
I saved a s*x slave and she will be my new friend. (Re-written.)

After defeating the Demon King, all I want is to live a peaceful life. A normal life... Although it's harder than I thought. My dream is to have a girlfriend and friends. If I can fulfill one of those dreams, I'll die happy. One day, I killed a group of bandits and rescued a sex slave. I turned her into a vampire and gave her a new life. "You'll be happy again, I promise you!"

AngelPikas2 · Fantasy
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22 Chs

CHAPTER 12 - Normal Friends Go to the Movies Together. Part 1.

CHAPTER 12 - Normal Friends Go to the Movies Together. Part 1.

(Pov - Dreimo)

Ah... Seirak is a trap, a beautiful and adorable girl, and a masochist. What else...? Oh, right... She's also a girl with a strong, rude, and conceited personality! I have failed as a master! And I thought I had educated her well. It worked with my former hero companions, so why didn't it work on her?

It's best to stay away from her if I want to have a normal life.

"So, what's your excuse?"

"I was unjustly arrested, boss! But I've been released."

My boss had me trapped with her tentacles because she thought I had left early without her permission.

And as always, she takes advantage to grope me! Boss, this is sexual harassment! I let it slide because... well... I deserve it... Ah, better not think about that.

And Yuik is watching, trembling with nervousness, because she wants to help me but doesn't dare. Fear of being fired or us getting fired? Most likely. She's afraid of causing me trouble.

Don't worry, Yuik, I just have to endure her sexual harassment for a few more years while the librarian Dreimo saves money to open his own flower shop.

"Oh, well, well. So Yuik was telling the truth. I thought she was just covering for you."

"I'm innocent...! Kyah! D-don't touch me there, pervert!"

It was embarrassing to say that, but she thinks I'm a shy and cowardly guy, so I have to maintain my act.

I don't mind her touching me with her tentacles, I'm used to it... Unfortunately.

She lowered me down, and I sighed.


This presence... She's approaching.

I have to keep acting.

"Oh, by the way, hero Dreimo saved me! And he's even cooler in person!"

"Is he in the city?"

"Yes... Uwaaaah!"

I received a strong blow to the head and fell to the ground.

It didn't hurt, but it did hurt my pride. Ah, what I have to do to maintain my normal life. Stupid damn curse. Supreme Goddess, seriously, go to hell.

I would have such a normal life if I could just change my name.

"Ahhhhhhh! It hurts, it hurts! Who hit me?!"

It didn't hurt, but I have to pretend it did. It's somewhat difficult, and I think I'm exaggerating, but it's the best I can do. I haven't felt physical pain in a long time, and I don't know how to fake it.

"Tsk. I just wanted to confirm it one last time."

Seirak, if you weren't a masochist, I would spank you again. Should I change the punishment? Public humiliation? Considering my luck, she'll probably end up enjoying it. Why do I have such bad luck with women? All the women who have fallen in love with me have been crazy. Sant's mother (the worst of all), Sant (for being a stalker and manipulator), Hashin (nymphomaniac), Robin (a Demon Queen addicted to others' suffering), Axel (not a woman, but that stupid demon prince was really crazy)... And there are... Hmm... 892 more names, but those were the names of my craziest ex-partners, except for Sant, she was never my girlfriend, we've always just been friends.

Ah, and 11,790 names of unofficial partners, we only had sex and... Damn it.

How I hate my past self. Fucking hell.

Let's get back to the main topic.

I told you many times not to hit people, you idiot. Do you really care so little about the lessons from your master?

"You're just a boring librarian... Pathetic."

She walked away from me and left the library.

Pathetic...? Yeah!

She called me boring and pathetic. That's what I wanted!


Normal people don't have harems!

Not many girls fall in love with a normal person at the same time.

I want to avoid that unnecessary cliché.

... Well, for now, my only stalker is the useless Goddess. I hate Gods, but at least she has never hurt me or betrayed me. If she weren't a Goddess, I would consider her my best friend.

But I have to stay away from the Gods.

... Oh, and my old companions are also looking for me. But I doubt they suspect me after what Seirak saw.

Yes, I'm just a boring and pathetic librarian, with a boring routine, a boring future, a boring life. And I love being boring and pathetic! I finally feel like a real human! Finally, I feel like an ordinary mortal in this world!

I can finally say goodbye to my old life!

Yes, I'm a boring and pathetic librarian. Hehe. It feels so good.

A librarian without any charm. The perfect repellent for interested women! Yes, finally! We must celebrate this, Yuik!

"I-I'll go back to work."

I got up from the floor and approached Yuik, who was cleaning with a broom... and still trembling.

... I have to make her independent, but it's too early for that. For now, just trust me. Little by little, Dreimo. Little by little.

A trauma takes time to overcome. Just be patient with her, Dreimo. She, unlike you, is an angel full of kindness and purity, and she is more affected by traumas than you, you heartless bastard.

Hey, that was the Dreimo of the past. The current Dreimo is very expressive and feels emotions!

Ah... I have to stop insulting myself.

Yes, yes, Dreimo, we know that in the past, you were a bastard. Stop dwelling on your past and focus on your present and future!

... Did I really overcome my traumas? Did I really overcome my past?

What if I haven't overcome them and I'm just pretending it doesn't affect me? That would explain why I can't stop remembering what they did to me and what I did...

Ah... No, Dreimo, don't think about that. Yuik needs you! Stop feeling sorry for yourself and focus on the beautiful creature in front of you!


She turned to look at me and quickly approached.

"Ah... Ah..."

She tries to speak. Her attempts to speak seem adorable to me, but they also make me feel bad for not being able to remove her curse.

I understand that Yuik's curse can only be lifted by the God of humans in this world, but I doubt he wants to help me, and if I force him, I'll put her in danger... Ah, better not think about that.

"If you're wondering how it went, well, I suppose it went well. They released me quickly."

I set up a soundproof field. My boss can't see my mouth. No one is watching us.

Perfect. I can talk to her without fear.

"The plan went perfectly, don't worry. She didn't uncover my secret identity."

I removed the soundproof field.

"By the way, why are you trembling? Are you nervous or scared about something?"

She lowered her gaze and nodded.

"... Does it have to do with me?"

She nodded.

T-This feeling...

"Maybe... Were you afraid something would go wrong?"

She nodded.

"Were you worried about me?"

She lifted her gaze, looked into my eyes, and nodded.

... Yes... Yes! I got a friend who cares about me! I got a true friend who isn't with me because of romantic love or anything like that! I got what I've always wanted: true friendship!

Yes! My former hero companions felt love for me, not friendship, but Yuik only feels friendship for me, I can sense it. Thank you!!

Seriously... Seriously... I'm so happy!!

Yuik, you definitely came into my life to make it better!! Thank you for being my friend!!

I only need a male friend to teach me how to woo women. I don't need advice, but perverted friends are a cliché.

Ah, and a childhood friend... But I think Sant counts as a childhood friend.

But it doesn't matter, and they're not necessary. As long as I have Yuik, I'll be happy.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. Thank you for caring about me, I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. Let's keep working, we need to earn a living."

Yuik quickly nodded.

I walked away and sighed.

I don't deserve her concern.

I don't deserve to feel this happy.

"Ah... I hate feeling like this."

"Hehe. What? Do you hate feeling guilty?"

Tsk. Fucking hell.

Time froze, and the Supreme Goddess appeared in front of me.

"Hello, Dreimo!" she said, winking.

Ah. I still can't believe someone so childish is the Supreme Goddess.

"What do you want?"

"Oh, and that attitude? You disappoint me. And here I thought we were friends."

"What do you want?"

"Boooo. You may have changed with humans, but you still behave rudely with me. I feel discriminated against."

"What do you want, bitch?"

"Oh, now it got worse?! Boooo! And here I was thinking of inviting you to my wedding."

... Eh?


"Hehe. What? Did your heart break because I'm marrying someone else? You never stood a chance with me, I'm sorry."

"Tsk. I'm not that crazy. So, who's the unlucky one? Are you going to commit incest and marry your brother, the Supreme God of the Mirror Universe?"

"Ew. I'd rather die. Look, this is my boyfriend and future husband!"

A photograph appeared in front of me, and I looked at it.

... Well... He's... Well...

"Who is he?"

His face doesn't look familiar to me.

A boy with black hair with white streaks, red eyes, smiling happily while being embraced by the Supreme Goddess, appearing as an adult.

... Well... I don't understand anything.

"We've known each other for... Mmm... It's just that time passed differently... Like, around... 10,000 years, although most of that time he was dead."


"Details, details. We met again 100 years ago, he asked me to be his girlfriend 10 years ago, and he asked me to be his wife three months ago."

"I asked who he is, not that."

"His name, huh? His name is... Is... Is..."

"Stop wasting time and tell me."

"A clue. It starts with 'K'."

"Tsk. Just stop wasting time and tell me what you want."

"I came to invite you to my wedding."

"I don't want to go."

"Are you sure, sure?"


"Boooo. Well, it's your loss. Goodbye!"

She disappeared, and time resumed.

Tsk. What a bother.

But seriously, did someone manage to make the Supreme Goddess fall in love?

He's handsome, but I doubt the Supreme Goddess was interested in him just because of his appearance. How strange.

A name starting with K... Karlos? Karl? Kristoff? Kei?

No, that last one is a woman's name, I discard it.

Well, I don't really care.

Ah... I'm dying of boredom.

Working in a library sounded better in my mind.

I had the dream of meeting a girl with glasses and intelligence who spends her time reading.

Why? They're boring, and boring is normal.

I don't think I can fall in love with an adventurer or a noble girl... Or a very beautiful girl.

Appearance doesn't matter to me. The more normal, the better. An average girl.

... But even if I find the most normal girl in the world, I don't know if I can fall in love with her... I've never truly been in love, so I don't know how it feels.

I pretended to love my former partners, but I only wanted them for their bodies, I never felt love for them.

Ah... I better not think about that.

"Home, sweet home."

Yuik and I entered our house and closed the door. Immediately, I lay down on the floor.

"I'm bored!"

What do I do...? Wait... Friends, when they're bored, go out together... It's the perfect time to improve our friendship!

Going to the movies is the most cliché... But what kind of movies would Yuik like?

Considering her personality, maybe she likes romantic movies.

... No, those kinds of movies are for couples. I don't want Yuik to misunderstand our friendship.

Friends watch horror and comedy movies.

I'm not in love with Yuik, I don't want to give her false hope.

I don't blame her if she falls in love with me. Socially, I'm the perfect man because I defeated the Demon King. Without exaggerating, I can be considered the most important and famous man in the world.

And I'm not ugly either, I'm handsome... I think the only bad thing about me is my boring personality.

Besides, I saved Yuik, I became her hero, and that's a big cliché in romance stories.

I'm not in love with her... Maybe that will change in the future, but for now, I just want to be her friend.

I don't rule out the possibility of falling in love with her, but considering my actions, I don't deserve it.

Yuik stood by my side and looked at me intently. How adorable.

Let's see... Yes, going to the movies is a good idea.

I got up and opened a portal to World 15.

"Yuik, do you want to go to the movies with me?"

I taught her a lot about World 15 last time, so she knows what a movie theater is.

Yuik nodded.

"Let's go."