
Immortal Saga

Xiao Chen wants to protect his parents from their enemies and in order to do that he started to cultivate madly. but he finds that he is unable to cultivate. until he encounters an opportunity that allows him to cultivate a mysterious technic. As he starts his journey to become a hegemon with his loved ones.

Firoz_Mansoori_5921 · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

10. Blushing Su Xinyi

Su Xinyi and Xiao Chen went inside the cozy home; Wu Rong couldn't contain her curiosity and a little suspicion about the boy her husband had brought home. With a warm smile, she asked, "Husband, who is this young boy you've brought with you today?"

Su Jia Hao met his wife's gaze with a gentle smile, sensing her curiosity. "Rong'er, his name is Xiao Chen," he replied warmly. "I found him tangled in my fishing net while I was out in the Blue Profound Sea today. He was unconscious and appeared to be in need of help, so I couldn't leave him behind."

Wu Rong's suspicion softened as she listened to her husband's explanation. She knew Su Jia Hao had a kind and caring heart, and his desire to help others was well-known. Still, she couldn't help but feel a mixture of emotions about this unexpected addition to their household.

"He told me that he had lost his parents and was trying to reach ….ah what was the name ... yes, Green Ox Village with his father when they were attacked," Su Jia Hao continued, his voice tinged with empathy. "It seems like he has been through a lot, and he looked so lost and vulnerable when he woke up."

Wu Rong's heart went out to the young boy, and she nodded in understanding. "Sigh…It sounds like he's had a difficult life," she said softly. "We must do what we can to help him, Husband."

Her husband nodded in agreement. "Exactly, Rong'er," he said. "I thought about giving him some work at the stall, so he can earn his keep and feel like he belongs here. He has no one to turn to, and I believe we can offer him a safe place to stay. What do you say? "

Wu Rong's eyes sparkled with admiration for her husband's kind-heartedness. "That's very thoughtful of you, Husband," she said, her voice softening. "Helping those in need has always been one of our family's virtues, and I'm sure this boy needs our support."

The rain continued to fall softly around them, Su Jia Hao suddenly paused in his task of collecting things from the stall. He cast a cautious glance around, ensuring no one was within earshot. Satisfied that they were alone, he approached Wu Rong with a look of concern in his eyes. Lowering his voice to a whisper, he said, "Rong'er, there's something I need to tell you. I saw a tattoo on Xiao Chen's chest, a tattoo of a dragon and a Phoenix."

When Wu Rong heard her husband saying something with caution at first she didn't understand want he wants to say. After a moment of silence, she thought of an event of the past they encountered.

"Husband," she whispered, her voice trembling slightly, "do you think Xiao Chen could be the one mentioned in those prophecies?"

Su Jia Hao's eyes gleamed with intrigue as he considered the possibility. "It's hard to say for certain," he replied softly, "but the signs do seem to align. We must be cautious and observe closely. If these prophecies hold any truth, Xiao Chen may indeed hold a significant role in the unfolding events."

As they looked at each other, a silent understanding passed between Su Jia Hao and Wu Rong. They both knew that they needed to tread carefully and keep this revelation to themselves. The world of cultivators was vast and filled with countless secrets and dangers. They didn't want to draw unnecessary attention to Xiao Chen, especially if he was somehow linked to the ancient prophecies.

Wu Rong asked in a low voice, "Husband, should we tell him or not?"

After thinking for a moment Su Jia Hao answered, "I think that we should tell him about it. Firstly because if he found out about it from someone else. Maybe In the future, he will think, we hide all this to take advantage of him. Secondly, if he unintentionally shows it to someone else. That person can harm him or even all of us in many ways to find out about the mystery of that Dragon Phoenix tattoo. So in both ways, it will be better to tell him before anything bad happens."

With the decision made to share the prophecies with Xiao Chen. Su Jia Hao and Wu Rong gathered all their belongings from the stall and swiftly made their way back inside their home. The rain continued to fall outside, drumming a soft rhythm on the rooftop as if echoing the secrets and mysteries that lay in their hearts.


As Su Xinyi entered the house, she left Xiao Chen's hand pointing him to sit on the wooden chair in the hall. Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she became aware of her wet skirt clinging to her body. The rainwater had seeped through the fabric, revealing the contours of her thin waist and slightly uneven chest. Her heart raced with confusion and she couldn't comprehend why she was feeling so flustered in the presence of Xiao Chen.

Trying to shake off her self-consciousness, Su Xinyi hurriedly moved to find dry clothes for both herself and Xiao Chen. She knew it was just the rain's effect on her skirt, but the sudden feeling of vulnerability unsettled her. She couldn't understand why she was feeling this way, especially since she had never felt like this before in front of anyone.

After changing into another sky-blue skirt, she felt a bit more at ease, but the blush on her cheeks lingered as she re-entered the hall. She couldn't help but sneak glances at Xiao Chen, who seemed preoccupied with his thoughts. His calm demeanor only made her blush deepen, and she discreetly tucked a strand of hair behind her ear to compose herself.

When she finally reappeared in front of Xiao Chen with the white robe for him, she hoped that the change of topic would help her regain her composure. She pointed him to the room, "You can wear this robe." But even as she spoke, her cheeks retained a hint of rosy hue.

As Xiao Chen went to change into the robe, Su Xinyi took a moment to gather her thoughts. She wondered if her sudden blush was due to the intense rain or perhaps the unfamiliarity of the situation. Whatever the reason, she couldn't shake off the feeling of being flustered and self-conscious.

When Xiao Chen emerged from the room wearing the white robe, Su Xinyi's heart fluttered a little. She quickly looked away, trying to hide her embarrassment. She felt an inexplicable connection with him, and the intensity of her emotions bewildered her.

As Xiao Chen reappeared in the hall wearing the white robe, Su Xinyi couldn't help but feel a flutter of admiration in her heart. He looked handsome and confident in the white robe, and she found herself feeling flustered by his presence. Trying to regain her composure, she mustered a smile and praised him, "You look really good in that robe, big brother Chen."

To her surprise, Xiao Chen returned the compliment with a warm smile, "And you look beautiful in that sky blue skirt, little sister Xinyi."

Her cheeks flushed even more, and she couldn't help but glance down at her skirt, feeling a mix of embarrassment and delight. It was just a simple skirt, nothing special, but the way he praised her made her heart skip a beat.

Feeling a bit shy, Su Xinyi changed the topic, "Let's go and sit by the fireplace. I will serve you tea. It's still a bit chilly."

As they settled on two ancient-looking wooden chairs by the fireplace, the warmth of the crackling fire enveloped them. Su Xinyi filled two cups of tea and handed one to Xiao Chen, their fingers briefly touching in the process, sending a jolt of warmth through her. She smiled nervously, trying to hide her flustered feelings as she held her own cup.

"Thank you," Xiao Chen said gratefully, taking the cup from her. He took a sip of the warm tea, feeling the comforting heat spread through his body. "This is really good."

Su Xinyi smiled, pleased by his compliment. "I'm glad you like it. My grandma taught me how to brew tea. She's an expert at it."

As they were talking, Su Jia Hao and Wu Rong entered the house with many things in their hands. They put the things on the shelves in the hall.

Wu Rong looked toward Su Xinyi an Xiao Chen, commented with a gentle smile, "You two seem to be getting along well."

Su Xinyi shyly glanced toward Xiao Chen with a hint of pink on her cheek. "Yes, Grandma, big brother Chen is a nice person," Su Xinyi replied with a smile.

Wu Rong teasingly smiled, "How do you know this brat is a good boy?"

Su Xinyi felt flustered as she was caught doing something wrong, looking at her feet she tried to answer stutteringly, "Uh….. well ….big brother…. Chen....big brother Chen is a nice person."

Xiao Chen hurriedly replied defending Su Xinyi, "Little sister Xinyi, you don't need to praise me in front of Senior Wu."

Wu Rong and Su Jian Hao were stunned as if they were electrocuted. Because it was the first time they were seeing their granddaughter feeling flustered and shy in front of someone. They exchanged glances thinking, why these little brats were defending each other.

Wu Rong nodded approvingly. "I'm glad to hear that. Xiao Chen, you're welcome to stay with us for as long as you like. We're happy to have you here."

"Thank you, Aunt Wu Rong," Xiao Chen replied gratefully.

Wu Rong waved her hand casually and said, "You don't need to call me Aunt, just call me Grandma Wu."

Xiao Chen smiled warmly, "Okay, Grandma Wu."

Su Jia Hao smiled teasingly, "Xinyi, why are being flustered? Even your ears getting pink."

Su Xinyi glared at him and changed the topic, "Grandpa-grandma I think you should drink some hot tea or you will fall ill?"

Grandma Wu and Grandpa Su exchanged amused glances, charmed by the adorable exchange between Su Xinyi and Xiao Chen. They both nodded in agreement, and Grandma Wu said, "You're right, Xinyi. It's getting chilly, and a cup of hot tea would be lovely."

As Su Xinyi hurriedly poured tea for her grandparents, Xiao Chen couldn't help but notice her slight blush and the way she focused on taking care of her family. He found her earnestness endearing and admired her caring nature.

Grandpa Su took a sip of the tea and exclaimed, "Ah, this is perfect, Xinyi! You've become quite skilled at making tea."

Su Xinyi beamed with pride and happiness at her grandfather's praise, her earlier flustered state now replaced with a sense of accomplishment.

Xiao Chen, feeling a warm sense of belonging, decided to help out as well. "Let me help you, Little sister Xinyi," he said, reaching for the teapot and filling Grandma Wu's cup.

Grandma Wu smiled at the two of them, seeing how naturally they interacted and helped each other. It was evident that they were becoming good friends, and she couldn't have been happier to witness this newfound connection.

As they all sat together, sipping tea and enjoying each other's company, the atmosphere in the house felt harmonious and full of warmth.