
I saved a s*x slave and she will be my new friend. (Re-written.)

After defeating the Demon King, all I want is to live a peaceful life. A normal life... Although it's harder than I thought. My dream is to have a girlfriend and friends. If I can fulfill one of those dreams, I'll die happy. One day, I killed a group of bandits and rescued a sex slave. I turned her into a vampire and gave her a new life. "You'll be happy again, I promise you!"

AngelPikas2 · แฟนตาซี
22 Chs

CHAPTER 11 - A Masochistic Trap

CHAPTER 11 - A Masochistic Trap

When I saw the photograph the useless Goddess sent me, for a moment I thought about showing it to Yuik, so she could see that the bandits who tortured her are suffering. And they will suffer more than she did. Much, much more... Damn, Yuik is looking at me strangely... Oh... I'm smiling weirdly. But I couldn't help it. I hate rapists. The arrogant ones. The ones with harems. And, of course, the Gods.

And the people I hate the most are the people... who are like me in my previous life.

It gives me so much satisfaction to see the bandits suffer, but... Just because I feel satisfaction doesn't mean Yuik will feel it too.

... I really want to show her the photograph, but I can't do it.

Throughout the time I've been with her, I realized that she has a kind personality. She's not an aggressive, vengeful, or arrogant girl. She's a sweet girl... An adorable girl.

A girl without any malice in her heart.

If I show her the photograph, she will likely feel guilty. It's also possible that she will feel satisfaction, but I prefer to avoid the risk of her crying and feeling bad.

I don't want her to live her new life feeling guilty about the suffering of those damn rapists.

If I were in her place, I would feel so much satisfaction that I would cry tears of joy. But I'm a son of a bitch who enjoys killing evil people. I enjoy the suffering of bad people. And I feel no empathy for almost anyone... I'm the complete opposite of Yuik.

I won't show her the photograph... It's for the best.

Yuik is a person with a kind heart. I don't want her to feel guilty.

Those damn bastards deserve to suffer greatly in hell, but I understand that Yuik, even though they caused her so much harm, will feel bad if she finds out what is happening to them. Why? Because Yuik wouldn't wish harm upon anyone, and she wouldn't want other people to suffer the same way she did.

Yuik is still a little girl in the body of an adult woman. She's too pure, despite having suffered so much.

That part of her would make me feel sorry, because it doesn't make sense to feel bad for people who aren't worth it, but Yuik is a girl who easily feels empathy for anyone, and I realized that when I saw her feeling sad when she sees little children selling flowers or beggars asking for alms on the street.

She really needs my protection, but she also needs to learn that not everyone deserves her empathy.

"Well... It's time to go back to work. But first, I'll go to the bathroom."

Yuik nodded.

I got up from the table and headed to the bathroom.

Well, knowing Seirak, she won't give up easily... I need to keep her away from me. I don't want her to keep bothering me because that would worry Yuik too much. I want to keep Yuik relaxed to allow her emotional progress.

I entered the bathroom and sighed.

"It's been years since I've done this."

Since I was reincarnated, I decided to only use the abilities and magic I obtained in this world, because my other abilities, the ones I had before reincarnating in this world, were much more unusual, and I didn't want to be considered a freak.

... Well... I am a freak.

My title as "the most hated human by the Gods" is not normal at all.

But I decided to start a new life, a normal one... And normal people are not considered phenomena.

Oh well... This will be quick.

"[Activate: "Double Shadow".]"

"Ah... I'm bored already."

There are two hours left until my shift ends.

I want to take a hot bath, watch a comedy movie, and have dinner.

That's what normal people do, right?

"I suppose so..."

Ah... Being normal is harder than I imagined.

I wonder if Yuik would like to go to a concert with me. She has shown some interest in Pop and Rock music, but taking her to a concert with so many people might make her uncomfortable.

Hmm... Music, huh?

Right, Yuik needs a hobby. Would she be interested in learning to play a musical instrument? Maybe the guitar or drums. I think playing the guitar suits her better.

Yuik playing the guitar... Yes, that's perfect! I'll buy everything necessary, even modify one of the rooms in my house in the other world to turn it into a recording studio! Yuik, I'm capable of changing my appearance, pretending to be a woman, and forming a music group with you to make you happy!

Forming a rock band... No, I think that would be too much for shy Yuik. I think playing the guitar as a hobby will be enough for her.

... This chill... Ah, it's here.


I knew it, it was predictable.

Seirak entered the library with several guards.

After all, she's a very important adventurer. Even though her family expelled her, she still has important contacts. She has a new identity and left her past life behind. Many noble families approach her to ask for favors and hire her services.

Someone like her has control over the law in this city, she can arrest me and try to extract the truth with her fists.

"This is your last chance, admit that you are the hero Dreimo!!"

I participated in a play in elementary school, I have acting experience... Although I was just a supporting character.

I have to act like a coward.

"M-miss, I-I'm not the hero Dreimo, w-we just have the same name!"

"Are you still acting? We'll force the truth out of you!"

Yes, I suspected it. Damn crazy woman. I told you never to take advantage of your power, and it's the first thing you do. You'll get your deserved punishment.

The guards took hold of my arms, and I pretended to be nervous and very scared.


"You're under arrest!"

"What?! Why?!"

"Because I want to!"

"This isn't fair!"

Yuik... She looks so scared. Her body keeps trembling. She tries to approach to help me, but fear overwhelms her and she can't move.

She's crying out of helplessness... Yuik... She made Yuik cry. I'll definitely give this idiot a good punishment.

"Yuik, don't worry, I'll be fine. I'm innocent, they'll release me quickly!"


You'll regret this soon.

I was arrested and they're interrogating me... A classic interrogation.

She acts dominant and aggressive, trying to scare me and force me to speak... Yes, this woman is mentally challenged. Idiot, if you really think I'm the hero Dreimo, do you believe your bad girl act would scare him?

You don't know what you're doing, do you? It's clear that you're desperate.

How much did you love the hero Dreimo? I'm sorry, but my heart never raced for you. Besides, I want to fall in love with a normal girl... Oh, wait, that came out wrong. I mean a regular girl, without much magical power, a woman like a housewife or a waitress. I don't want to be romantically involved with a powerful woman like you because it would distance me from the normal life I dream of having, and that I am having.

"Admit that you're the hero Dreimo!"

"I already told you we just have the same name! It's not my fault, blame my grandmother! Is it a crime now to be called Dreimo?!"

"I've had enough of you!"


She tried to hit me, and I cowardly closed my eyes... She didn't hit me... Ah, he arrived just in time.

This idiot actually tried to kill me to confirm my identity! Damn crazy woman!

"Hey, idiot, what do you think you're doing?"


I opened my eyes and got excited... Well, I pretended to be excited.

I feel ashamed to act like a fanboy of myself, but it's necessary.

"The real hero Dreimo?! He looks just like his statue! Please, sir hero, keep that woman away from me!"

A second Dreimo, using my true form, entered the interrogation room and took Seirak by the arm, preventing my "death."

"Hey, you."


"Leave this place and forgive my stupid disciple's stupid action."

"Yes, sir."

I quickly left... Ah, it worked.

Tsk. You were really about to kill an innocent citizen just because he has the same name as the hero Dreimo. I thought you had changed, but I guess you need to be reminded to be humble and not take advantage of your power, idiot.

(Pov - Second Dreimo)

Ability [Double Shadow]: It's an ability that allows me to split into two... Basically, I create a clone.

My clone has 50% of my power.

It's very useful for fighting multiple people at once, but it's useless if I have to fight someone more powerful than me.

But this time, it served perfectly to eliminate any suspicion of the librarian Dreimo. Hahahahahaha! No one else has this ability in this world! Finally, they'll leave me alone.

"Is it really you?"

"You can't arrest an innocent person just because they have the same name as me. You already know what I think about people who take advantage of their power."

"Sorry, it's just that I..."

I stroked her head, and she blushed.

"Master, I..."

I forcefully pressed her head against the interrogation table, and she complained in pain.

"You know what will happen next, right?"

"P-please, forgive me, master."

"You must receive your punishment."

When she took advantage of the weak, I spanked her hard, and she couldn't get up for hours.

Over time, she learned her lesson... But then she committed the same stupidity again.

"No more spanking, please! I was just trying to find you!"

"I'm living in the forest. I only came back to buy food. And what do I find when I arrive? You, arresting a normal citizen just because he has the same name as me."

"I... I just wanted to find you and beg you to come back!"

"I was betrayed."

"They-they are regretful for what they did! I-I tried to punish them, but... W-well... Y-you know... They are heroes... I'm no match for them... That's why I was looking for you, so you can punish them and come back to us! We'll give you whatever you want! Do you want to have many wives?! The heroes and I will be part of your harem! You can include more women if you want!"

... I hate harems.

I've never had one... And I've had the opportunity to have it, but I always rejected them. Why? Because all the women around me only wanted me for their own interests. Doesn't anyone fall in love with a person for their feelings?

Besides, the harem reminds me of my past sins. I don't want to become that Dreimo again... I just don't want to.

"... I hate harems, and you know it perfectly. Did you forget when I forced the King not to have concubines? Did you forget when the King asked me to have sex with several women and I left him almost dead?"

That stupid King came up with the idea that we, the heroes, should have many children to create an army of heroes because, according to him, our genes were special. The treacherous son of a bitch loved the idea and accepted it, but the other heroes and I were disgusted by the idea, so I shoved a cucumber up the King's ass again, and I also left him almost dead when I beat him up.

"Damn, I forgot! I-I'm sorry!"

I pulled down her mini shorts and underwear... Oh, I just remembered that I'm an expert at modifying bodies. Her butt really looks like a girl's butt. If we ignore what she has between her legs, it's actually a cute butt.

"No, please!"

I started spanking her hard, like in the old times. Being spanked is very humiliating for her, so with this kind of punishment, she will be afraid to break the rules again.


Kya, huh? You really are a girl through and through, you just need to get rid of your member. I'll investigate how to do it and remove it as a farewell gift since you're my only disciple.

Her buttocks are turning red.

Fufu. This is what happens for... Huh?

W-wait... T-that sound is...

"Stop! T-this is too cruel!"




You must be joking.

"S-so strong... A-as cruel as ever... Y-you have no mercy."

"... Huh?"

As I spank her, she's moaning... Her breathing sounds odd... That face isn't of pain... That expression is of pleasure!

Uwaaaah! She has a damn erection! Did you finally go crazy, idiot?! Is being beaten really turning you on?! You've lost your mind!


I stopped spanking her and moved away from her.

"Eh?! Why are you stopping?!"

"Hey, what does this mean?! Why are you moaning?!"

"W-well... Um... Oops."

She hit herself on the head, winked, and stuck out her tongue. That won't work on me!

"Don't try to look adorable! You were enjoying it, right?!"

"I hadn't been beaten by you in so long, I couldn't help it! I missed being beaten by you!"

"This must be a joke!"

"I'm sorry for missing your spankings."

"... Your punishment will be not being spanked by me... Anymore."



I quickly left the interrogation room. Ahhhhhhhh! She became a masochist!

Tsk. Mental note: never spank her again.

"Dreimo, come back!"

Upon leaving the room, she realized Dreimo was no longer there. He had disappeared as if he were mere dust carried away by the wind.

"I'm such an idiot, I ruined it!"

The two Dreimos reunited in the bathroom and merged again... And their memories combined.


Dreimo sighed.

"It's my fault, I know... Ahhhhhhh! I'm an idiot! Why didn't I punish her by giving her donkey ears or making her run? I'm an idiot!"

And so, Seirak developed a new fetish, and Dreimo learned that he should think about his punishments more carefully.