
If These Walls Could Talk

"You will call me, Mistress. I am your Master now and you have no choice in what I do to you. Do you understand me?" "Yes, Mistress." Lirael loves her sex life, she enjoys the no strings attached while still having fun. But what happens when someone disrupts her routine and makes her crave something more than just sex? Can she work through her past trauma and handle the uncertainty that comes with what's being offered? R18 Profanity, Explicit Sexual Content, Adult Situations & Topics of Past Abuse Occur, If you are sensitive to these, I advise reading a different story. This is the story of a dominatrix/Impact player, some themes, experiences and reactions are inspired by real life events.. However, this is mainly a work of fiction as told in whole, any and all places, people or interactions have been altered and heavily embellished for the purpose of this story.

Mara_Heller · สมัยใหม่
104 Chs

64 Contractual Fun 5

"OH! Yes!" Brian and Lance are making me scream, the overload of pleasure is overwhelming me.

Lance is looking up into my face, mouth open and gasping for air. I know my pussy clenching his cock is going to make him pop soon.

I was not having to do anything at this point. Their cocks were using me for their own desires, getting themselves to that point of seismic pleasure. Brian was grunting, his thrusts becoming sloppy as he neared. I had the remote to their plugs still, and knowing they were so close, bringing me to my seventh orgasm, I had to return the favor.

I click the button up and hear their cries, making my toes curls.

"OH, fucking...ah!" Brian pulls out his load shooting all over my back, as Lance stays seated deep in me, filling me up with his load that sends me over the brink of my own.

Lance brings me down for a kiss and grabs the remote from my hand turning their plugs off. I'm basking in the afterglow of our release when a warm wet towel wipes off my back.

"Thank you, Brian." I say before trying to stand on shaky legs. My legs give out and Brian is quick to catch me.

Slightly embarrassed, I feel myself turn red as I mumble, looking down from his face, "Thank you."

He gently lifts my chin up, winking with a smile, "Don't get shy now, Lirael. It happens to the best of us."

I lift my eyes up, nodding, knowing he's right.

Suddenly, I'm lifted up in Lances arms, making me squeak in surprise. "Eeek! Lance!" I laugh and wrap my arms around him, giggling as he nuzzles my neck.

"Ready for your bath?" Lance inquires in my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

"Yes, are you coming, Brian?" I ask, not wanting him to feel neglected.

Brian laughs, "Sure. I was just going to shower real quick but I can sit in the tub for a little bit."

We head to the shower, Lance still carrying me and I ask Brian, "Real quick? What do you have something special to do tomorrow, Cinderella? It's not even midnight."

I make both the guys laugh at that remark.

"Yeah, I do, unfortunately." He starts the shower as Lance sets me down and gets the jacuzzi tub going.

"Man, Lance you really did do a great job remaking all the rooms, but yours is ..." He whistles his approval as he steps under the large, ceiling mounted, rain shower head in the open, walk in, shower.

Lance has the four person sized, jacuzzi tub warming up, while he joins us in the shower. "Yeah, I'm happy with it. It makes everything more comfortable."

Lance tugs me up under the water to hold me and let me hang on to him as he lathers up a loofa and washes me down. I wash him down too, and while he rinses off, I raise the loofa in Brian's direction.

"Want me to scrub your back?" I offer.

"Sure, that would be nice." Brian turns and I give his back a good, quick scrub. "Thanks." He rinses off and we all head to the tub.

The water is still lukewarm, but the jets are shooting out hotter water as it goes through the heating elements.


Lance sits next to me, as I lay on the jets, getting a gentle massage on my tense muscles, helping me relax.

"So what do you have to go do tomorrow?" I ask Brian, curious.

Brian sighs, "Wedding, my cousin asked me to be a groomsmen. One of his ended up drinking too much and got into an accident and is now sitting in a hospital bed with a broken leg, arm, and two ribs."

"Oh my.... Was he driving?" I'm shocked at the information.

Brian laughs, "Yeah, a golf cart. According to what my cousin said, he was being stupid, doing donuts in it on his buddy's kart. Hit a ditch and flipped it, rolling him down into the gulley. He apparently had been bragging about how good a driver he was just a few minutes prior too."

"Oh man, that sucks." Lance shakes his head and Brian just shrugs.

"But I do have a three hour drive tomorrow before the ceremony at eleven, so I better get going so I can get some rest." Brian stands up and gets out, rinsing off in the shower again quickly before drying off.

"Thank you guys, I had a great time." Brian waves off as he gets dressed and leaves.

"Bye Brian!" "Be safe!" We call out as I roll in the water to straddle Lance.

"So how was your fantasy fun night?" I ask, giving him a smirk and sultry voice.

He clears his throat, sitting up a little straighter, "I want to know how it was for you?" He asks, taking my cheek in his palm, bringing me down to kiss him.

His other hand sliding to grip my ass, pulling me closer to him. He slides a finger between my cheeks, touching my asshole and playing with it.

"I'm okay, not something I would want to do again anytime soon, but I enjoyed it." I give him my honest opinion.

His finger pushes forth into me, making me groan, "ohhh, Lance.." I start to breath rapidly as he begins to finger my ass, making me want his cock in my pussy.

I start to slide myself over his cock, when he stops me. "I want your ass, baby. Let me fuck you hard in it?" He pulls my hips forward, lining his cock up with my hole that his finger still occupies.

"Lance..." I start, when his finger disappears, replaced with the head of his cock.

"It's okay, baby, you can take it." He whispers against my neck, thrusting his hips up as he pulls me down on to it.

"Lance!" I start to protest, but he shushes me.

"Shhh.... Ride my cock, you set the pace. Please?" He begs, "I need to do this..."

I see the vulnerability in his eyes, I'm not pleased at him with this, but I think I understand why.

Typical male ego... he needs the reassurance that this is his...

"You could have gone about it a better way, Lance...." I trail off, sighing, "Touch me." I demand, as I move slowly on him, working more than just his head in.

His hands slide over my breasts, one, falling to wedge his thumb against my clit, rubbing it in slow circles. I move myself slowly at first at the same pace he rubs my clit, only speeding up when his thumb does.

I can tell he's getting close as he rubs me quickly, but when his thumb stops I do too. This goes on for a few times before he glances up at my smirking face.

"Hey... now.." Lance grins now that he figured it out. His thumb goes in hard, slow circles, so I ride him slow and hard.

"I thought I was going to let you set the pace?" He whispered against my breast, sucking my nipple into his mouth, to run circles around it with his tongue.

I can feel my ears growing hot as I let him know, "I get off knowing you're getting off, but I love it when we cum together."

His head jerks up from my breast, something rolling across his eyes, before he begins to rub my clit faster.

I match his pace, rocking my hips and clutching onto the side of the jacuzzi, "Oh, fuck, Lance, I'm getting close.." I moan out, not sure how much longer I can keep going at this pace.

"Oh fuck, yes, Lirael. Cum on my cock, you know you love it." Lance goes faster with his thumb, and I feel the build up.

His hips thrust up to meet me, and I feel it coming.

"Lance... Lance, I'm..." I can't help the way my body tenses, I can't keep moving. Lance grips my hips and pounds away, heightening my orgasm.

"FUCK!" Lance calls out, as I feel his hot cum fill up my ass.

I kiss him, enjoying his quaking shudders as his body shoots every last bit that was in his balls into me.

"Mmmm.... feel better now?" I croon to him.

He whimpers out a weak, "Yes." His body still shuddering in ecstasy.

"Ohh... that was a good one for you.." I grin, kissing his forehead after he nods.

"I'm going to go clean up, okay? One, two, ..." On three I start to pull my self up off him, him gasping as I go. I quickly move to clean myself and by the time I am climbing out of the shower, Lance is throwing vinegar and baking soda into the Jacuzzi to clean it out.

I come up behind him and hug him around the waist. I've become more comfortable doing things like this with him. He makes me feel safer.

He tenses but pats my arms and I release him, and he silently goes and takes a shower. He's quiet like something is bothering him.

I wonder what that was about?