
I told you I was trouble

sarah_henriques · Teen
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13 Chs

chapter 5: Game on

Alice's pov

I got out of that room as fast as I could, I wasn't sure how I felt, but I guess that was part of the problem. I sighed, I should just forgive him whether or not I believe him and just let all of this go. It wasn't worth holding on to, he's not worth holding on to.

" You okay?" Dai ran by my side to rub my back.

" No." Just then, I broke down, accepting everything I've been trying to run from.

I broke away from Dai and ran off to find Jayden, tears blurred my version. I couldn't see properly and ended up running into someone. The person caught me as I broke down in their strong embrace.

" Alice? What happened, why are you crying." The familiar sound of his voice caused me to look up.

" Jayden, I need to talk to you."

He nodded and lead me somewhere more private," What's going on Alice? Who made you cry?"

His voice was laced with concern and he was oblivious, it pained me and more tears came streaming down.

" You made me cry Jayden, I was starting to actually like you. This betrayal isn't just you hurting a stranger, I was really falling for you. That's why this whole thing hurts more than it should, or more than I lead on. But I'll forgive you. I just don't know if I could ever look at you the same way again."

Looking over at him I saw tears threatening to burst out," I'm so sorry Alice, I really didn't mean to hurt you like that. I promise I'll be a better man, I'll make it up to you."

" How Jayden?"

" Let me be a friend from a distance. I'll give you space and that will give me some sort of comfort that I haven't completely lost you." He pleaded.

I sighed," Okay."

He then gave me a really tight hug," Can't...breath." I told him before he let me go.

We got up and I couldn't help but to give him another hug," Don't you dare to do something stupid like that ever again. Or else I'm letting Matthan unleash his full wrath on you."

He chuckled," I won't."

" Okay, break it up you two. No canoodling in the hallway, before I break Jayden's face again." Matthan declared before pulling us apart.

" As for you little missy, this is for your own good. Don't fall in love, not right now. We're still trying to get out of this mess." I looked into Matthan's eyes, they held hurt in them.

I couldn't process why when Dai came in and suggested we go to Karaoke to distract us from all of this. I paused for a moment as Rhonda and her friends passed by.

" Hey, you guys wanna join us for some karaoke?" I asked a bit reluctantly, but if we were going to therapy to ensure there's no bad blood why not try to apply it outside of school.

" Um Alice, what are you doing?" Dai whispered in my ear.

" Being nice." I whispered back.

Rhonda looked us up and down," Sorry but I'll take a hard pass on that come on guys."

" Well karaoke doesn't sound so bad." one of the guys interjected.

" Yeah, plus you said you've always wanted to check it out." A girl in the group stated.

Rhonda rolled her eyes in annoyance," Fine, let's go."

We arrived at the Karaoke place and rented a room, we decided to play songs everyone knew and loved. The first song was scars to your beautiful.

" She just wants to be, beautiful she goes, unnoticed, she knows, no limit she craves attention…"

Upon hearing the lyrics Rhonda joined me.

" That's Rhonda's favourite song," Jayden explained.

" You should know you're beautiful just the way you are and you don't have to change a thing the world could change its heart. No scars to your beautiful, we're stars and we're beautiful."

We sang the evening away singing all kinds of songs, Jayden and Matthan ended up singing a song together.

" If I got locked away and we lost it all today tell me honestly would you still love me the same. If I showed you my flaws, if I couldn't be strong tell me honestly would you still love me the same." Matthan sang beautifully

While Jayden's voice complimented his as he sang the next verse" If I judge for life would you stand by my side or would you say goodbye. Can you tell me right now? If I couldn't buy you the fancy things in life, shawty would it be alright come on show me that you know."

They sang beautifully as they gazed into the crowd looking at the person they were serenading. Only problem was it looked like they were both looking at me.

Next day

We were in the middle of our last class, P.E playing soccer. It was girls versus boys, it didn't help that most of the boy's soccer stars were in our class and the girl's soccer stars were in a class up.

" Coach, they're gonna wipe the floor with us." Dai protested

" Could we at least have one boy on our team? I know it's boys against girls, but skill-wise we are unmatched." I continued.

" Yeah, and if we just asked the boys to go easy on us it still won't be fair." Dai added

" Alright you two I'll make it a mixed team." The coach finally gave in as she rearranged the teams.

" Yes!" Dai and I rejoiced as we lined up to play.

" Are you ready to lose thumbelina?" Matthan teased, from the opposing team.

" She won't lose because she has me on her team." Jayden retorted.

Dai and I shared a look," Why are we stuck with these two cocky pricks?"

Just then, the coach blew the whistle and the game began. Jayden had the ball and was about to pass it when Matthan stole it from him. As he was about to make a run for it Dai stole it back and passed it to me and we made the first goal. We continued back and forth like this, we were tied. Until Jayden scored the final goal.

We cheered him and shook hands with the opposing team.

" Don't cry because you lose Matty," I cooed

" I'm not crying shorty Mcgee that's just sweat." Matt paused for a moment," Besides, you only won because of your little fanboy over there." He retorted as he mercilessly messed up my hair even more.

" Hey!" I protested as I looked in Jayden's direction. He was soaked from head to toe. His dark brown hair matted to his face and his shirt clung to him like a second skin. He smiled and winked at me as our eyes made contact.

My face turned red as I quickly grabbed Dai to head to the locker rooms. As I did, I heard Jayden's laughter fill the air.

After we freshen up and got changed, we headed to the detention room for the others. Just then Jayden walked in, he came over and took a seat next to me.

" I told you I'd win the game for you." He gave me a cheeky smile.

I blushed in response a bit taken aback by his words. I looked away as I reminded myself that we were friends from a distance and nothing more.

" Hey fanboy, you're in my seat." Our heads turned to see Matthan standing next to Jayden.

As Jayden was about to protest, Matthan interjected by adding," I don't think you understand what it means to be friends from afar. But I'll explain it to you; you can't be close to her, but I can." He gave Jayden a smirk at the end as he reluctantly got up and sat across the room.

Matthan sat next to me, a smirk still plastered on his face.

I leaned over to Dai and asked," What's up these two?"

Dai just patted me on the head and shook hers in disappointment.