
If I'm Excessive, Who Isn't?

How to put this... My life is never drama free, most of it they say it's child's play but what do they know? Are they me? I'm taking this time to declare, I want to pursue myself. I'm going to pursue myself and that too successfully because; this time is different, I met someone. Someone I think is the love of my life and looks at me like I'm the love of his. I, Trent Dion, won't be alone anymore... And yes, I'm a girl...Trent. Welcome to the story of my life, I hope I'm not too sarcastic for you. F.Y.I - Just a period of me life and what I deem interesting. I won't be an open book. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER: The cover isn't mine. I repeat, the cover isn't mine. Found on Pinterest.

mrs_lie · สมัยใหม่
34 Chs


The weather is nice.

If I don't think about what I'm walking into, I can enjoy York's weather like people going on about their lives - never knowing what it's like to be played a fool by someone you consider a close friend.

Assuming it isn't as bad as confirming it. Margaret called me this morning, asking me to meet. It's funny, she didn't put up pretenses anymore... the overly worried and heartbroken Margaret couldn't be heard. She only wanted to know why I involved the Thompsons...me!

People...are they never going to stop disappointing me? It doesn't matter anyway, I'm wearing my best dress, my lipstick is on point and I have a surprise for her. They're not expecting me to act according to their script - are they?

I walk into the room, to my surprise Melissa is also there. Oh? Mr Prosecutor - Mark's father and Margaret's stepfather too. Grand, all this lineup for little old me? I wonder if they were able to act as though they weren't familiar since Melissa is there too.

I don't say anything to anyone - simply take the empty seat closest to me. Margaret's the one who called me here, in the pretence it was going to be just us but unsurprisingly - there's a whole bunch of other people. They can't have walked into the wrong room right? So coincidental...I don't know if she thinks she's already won or I'm that idiotic in her eyes but whatever...none of it matters anymore.

"Miss Dion, hello. I'm Prosecutor Thompson, Mark's father. You already know my son and his fiancee."

Seems free for a prosecutor...

"What you've done to Mark is inconceivable." I haven't drank water yet.

"What I've done..." Honestly, is he a legitimate prosecutor? I'm worrying about the state of affairs in York. Their prosecutor is capable of comedy...How do they get things done?

"Miss Dion, your article isn't detrimental to mark alone but has brought bad light to my office as well." Oh?

"Dad, I'm sure Trent didn't mean for it go that far."

"Does that matter? Since she's the one behind it, she should fix it." This father and son duo...as the saying goes, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Wait, I shouldn't say that...I'm furthest from the tree, not to mention Melissa.

"You're mistaken Mr Thompson, I'm not capable of being detrimental...let alone to Mark. I don't know him that well and he's never done anything to me to warrant detrimental." They're not expecting me to play along - right? We're not that close or any close. I'll drag out till they come out and say what they want.

"Don't play dumb Trent, we all know you want Mark." Oh dear Melissa and I was wondering why you joined this party...

I turn to Margaret, she's quiet and this whole debacle began with her. She called me here yet hasn't acknowledged my presence. I don't know what I was expecting really...

"Like I said, I don't know what you're talking about. What's what happened have to do with me?"

"Trent, you've known Margaret all your life, how could you bear to publicize those kind of pictures off her?"

Ha. The guilt tripping card? But Mr Theron...

"Pictures, what pictures? Mr Theron, I don't think Margaret is in any of those pictures. At least from what I saw online, they're only her look alikes and Mark said he didn't know Margaret, Melissa was there too. How could they be Margaret's pictures?" What a joke.

Where would I get those pictures if not her and he's trying to guilt trip me. Just what the hell do they want, I'm losing my patience. It's not fun like I thought it would be, going around in circles instead of coming out openly and say what they want. How pathetic...

"Enough. I've already checked and the company that broke the story belongs to you, this is my lawyer's letter... we'll talk after that." Finally...

I read the papers tossed my way, they're asking me to pay hundred million for Mark's pain and suffering. I laugh. Seriously, this is the biggest joke I've ever heard. How delicate is he to need hundred million to appease his wounds. Ridiculous. And if I can't afford it? Not that I can't but what if I couldn't? They'll press charges against me for defamation?

"You're joking."

"My son is supposed to get married and has a company to run, your little prank - detestable as it is has disrupted his plans and put my family's reputation through the mud. Frankly, what we're asking for is too little."

I have across people trying to extort money with all kinds of righteous reasons but I have to admit, from Mr Prosecutor's mouth, it's so righteous I almost feel bad for them - almost. But I don't understand, hundred million should be nothing for the Theron family, where do I fit in the scheme?

Was I thinking too much and they were only after money? The let down, such a let down and I thought I was embroiled in a big conspiracy... What a disappointment, what if I'd grown white hairs from worrying and they were just after money? This little money?

Are you as disappointed as I am?

Margaret should've just asked for it. Why make such a fuss? I'm getting mad thinking about it. My feelings for her were toyed with for a mere hundred million?

Damn...but I'm such a great friend.

"Mr Thompson, I'm sorry you've wasted your time. I won't pay a single penny. Do what you will."

Since we're not acting anymore, I might as well get serious. But honestly, is the prosecution office of York doing okay? I'm getting out of this city soon as possible, what if I get robbed while I'm here...with this kind of man in office, isn't all lost?

"Trent, we'll involve your father if you refuse to cooperate."

Why prolong their disappointment? I can call him now and let them know his answer. And he doesn't disappoint...

"Dad, I'm being sued...they want hundred million or press charges."

"Let them press charges then. Hundred million, did you kill someone? I'll hire the best lawyers for you."

Isn't it all warm and fuzzy when your father would rather he face court than cough up money? You can't deny I know my father well.

Their expressions are something to behold. Clearly my father's answer is out of their expectations and I can't blame, which caring parent would risk their child's freedom for pocket change? Because for my father, hundred million is pocket change.

"Like I said Mr Thompson, do what you will." But why end it here, didn't my husband give me a missile?

I toss a file of my own at him,

"And I'll do what I need to. Like I said before, I don't know Mark and if I wanted to bury him or throw your family's reputation in the mud, I'd have done so."

How boring. This wasn't dramatic at all...swindling? They spent this much effort into swindling me, when their precious Mark is such scum?

I don't wait to see their reaction, I leave.

I'm alone again...

This debacle has made me realise I can't keep Mama Jewel anymore, this time it wasn't anything serious but Melissa's resentment...next time, she might collude to kill me to keep me away from her mother. She's a ticking time bomb and because of her mother, I will never be harsh towards her. I can't afford it...

Mama Jewel... Ha. I thought she'll always be with me.

"Trent...wait!" Margaret?

"I'm sorry." Me too but what does it do?

"I want to destroy him, I want to destroy them...the Thompsons. They ruined my life. I pressed charges back then but my parents...all of them, they reached an agreement and let Mark leave... go on exile."

The day before yesterday I would've sympathized with her maybe a little today too but...

"You should've told me."

In the end, she chose her family over me - I don't want to be self-centred and say she should've chose me but a heads up would have meant a lot, not leading me through the nose would've meant a lot. Of all people, I thought I could count on her.

It hurts. She left me out to dry...

What if Fin hadn't given me that file?

"I'm sorry..." Aren't I too?

"Yeah me too."

I need a drink.

First Sebastian, now Margaret. The common thing between them is me, if I go by that logic, the problem seems to be me? What am I doing wrong or what aren't I doing?

I'm forgetting Mama Jewel... she's going too.

Maybe I should've paid, turned a blind eye to what it is - at least I would still have a best friend. It hurts.

My hand is caught from behind as I leave, I turn around ready to explode but I'm silenced - literally - lips on mine and muddled headedly kissed - thoroughly. Hmm.

"She's just a friend." At this moment, I'll agree to anything.

What is Fin doing here? He kissed me...did he just kiss me? Wait...what did he say?

"All you need is me." It is?

He kisses me again, longer than the first time and more intensely... I can't breathe - nope, he stole my breath away.

"You need to breathe."

"Why are you here?" Let's avoid dangerous territory. My face... in the open like that! How can he just kiss me? Aaahh. He's too...

"I thought you'd be bullied." He thought I'd be bullied...