
I went to a world of apocalypse

Being the strongest magician in the world is no longer fun. Vinci wanted to start anew in a whole new world. However, this world is facing an apocalypse. Him being immortal because he knows all the spells including defying age, what should he do in this world?

This_Awang · แฟนตาซี
19 Chs

Chapter 11: A choice to be made

Wandering around the safe haven, his feet brush off the ground as he keeps on dragging his feet while bathing in thoughts of what to do about the spell that can seal half of his power.

They have been there for more than a week and they still have not moved out. David is practicing to enhance his energy control as well as his body coordination thinking that his family is still alive and he can find them soon.

Vinci kept on walking around the camp finding answers to his dilemma. Smiles of the couple that endures the heat of the sun as they kept on running and chasing themselves flutter Vinci's eyes and make him think if this is the feeling of love; a feeling of being with someone who feels the same as you.

In the distance, a general who supervises the camp making sure that everyone is safe and living securely; smiles at them even though he carries the burden of everybody's survival.

Realizations keep piling up as he wanders. People are doing their assignments without complaining. Some are assigned for medications; some are tasked with supplies' team support and others are taken to vegetation. Eyes of willingness manifest as they work; they love what they are doing.

He went under the tree to shade himself from the painful rays of the sun and then sit with his legs crossed. In a moment, he took out the book, put it on his left palm, and read intently the spells.

It reads "As the universe is wide and so the human person. The space can infinitely fill everything on it such as stars and heavenly bodies like a man who is greedy to acquire everything that he wishes. With things like this, the universe can also do the opposite of swallowing everything that it fills; like the universe, the human person can also restart and devoid himself of the things he has acquired letting them go and start anew."

In such a precious moment, he felt alive and full of vigor feels like the universe has made him see a bigger picture of what will be. He cannot go on a new adventure without letting go of what he had already achieved. With his almost omnipotent power, everything becomes trivial that gives no sense of fulfillment and satisfaction. The life that he had on his previous planet is a lone world for he only focused on the ultimate magic forsaking any connection with other magicians; he only has one friend.

To start anew, he needs to take look forward to having people around him uncover the cause of this apocalypse. People who cover his back and him covering his back will be a whole new experience for him; taking care of those people who need help and also falling in love with someone he really likes.

Looking back at his previous actions, he did not notice that he actually care for the people at Cypress town. When he was about to battle the crazy sisters, he asked David to free those imprisoned people. He cares but he does not know this since he is indifferent.

He continued reading the book until the sun sets. Lost in the sea of thoughts, the sun is bidding him goodbye as the day is about to end telling him that his mind needs rest and his decision does not need to be abrupt.

Closing the book, a heavy sigh is released, giving him the momentum to refresh his mind and appreciate the beauty of the day as it shows him what life is. Laughter full of love, a smile that hides burden, and eyes that speak willingness are lessons he learned in a small base camp. What lessons will there be on a wide planet?

He basked himself in thoughts of journeying in the apocalypse with trusted people around him whom he can call comrades that endow him with the wisdom of life that he never had before without focusing on the ultimate but on the fullness of life.

Will there be bitterness alongside its happiness? Will there be betrayal from the trust he gives? Is he ready to take risks in everything he has?

For one hundred years of living, he has been almost alone; his parents died when he was young, and as he is a genius, most of the students avoided him and never had the chance to have friends. He grew up doing things on his own. The teachers are impartial to students and do not help students in their free time.

Remembering these, a tear fell unknowingly as the memories flooded at the moment of silence. For once in his life, he felt loneliness and sadness as he reminisces.

"Sobb sobb" he begins crying. He never cried even once before. So this is sadness but why is he happy when he is crying? A mixture of sadness and happiness is what he felt. Sadness from his past experiences that he only realizes at the moment the loneliness he had before and happy at the same time that he felt these emotions.

In an open window, the wind blows in and the curtain is dancing with its rhythm as he sits on his bed with legs crossed and sealed his power. Regret is not heard in the entire room, as he welcomes wholeheartedly the new him with his new power.

Closing his eyes, the cemetery started to become green as the grass and trees started to grow covering the sadness it gives. Just like this, a new Vinci who is ready to learn what it is to be a human will be taking a new journey on this Blue Planet in the time of the apocalypse.

"General, a horde of zombies is approaching our base. There are evolved zombies who are big and strong comparable to a Hulk." a soldier informed General Dan of an important news that need immediate response. General Dan sound the alarm of danger and gathered his men to face this horde. The people at the base know what the sound means and they begin evacuating to the underground base which is their safe zone when things happen like this.

Upon hearing this, David immediately volunteered to fight alongside General Dan's people. He has been practicing to harness his skill and power.

The noise from the people took Vinci's attention. He looked at the window and saw the busy people running here and there as well as the soldiers preparing for something. He went outside and heard that a horde of zombies are approaching their base.

With this news, he feels excited to try coordinating and collaborating with other people in facing their enemies. He wants to try to what extent was his power sealed. He saw David and approached him. This will be his first fighting together with his student.

How wonderful it is as he felt the fast beating of his heart like the bursting fireworks. His body is energized and his arms are itching for a true and challenging fight. Not for a second that he thought of using summon in this battle.

"Let's go."