
I saved a s*x slave and she will be my new friend. (Re-written.)

After defeating the Demon King, all I want is to live a peaceful life. A normal life... Although it's harder than I thought. My dream is to have a girlfriend and friends. If I can fulfill one of those dreams, I'll die happy. One day, I killed a group of bandits and rescued a sex slave. I turned her into a vampire and gave her a new life. "You'll be happy again, I promise you!"

AngelPikas2 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

CHAPTER 7 - Work.

CHAPTER 7 - Work.

(Pov- Dreimo.)

Although she maintains the same expression, her fear and nervousness are decreasing... It's great progress in a very short time.

Although... Well, I used my healing magic on her, eliminating her physical pain. And now that she's a vampire, she has regained the parts of her body that she lost. At least physically, she's completely fine now.

The only thing left is to eliminate her traumas... Ah... That will be almost impossible. At least not in a short amount of time.

How long did it take me...? I think 10 years... No... 12... No... Yes... Mmm... If I only count the time I tried to overcome it, it's 12 years... 22 years if you also count the time since the last time I was violated. That was in my second life. In my first life, I didn't overcome it, or at least it doesn't count as overcoming it. I got so used to being violated by Sant's mother and enduring her disgusting fetishes, that when I finally killed her and became free, I didn't feel like I had changed, I kept behaving the same way, and I didn't develop any trauma, because my own mind considered her actions and my own actions as normal, therefore, I never developed a trauma as such... Or did I? I don't know. It took me time to accept that I was finally free after killing Sant's mother, but I kept doing the same things that she made me do, just for fun... I caused so much suffering just for fun, because no one was making me do it... Was I afraid of not doing it and her coming back...? No... It wasn't fear... I got so used to causing pain that I couldn't live without seeing others suffer.

... Yes... I was definitely sick in my first life. At least in my second life, thanks to reincarnating as a human, I developed empathy for other humans, especially those who have suffered unjustly, like my younger self in my second life.

And if I had to choose, I would say that my second life, although it suffered for a shorter time compared to my first life, was the one that suffered the most, at least from my point of view, because at least my mother in my first life loved me, but in my second life, she was responsible for my suffering.

... How long was Yuik a sex slave...? I better not ask her. I need to know how long she has suffered, to calculate how long I should overprotect her, but I'll just keep observing her and stop overprotecting her when I think it's time.

Yuik, we are more similar than you think, that's why I know perfectly well that you can move forward and leave your past behind. If I could overcome my past and move on with my life, you can too. I was prostituted to pedophiles by my own mother, that's why I couldn't trust people in my second life.... It took me a lot of effort to overcome it, but I managed to do it.

Yuik, remembering the past only causes us unnecessary pain, but I know perfectly well that it's not easy to forget and move on.

I think in a couple of years I'll see a beautiful smile on your face, and when that day comes, I'll finally be able to officially say that the Dreimo of the past no longer exists within me, as your smile will purify the evil that still lies within me.

"Seems like you enjoyed it. Being a vampire has many advantages, such as the ability to turn fat into magical energy. You can eat as much as you want without fear of getting fat, and best of all, you can eat whatever you want whenever you want. Fufu. Being a vampire isn't so bad, huh?"

She's eating too quickly. It was a good idea to order 5 plates of food for each of us.

She nodded and kept eating.

I'm glad to see that she trusts me a little more now, enough to eat so quickly in front of me, considering that yesterday she didn't even want to eat what I offered her.

Yes, it's a good progress.

"I'm glad."

Don't worry, Yuik, there are thousands... millions of food recipes in all the alternate human worlds. There are still endless new dishes to taste! Food, tourist places, books, movies, anime, video games, amusement parks, zoos, blah blah blah. I'll show you how wonderful life is, so you realize it's worth living.

But... I don't have much free time...

Ah... I have to go to work. Being a normal person is hard, but I have to do it. The King doesn't support me anymore. I have to work to survive. The bandits' money is only for emergencies, I pay for my daily meals with my own money, earned with my own effort.

I ate as quickly as possible... Ah... I'm full.

Well, time to work... Work... Hmm...

Yuik feels uncomfortable with me because she considers herself a burden to me, and she doesn't want to feel that way. If I keep supporting her, that feeling will continue within her.

"That's true..."

Feeling useful and not a burden will help her feel better. If I keep buying things for her and paying for everything, she'll feel like a burden to me... I don't want that.

The library is almost always empty, so it might be a good idea.

"Hey, Yuik, would you like to work? Work with me at the library. The salary is minimum, but I assure you it will be enough."

She immediately wrote in her notebook: "What do I have to do?"

She replied quickly... She was definitely worried about feeling like a burden.

"You just have to clean, that's all. Do you accept?"

She nodded and I smiled.

"Let's go."

Earning her own money will make her feel like an independent person, and that's what I want. I want Yuik to become an independent person, although I don't plan to leave her alone until I'm sure she's left her past behind.

After having breakfast, we went to the library to talk to my boss, but...


My boss used her tentacles on me and trapped me. I feel violated. Tentacles bring back bad memories. And she put a tentacle in my mouth! Ahhhhhhh! Why does she always do this?! Pervert!

"You're one minute late."

I removed her tentacle from my mouth to answer.

"Just one minute!"

"...Who is she? Were you late because you were flirting?"

"First, get your tentacles off my body!"

The tentacles returned to her body.

Ah... I could easily free myself, but I don't want her to realize that I'm strong. She thinks I'm a shy and weak boy.

"S-she's my older sister. Her name is Yuik. You said you were going to hire someone to clean, right? Did you find someone?"

"No, not yet."

And I doubt you will, the pay is shit! But hey, here's your savior.

I would worry about the money, but I have a lot of money saved up for Yuik's food. I'll use my own money for my food and general expenses, but I'll use the bandits' money to feed Yuik.

"Hehe. You're in luck. Yuik is an expert cleaner!"

I guess... I don't know. But I can teach her! It's not that hard to clean.

"But she's mute. I hope that's not an inconvenience."

"As long as she can clean, it's fine. Start today."

Ah... That was easy.

"Well... Yuik, you just have to clean... That's all. I guess it's simple... Well, get to work."

She nodded.

Alright, today is Yuik's first day of work. We've taken another step!

"Ah... I'm dying of boredom."

I should have chosen a noisier job.

... Should I open a flower shop?

Ah... I don't know. I'll do that in the future, but maybe in about 5 or 10 more years, when the heroes finally surpass hero Dreimo and stop searching for me, so I can finally be completely free.

At least Yuik is doing a good job... Ah... again.

She is very cute and attracts the attention of men. Tsk. Damn it.

A young boy heads towards her, clearly with the intention of flirting with her.

I'm sorry, but I have to prevent it. She still has a fear of strangers.

I won't allow you to bother her.

"Excuse me..."

The boss put her hand on the young man's shoulder.

"She doesn't like to talk to strangers, she has a trauma. I recommend that you leave, or I'll shove a tentacle up your..."

"I-I'll leave!"

The boy walked away and I smiled.

Sorry for tarnishing your image, boss, but it's necessary.

"Illusion magic is very convenient."

I made sure to put up a soundproofing field to prevent her from hearing what happened, so Yuik keeps sweeping as if nothing happened.

I want her to have friends, but it's still too early. She must first get used to being completely free.

Once she's used to being a free person, I'll get her female friends, and once she gets used to having friends, I'll allow men to talk to her. Little by little. Slowly but surely, taking small steps.

After a long day of work, we entered our house and I sighed.

"Ah... I'm bored... Do you want to watch a movie?"

She looked at me confused. Yes, I know, in this world there are no movies, but I will take you to another world to watch one.

I promised myself not to hide anything from Yuik, and I will keep that promise. I will do everything possible to make Yuik enjoy life, and I will use all the necessary means to achieve it.

"...I'll tell you a little story."

I am forbidden to tell her that I know Gods, but I am not forbidden to tell her about world 15.


I snap my fingers and a portal appears in front of me.

"Let's go."

I enter the portal and offer my hand to Yuik, who is terrified. Yes, I know, too unexpected, but it's safe.

"I give you my word that it's safe. Trust me."

She hesitates for a few seconds but decides to take my hand and enters the portal.

The portal closes, leaving us in my other house.

"Welcome to world 15, the world of technology!"

She looked at the house and realized that there were things she had never seen before, like a microwave, television, a computer, etc.

What I'm about to tell Yuik may scare her, but it's necessary to achieve the perfect friendship. A friendship where trust is the strongest point in our relationship.

"I have had two past lives. I lived in this world in my second life. Don't worry, it's a human world, the only difference is that there's no magic, there's technology. Don't worry, it's a safer place than ours."

Well, not so safe considering the drug lords, mafias, corruption, but at least in this world, they don't have to face monsters that want to destroy a village or city every week.

I went to the kitchen and took some orange juice from the refrigerator.

I came out of the kitchen and offered Yuik a glass of juice, who was still trembling.

Something refreshing and delicious will relax her.

"It's orange juice."

I took a sip of the juice to show that it's edible... Drinkable... Oh well.

"It's delicious."

She took the glass and I sat at the table.

"I like to come to this world to play video games, watch television, and buy instant noodles... I'm sorry, I would like to tell you more about my life, but I can't... The only thing I can tell you is that there are 204 alternate worlds. Each one has something different. This is world 15, the world of technology. It's a nice place, although there's too much pollution."

I stood up from the table and smiled.

"Do you want me to teach you how to play video games?"

She was silent for 5 seconds and then nodded slowly.

I guess she was trying to gather the courage to accept. Did she misunderstand me? I hope not.

While Dreimo was teaching Yuik how to play, Dreimo's former companions found an important clue to locate Dreimo.

They found the bodies of the bandits he killed.

They were at the guild in the city, looking at the bodies of the bandits.

"Dreimo is the only one capable of doing this without being discovered. His habit of killing bandits doesn't disappear," said Saraik, the Elf girl.

She has blonde hair that's too long, red eyes, and small breasts. She doesn't have breasts or a butt, she's flat, unlike most Elves who have huge breasts and are sexier.

That difference in appearance is something that bothered her and made her feel inferior to the other Elves, but she learned to value herself thanks to Dreimo, who always gave her advice and encouraged her.

"He must be close," said Lein, the Cyclops girl.

She has short black hair, green eyes, and huge breasts. She's a Cyclops, but she's using magic to appear to have two eyes.

She decided not to show her only eye in public until Dreimo returns, as he was the one who helped her feel normal and not like a monster.

"I don't think so... Most likely he went far away so we wouldn't find him," said Lineik, the human girl.

She has long red hair, blue eyes, and big breasts. The most violent girl Dreimo has ever met in that world, but she has changed a lot since Dreimo and she first met.

"... What if he still hates us? I-I don't want him to hate me," said Meimik, the Dragon girl, with teary eyes.

She has Dragon tail and horns, red eyes, white long hair, and is obsessed with Dreimo, as he was her first genuine friend.

The shyest girl in the hero group, although she was much more introverted in the past.

"We just made a mistake. Anyone makes mistakes. We're not perfect. We must talk to him. We must find him," said Saraik.

"He's probably far away from here... Maybe in a forest, like he told us before he left," said Lineik.

"You're right... Let's go."

And so, without trying, Dreimo managed to push his former companions away from him.

They embarked on a very long journey to the other side of the continent, thinking that Dreimo had gone.