
The birth of the Snake Head

Before he could create his new organization, Kevin decided to prepare all of his stuffs and create his new house and base somewhere far away. As he went home, he found that someone has broken through his house. Irritated that someone broke through his house, Kevin searched through to find what has stolen.

But before he began his search, he found a woman drinking coffee in the kitchen. She was in her late twenties in a black business suit, with brown hair, green eye and a pair of yellow circle earring. She looked at him with nonchalance and took a small sip from her coffee before approaching him.

"Sorry to break through your house, I thought that if you aren't going to live here anymore, then this would be my new house from now on."

"I was just checking Japan. I was looking through the city to find if there was a candidate for my new power and found one that is suitable."

The women raised her eyebrows like she just heard a bad joke from him.

"Anyway, why are you at my house, Moira."

"I just finished all my tasks, I'm taking a break before an even worst disaster comes, father."

Yes, that's right. This woman right here is the daughter of Kevin of the present but also from the past and the second person to have powers. Long story short, she was born during a Civil War and her mother died shortly after giving birth to her. Her father David Bornavle (Other name from Kevin) raised her and she lives a peaceful life and died young.

So you might be wondering, how is she still alive and lived for 150 years despite being in her late twenties? Well she has her father blood and awakened her power, she called her power "Phoenix Cycle" this power activates only if she dies.

Once she dies, she will reborn through another baby girl with all her memories of her past life. Even Kevin was surprised that one of his daughters in the 1800s has power after he read her mind during First World War.

She lives 5 lived through her 150 years. The first was normal, the seconds was doctor, the third one was a member of the Medical Corps, the fourth one was anthropology and genetic, and her five life which his today is a agent of the Department Of Defense.

"I suppose, you have a plan right?"

"You can say, but for now, I want to see how they do. I want them to entertain me after they have powers, I have a feeling that they will be fight each other for survival or secure their home."

"This is going entertaining you, I suppose?"

"Yep, this going to be so much fun, you can said I'm a child that is so happy to open his presents."

After listening, she finished drinking her coffee and she went through the front door. But before she went out, she turned around and gave a warning to her father.

"Be careful, if they found out about your power. They will be going after you no matter what."

"I can take care of myself, I think it should be you. After all, you are not powerful as I am, and do you want one extra power? I just found out, I can give powers for someone. You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that."

She looked at him for a second before turning around while saying.

"Maybe later, right now do your things, while I do my things."

And with that she closed the door and silence filled the house. Kevin on the other hands, he decided to prepare his plan, for his new organization.

"Now where do I start?"

With a little thinking of his minds, he snap his finger and all the furniture in his house disappeared.

"Well time to build, my new home and base."

He then created a big black circle that acted like a portal and went into it. As he went in it, he drop a white ball on the floor of the house. After he disappeared with the portal, the ball began to emit a white light before the house exploded leaving nothing behind.

While far away in a car, Moira who heard the explosion drove her car to investigate. After she arrived, she found people surrounding the now destroyed house and wondering what could've happened. As she was about to get out of the car, a white light appeared near her, blinded by the light she covered her eyes until the light died down.

After the light disappeared, she found a paper that was addressed to her.

'If you want to know my plan then let me explain, I'm going to use this to my advantage to create a new game using these people. If you want to know where I went and why I destroyed the house, then find out by yourself.

P.S. Your Dad.'

"Tchh, why do you have to destroy the house now. I was going to live here now."

She put the paper down and drove her car out of the neighborhood.


Meanwhile somewhere far away from the city a portal appeared near a mountain, the animal around flew or ran for their live as a man with white hair stepped out of the portal. The animal instinct warned them that this human was not unlike they have ever felt.

As he approached the mountain, he placed his hands on it and closed its eyes. He felt every mass on mountain and with a little push, he felt it was hollow inside of the mountain. After feeling it, he knocked on the mountain like it was a door to the house, and a rectangle like door manifested in front of him with handles. He opened it to go inside.

Inside the mountain, was a hall that lead to different room made of stone. There were hundreds of rooms, each of them were specific for different own purpose, some were training ground, other were kitchen and laboratory.

As he walked to a specific room, he wanted to create the best of toys. Meaning human beings with super powers. He would need to train them, improve them and they will fight each other for his own amusement.

He showed them when they would lose all hope and they will follow him like a mindless robot to follow their leader. Right now he needed a symbol for his new organization, a symbol of transformation and rebirth for new evolution of human.

'Hmmm, which symbol should I choose? Lion? No, it represent majesty, courage and strength. That's the past me when I was a king. Maybe an owl? Hmm, nah this one is knowledge. What was that symbol again?'

After digging through his memory on what each animal represents. Dragon? Butterfly? None of them match what he looked for. Until he found it.

'Ah yes I remember, the snake. If I remember correctly, I kinda created the meaning snake as rebirth and transformation.'

After finishing his thinking, he arrived in a huge room and waved his hand as a throne made of painite appeared at the end. As he sat on the throne he made, he snapped his finger and the room began to change, the stone were slowly morphed into crystals, and different artefacts from different time periods appeared on the hall and was displayed in front of him.

All those artefacts are created by him as weapon of mass destructive. In fact, he made twelve of them in total, all take shape, size and power. He didn't want use it during those time because it felt like cheating.

One of them is a huge red and orange sword that emit blood red flame. This sword was not recorded in any of history because it has the power to kill him at that time. Well more specifically, it 'could killed him' but not anymore. He was far too powerful now than a small flaming sword. He called this sword 'L'épée du fléau d'hommes'. But this time he might give this to someone, and that person might be his new toys.

Do you guys have awesome Quirk idea?

Let me now in the comments session.

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