
Immortal Arts Of Cooking

Warning: rated NACB for Not A Cook Book. "Su Ying, i just noticed your getting more a litle bit fatter" Li Jie said "hmmm...shut up its your fault anyway!" Su Ying puffed his cheeks "why was i the one to blame?" "its because the food you cook tasted so delicious" Su Ying answered pointing the pot "hey...don't blame the food!" Li Jie said seriously "so just you know ,not just me all of the girls are complaining because they are starting to gain weight, because they can't limit themselves from eating the food you cook" Su Ying yelled. "ahhh i get it...I'll cook something more delicious next time, i wonder how will the ladies of Wang Clan will look when they gain more weight" a smirk emerge from Li Jie's expressionless face "you- your a demon!" Su Ying said in with a terrified expression

SirLazeAlot · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs

Demon Snake

In the Mu continent, Qiu Empire. a bright red glowing object is falling directly to the boy who is collecting firewood in the forest.

"is that a meteorite?.....nope it doen't look like it "the child murmured as he follow a falling object with he emotionless gaze.

the object seems to be headed his way...but the child didnt react, but instead he just keeps on staring at it, not caring if it will hit him or not.

the falling object has continued to fall in high speed, and a few seconds later when its about to hit the child, it suddenly come to an halt in a absurd amout of seconds.

the glowing red object was as big as basketball, it was right in front of the child that has bunch of firewood strapped in his back. the child continued stare at the orb with his lifeless eyes.

the orb suddenly grew in size, until it was 100 times as big as before.then the orb suddenly shattered, revealing a giant snake with 7 different collors in its body, there is also a huge cut in its body that was leaking with golden blood.

"why aren't you running away mortal, do you know that a flick of my tail can make you disappear"the huge snake suddenly spoken in human language with woman like voice.

but instead of answering the child asked "did you came from the heaven realm?".

the multi colored snake was taken aback, it didn't expect that a mortal will ignore his question. but the snake didn't seems to mind the childs rude behaviour before saying "i am from the heaven realm".

the child suddenly kneel to the ground "I waited for 3 years for someone like you, please heavenly being will you bring me there, i have nothing to repay you, but i am willing to serve you for life".

"why do you want to go there? a weak and powerless body like yours will never found place in the heaven realm"the snake asked looking directly to the childs eyes

"i wanted to find my little sister, she was taken to heaven continent, by the immortals that came from there".the child answered.

the snake remained silent for a short while, before it asking "what's your name child?".

"this lowly one is called Wang Li Jie "the child answered.

"Li Jie my name is Su Zhang Li, I'm afraid i can't fulfill your wish, but i can give you a way to go there.i only need u to swear in your inner demon that you will protect my daughter and return them to the demonic clan in heaven continent"the snake said

a trace of hope flashed in Li Jie's eyes, wasting no time he said "i Wang Li Jie promise to fulfill your wish to protect your daugther and return them to the demon clan may the heaven smite me if i didn't do so"

"thats good enough" Zhang Li suddenly glowed and shrink turning into a beautiful woman she has red long hair, a perfect hour glass figure, emerald like eyes, and skin free from impurities.

she gently touch Li Jie's chin who is still kneeling to the ground with head bow, to let her see his face."be proud child a mortal like you has manage to surprise me with the strong will and braveness that you possess, I'm sure that you will not fail me"

Zhang Li wave his hands revealing two golden eggs "this one with the jade bracelet is Li Na and the other with necklaces is Li Rong " then she slowly place his left hands to Li jie's head, a little burst of profound qi assulted the childs head creating a little void inside.

Li Jie grunted to the sharp pain that is assaulting his head,then Zhang Li extend his other hands to hide the two eggs to the void she created in Li jie's mind "we don't have much time left please endure this" she grab a runed dagger, which is glowing in red ligth, she then hurriedly slashed it to Li jie's left eye, creating a wound 3 inches long from his eyebrow to his cheeks

Li Jie felt the burning pain in his left eyes but he endured it, no yell of pain escape his mouth, he only grunted while breathing heavily.

Zhang Li wave his hands again revealing a small black chest, he open it revealing a single demonic eye ,she grabbed the eye and chanted before slowly extended his hands to the Li jie's left eye.

this time Li jie can't help but scream in pain, he felt his body will be thorn apart.

"this eye will help you in you greatly in your way to heaven continent" Zhang Li said

few minutes later the pain Li Jie felt has slowly subdued, the wound in his left eye are almost healed ,but his eye balls turned white and also blinded,

so he relied on his rigth eye to see Zhang Li puking golden blood "the poison has already reached my dantians, i can't completely heal your wounds, it was just matter of time before i was disabled. Li jie i hope you will fulfill your promise, i have to go now" Zhang Li said before turning around and disappearing,

before Zhang Li flew away, Li Jie saw a drop of tears from Zhang Li's eyes before as she departed.

shortly after she fled , a huge profound ark flew above Li jie's head ,immortal cultivators are standing in it .he overheared what they are talking. "how can you bastard lost sight of a heavenly serpent what is already weakened by a god slaying poison" a old man in golden armor yelled in fury.

"she's was too fast and we didn't thought that she will hide in this little realm" a man answered

the old man looked down "there are traces of her resting here, some blood are left on the ground, and... a mortal child?"

"what should we do to him?" a handsome man asked as he stare towards Li jie.

"Nothing, we don't have time for a mortal, that snake just fled not too long ago in....that direction , because the blood here are still fresh, she must have stop here to rest and was likely to be severely weakened by now. we must catch her as fast as possible or the quality of her blood essence will lessen" the old man ordered, and with that the ark speed up to the direction that Zhang Li fled.

Li jie who is looking up on the other hand, felt his body losing its strength.as he laid to ground before letting his consciousness go.

«NAME»:Neo Baroque «Level»: 2 [4/20]

«AGE»: 16 «HEALTH»: 20/20

«GENDER»: M «MANA»: 9 / 9

«JOB»: Non «Damage»: 5 - 6

«MagicR»: 0 «Armor»: 2

«RACE»: Human/Demon Hybrid

«STATUS»: confused, scared,depress



Rhand: common iron sword +4 ATK,(DUR 34/50)


head: non

Body: cotton noble clothes +2ARM,(DUR 14/15)

hands: non

pants: cotton pants +1 ARM,(DUR 14/15)

foot: Leather shoes +1 ARM, (DUR 14/15)



«Human endless potential» Level up adds (2) more stat points.

«Demons Mana Affinity»(unawaken) bonus 100 - 999 Mana.


«Stats»: (undistributed: 5)


«AGILITY»: (5)





«MANA»: (3)

CHARM: 79/100

LUCK: 25/100

KARMA: Positive 58


Stats description:

MAGA: Magic Attack

ATK: Attack

MAGR: Magic resist

ARM: armor

STR: physical Damage, critical damage

AGI: dodging, attack speed , critical

DEX: skill and ease in using hands.

PER: Hit chance, eye sharpness.

VIT: Health, armor.

INT: Ability damage/effectiveness

MAN: capability to cast spell.

CHA: Looks, ability to convince.

Luck: affect all kinds of good chances

Karma: Good or Bad Aura.

«NAME»:Neo Baroque «Level»: 2 [4/20]

«AGE»: 16 «HEALTH»: 20/20

«GENDER»: M «MANA»: 9 / 9

«JOB»: Non «Damage»: 5 - 6

«MagicR»: 0 «Armor»: 2

«RACE»: Human/Demon Hybrid


Rhand: common iron sword +4 ATK,(DUR 34/50)


head: non

Body: cotton noble clothes +2ARM,(DUR 14/15)

hands: non

pants: cotton pants +1 ARM,(DUR 14/15)

foot: Leather shoes +1 ARM, (DUR 14/15)

«STATUS»: confused, scared,depress


«Human endless potential» Level up adds (2) more stat points.

«Demons Mana Affinity»(unawaken) bonus 100 - 999 Mana.

«Stats»: (undistributed: 5)


«AGILITY»: (5)





«MANA»: (3)

CHARM: 39/100

LUCK: 25.0/100

KARMA: 98.4/100

Stats description:

MAGA: Magic Attack

ATK: Attack

MAGR: Magic resist

ARM: armor

STR: physical Damage, critical damage

AGI: dodging, attack speed , critical

DEX: skill and ease in using hands.

PER: Hit chance, eye sharpness.

VIT: Health, armor.

INT: Ability damage/effectiveness

MAN: capability to cast spell.