
If These Walls Could Talk

"You will call me, Mistress. I am your Master now and you have no choice in what I do to you. Do you understand me?" "Yes, Mistress." Lirael loves her sex life, she enjoys the no strings attached while still having fun. But what happens when someone disrupts her routine and makes her crave something more than just sex? Can she work through her past trauma and handle the uncertainty that comes with what's being offered? R18 Profanity, Explicit Sexual Content, Adult Situations & Topics of Past Abuse Occur, If you are sensitive to these, I advise reading a different story. This is the story of a dominatrix/Impact player, some themes, experiences and reactions are inspired by real life events.. However, this is mainly a work of fiction as told in whole, any and all places, people or interactions have been altered and heavily embellished for the purpose of this story.

Mara_Heller · Urban
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104 Chs

63 Contractual Fun 4


Lance cried out, feeling the lash of my flogger fall on his back. They were both sweating, trembling, with red backs and ass cheeks, while I stood and played with my clit, every time I heard them cry out the number.

"Okay, boys! You've been taking your punishment so well! Two more to go and then my demonstration will be over." I carefully lower my body on to the lounge between them.

"I'll give you boys exactly fifteen seconds to speak, to say what ever may be on your mind, starting right now." I smile at them as I raise the remotes that control their plugs.



They both cry out as I up the vibrations on their plugs, making them both groan and curse.

"What's the matter? Are those cock rings too tight? Are you going to cum? You have 7, 6, 5..." I count down and they both pull themselves together instead of speaking.




I turn the plugs up to the highest vibration, watching them twitch and grip, breathing heavy.

I laugh like a villain as I give them their last Lash with the flogger.


"All done boys, you may remove your gags and restraints." I lower the vibrations back down to the lowest level for them as they pant and rip off their restraints and Lance takes out his gag.

They both turn to me with wicked grins, so I ask innocently, "Did I perform well on my report, Sir's?"

"Oh, I believe she has earned herself an A, don't you agree?" Lance turns to Brian, who looks me up and down like a ravenous wolf.

"I must agree. She does deserve an A, but I think along with that A, she's earned herself a little reward. Don't you think so too?" Brian gives a cocky grin to Lance.

"Oooh, I love rewards...." I give a playful giggle, and a flick my brows at them both.

Lance takes my hand and pulls me towards him. "Come here, let me reward you." He kisses me, deeply, his tongue diving into my mouth, stealing my breath, as one hand holds me and the other goes to play with the plug in my ass.

"Ohhh..." I'm groaning against his mouth, as he twists the plug in my ass, teasingly pulling on it but letting my ass suck it back in.

His other hand creeps up to my breasts, squeezing and pinching my taught nipple. Little ripples of pain and pleasure radiate to my core, making me gasp against his lips. The hand playing with the plug gives me a smack on the ass that smarts.

"Ow.." I pull back with a frown at Lance.

He smirks, "Sorry, couldn't help it." He pecks the wrinkles that formed on my brow line, and moved his lips down my neck. Pushing me gently to the lounge chair, as he nips and sucks along my neck.

Once my legs hit the edge, I take a seat on the lounge, spreading my legs, letting my skirt fall back to my hips.

"Oh... yes... baby girl." Lance falls down to his knees, licking my clit and slit expertly as always.

Brian comes over, stroking his cock, takes my chin in his firm hand, and places his hard lips on to mine. He invades my mouth with his tongue, cutting my air off with how thoroughly his tongue discovers every part of my mouth. He continues kissing me ferociously, before pulling back, with me panting as I give him a heated gaze.

Lance's expert tongue has me moaning, and rocking my hips to meet his mouth. Brian undoes the buttons on my shirt, freeing my breast. His fingers twist and tug at my nipples, causing the sensations spreading through out my body to amplify.

"You're getting close..." Brian notes, smirking as I whimper, as he descends his mouth onto my nipple. His warm mouth on my perky, taut, bud sends my head reeling with how Lance works his tongue across my clit, flicking it like a jackhammer.

"Fuck, yes." I cry out, feeling my orgasm coming on. I shut my eyes and focus on the sensations building me up.

I feel the twist of the plug in my ass, making my eyes flash open and Brian's cock is presented to my mouth.

"Please. Show me how good he's making you feel." Brian pleads watching me intently.

I grip his cock, stroking it, pulling him closer to my mouth, licking him from the base to the tip. I wrap my lips around him and begin to take him into my mouth pulling him towards me as I stroke him.

Brian grits out, "Fuck.. damn, that's good..." He throws his head back in pleasure, letting out a deep breath before turning his head back down to watch me.

Lance slides a finger inside of me, making me gasp out around Brian's cock. Lance picked up one of my trembling legs, exposing a better view of him eating me out. The sight has me coming hard, legs shaking, and cries muffled from Brian's cock in my mouth.

Brian's pulls his cock from my mouth, as Lance picks me up, gently wrapping my legs around his waist and takes a seat on the chaise, rubbing his hard cock against my slit.

"Did that feel good? Are you ready for the rest of your reward?" Lance asks huskily, bringing my face down to meet his in a kiss.

I nod yes, giving him the okay to slide into me. The fullness I feel is amazing. His cock rubs against my walls that rub against the plug in my ass, feeling so taboo but so damn good, too.

"Move yourself on me, baby." Lance whispers as he runs his tongue over my neck, cupping a breast to bring it to his mouth.

I begin to move, bouncing myself along his length, letting me get used to the feeling of being so full.

"Oh fuck..." I gasp out, my eyes twitching and fluttering in ecstasy. I feel the plug being twisted in my ass, making my mouth drop open with the added sensation.

I look over my shoulder, slowing down to watch as Brian slowly twists and pulls on the plug, working it out of me.

Brian sets the plug down, then grabs the lube to apply to himself and me some more.

Brian presses his tip at my back entrance and asks, "Are you ready for this?"

I nod, "Yes, stick, it in me.", as I look down at Lance and mouth softly to him, "Are you ready?", with a grin.