny of character and aptitude has eliminated countless people. 

With such stringent criteria, very few can enter the Shian's Group.

However, even though the number of people is small, they have been polished over the course of five thousand years.

Moreover, Shian Learners, also called cultivators, have long lives, living for hundreds of years is normal, and it is said that the oldest in the Great Jin Empire has lived for over ten thousand years.

With such accumulation over five thousand years, there are indeed many people in Sworthy Mountain, not just many, but one could say, a lot. There may already be thousands of tenth-generation disciples.

And each of the five peaks of Sworthy Mountain only accepts ten true disciples, highlighting the preciousness of true disciples.

Due to Abbas's high position on the North Peak and Harry being Abbas's only disciple, he became the incredibly precious tenth-generation True Disciple of the North Peak from the moment he entered.

It was like reaching the sky in one step.

Of course, Harry had no idea about any of this.

With Abbas leading him, all the entrance procedures were completed, and now Harry had become the number one among the tenth-generation true disciples of the North Peak, ranking sixth.

Afterward, Abbas took Harry to his Long-Spring Yard.

This Long-Spring Yard was halfway up the back mountain of the North Peak.

Surrounded by lush trees and a simple fence, which was actually inscribed with rune formations.

If activated, it would be a formidable array. Of course, Harry couldn't see through this at the moment, he just followed Abbas into the courtyard.

Inside the fence, a stone path led to several exquisite wooden houses.

Abbas said, "This is where I live. You will live here with me in the future. Oh, and let me tell you about the five major precepts of Sworthy Mountain. Our Sworthy Mountain is a noble and orthodox sect, so we only have five major precepts."

At this point, Abbas's expression became serious, and he said loudly,

"The first precept of our sect is to never deceive or harm our masters or ancestors, and to respect our elders."

"The second precept is to never betray the sect. Once you betray, you will be pursued and killed until death."

"The third precept is to never engage in internal strife or harm fellow disciples."

"The fourth precept is to never collude with demonic forces or kill fellow cultivators."

"The fifth precept is to never indiscriminately kill innocent people."

"I took you in as my disciple because I saw that you have an excellent character. You were willing to help others even when you were in danger yourself. But if you violate any of these five precepts, I will search every corner of the world to retrieve what you've learned." Abbas said sternly.

A strict master indeed.

The chance encounter with immortality brought him such a strict master.

However, Harry wasn't afraid. His own father had been equally strict since childhood, but he wasn't helpless.

Thinking of his father, Dr. World, and his stern demeanor, Harry suddenly realized the similarity between him and his current master, Abbas, in their sternness, and couldn't help but chuckle inwardly.

Of course, Harry had no intention of violating these five precepts.

Deceiving or harming masters or ancestors, harming fellow disciples, or killing innocent people were not his style.

Though he didn't aspire to be a great hero, he also had no desire to become a great villain.

To each his own, free and easy, that's his style.


In the following days, Harry settled in the Long-Spring Yard on the North Peak.

During this time, Harry learned about the stages of cultivation from his master, Abbas.

It turns out that cultivation has two stages: the Meditation Phase and the Foundation Phase.

Both the Meditation Phase and the Foundation Phase have ten levels.

Regarding the specific divisions of the ten levels of the Foundation Phase, it's unknown.

According to Abbas, "You haven't started cultivation yet. You need to go through the ten levels of the Meditation Phase first before you can reach the ten levels of the Foundation Phase. You don't need to know about the ten levels of the Foundation Phase yet. Don't aim too high."

As for the major realm after the Foundation Phase, it's said to be the Immortality Phase.

However, just asking about the ten levels of the Foundation Phase earned Harry a stern scolding from his master. Asking about the Immortality Phase would probably result in an even harsher scolding.

Scary. Thinking of that stern-faced master, Harry felt a bit scared. It's better not to ask. It's better not to ask.

Harry was sitting in his room at this moment, starting to meditate and practice breathing.

At the beginning, he hadn't learned any profound techniques.

According to his master, starting cultivation didn't require profound techniques, just breathing exercises were enough.

The morning sun shone through the window.

Alright, breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out.

Damn, almost fell asleep.

Harry suddenly woke up and continued to meditate.

He was going to become an immortal leader even greater than an emperor. How could he not persevere here? However, the drowsiness was so strong.

The more he tried to focus on breathing, the more he wanted to sleep. At this moment, Harry remembered a popular poem he had heard in Eastforest town.

"Spring is not for studying, Summer's heat calls for a nap, Autumn brings mosquitoes, winter snow, Packing up the schoolbag is the best New Year's gift."

Indeed, this poem is spot on.