
I told you I was trouble

sarah_henriques · วัยรุ่น
13 Chs

chapter 6: Just Accept It

As everyone gathered into the room Mrs Lee started our next session.

"Yesterday the spot light was on Jayden. Today, the spot light will be on Alice. Tell why you were filled with so much anger. The way you went about beating Rhonda was rash, indecisive and fueled with a lot of anger."

I sighed," You're right, I was angry and went against my better judgment. I was angry that Rhonda was so sinister enough to even go so low. I was hurt by Jayden who gave me his word, I didn't want to be nice anymore. I wanted to show them, show everyone not to mess with me. That I'm not weak, I'm not small or vulnerable I can kick anyone's ass if I wanted to." I trailed off before adding," But I could never prove to myself that the person who beat Rhonda; a sinister girl is who i really am. That the girl i really am, is strong in her own right."

I looked up and saw everyone looking at me, not knowing what to say. Just then Mrs Lee broke the awkward silence.

" How do you feel the real you would handle this matter?"

" She'd forgive, but stand strong in her morals."

" So why do you enter Rhonda if that's what you would've done?" Mrs Lee pressed on.

" I wanted to teach her a lesson, her own lesson. Make her learn that she isn't as superior as she makes herself out to be."

" But you could've taught her that another way. Like you said, you want to be strong in your own right."

I sighed before Mrs Lee added," Be yourself Alice, there's no one else who can be you better than you."

she then looked over to Matthan,"Now, it's your turn young man. Why did you help Alice go through with her plans?"

" My job is be there for her, to help her whenever she needs me. I want to help her find herself, no matter how many masks she tries to put on. I'm her support."

" And who do you think is the real Alice?"

" Soft but tries to be tough, a bit naive. Someone who needs to experience something in order to learn. That's why I let her do certain things." Matt paused for a moment before adding," Plus I really wanted to beat the shit out of Jayden."

" Why do you hate Jayden so much?"

" I don't hate him, just can't stand how he acts some times. one minute he's all about Alice, chasing after her like a lost puppy but when she's in need he's on the opposite team. Watching her get kicked around, he doesn't deserve her."

the room was silent, Mrs Lee processing what Matthan was saying," Why are you so protective over her?"

Everyone turned to Matthan, eager to know the answer. Matt was silent for awhile, trying to find the answer himself.

" Like I said, she's naive and my sister's best friend. I care for her the same way I care for Dai, and I don't want anyone who isn't good enough to have her."

"Who is good enough for her then? Is it someone like you?"

" No one's good enough."

" Isn't that for Alice to decide?" Mrs Lee pressed on.

Matthan was starting to get irritated with her questions, he then turned to me," Alice what's your type? What kind of guy do you think is good enough for you?"

I was dumbfounded but answered nevertheless," I don't know, as long as he genuinely loves me it doesn't matter."

" I rest my case, anyone could use that against her." Matthan concluded.

Mrs Lee smiled as she sighed, " Alright but we will continue this next session. You are dismissed."

Dai got up and went over to Matthan and whispered something in his ear. He sighed in defeat and left the room.

" What was that all about?" I asked Dai as we were about to leave the room as well.

she sighed," You'll find out soon enough, come on let's go."

Matthan's pov

Mrs Lee was getting on my last nerve with all these damn questions. Such a nosey teacher, what does any of this have to do with what happened between Rhonda and Alice? It's simple loyalty to a friend.

Just then, Dai snapped me out of thought," Why don't you just admit that you like her more than a sister figure? You're only hurting yourself you know. All I'm saying, is take that stick out your butt and just accept it already. Or else you'll run her straight into Jayden's arms which is the opposite of what you want." Dai then added," As her friend I'll always back her up but as your sister I want you to act right if you're gonna go after her."

I sighed," I hate it when you're right."

With that said I left the classroom and headed outside to clear my mind.

" Hey." A familiar voice called out.

" What do you want Jayden." I demanded.

" About what you said inside there. I know you're right, I shouldn't have been so flimsy about standing up for Alice. But I really am trying..."

I cut him off," Why are you telling me all of this? And if you really want to make things up to Alice stand by her side when she really needs you, not when you find it convenient."

with those words I left Jayden standing there like the idiot he is. Just then, Dai and Alice came out of the building.

" You two coming or what?" I asked as I made my way to the car.

" Yeah, but are you okay Matt? You seem more uptight than usual." Alice asked concerned.

" He'll be fine once he takes that stick out butt." Dai answered for me.

I grunted in agreement as we got into the car and I drove them home.

Next day

" Hey pipsqueak." I greeted Alice as she approached the car. I took a good look at her from the rearview mirror. She had straightened her wild midnight curls. she wore a short flowing white dress complimented by a denim jacket and white sneakers. She looked so adorable, kinda make me want to pick some daisies or sunflowers for her.

" Hey Chewbacca what's popping?"

I chuckled at her name for me," Nothing, now let's go."

As we took off Dai's words rang through my head. So I decided to cave in and stop by a flower boutique and buy her some sunflowers.

" Who are the flowers for?" Alice inquired, a bit intrigued.

I smiled as I placed the small sunflowers in her hair," They're for you."

She smiled at my words and looked down. I raised her head to look at me," You're the most beautiful when you're yourself."

She smiled and gave me a kiss on the cheek. Giving her a gentle smile I took her hand and lead her back to the car.

8:30 am

We finally reached school, and at the entrance was Alice's puppy holding up a colorful bouquet of flowers. I scoffed and rolled my eyes upon seeing him. He made me sick.

I parked the car and rushed inside the school, ignoring Jayden's existence as I did so.

" Hey Alice you look beautiful, I bought you these. They're as an apology gift."

" Thank you Jayden. I'll put them in my locker."

An apology gift? Alright Jayden I see what you're up to.