
Immortal Swords

"Harry World, originally just an ordinary people, coincidently, adopted by a powerful old man , becoming the greatest legend in the world of cultivation, a myth within the realm of swords, a legend of swordsmanship.

jiajia_Lily · Fantasy
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64 Chs


Eastforest Town, it's neither big nor small.

It's just a town with a single long street, where you can walk from one end to the other in the time it takes for an incense stick to burn.

Life in the town is usually very ordinary.

But when something special happens, news travels quickly from one end of the town to the other, just like now.

"Have you heard? Dr. World's ten-year-old son, Harry, from the east end of town, has been taken as a disciple by a venerable Shian with white hair and a dignified demeanor," Mrs. Zhao, who was washing clothes by the river, said.

"That little rascal became a disciple of Shian. What a stroke of luck," said a big girl nearby.

"Yeah, what's going on?" asked another woman.

"I heard that it's because of his good nature and his ability to risk his life to save others that he was taken as a disciple by Shian," Mrs. Zhao said.

"No way, that little rascal Harry? Risking his life to save others?" another woman said. "I only remember him leading a bunch of kids around causing trouble, stealing fruit trees for fun. He's the king of kids, alright. And he even peeked at girls and women bathing. He would risk his life to save others?"

"Yeah, I don't believe it either. I've seen Harry grow up since he was wearing diapers. He's not that kind of person," another woman who seemed familiar with Harry said.

"But regardless, now that Harry is a disciple of Shian, he has the opportunity to become a Shian," a big girl summed up.

"Harry that little rascal is really lucky." 

"Yeah, Mrs. White, I heard that Harry peeked at you bathing before. Maybe when he becomes a Shian, he'll come looking for you."

These words immediately made beautiful Mrs. White blush.

Mrs. White was only in her twenties, having been married for only half a year. She had a tender complexion and a lovely appearance, with a melon seed face and two black braids.


At the east end of the town, there was a boy with big, sharp eyes, who looked somewhat shrewd, standing next to an old man with white hair and a dignified demeanor.

This boy was naturally the mischievous little rascal Harry World mentioned by everyone, while the old man with white hair and a dignified demeanor was the Shian spoken of by everyone this time.

Harry was now reminiscing about what had happened.

Let's start from the beginning.

It started this morning when he and a group of friends went to play in the woods outside of town.

He spotted a giant mantis from afar and was scared out of his wits, but he quickly reacted and called for everyone to climb up the big tree.

However, Mark Jay, the fat third child from the Jay family, couldn't climb up the tree due to his heavy weight and excitement.

Seeing the giant mantis approaching, Harry was terrified.

He had heard people talk about the ferocity of giant mantises before. They often heard about uncles and grandpas dying at the hands of tigers, but they had never seen it with their own eyes.

This time, he could see it with his own eyes.

Even though he was up in the tree and the tiger was below, he could still feel the fierceness of the giant mantis. He felt a cold wind blow, and for some reason, the tiger's eyes were fixed on him.

The gaze of those two tiger eyes made his legs weak.

Just at that moment, he slipped.

He slipped and fell to the ground below.

When he came to his senses, the giant mantis was right in front of him.

He was terrified and just wanted to run for his life. But even a strong man couldn't outrun a tiger, let alone a kid like him.

He tried his best to run, but then a white light appeared and killed the giant mantis with a single blow. Then the white-haired Shian appeared.

The white-haired Shian actually thought that he climbed down from the tree because of his sense of justice, wanting to save Mark, the fat third child from the Jay family.

So he thought he had a good heart and took him as his disciple.

Poor thing, he just slipped.

Although he wasn't a bad person, he wasn't a particularly righteous person either.

He wouldn't risk his life to save others. This was clearly a misunderstanding caused by slipping.

But since the white-haired Shian thought so, he naturally wouldn't be foolish enough to explain it.

This is what they call fate.

Legend has it that those Shian can move mountains and split seas, carry mountains and cross oceans.

It is said that compared to the emperor, the Shian are even more powerful. They don't even bow to the emperor. That's how great they are.

Now he has the opportunity to join the Shian and become one of them in the future.

Hey, since that's the case, why should he explain this misunderstanding?

People, sometimes they're just lucky. He slipped and caused a misunderstanding, but it brought him an opportunity.

In the future, when he becomes a Shian, he will have as much money as he wants, become an official if he wants, and marry a beautiful wife like Mrs. White. By then, he will definitely be a happy and fulfilled person... Harry thought more and more, and his mouth couldn't help but curl up into a smile.

Although he's a bit mischievous and cunning, Harry is still just a ten-year-old kid who can't hide too much.

Just because he thought he would become a legendary Shian in the future, and thought about the happy life in the future, when he bid farewell to his parents, he didn't feel any sadness. Instead, he was full of excitement. There was no such thing as homesickness or sorrow.

"You've already said goodbye to your parents, now, it's time to set off," the white-haired Shian said.

"Yes." Harry was already very excited.


In the sky, white clouds floated.

In the sky, there was a turquoise bowl suspended among the vast white clouds.

This turquoise bowl was probably the size of a carriage.

In the turquoise bowl, an old man with white hair was sitting cross-legged, while a ten-year-old boy with a cunning look was curiously looking around.

Harry was full of surprise at this moment.

Shian was indeed Shian, and indeed had extraordinary skills.

He had just seen the white-haired Shian take out a normal-sized blue bowl from his arms, throw it into the air, and it kept getting bigger until it was the size of a carriage.

Then he sat in it, and as it ascended, it was incredibly stable, without any swaying. Moreover, he couldn't feel the strong wind blowing towards him.

The skills of the Shian are truly extraordinary.

In the future, he will also become a Shian, Harry's eyes were shining with anticipation for the future life.

The white-haired Shian shouted, "Let's go."

The turquoise bowl immediately flew towards the southeast direction.

The white-haired Shian said, "There are some things I need to tell you. We mortals call ourselves Shian, but we are not actually Shian. We are just Shian's Learners. We absorb the essence of heaven and earth, cultivate ourselves, and have various amazing skills. We can fly in the sky and travel underground. In the eyes of mortals, these skills are called Shian, but they are not true Shian. You have been accepted as my disciple, and you should know this. I am called Abbas Lee, and I am the elder of the ninth generation of Sworthy Mountain."

"As for Sworthy Mountain, it is one of the five major Shian Learners' sects in the Great Jin Empire. It was founded by Master Knowing five thousand years ago."

"In the future, when you join my sect, you will be the tenth generation disciple of Sworthy Mountain."

"As for Sworthy Mountain, it is tens of thousands of miles away from here and will take some time."

When the white-haired Shian stopped speaking, Harry looked around curiously, standing in the sky looking at the earth.

But from the ground, the sky looked completely different. Standing in the sky, he felt that the earth had become much smaller. T

he towering mountains looked like small mounds, and the towns looked like tiny blocks. The rivers, on the other hand, looked like small streams.

Looking at the sky from the ground and looking at the ground from the sky are completely different experiences.

Moreover, Harry found that when he looked at the sky from the ground, he thought there was nothing in the sky.

Now he realized that there were all kinds of turbulence, dust, and rainwater in the sky, not empty at all.

It was truly a novel experience, and he felt that he had broadened his horizons.

In this state of wonder, a huge mountain appeared in front of him.

This surprised Harry.

He had seen mountains before, which looked like small mounds. But this mountain looked incredibly tall in the sky.

Its height was probably not less than ten thousand feet, giving the impression of blocking out the sky, truly a majestic mountain.

Looking at it from the sky, he could see that the mountain was steep, with cliffs stretching thousands of feet and peaks standing tall.

At this moment, the white-haired Shian, Abbas, pointed to the towering mountain in front and said, "This is Sworthy Mountain where our sect is located. Sworthy Mountain has dozens of peaks, but the five main peaks are the highest. These five peaks are Sunrise Peak in the east, Goosedown Peak in the south, Loctus Peak in the west, Desiringirl Peak in the center, and Clouding Peak in the north. And Sworthy Mountain is divided into five branches, each located on one of the five peaks. I am the elder of Clouding Peak in the north, and in the future, you will be the tenth generation disciple of Clouding Peak in the north."

Abbas controlled the turquoise bowl and entered it.

With a gesture, endless rosy light and endless prohibitions could be seen, surrounded by colorful light and clouds.

In the midst of the clouds and wind, there were palaces hidden in the clouds.

For a moment, Harry's eyes were dazzled by the endless brilliance, and he couldn't see anything clearly. All he could say was that the skills of the immortals were truly extraordinary and unique.