
I woke up with a Dating Sim Choice System

Will wakes up one day with a Dating Sim Choice System that's sole goal is to help him achieve his happy ending, but the only problem is that the system has a personality that would even put the Devil to shame. Follow the story of Will as he tries to navigate the thing called 'Love' while being forced to make choices that could turn his life upside down.

RedBloodRabbit · สมัยใหม่
15 Chs

Chapter 6: Huh (Not Edited)


{Please choose one of the following responses}

Choice 1: I'm already engaged to my left hand.

Choice 2: let's start out as friends.

Choice 3: let's skip the married part and get to the baby-making part.

{Make your choice}


How the fuck must I make a choice based on those 'Choices' that it gave, but fuck let's get this done.

"cough..Like I was saying, I am honoured that you feel that way, but let's start out as friends first, okay." Yep, that was the perfect response that I could give since the rest were a big NO for me.

I looked at Savania while giving her a response to her outlandish request that came out of nowhere, like what the hell lady, don't you know there's an order to these things and if you haven't realized I'm on the 'fat' side of things. So why would you ask me to marry you out of nowhere since we don't know each other?

Savania looked at me while tilting her head sideways and making a cute expression like she was in deep thought before responding to me "Hmm, Okay, starting out as friends could work but you must show me around school and give me your phone number so we can get to know each other better."

When I heard her responses I felt relieved and like a big bolder was off my shoulders, but one thing was still bothering me. Why did she ask me to marry her out of the blue?

I decided to ask her that question once we were alone during our tour of the school.

"Sure, I don't mind giving you a tour of the school, and my phone number is 696********, you can cantact me at any time as long as I'm not busy with anything, I'll reply immediately." I agreed to give her a tour around the school since I could ask her the question that was on my mind when we are alone, and giving her my phone number was not a problem since it could be useful for getting to know her better.

Savania looked happy that I agreed to give her a tour of the school, and she was even brimming with happiness when I gave her my phone number. She then asked me "Is it okay, if we can go to the cafeteria together during lunch break?" Savania had a nervous expression on her face when she asked me that question.

I couldn't help but give her a helpless smile and agree to her request to go to the cafeteria and have lunch together during lunch break.

When Savania heard that I agreed she told me that she can't wait for the date, then she turned around and went to one of the seats assigned to her and focused on what was in front of her while giggling.

During that whole process, the rest of the class was still frozen stiff from when she asked me to marry her and had a delayed reaction to what just transpired between us, until one of the students just realised what happened.


"Wait, did that fat ass just reject her and even asked her to start as friends." A random student was shocked at the realisation that someone could reject such a beauty.

Another student with unkept hair looked like he was about to pass out when he heard that Savania asked for my phone number and was happy when I gave it to her.

Rico looked at Savania like the world was coming to an end when he saw her giggling about the fact that she was going to have lunch with me.

One of the females from my class had a disgusted look on her face and went to Savania and started talking with her about something that I couldn't hear at this distance but one thing I could see is that the conversation was not going well, as the female student started to sweat and the next thing I knew, I heard Savania say "Can you please shut up, and stop badmouthing my future husband or we are going to have a problem." You can hear from Savania's tone of voice that she was angry at that female student for saying whatever she said about me.

I felt happy that Savania stood up for me, but I was still weary as something still felt off about this whole situation with her.


After the whole fiasco with Savania, things started to die down and return to normal. Well, as normal as a class can get.

Right after our first period ended and it was time for lunch break, Savania walked up to me with expectation in her eyes and a smile on her face that made one feel that you had to protect that smile even if it costed your life.

She steered at me for a moment before saying "So are you ready to go to the cafeteria together?" While having expectation in her eyes and a small smile.

I looked at her and internally sighed as this was going to be one long day, correction, I know this was going to be the longest day of my life.

"Sure, I'm ready to go whenever you want to go" I responded to her with a smile of my own, but for some strange reason, she looked even happier when I smiled while responding to her.

"Good let's go then" She then grabbed my hand out of nowhere and started to walk towards the classroom door while asking me which way was the school cafeteria.

I couldn't help but twitch my mouth at that question since she was the one to suddenly just grab my hand and started walking.

"It's that way, let me lead the way" I sighed softly while showing her the way towards the school cafeteria.

While we were walking, I could hear the students talking about us or more specifically about me, some students even made comments about a pig trying to eat a beautiful white swan. But I ignored their comments and just walked on with Savania and made a light conversation with her while we were walking.

While we were chatting Savania asked me a question that sounded like she was confused about something and need an answer "Oh that's right, I wanted to ask you something Will?"

"Sure, ask away" I wasn't sure what the question was, but I was willing to answer if I could help since she looked confused about whatever was bothering her.

Savania fidgeted for a bit before asking me a question that left me stunned and tong tied for a bit. "So here's the question, why does everyone call you fat ass, if you are as fit as Hercules and have a body that looks like a gods craftmanship made with extreme precision."

"Huh" was the only sound that came out of my mouth after I heard what she asked me.

Hope you enjoy this chapter, and let me know in the comments.

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