
I saved a s*x slave and she will be my new friend. (Re-written.)

After defeating the Demon King, all I want is to live a peaceful life. A normal life... Although it's harder than I thought. My dream is to have a girlfriend and friends. If I can fulfill one of those dreams, I'll die happy. One day, I killed a group of bandits and rescued a sex slave. I turned her into a vampire and gave her a new life. "You'll be happy again, I promise you!"

AngelPikas2 · แฟนตาซี
22 Chs

CHAPTER 8 - Visiting a Zoo. Part 1.

CHAPTER 8 - Visiting a Zoo. Part 1.

Well, it's time to show her the wonders of being alive.

... Ah... I'm a hypocrite... I used to hate being alive, and now I'll teach Yuik to enjoy her new life... Life is a mystery, huh? You never know what the future holds... Well, only the God of destiny knows the future, and the supreme Goddess too... Mmm... Now that I remember, it was a bit difficult for me to find the God of destiny when I was looking for him to kill him, but he surrendered and said, "It's useless." Wow, wow. Not even a being capable of seeing the future could escape the fate that was going to give him.

The future can change, but it depends on us to change it. He couldn't change his destiny because it was me who was looking for him... Why am I still remembering the past? Ahhhhhhhh! Dreimo, you idiot, don't get distracted!

Ah... Well, that doesn't matter.

I will show her more about this world and its wonders.

I want her to have fun.

I want her to realize that she will not suffer anymore... Well, I hope so.

The Demon King was the only one who could mess up my life, and I already killed him.

Bandits and adventurers are easy to defeat for me... Yuik would only be in danger if some God wants to mess up my existence again. But considering what happened in the past, I doubt they will dare to mess with me again. They know I'm a fragile human now, but as I killed the God of Love as a simple human and with such ease, they know perfectly well that I can still make them my bitches if I wanted to. I may have lost almost all my power, but they must follow the rules. If a human faces a God, it will be on equal terms, that is, the Gods will fight at the same level and power as the human, and the one with the best strategy will win. And I know the weaknesses of the Gods perfectly well, so I still have the total advantage over them.

No one can stop me.

No one can defeat me.

All the Gods are still afraid of me.

And the humans in this world are easy to defeat... Except for the heroes, they are very powerful. I educated them to be good people, so I hope they don't forget what I taught them.

As long as Yuik is my friend, her safety is guaranteed.

"Ah! Did I lose?! You're becoming an expert, Yuik."

I was playing a very popular board game in this world with Yuik. I didn't let her win, as it is a game of chance, and everyone has the same chance of winning.

~The door! Someone's knocking at the door, idiot!~

Yuik was scared to hear that, and I laughed a little. I taught myself that fun relaxes us and allows us to enjoy life, so I always try to have fun with whatever while I'm in this world, that's why I installed that funny and rude doorbell.

"Don't worry, it's a bell I installed. Isn't it funny? It's probably the pizza delivery guy."

I ordered a large pizza to eat with Yuik. I want her to know the food of this world. I want to show her all the good things about this world, its food, tourist places, video games, TV shows, etc. I want her to enjoy endless things, and when we finish with this world, we will visit another and so on.

I headed to the door and opened it. Oh, what a cute lady. She wears glasses and is a bit chubby. She's adorable. I wear glasses now that I have my identity as a boring librarian because I want to look intellectual, that's why I have become fond of people who wear glasses.

I think girls with glasses are the most adorable. Am I sexually and emotionally attracted to girls who wear glasses? It's new to me, so I don't know.

"Your pizza, s... s-sir..."

"Oh, thank you, miss. It arrived quickly. You earned a good tip."

"T-thank you," she said, looking away.

... Why did her heart race? I have black hair, the most common hair color in this world. And it's shorter, I wear it shorter in this world so as not to look weird. Hmm. My eyes can be seen... Dark brown eyes, the most common... That's strange. I'm not supposed to be handsome... Or am I?

I'm using the appearance I had in my second life, so I don't know... I was never interested in having friends or a girlfriend in my second life, so I don't know if I was handsome. I managed to get many girlfriends, but I thought it was because of my perfect soul. I didn't pay much attention to my appearance. I modified my appearance to be a little handsome to be able to get a girlfriend, but not that much... Why doesn't she stop looking at me? She looks away, but she keeps looking at me sideways. I'm normal... Right?

I know my soul improves my body, but before reincarnating, I asked the Supreme Goddess to make me more normal. That bitch deceived me?! Damn it.

Oh, better ignore that, it doesn't matter.

I took the money out of my wallet and gave it to her. I gave her a 50% tip, just because I find that shy side of hers adorable.

"You can keep the change, cutie."

"T-thank you."

"You're welcome. Have a nice day."

"Y-You too."

I took the pizza and closed the door.

I have to investigate.

I left the pizza on the table and opened it.

Yuik smelled the pizza. I can immediately tell that she's interested in trying it. She tries not to look at it to not seem like a hungry girl, but I can easily tell that she wants to eat.

Oh, Yuik, you're so adorable! I know perfectly well that your behavior is due to your traumas and distrust, I know perfectly well that it's rude of me to consider you adorable for that, but... I'm sorry... I thought something rude... I just didn't think clearly.

Sometimes my rude and violent side comes out without warning... Ah...

"Yuik, you and I are going to share a house. You and I will pay for food. You and I will share expenses. Don't be shy and eat," I said, smiling.

I took a slice and took a bite, so she can see that it's edible.

"Mmm! The extra cheese pizza is delicious! You should taste it!"

I sat next to her.

"Please, eat."

She nodded slowly and took a piece.

She took a bite and opened her eyes completely. What a cute reaction.

Brain, keep that image forever in my heart. Thank you.

"Did you like it?"

She nodded quickly.

"I'm glad."

Ah... I'll get diabetes if I keep seeing her... She's so adorable...! An adorable girl with a sad past... Ah... Knowing that last thing fills me with frustration... But at least her life will change.

I took out my smartphone and started searching for information on the internet... Hmm... I never cared about looks, that's why I didn't know... Am I considered handsome?

Well, my soul is perfect, so it's obvious, but the Supreme Goddess... Ah... I remembered my soul, which caused all my pain.

Having a perfect soul is very beneficial, but it also has terrible consequences... Like being envied by the Gods.

... Hmm... That's right... It's been a while since I heard about the situation of the Gods. I should make sure they don't bother me.

I took out another smartphone from my [Magic Storage]. A phone connected to the world of the Gods.

The world of the Gods and this world are similar.

Basically, this world is a copy of the world of the Gods.

In the world of the Gods, there is also internet and technological objects, there are also social networks... although they have me blocked.

I'll search for "Perfect soul" on the search engine... Hmm... What? Was I surpassed? Who is Daniel?

An article says the following: "Daniel's soul completely surpassed Darkness's soul and Dreimo's soul. Dreimo is no longer the human with the most perfect soul"... My soul is no longer the most perfect... It's not...




Yes... Yes...


I jumped for joy and hugged Yuik.

My hug surprised her, but I couldn't help it. It's the best news I've ever received in my miserable life!


I let go of her and raised my arms in victory.

"I'm finally free! Go fuck with Daniel, you shitty Gods!"

I was tired of being harassed by my soul... They'll finally leave me alone... I hope.

Daniel, good luck, you'll need it. Be prepared to be possibly violated by some Goddess who wants you by her side.

... Although Daniel is from another universe... He belongs to the universe of the Supreme Goddess's brother... Ah, it doesn't matter. As long as he exists, no one will pay attention to me.

"We should celebrate!!"

Yuik approached me and showed me her notebook.

It says: "What's going on?"

"Yes, I'm acting weird. I'm sorry if I scared you, Yuik."

But I couldn't help it! Ahhhhhh! Shitty Gods, go after Daniel and leave me alone at last...! Oh...

Yuik wrote in her notebook: "Don't worry. Did something good happen? You seem very happy".

"Ah... Let's just say something very good happened, but I can't tell you the details... Hmm... Let's just say I got rid of a constant problem I had. Don't worry, it's something very good... Do you want to go to an amusement park or a zoo? I'd like to celebrate with you by going somewhere."

She wrote: "Yes, I'd love to go, but I don't understand. What are those things?"

There are zoos in Yuik's world, but they're called something else.

"I'll show you, but let's eat first."

I looked at the pizza. Wow, wow. Half of it's left. Yuik ate half of it... Ah, she was really hungry, huh?

But she made sure to leave me half... She's very considerate.

"Aren't you hungry anymore?"

She shook her head no.

... She's lying... I can tell.

How kind she is. Despite being hungry, she left me half of the pizza and didn't ask if she could have more. Yuik, you're so kind.

"I'm full. I think I'll throw the pizza away."

She became nervous upon hearing that and I smiled.

"Fufu. You're hungry. I bought the pizza for you, don't worry. Eat, then we'll go to the zoo."

I sat down and Yuik sat next to me.

She left her notebook next to me and continued eating... Wow, she wrote something for me.

I read the note she left me... Just a "thank you, friend"... Friend...

Yuik, I don't deserve you...

I don't deserve this happiness, but I don't care.

Gods damn it, go bother Daniel, because if you mess with me and put Yuik in danger, the Dreimo they fear so much could return, and no one wants that... Not even me.

Yuik finished eating and we changed clothes. We put on casual clothes from this world.

We look like normal adults from this world. Long dresses are no longer in use, but I gave Yuik pants so she wouldn't feel nervous. Wearing a skirt is more common, but she probably doesn't want to show her legs.

I'm wearing regular clothes. Black pants and a black short-sleeved shirt. Not too adult, not too youthful. Normal and simple clothes.

Mmm... I think we're ready.

"One last detail."

I used my illusion magic on her hair... I changed her purple hair to black... Yes, it's done. Her eyes are dark brown now... Well, now she looks like a girl from this world.

"Purple hair doesn't exist in this world."

Not naturally, but I prefer to avoid Yuik drawing attention.

She's beautiful, she'll draw attention, I know, but her purple hair is one of her charms, and now that it's black, it won't draw as much attention as it would with purple hair.

"And this way you won't draw too much attention. Let's go."

She nodded and we left the house.

It's daytime in this world, it's only 2 in the afternoon. The perfect time.

I'll make sure she has fun. I promise.

"Fufu. He noticed already."

The Supreme Goddess was watching Dreimo through a magic mirror and smiled.

"Daniel is superior to you, but you are still my favorite, Dreimo. Your adventures are more fun. You have had a magical adventure, a sad past, a revenge story, defeated a Demon King, and now you have a cute and fun adventure... You went from killing Gods to taking care of a woman... It's very cute. I'm interested in seeing the development of your romance... But knowing you, it will only stay in friendship... Ah... I hope she falls in love with someone else and not with you. I'm tired of seeing women feel bad when you reject them. It became boring."

(Note from the author: Daniel is the protagonist of "Humans Against Demons," but it's not necessary to read it, it's just a reference. But I recommend it, it's my favorite novel.)