
I woke up with a Dating Sim Choice System

Will wakes up one day with a Dating Sim Choice System that's sole goal is to help him achieve his happy ending, but the only problem is that the system has a personality that would even put the Devil to shame. Follow the story of Will as he tries to navigate the thing called 'Love' while being forced to make choices that could turn his life upside down.

RedBloodRabbit · Urban
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15 Chs

Chapter 7: Cursed (Not Edited)

"So here's the question, why does everyone call you fat ass, if you are fit as Hercules and have a body that looks like a god of craftmanship made with extreme precision."

"Huh" was the only sound that came out of my mouth after I heard what she asked me.

Wait, how the hell does she know what I really look like, since I have an illusion over my body that projects my old obese self?

"C-cough..hmm, Sorry, I must have misheard you. Did you just say that I have a fit body that looks like it was made by a god of craftsmanship?" I asked her while watching her expression closely.

She looked at me with confusion while putting her slender finger on her cherry-red lips and tilting her head sideways while making a humming sound like she was in deep thought and was contemplating something, before saying.

"Yeah, I mean just look at yourself, you have a refined body that would make any athletes envy with jealousy, and let's not forget that handsome face that should make any girl's heart thrumb from just gazing at it, as it did to mine? She mentioned that last part under her breath that I could not hear what she said at the end.

'The fug is going on here system!!'

[Host, the system is not sure how she was able to see what you really look like, and the only explanation that the system can give is unless she is blessed by a god she should be unable to see your true appearance .]

My mouth couldn't stop twitching when I heard there is a possibility that she could be blessed by a god... No, I'm sure that she is blessed by a god since she can see what I really look like. Sigh, now I have to come up with an excuse for why everyone sees my body as obese and not the one she sees.

'Okay here goes nothing.'

I looked at Savania while thinking of a way to make it seem that she is the only one who can see my true appearance without making it sound outlandish or fake.

I took a deep breath and started talking. "No way, so you can really see what I look like? That's insane since everyone else can only see me as a fat obese person who looks as ugly as cow dung that has matured for decades." When I was done talking, I made sure to let her know that she was the only one who can see my true appearance, while letting her know that the reason that people see me as an obese person is due to a 'Curse' that was placed on me by a 'mysteries person'.

But to be truthful I don't enjoy lying to people since it makes me feel like I'm just like those people who talk about me behind my back and put up a fake front while I am in the room.

When Savania heard what I said, she looked at me in disbelief as what I said sounded like it came from a fairy tale, where the prince charming is cursed by a witch and only the true love who can see him can break the curse that is placed on the prince.

"Wow, so you are saying that I'm the only one who can see your true appearance, doesn't that mean we are made for each other, just think about it, since I'm the only one who can see your true appearance that means we are meant for each other."

When Savania started to talk about the fact that we could be meant for each other since she can see my true appearance. I know shit was about to get really, really fast.

"Look Savania, the curse might brakes when I start going to the gym soon since I heard that only getting this body in shape would brakes the curse." I had to make up even more BS when I thought about the fact she might just really believe that she is the chosen one to be my wife or something.

When Savania heard what I said, she was not happy since it would mean that once my 'So-called curse' brakes she will not be the only one to see my true appearance and the fact that other girls will start to notice me scared her, since it would mean that I might find someone else that I like before we could get to know each other better.

"But what if it doesn't work and the curse gets stronger instead?" Savania asked me in a worried tone.

I could see that she is trying to make me change my mind about gyming, but its too late as I'd made plans that require my body to be in its best shape or should I say, I need to the gym to create the illusion that I'm losing weight, so when the day comes I can get back at everyone that spoke shit about me behind my back, and at the same time start to focus on finishing the task's objectives that are still remaining.

I looked at her and gave her a reassuring look as I told her."Savania, I must at least try and see if it works, and if it doesn't then that's that, there's no point in crying over something that can't be changed and who knows, it might just work." I had to let her know that I'm not changing my mind no matter what.

"Fine but then you have to promise me one thing then." Savania requested in a soft tone that sounded defeated.

"Sure ask away, as long as I can fufull it and it's not something crazy." I had to make sure that I let her know that she can't request anything that was overboard.

When she heard what I said, she looked at me with puppy eyes while saying "No, it's nothing overboard or crazy, I'm just asking that you still talk to me every day and that you let me know if you think you found someone else that you might like." She said the last line with a heavy heart.

*Blink*Blink* I couldn't stop blinking my eyes as I was confused about what she meant by if 'I found someone else that I might like'.

"Listen Savania, we just met and I still have to get to know each other, and I'm not gonna lie to you, you look smoking hot and I'm sure that if I wasn't 'cursed' I'd agreed to your request for marriage in a heartbeat, so let's take things slow okay." I don't know why I just said those lines but I felt that I had to say something.

Savania looked at me in shock for a few seconds before blooming with a happy smile and saying."Well since you said that you would have agreed to the marriage if your curse was broken then you better hurry up, so that we can get married."

Wait, how does that relate to us getting married after I get my body in 'Shape'...

Oh shit, I see where she could get that idea from what I said.

Well, let's just go with the flow for now.

Alrighty so here's chapter 7, hope you all enjoy it.

Oh yeah in case I forget to mention this later, I'll like to know If I should speed up the pacing or keep it at this pacing.

Let me know in the comments.

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