
Immortal Saga

Xiao Chen wants to protect his parents from their enemies and in order to do that he started to cultivate madly. but he finds that he is unable to cultivate. until he encounters an opportunity that allows him to cultivate a mysterious technic. As he starts his journey to become a hegemon with his loved ones.

Firoz_Mansoori_5921 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

9. Blue Pearl City

Blue Pearl City, an enchanting city situated along the coast of the fabled Blue Profound Sea, is a thriving hub for cultivators seeking a life of higher realms of cultivation. With its awe-inspiring coastal views and bustling harbors, the city exudes an atmosphere of both serenity and ambition. But beneath its picturesque surface lies a world filled with cultivators in a relentless struggle for power and Knowledge.

With its sprawling harbors and breathtaking coastal views, the city's allure extends beyond its picturesque exterior. In the depths of the Blue Profound Sea amidst the waves, cultivators embark on daring hunts to challenge the mighty sea monsters. These creatures hold valuable treasures - their cores and body parts - essential for refining artifacts and concocting potent pills.

The cultivators can be seen venturing into the dangerous sea, seeking the cores and body parts of sea monsters to bolster their cultivation or selling them for any other cultivation resource in auction houses and stores. Cultivators and mortal traders converge here to exchange goods, artifacts, and resources, fostering a competitive yet thriving atmosphere.

In contrast to the bustling center, the slums or poor areas serve as a poignant reminder of the city's complexity. Mortals and weak cultivators, unable to ascend the ranks, reside in these humble neighborhoods, their lives influenced by the ebbs and flows of the powerful cultivators that surround them.

As the trio of Su Jia Hao, Su Xinyi, and Xiao Chen embarked on their journey toward Blue Pearl City, their wooden boat glided smoothly over the waters of the Blue Profound Sea.

Su Xinyi took a seat beside Xiao Chen on the deck of their boat. They sat in silence for a moment, both lost in their own thoughts, gazing towards the distant Blue Pearl City. The city's majestic silhouette emerged on the horizon towering structures hinting at the bustling life within.

Turning towards Xiao Chen with a proud smile, Su Xinyi spoke with genuine warmth, "Big Brother Xiao Chen, You know our home is in the inner part of Blue Pearl City. It's a vibrant and bustling place. We even have a stall in the city where we sell the fishes which we catch during our sea adventures. It's a way for us to make a living here. You can live happily there with us."

Xiao Chen listened intently, his mind momentarily drawn away from his worries about his missing parents. He tried to smile genuinely, appreciating Su Xinyi's kindness and the invitation to live with them. However, beneath the surface, his heart still ached with the uncertainty of his family's whereabouts.

As he looked towards the city taking shape on the horizon, he couldn't help but wonder if he would find any clues there. Despite his attempts to hide it, Su Xinyi could sense the melancholy lingering within him. She knew that Xiao Chen's smile was a facade, and the sadness he carried weighed heavily on his heart.

As Su Xinyi looked into Xiao Chen's eyes, she could feel his sadness like a heavy weight on her own heart. Her smile faded, replaced by a mixture of empathy and concern for him. It was the first time she had felt this way, and the emotions swirling within her were confusing and unfamiliar.

She couldn't quite understand why she was feeling so strongly for someone she had just met. But as she observed Xiao Chen, she realized that his pain and uncertainty resonated with something deep inside her. Perhaps it was the vulnerability in his eyes or the courage he displayed in the face of adversity that touched her soul.

Su Xinyi's heart ached for him, and she felt an instinctive urge to comfort and support him. She had always been compassionate and caring, but this felt different—more profound and personal. She wanted to take away his sadness, to be a source of strength and solace for him.

As the boat gently rocked on the waves, Su Xinyi found herself lost in her thoughts, trying to make sense of these newfound emotions.


The harbor at Blue Pearl City was a bustling and vibrant scene, teeming with mortals and cultivators alike, coming and going in a flurry of activity. The air was thick with the scent of saltwater and the sounds of boats creaking against the docks. As raindrops began to drizzle from the darkened skies, people hurried to seek shelter or to complete their tasks quickly.

The trio, consisting of Su Jia Hao, Su Xinyi, and Xiao Chen, arrived at the dock owned by the prestigious Shi clan. The towering emblem of the Shi clan displayed on a grand banner above the dock's entrance served as a reminder of the clan's influence and authority in the city. The sight of cultivators from the Shi clan overseeing the comings and goings further emphasized their dominance in the harbor.

Amidst the rush of activity, the trio swiftly disembarked from their boat. Xiao Chen, still covered in the blanket provided by Su Jia Hao, felt uncomfortable as the rain started to dampen the fabric. His heart ached with gratitude for their kindness, yet he couldn't shake the unease of being exposed and vulnerable without proper clothes.

Su Jia Hao approached the cultivator on duty at the dock, his demeanor confident and composed. With a nod of respect, he handed over two spirit crystals as the docking charge. The cultivator accepted the payment with a nod of acknowledgment, his stern expression not betraying any emotions. The Shi clan's efficient handling of harbor affairs was evident in their well-organized processes. These cultivators have the cultivation of 8-star Mortal Body Realm.

As the rain intensified, the trio made their way through the crowded harbor. Mortals and cultivators alike hurried to seek shelter under awnings or within nearby inns. The harmony of clinking spirit crystals, hurried footsteps, and the occasional laughter created a unique symphony of life in the harbor.

Soon the trio approached the towering twenty-meter-high wall of the Inner City; they were met by armored guards standing vigilant at the gate. Su Jia Hao presented two wooden badges, each displaying his name on one side and the elegant emblem of a curved blue pearl on the other. These badges served as the official identity tokens of Blue Pearl City, granted to the permanent residents of the inner city by the Governor of the city.

The guards inspected the badges with a keen eye, verifying their authenticity and the authority they held. Su Jia Hao's and Su Xinyi's names on the badges granted them access to the inner city without question.

As for Xiao Chen, the guards required an entry fee of two Spirit Crystals for his passage. Su Jia Hao handed over the crystals to the guard with a smile. The guard accepted the payment with a nod letting them pass.

After passing through some streets they approached an old house, Xiao Chen couldn't help but notice its modest size and weathered appearance. It exuded a sense of history and warmth, which made him feel oddly comforted. Outside the house, a small stall displayed various fish and sea-monster body parts. An old lady, with a kind smile and silver hair, was hurriedly collecting the scattered goods to protect them from the rain. This was Su Xinyi's grandmother, Wu Rong.

As they drew closer, Su Xinyi called out affectionately, "Grandma, we're back!" Wu Rong turned to see her granddaughter and the two familiar faces of Su Jia Hao and Su Xinyi. Her eyes lit up with joy.

"Welcome back, my dear," she greeted them warmly, her smile radiant. There was a sense of deep affection and care in her voice as she embraced Su Xinyi, holding her close for a moment. Wu Rong's love for her family was evident in every gesture and expression.

But before they could fully reunite, Wu Rong, ever the busy and caring grandmother, turned her attention back to the task at hand. "Xinyi, come, help grandma here in collecting things," she said hurriedly, gesturing towards the scattered items on the stall outside.

However, Su Jia Hao stepped closer with a warm smile. "You go take Xiao Chen inside," he suggested to Su Xinyi. "I will help your grandma." His kindness and willingness to assist spoke volumes about the strong bond within this family.

Su Xinyi nodded and took Xiao Chen's wrist into her warm hand, leading him into the cozy interior of the house.